>people criticize game so much for being overrated that it becomes underrated
People criticize game so much for being overrated that it becomes underrated
>picture unrelated
No. Just no.
And it's still absolute trash. Your point?
i unironically liked it and own it across 3 platforms you can suck my dick if you disagree
I'm still mad.
You proved his point by seething
People only hate this game because Neil Druckmann is a massive faggot, it's objectively a masterpiece in every regard
Unless you're poor.
its not even a game though its something you watch on youtube instead
It's average at best
This. It was just a movie you could control at some points.
>People only hate this game because Neil Druckmann is a massive faggot, it's objectively a masterpiece in every regard
I disagree. The gameplay is extremely derivative of the cinematic corridor shooter gameplay, and most of the mechanics like stealth are worthless outside of scripted parts where you insta-die if caught or on the hardest difficulty, which is admittedly at least an alright stealth game and the crafting and stuff actually does matter. The reason it got such high accolades is because it had decent writing and voice acting by cinema/television standards, which instantly elevates it to 12/10 masterpiece status by vidya standards because those are an afterthought in the majority of games. The multiplayer however, was incredibly fun and is 100% deserving of the praise it gets. It's too bad that the majority of the people are referring to the single player when they talk about how great the game is.
still mad they didn't go full politics with B:I
Does anyone ever talk about Bioshock 2? I remember finding it underwhelming but can't remember a damn thing about it.
So by this logic, can we all agree that this is a piece of shit movie game as well?
I own it, too, and can tolerate playing it, but compared to one and two it's trash.
Try a series playthrough, it's so disjointed.
Sounds pretty good
>proved his point
Yep, it's a retard
It was a legitimately bad game
Some parts of Grounded will make you want to kill yourself, especially the end sequence in the suburbs against the sniper, and the Firefly hospital.
I'm playing it now, and it's actually quite fun
You just proved their point by seething
>Some parts of Grounded will make you want to kill yourself, especially the end sequence in the suburbs against the sniper, and the Firefly hospital.
I agree. It did feel a little too strict in some parts, and more like a puzzle game, but I'd say overall it's much better than most of the standard modes where you can just rambo your way through everything and not give a single fuck.
yes? this game isnt even talked about on Yea Forums I dont know why youre acting like this is a "gotcha!" moment
Honestly I've been playing this for the first time (N64 version emulated) - mostly because I want to play Majora's Mask more than it but I know you're supposed to play Ocarina first - but I'm kinda loving it. It's a bit fucking clunky and occasionally frustrating but damn... I always thought the whole soul vs souless meme was bullshit but damn this game has soul. There's a fucking dungeon inside a whale.
Make a legitimate argument for TLOU being good rather than trying to compare it to a game that it shares little similarities to design wise.
bullshit, the game is criticized for being a huge pretenious mess with halo shields and dumbed down tonics.
I appreciate the greater emphasis on stealth and being smart with your resources, but that doesn't change how the sniper can spot my finger sticking out from behind a wall, and immediately kill me.
Likewise with the Fireflies getting locked into the most intense contest of standing still ever done.
Some parts of it can be fun, such as the first Bloater encounter, or the fight in the coal mine, where you have to manage your resources and be a decent shot, but those get lost in a haze of instantly losing.
Also, removing Listen Mode killed me more than a few times until I got used to it.
oh it's you. put on a fucking tripcode.
>people praise game so much for being underrated it becomes overrated