>mc commits suicide after saving the world
Mc commits suicide after saving the world
>looks like he could save everyone... but himself
I quit believing in God now that I'm 22 and still a virgin. I fucking hate women and it's beyond cruel for God to give me this sort of attraction to creatures that have no soul and that reject me constantly. Fuck this.
>mc commits suicide after saving the world
>the game begins
>mc is on a rabble-rousing mission that I think we must abort
>MC saves nobody and causes considerably more harm than if he stayed out of it, then commits suicide
>mc commits suicide after saving the world but it was all a dream and he was already dead
have sex...
just joking sex before marriage is immoral and wrong
Pretty funny if true
>mc must save the world
>he destroys him instead
>mc going to save the world
>he fails
>mc must save the world
>he can't even save his virginity
>mc seals himself away to save the world
>world goes to shit anyway without his guidance
>forced to way up and fix shit
>mfw black ops 3 literally does this
>mc saves the world
>he suffer for this for the rest of eternity
>then goes back to be a jobber to himself in the past
>nonexisting games thread
Are you cute?
N-not sure...
>mc saves the world by commiting suicide
>mc saves the world but commits suicide for unrelated reasons
>non-existing game exists