>character is executed for being an inceI
Character is executed for being an inceI
Hit a little close to home for you, OP?
repeat question
I fail to see the problem here
>game insults its target audience
I unironically think violent, extremized incels are one of the biggest problems in first world countries right now and they should be either locked away or executed to make sure they can't harm other citizens.
I think rehabilitation of these individuals is extremely difficult, or even impossible, so the only logical solution is to lock them away or remove them entirely.
Am i a bad person for thinking this?
You're not a bad person, you're just likely mentally ill or not very smart.
based schizoposter
yes, biggest problem we have is women
There's been multiple mass shootings already, a lot of them originating from here or cripplechan.
Why do you think it's not a priority problem right now?
He literally killed a guy
There is no way to tell when someone will snap without going into thoughtcrime territory and rehabilitation, while perhaps maybe not releasing someone back into the populace with unrestricted access to deadly weapons, is always an option in some shape or form.
I unironically think that women and minorities are the biggest problems in the world right now and they should be either locked away or executed to make sure they can't harm white men and gamers. I think rehabilitation of these individuals is extremely difficult, or even impossible, so the only logical solution is to lock them away or remove them entirely.
Am i a bad person for thinking this?
Bitch I'm already basically locked away. Live in my bedroom in my parents house, almost never leave the house except monthly for neetbux interviews where I bitch about not being able to find a job. Other than that, parents cook and clean for me, and I have unlimited flow of neetbux from based taxpayers that I spend on video games, and occasionally, whores.
>game focused around creating bonds and becoming a better person
>the one person who'd benefit the most isn't offered the chance
amazing writing, atlus
>incels are one of the biggest problems in first world countries right now
that's not the lgbt spectrum
Do you just magically forget he's a killer?
Or is this a non factor for you?
the number of people killed by every single incel killing spree put together is orders of magnitudes lower than the number of women killed by their normie boyfriends in one single year.
the number is, much, much, much larger yet if you include rape and serious assault.
so again, you are either mentally ill or not very smart if you think incels are some kind of threat we should be terrified about.
Are you insinuating killers don't get friends in the series? Because they do.
>There is no way to tell when someone will snap without going into thoughtcrime territory and rehabilitation, while perhaps maybe not releasing someone back into the populace with unrestricted access to deadly weapons, is always an option in some shape or form.
What if we take a bunch of brains from criminals and serial killers and put them all in one giant vat where they are electronically connected and give them access to monitor and govern every aspect of society where they can prevent crime by deducing a person's likelihood of committing a crime before they've even acted?
I know you're shitposting but incels are just creepy. Not virgins, but incels. The ones that are pissed off about their virginity or insecure about it instead of not caring like any normal person. They have this disgusting aura about them that makes me uncomfortable around them.
You fell for the Canadian marketing scheme.
This is crazy because the majority of incels are just depressed people who at most say mean things on the internet. Not even close to dangerous
>not caring like any normal person
those who don't care about their virginity are the weird ones, incels are basically failed normies
>incels are basically failed normies
If you've never had sex or a girlfriend because you've never actually tried to do so, but you're pretty sure you aren't good enough so you don't bother trying, are you an "incel"?
are you a virgin? If you're not then you wouldn't understand. I agree they shouldn't care. But modern society is so sex-obsessed and shoves sex into your face at literally every moment through every medium; ever tv show, commercial, website, movie, whatever. They talk it up to be the most important thing of the universe and make you feel worthless if you don't have it. It's hard to help someone who's never had sex understand that sex isn't really all that important, when society is constantly telling you that it is.
>Not virgins, but incels.
Honestly we need a better term because "incel" doesn't describe accurately what people are really complaining about.
It's not just a guy that doesn't have sex, and it's not even about being a NEET.
They're not normal virgins or NEETs.
It's about becoming a very specific volatile mix of extremist political opinions + gradual hatred of women.
They develop a sort of aura around them that makes them inhuman, repellent to other normal human beings.
I think they stop being part of the human race and become something else.
>disgusting aura
you mean recessed chin, negative canthal tilt, weak jawline, sub-6' height, norwood 3 hairline and small frame
you're not the boss of me
>the villain has a loli that calls him daddy
men beating and kill women is normalized though... like you hear about it and the news and you don't really care. Men carrying firearms and killing random people obviously makes better headlines.
You are unironically more dangerous than incels. Ive seen and known people who think like you and hope you and the others never get into positions of power within society
I don't get it
Yes. Incel literally means adult virgin. All the bs about involuntary aspect or whether you shitpost online or not are irrelevant. You could have not a single misogynistic bone in your body, but if you're a virgin, you'll automatically have the incel label attached whether you like it or not. Even if you're not a virgin, but don't have a gf/wife or go on dates regularly, you're pretty much in the same league.
It's not about being unattractive.
It definitely doesn't help, but some incel shooters didn't look entirely like shit, they looked like average guys.
It's about your mindset, your aura, the fact that at some point you can't be classified as a human being anymore.
You become a sort of alien entity that is incompatible with life itself.
Incels, for a lack of a better description, lose their soul and what makes them human.
And whats in it for the disembodied criminals? If the government did that to me I'd do my best to make things worse out of spite, and so would most serial killers and criminals.
loser virgins have been told to have sex since the dawn of time
Supporting abortion on demand is an extremist political view. Half of self-ascribed feminists who harp about "incels" hold extremist political views.
somehow, the aura detector stops working when the guy with shitty personality is a chad
yes that is true but any smart person will realize the much bigger problem is the normalized violence that goes unnoticed so often, and that scaremongering about the flashy very rare but flashy violence is only going to make things worse.
>And whats in it for the disembodied criminals?
Quasi eternal life and being fully integrated into a hivemind while also having the ability to retain your individuality and go for a stroll in robot bodies.
>And whats in it for the disembodied criminals?
Essentially godhood
This tbqh. I've really never ran into the incel meme IRL and even if I did I would not know it because most of them toe the line. I think the whole incel meme has a lot of potential to damage beta insecure teenagers who have no part in it. Instead of helping people you basically just ostracize them from partaking in society based on looks and social awkwardness.
dehumanizing the disillusioned youth, that will fix our problems
Stop saying "aura". It doesn't mean anything. You're not some dbz character that can sense power levels. What you mean to say is socially awkward and unattractive, but you don't want to appear shallow so you say some bs about 'aura'
A cad can hide their power level and get sex, sure, but if there's something fundamentally wrong with them it will eventually resurface to the top.
Because it's not about sex, it was never about sex, really, it's about being fundamentally broken inside, and not even getting pussy can fix it.
Sex is just a temporary way of venting.
Eventually, if there's truly something wrong with you, it won't be enough.
It comes in waves famiglia. They cull themselves and their genes with mental illness and not passing them on to the next generation.
No because thought crimes and shit, besides like 0.0000001 percent of incels actually kill people this is literally like saying "lock up all muslims because terrorist attacks happen sometimes"
Also, nice bait
I love how this shit about "auras" is just describing people you find unattractive.
aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura aura
the fuck do you mean fundamentally broken
Why are incels anti-abortion? Being treated like shit for entire life should make one realize that there's nothing good about being forced into this world. Incels don't like abortion not because it's "murder", how they call it, but because it makes women's lives easier and they hate to see women happy
t. underage
This is one of the main reasons why I dislike the persona series is that you see the beautiful successful cool kids wailing on losers the entire time.
Maybe if I was a chad back then, I wouldn't mind but chads don't play anything other than xbawks
>Literally breaks his mind to avoid confronting his shadow
>Ends up in an insane asylum
Did you want the IT to break into a government facility to offer a vegetable their friendship? This was always a weird complaint.
>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it. I'm 22 and my dad is putting pressure on me to lose it. I still live at home and depend on my parents and they know I'm not bringing any girls over. He's started calling me "Virgy" in public and around my friends instead of referring to me by my real name. It's getting annoying.
>What you mean to say is socially awkward and unattractive
I literally prefer people that aren't 10/10 and are socially shy.
They tend to be more interesting personality wise and more fun inb ed because they're starved.
I have no idea why incels obsess so much about their appareance like it's the only thing that matters.
Unless you're a literal 0/10 wich is extremely rare, it's not impossible to get laid.
Rather, it's one thing to be socially awkward, and another to be some sort of sociopath with incredibly edgy opinions that immediately raises red flags and drive people away.
>you see the beautiful successful cool kids wailing on losers the entire time.
I think what makes it cringe is the successful cool kids act like they're actually losers the whole time.
no u OUCH
>How do I get over this?
By having sex.
People only care about shit that affects their life routines though. The media puts the thought in your head that a mass shooter could erupt at any minute and that there should be more gun control. The media promotes that the the people are at fault for buying fireams.. instead of the corrupt government and the mismanagement of funds and responsibility.
>I still live at home and depend on my parents and they know I'm not bringing any girls over.
Then fuck them at their place.
t. aura
In which case what motive would they have to keep being obedient? With that level of power and the fact that the government needs them in order to have their dystopia function properly (otherwise the project wouldn't exist) they'd pretty much have free reign to do whatever. If they decided to collectively plot against their overlords no one would be the wiser.
>I think what makes it cringe is the successful cool kids act like they're actually losers the whole time.
yeah, they play the underdog card hard but at the end of the day they are far from being social outcasts without a future
have sex
P4 predicted Incels. What did P5 predict?
Wave dash
Really putting your maturity on display here.
I hope aren't implying Elliot Roger isn't ugly, that would out you as an incel. Also "average" isn't saying much since the average American male is 5'9" and weighs 190 pounds.
Fuck, you’re living the life. I wish I could become a neet but I’m too far into normie life
>hurr rEaLlY PuTtInG YoUr mAtUrItY On dIsPlAy hErE
thats you loooooooooooooooool
that takes beaners and chinks into account though. If it were just whites and blacks it would be a much taller average.
>P4 predicted Incels
They didn't have to "predict" them.
In japan, the term "otaku" was already stained by Tsutomu Miyazaki, a notorious incel otaku murderer.
Japan is deeply familiar with this specific brand of alienated youth insanity, it's the rest of the world that is slowly familiarizing themselves with it.
Are you also "not like the other girls?"
It's showing the bad side, an event of what can happen when soneone isn't the kind of person that can naturally make and build relationships, but also isn't lucky enough to have others reach out to them despite the fact that they're practically strangers.
I really, desperately need to have sex.
Why are incels so hated by media? I've never seen a single group, not even terrorists or mass shooters get as much hate as incels
>waaah waaah muh ethot who got beheaded
Religous and political terrorists represent an alternate society.
Incels are a total rejection of all society.
Fags sperging out over a word that is literally in the dictionary and is being used properly by that user
I don't know about incels, but I'm against it because I'm a Catholic and because it's literally murder. Anyway, that's not the point. Being pro abortion on demand is an extremist viewpoint, yet femisharts don't seem to consider themselves to have "extremist political views" even though you just revealed you do.
Incels are the anti-citizens, they're anti-society.
They're a foreign organism that has cut itself from the body but still leeches off it, they can only cause harm and destruction around them.
because they refuse to participate so they are demonized by the jews mostly.
>I'm 22 a
just wait till you get older. I'm 27, and I stopped caring years ago. When I was 22 like you, I used to be mad about it all the time. Also, fucking prostitutes sort of helped, made me realise sex just for pleasure is overrated.
I want to see wet t shirt Bayo, gib milikes please.
survival of the fittest mother fucking its also called evolution, faulty DNA should be ejected from the gene pool.
>we've completely ruined the family unit and glorified shameful behavior in women
>now why the fuck is society falling apart at the seams, quick, throw all of the men in jail
Terrorists get pussy. Mass shooters get notoriety and crazy girl pussy. Incels are the literal bottom of the barrel in the natural order of things. They are an evolutionary dead end and offer nothing to the grand scheme of biological progression, and that's repulsive on the most basic instinctual level.
they would be the overlords
>Yea Forums mocks people for being virgins 10+ years ago
>it's now a recognized political stance with virgins being legally categorized as terrorists
We've been living in a joke world for 3 years now. A clown world.
Because the stereotype is that incels hate all women because they are unobtainable to them, and hating women is greatest crime you could possibly commit these days.
Doesn't make you sound any less pretentious.
Most kids aren't. And neither were you.
>>Yea Forums mocks people for being virgins 10+ years ago
Probably thanks to you.
Do you think when incel concentration camps, sorry, i mean "rieducation centers", are opened, and you see less and less people on Yea Forums posting every day, the board will be better?
Will eventually the only people on Yea Forums left be quiet, polite, socially adjusted people that want to just talk about video games?
Most importantly: will you feel sorry for those that the government will snatch away?
Or was it deserved and it's a good riddance?
>I literally prefer people that aren't 10/10 and are socially shy.
You want skinny white guys with glasses and sweaters who act like an anime character. That's your definition of "not 10/10". I don't even care, just admit you're shallow and move on, it doesn't bother me. What bothers me is you trying to classify every bad-looking person as inherently evil because of some """aura""" and saying they should be treated like animals. No user, YOU are the one that deserves to be treated like an animal.
No, you're just a retarded redditor
Yes I'm sure you'd survive in a pure kratocracy fag
They'll shut this site down long before that happens.
you dont know me
way too many commas
>socially adjusted people
>that want to just talk about video games
Literally doesnt matter incels commit the most thought crime go fuck yourself stupid little shitbag
Yes I do. Kanji lost his father at a young age. Not a divorce, his father died. I highly highly doubt you've ever suffered or else you wouldn't be complaining about toys on a toy forum
>Do you think when incel concentration camps, sorry, i mean "rieducation centers", are opened, and you see less and less people on Yea Forums posting every day, the board will be better?
This, but with trannies.
Just like real life woah. And then they realize there's actually quite a lot they can do to improve their standing instead of going on Yea Forums and bitching all day. Almost like they're growing up and maturing.
Lmao get your logic straight, incel. Nobody else is to blame for your lack of sex and your frustration because of it. Fucking kill yourself if you don't like the society you live in. Don't take it out on other people just because they're happy and you're not
It will just be Halo/BF/EA Sports/CoD nostalgia/Trannywatch/Fortnite threads ad nauseam.
What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
When the SWAT team will break down your front door, smash all your animu figures, and cuff you, put you in chains and drag you away to be reprogrammed, what will you do, Yea Forums?
What will your first instinct be?
Will you fight?
Will you pray?
Will you try to escape once you're imprisoned?
Will you seek fellow incels and try to organize a riot from within?
neet virgin here, incels are insufferable faggots and they should all be killed because they ruin everything, even the things they like. You know you are a disgusting human being when even wizards cant stand you and look down on you and most importantly now everyone thinks I am some sort of potential shooter who hates minorities and women when I only want to watch anime and play videogames in peace, thanks retards thankfully if the normalfags dont end you first a rope will do after you cant take it anymore after years of self pity
It's impossible to draw a line between "virgin" and "angry hateful etc virgin", because being a male virgin is stigmatized in society and no matter what it will be associated with all negative traits and looked down on.
Incels ruined otakus, they ruined nerds, they ruined wizards.
Incels are nothing but a cancer that eats away any demographic that happens to be composed of loners.
A loner isn't necessarily violent.
A loner isn't necessarily edgy.
A loner isn't necessarily a political extremist.
But incels have inevitabily associated these elements to these demographics.
Incels are a tumor that needs to be cut off from the rest of humanity, for all these subcultures to finally get rid of them, and heal.
don't reply to your own post
>sex obsessed society looks down on people unable to get sex and ostracize them for it
Gee, what a mystery. It's essentially incredibly ugly superiority complex.
>A loner isn't necessarily violent.
>A loner isn't necessarily edgy.
>A loner isn't necessarily a political extremist.
Neither is an incel retard, incel literally just means "too ugly to fuck".