A game that merges Metroidvania and Soulslike elements

>a game that merges Metroidvania and Soulslike elements

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Is there an actual problem, or is it just another case of "I DON'T LIKE IT SO LE ONIONS"

The reason why Hollow Knight is not as good as it could've been.

A game with a similar description is 99% indieshit so it is in fact onions

I need 24 video game characters.

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yes, it would have been so much better if it was a visual novel

I remember wanting to make a 2d soulslike one day
I still hate myself for even considering it, only From should be allowed to make this style of games because they're the only ones good at this, "soulslike" shouldn't even be a genre

Don’t worry it isn’t

>historically accurate with regard to gender and ethnicity

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Just want to mention, unrelated to this thread, that La Mulana 2 was awesome.

Just one of those two are enough for me to not buy

Have you ever heard of Salt and Sanctuary?

I think La Mulana 2 sucks

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have sex

I like this genre but I fucking hate this world, it reeks of g*ming j*urnalism.

What even defines a "soulslike" apart from "le so hard ebin XDDDD"?

How do you even define it? 3rd person action with emphasis on melee combat? Have some resource on you that you lose on death? Slightly, just a tiny bit more challenging than modern AAA shit? As of now it's fucking meaningless buzzword used by marketing teams.

any combination of
combat with deliberate attack animations that make you vulnerable and which require you to manage a stamina bar constantly
death means losing a currency in the spot where you died and you get one attempt to reclaim them
singleplayer game with light multiplayer elements sprinkled in (either co-op or the message system)
what else am I missing except for meme answers like "it le difficul!"
souls games are not hard, you just need to be paying attention when you play them, people who go into autopilot when they encounter an enemy are the ones who get filtered

>Is there an actual problem, or is it just another case of "I DON'T LIKE IT SO LE ONIONS"

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>a single thing used by Souls that wasn't even invented by it somehow ruins Hollow Knight
Keep trying, hater.

>Hollow Knight
>stamina bar, multiplayer elements
>implying attack animations are unique to souls games

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you're retarded

So Souls are just Diablo games?


I also wanted to make one, and apparently we were not the only ones

Souls is just 3D metroidvania. Instead of jumping and ducking to dodge everything, you have 3D movement to go left and right. The enemies are even as braindead as in metroidvania

whom are you quoting?

>Like Souls but hate that From has been milking that cow for a decade now
Enough is enough. I need my new Armored Core, it's been an entire console generation you lazy fucks, throw me a fucking bone. I'll take a remaster of 4A or VD on PS4 or PC even, at least it'll get the online active again for a couple of years so I can get blown out by Japanese newtypes blading me from beyond the time.

Yes, and it's crap that tries too hard

yes that's exactly what was meant

So it's the latter, got it

Jakey boy
he's on could 9 right now
god bless Nintendo Switch

There already is. It's called Demon's sperm.


Have kids

I think its just action game with checkpoint and respawns.

a thread that merges faggotry with shitposting