This is the best DLC for any game to ever release and you can't prove me wrong

This is the best DLC for any game to ever release and you can't prove me wrong.

Attached: deadmoneyilovedean.jpg (478x590, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Dean just oozes class...

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why make a thread if we can't prove you wrong, you fucking retard? fuck off to your epic dlc

uh oh, virgy is seething!

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I wouldn't say it's the best but it's definitely one of the most atmospheric ones

blood and wine is better
but dead money is my favorite fallout expansion for sure

Fallout NV is fucking garbage with dogshit dlc. Honest Hearts is the best and that's only because it's not as shitty as everything else.

Hearts of Stone was to The Witcher 3 what Dead Money was to New Vegas.

Normalfag pls go and stay go.

this tbqhwy

Says the faggot who plays a surrogate Fallout that looks and plays like a Bethesda game

You're wrong. It's the perfect example of "once is enough". I enjoyed it the first time, but there wouldn't be a reason to do it again, ever.

Old Reddit Blues, fetch quest DLC
I hated this shit so much. The characters were annoying as fuck.

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uh oh, virgy is still seething!

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Just finished Dead Money yesterday and it almost killed the game for me.
>too dark to see anything
>hologram guards
>toxic clouds
>confusing, repetitive game world
I think it's safe to say I'm never playing this awful expansion ever again.

Nice blog

t. sinclair

you're making the same exact post you made yesterday

thanks for the bump, incel

>ne doesn't turn the brightness up
>he doesn't look around for the hologram generators
>he doesn't pick up every food item and find the codes for stimpacks
>radios can be turned off or blown the fuck up if you take the time to look around for five seconds before running into an area/there's literally arrows from previous people pointing them out for you in grafiti on the walls

I'll give you the repetitive one, but it's far from confusing.

Favorite companion in the game honestly. And his buddy skill is actually useful.

Dead Money is fucking shitty and tedious with all its gimmicks which only exist as a poor attempt to make the dlc stand out. The only redeeming factor is Elijah.

I hate how this DLC is absolute shit if you didn't skill up melee or unarmed.

Father Elijah's pretty great yes(and so is the super secret ending where you both murder the NCR together,) All the DLCs have gimmicks which try to make them stand out, that's the point. I enjoy it because of several things- 1. Elijah being a cold ass motherfucker. 2. the fact you have access to unlimited stims, ammo, and buffing chems once you're done. 3. locking elijah in the vault and running off with 100+lbs of gold and all that fucking loot(you know, all those guns, armor, and pre-war money.) Robbing a long dead casino just gets my dick hard for some reason.

honest hearts > everything else

The game sells its concept beautifully, and chews the scenery and uses every asset Fallout: New Vegas had to try to expand the game. They failed in some ways, but it really is impressive when you actually figure out how limited the DLC actually is.
It just sort of felt like the developers kind of believed in this DLC, it just screams authenticity when they usually signal the exact opposite. It reminds me of those game expansions you would buy in the past that would actually shake the game up.

RIP Father In The Caves ;_;

>ne doesn't turn the brightness up
Could be a problem windowed mode, but the brightness slider seemingly does jack shit for me.
>he doesn't look around for the hologram generators
I didn't bother raising my repair skill, because the holograms rarely showed up before the very end of the expansion, which is where the game throws 15 of them at you out of nowhere.
>radios can be turned off or blown the fuck up if you take the time to look around for five seconds
Doesn't make them any less annoying. I also saw no arrows because of the aforementioned brightness issue.

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>You collar started beeping
>The beeping became faster

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I meant on your TV or monitor, the game's built in brightness slider did mostly nothing for me too.

>repair skill
Fucking what? You don't need the repair skill to spot the hologram generators, they're generally just stuck to walls and near where the holograms are(for example in the casino area you can jump onto the rafters by the lounge and spot one there,) and just shoot them and kablamo, they're gone forever. Same with the last area of the casino, they're all stuck to the pipes and shit above where those three are clustered near the monitors and such.

They're all over the walls man. If you didn't see even one, even with the shitty brightness(the walls are yellow the arrows are red.) then you're nearly fucking blind my dude.

>keep running forward in hopes that it stops when you hit a dead zone
>turn around and run like a bitch back the way you came


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name a better writer than chris avellone and ill gladly tell you why youre fucking retarded

I'm actually a virgin.

Dean was an obsessed egomaniac who couldn't let go to the point of spending 200 years trying to break into a vault just to spite the owner who he though made the casino just to mock him. From the minute you meet him you have to suck his dick unless or else by deciding to call out his bullshit which the second you do within a minute of talking to him he's going to try to kill you and nothing from then on will change that.

Point Lookout is better, love me some bayou.

Dead Money is a very close second though. Would like more survival-horror esque adventures to be DLC

Honest Hearts is trash, the canyon is drab, the story is forgettable.

Only good things are Graham and the Survivalist, and you can miss the latter.

the villas can get a bit tedious with all the backtracking and escort missions for all the characters, but the dialogue makes up for it.
Once you get into the casino it's 10/10

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and you're an incel

I thought the same when I first played it, think I was 13 or 14 at the time.

Listen, have sex, then try again.
>yfw Hotel California matches up with this dlc
it's one of my favorites, i love how it kicks you in the dick, sets you up for a new experience, and you have to tough it out. the best part is always getting all the gold out at the end because fuck you meaningful lessons, i'm fucking rich

That's why he's a great character, he's different from everybody else; no other character has the risk of a broken ego making them try to kill you.

And his story with Sinclair is pretty cool, you say it like a bad thing, I think it's cool this dick has spent 200 years plotting to give the middle finger to what is now a long-rotted corpse; normally characters like Dean don't "win" but he actually can.

Dead Money felt like System Shock: Fallout edition, which I ended up enjoying the DLC much more when going through it with that mindset.

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Sounds like I fucked up. The hologram emitters have a repair skill check that allows you to disable the emitter. I never even tried to shoot them, because I figured repair was the only way to deal with them.

Holy fuck user that's legitimately a reasonable explanation for your mistake

Sure, let me just load up FNV and try --
>game crashes horribly
Oh yeah. Fuck NuFallout. Play the original (1, not 3, dumb kids).

>too dark to see anything
Huh? Unless you are using a mod that modifies lighting this game looks fine
>hologram guards
sneak around them 90% of the time if you see one there is a terminal controlling them and a generator that if you shoot can get rid of them
>toxic clouds
even on hardcore mode it isn't that bad i only remember two or three times it was actually obnoxious
only bad if you cant aim or have poor awareness of your surroundings
>confusing, repetitive game world

dead money was absolute fucking dog shit
>inb4 casual that couldn't handle the fact that they took his equipment
no, you had more than enough shotgun bullets, revolver bullets and melee weapons to survive, no matter your build
having to rush through everything was fucking trash game design
there is no survival aspect to it since enemies weren't a threat

bonus round
>played with darker nights mod so the area that was filled with poisonous gas was dark as shit and you just stumbled through the dark until you got lucky
extra bonus round
>played with difficulty mods and it still was a cakewalk
this wasn't challenging nor hard, it was annoying.
felt like i was speedrunning a game i never played before
the rage is still fresh since i just recently replayed it

the descriptions of what christine is doing while talking to her makes her both best girl and the most human character in the entire franchise

Fuck I loved reading about the survivalist so fucking much. It blew my mind when I read we have the same birthday. It also helps that his rifle is the most OP gun in the game if you build around it right.

The only good thing about it is the story/environment. Everything else is trash. Gameplay-wise it's a poor man's survival-horror that desperately attempts to be difficult but horribly fails at it because the chip/vending machine mechanic makes it painfully easy to accumulate essential resources. There's a point where the whole thing becomes just tedious and boring.

She triggered my protective instinct like nothing else in vidya has.

Explain how it is reddit without using the shitty penis tipped fingers line.

Anyone got that pic of Dean looking at the hologram in a fountain? I appear to have lost mine

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Agreed. Great story, atmosphere, and details all over. Elijah's voice acting and character is kino. Bonus points for BTFOing ADHD sperglords who rush through everything.

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Found it, this was the one I had in mind

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kek this, light step has never been more useful as it turns half the villa section into easy mode.

reminder that Elijah did nothing wrong.

NCR and Legion are both just fucking LARPers killing each other for the sake of their historical reenactment, the West Coast Brotherhood are hapless cucks, and the rest of the Mojave population is mostly just shitty drug-addled raiders. Elijah is right to cleanse the whole region in purifying fire and start over from scratch.

"Only two remained alive in the depths of the Cloud, at the Sierra Madre, waiting for their new world to begin again."

What the fuck op deadmoney is the worst fucking DLC in New Vegas hands fucking down.

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It's shit though. Exposition dumps galore. Obsidian has no sense of pacing.

every fallout is shit and adding extra shit to the pile doesn't make it better

Your opinion is bad, ok

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Eh I preferred Operation Anchorage

imagine being this retarded

im retarded and repeat everything i read ov Yea Forums, kys faggot

Hearts of Stone
Blood and Wine
Torna: The Golden Country

NV is a boring scripted linear fps set in an open world its literal trash with gimmick missions such as mortar fire and le epic reddit space rockets

Dead Money has the best atmosphere, the best companions, and the best villain, plus I like how it managed to be a challenge even at Level ~40 and basically turned NV into a survival horror game

Honest Hearts has the best scenery, Zion Valley is absolutely gorgeous, plus it gets bonus points for Joshua Graham and a magicial Native American vision quest

but Old World Blues is probably my fave overall because I really love corny FOR SCIENCE tropes

Lonesome Road was the only one I didn't care for, it just felt kinda empty and hollow to me. there were no characters to interact with other than the antagonist at the very end. the Divide looked cool at first, but slogging through it got repetitive after a while, and it was overly linear. I did like that you got the option to nuke the NCR or Legion territory at the end, and Ulysseus was a good opponent (though not as good as Elijah or the Think Tank), but overall it just fell flat for me.

best fallout dlc is nuka world

did they ever explain why everything went so horribly wrong in the casino? wasn't it supposed to be built to survive the nuclear war? why did all the people there become ghost monsters or get killed by holograms? and where did the cloud even come from?

My recent playthrough of New Vegas (arguably a love letter to Fallout 2) makes me want to replay Fallout 2 again.

Any advice on best/fun builds?

You've never had sex, have you?

I'll have you know I schmuddled Mrs Reno several times.

As we find out in Old World Blues, it was a testing ground for a number of their experiments (the suits, space-age knives, the gas, holograms, etc.) and the whole villa itself outside of the casino was built shoddily.

>he hasn't heard of Honest Hearts

Bruh you got fuckin wrecked

Are there any good house mods in the Sierra Madre, or in the surrounding villas? I've found a few shacks meant to provide a place to rest, and make the DLC easier, but I want an actual nice place, where I can look over the town, and see the red cloud rolling

This one is pretty close. It's better than the base game in every way

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Playing through FO2 at the moment, user.

I always head straight to the Navarro outpost and get the Mk2 Power Armour for an easy start.

That ruins the game. I ignored people who told me that the first time I played, and did not have much fun. I had much more fun this time, running around with Sulik and spears for awhile, before amassing a trash squad of me and five bros. EVENTUALLY being able to kit everyone out with gauss rifles and combat mkII armor before going to Navarro naturally.

The only person you can cheat is yourself. Unironically.

But I'm awful at these older unforgiving games.

No replay value
No meaningful decisions

have sex

What are you, an IGN reviewer? Type like a human bean, asshole

At least Fallout 3 had interesting shit to do outside of the DLC packs

>New Vegas is awesome!
Why should I play it?
>The DLC is SO GOOD!
What about the base game?
But what about the game?

Yeah yeah, it's not a "true RPG" for you big boy Blackisle/Obsidiot fanboys.

I'd take Bethesda's mediocre storytelling (but phenomenal world building/map design they had going at the time of F3/Oblivion, Fallout 4's map was a complete shitshow) and random encounter system (that actually makes the wasteland feel ALIVE) rather than the fucking CRINGE inducing storyline (OMG GAMBLING THEMES!) and absolutely PATHETIC wasteland that ALWAYS have the same static spawn points for the endless lizards and FUCKING NOTHING you will be running across as you adventure from empty marked shack to tiny marked shanty with 1 skill magazine as it's sole reward (and now the magazines are just a temporary buff)

Game has forced ending after final quest
>B-b-but it's okay when Obsidian does it!!

Blood and wine was good.. except for the story. Janky shit. Nice new atmosphere.

Fallout 3 had a development period of 19 months.

Fallout New Vegas had a development period of 18 months.

Which one crashes more...?

Gay and cringe. All of New vegas is good including DLC. The only thing good about Fallout 3 was The Pitt and Point Lookout

this has been my desktop background for like 10 years

Right, I forgot that endless sand and dunes filled with nothing but NOTHING and static spawns was better than a wasteland with completely random encounters and actual STUFF worth EXPLORING for.

Just shoot them until they're unconscious and then walk over and smack them before they get up. You don't need to fight with melee, just check corpses with it.

>Find the radio
>Blow up as I'm shooting it

Itl be outdone today.