I wanted to save Anime Jesus from Toriyama's Saiyan looking romans
Why couldn't you go to 0 AD in chrono trigger?
I wonder who is behind this post
It would be fun to help baby JC be born and be the equivalent of the 3 magi that gave him presents.
Strange how Romans are the number one recipient of US foreign aid.
Yes, Romans. It was the jews that betrayed him TO the romans, but it was inevitably the Romans who did the crucifixion, and Pontius Pilate who condemned him to it
Except Pontius gave them a choice to free Jesus or someone else, I believe a thief and they chose the thief.
And yet, he hadthe options to pardon him altogether and washed his hands, quite literally, of the whole affair when he got flak from the crowd
>not CE and BCE
Uneducated pleb
>BCE and CE being used in the mid90's at all
Found the American
Bitch they have a time machine.
Yes and? CT was made in the mid-90's before the use of BCE and CE was commonplace
>Ayla's :3 face
>hurr durr people with time machines can't know about things in the future
Utter brainlet
Everything's weird future-magic to her. Nothing fazes her.
>travel freely through time
But they can't. Why don't these nerd culture preying comic faggots spent two minute on research?
You notice there are only 6 options on the Epoch right? They mean freely travel between those eras, which by the time you get the Epoch, you can do.
Wouldnt expect a fake nerd to get that though
The 3 wise men in Chrono Trigger are named after the 3 magi in the Bible, user.
>Crono talking
But he can't. Why don't these nerd culture preying comic faggots spent two minute on research?
Why bother with CE and BCE when it's still just BC and AD but dressed up, it's fucking stupid to try and deny the importance of the Christian influence on western culture.
What the fuck are you talking about
Then why are none of them black?
Who says he can't? Red from pokemon is said to be a talkative guy in LGFR.
What the fuck do you mean he can't
Yeah. It's stupid to deny the destructive effect christianity had on western culture, yeah.
>use CE and BCE as to not offend non-Christfags
>still use Gregorian calendar
>still use names of Germanic gods for days of the week
There's no escaping religious influences.
>being wise and intelligent
pick one
Before Crono
After Dinosaurs
fuck off whitey
That literally has nothing to do with the point of the comic.
Of course he can fucking talk, it's YOU. Who the fuck needs subtitles for their own fucking voice?
>and Pontius Pilate who condemned him to it
Was that before or after he invented his patented exercise method?
>That lineup
Methinks Katie's been following Chuggaa's LP.
He's speaking in the meta textual sense. Not from the perspective of the game devs.
Nice argument, parrot.
Pilate did everythig he could to try and let Jesus go though, since he saw no guilt in him. First he wanted him to just walk free, but Jewish mob wouldn't have that. So he lynched him hoping that would be enough, but kikes were still out for blood. When finally sentencing him to the cross he washed his hands when looking at the Jews, symbolizing "It's all your fault you savage fuckers".
It's not an argument; everyone who criticizes Christianity's role in western civilization is white or a white pet.
But Jesus was supposed to die. That was the sacrifice. He sacrificed Himself to redeem humanity from the Original Sin.
I had a wholesome chuckle
What does Lucca even add to the party that others can't do better? I benched her every time as soon as I had the chance.
he was just trying to cope
being an Arale lookalike is already reason enough
Western culture, not civilization.
Christianity was a literal cultural void.
The timing of this comic seems suspect too since she's been playing the Kingdom Hearts series and I doubt she'd randomly sneak in a Chrono Trigger playthrough in the middle.
not an argument; culture and civilization are too integrated for such difference
I want to fuck Lucca. Full force, all holes.
reminder that Christianity is a religion for slaves and cucks
reminder that you should fuck off and go live in a cage like your pagan ancestors
wanna say that again
even her nostrils?
You'd have to wait for her to install a dick module first, R-66Y.
You are really underestimating Katie autismo, she knows, trust me she knows.
imagine intentionally removing frog from your party, ever
The christfag babies who have migrated to this site over the years will take offense to this.
>he hadthe options to pardon him altogether and washed his hands
Because they would have rebelled against the Roman empire (for likr the fourth time) if they didn't kill him
She's literally Bulma with glasses.
I'm kind of bothered by the implicit belief that AD stands for "after death." Meanwhile, "the year of our doughnuts" would work just as well, better maybe.
Uh oh! Don't look now but Alexandria Ocasio Cortex and Ilhan Omar have both showed up and they look real mad.
>I hate Christian people and Jews so much
>I hate Christian people and Jews, too. Let's conquer the USA with socialism... And Islam.
Oy my GOSH user!
Did you hear that? These radicals really hate us Christian Europeans and Jews. Hey, maybe we should team up to stop this menace. What do you say?
>cute glasses nerd
>fixes your robobro
>powerful offensive techs and combos with everyone
>spits that hot fire
I usually kept her benched as well but sometimes teaming her with Robo/Frog was good times.
Haste Helm and Gold Nugget Crono is the only party member you need
I have no idea who those fuckers are and I never said I hated Christians. Doesn't mean the religion isn't fucking retarded aside from a bit of okay morals and that any serious Christian wouldn't be on this fucking site
Don't forget
>ends up as single and raising Marle and Chrono's kid
That's not a year. We just from 1BC to 1AD.
Of course, these days we use the terms BCE and CE.
That is, Before the Common Era and Common Era.
I can't look at the logo of Chrono Trigger anymore without thinking about his channel, it fits too well
Because the game isn't called Chrono Nigger
>optimizing a piss-easy JRPG
Christ was born in like, 5 AD (or 5 BC, I forget which) anyway because the dude who made the calendar messed up. So, it's not even accurate for Christians.
>not minmaxing your Crono so you get to talk to Toriyama after wrecking Lavos at the fair
Isn't she like a fucking rocket scientist or something?
It's still not commonplace, you dingdong. It's going to forever officially be AD because that's just what people are used to.
>put in a lot of time into a game you love to find all the secrets
>get the hidden developer ending
>they call you a nerd and tell you to go outside and get a life
religious buildings are some of the most impressive constructs we have...
>Of course, these days we use the terms BCE and CE.
Who's 'we'? You and your mum? Literally nobody uses CE. The most vocal athiests in the world are still comfortable with Anno Domini.
The planet chose the paths you can use and the moments that you can change.
>the most powerful element of a society will commission the most impressive things
They weren't black in the bible. They came from east of judah, and would likely have been Persian. Guess what? Neither judeans nor persians were black. Now, all that notwithstanding, I said they were named after them. You'd have to be stupid to infer that I meant anything else.
ayo hol up
Flare is THE top damage tech.
Your Church of Contrarianism is no less retarded than Christianity though.
English localization only.
Reminder that int-builds build the peak civilization in history thousands of years before science was even invented.
STR builds are earthbound dumb dummies that live in dirty mudholes decorated with leaves.
It took them thousands of years just to build refridgerated storage that does not work.
What kind of dumb world wouldn't know of Jesus?
Everywhere that isn't America, usually.
There are also at least some Christian groups that use BCE and CE because they realise that BC and AD aren't accurate.
Yeah Blue said that. The guy makes a lot of sarcastic jokes.
0 AD does not exist asshole
>T. StrawGuy2009
>Everywhere that isn't America, usually.
Oh, that's balls. I'm going to need specific examples of governments officially using CE if I'm to believe that rubbish. I'd be fairly surprised if even a single country did it, extremely so if more than a few did. I'd be bloody floored if any major primarily English speaking country used it.
It hurt, but I couldn't make an all-girl team with Frug being a cute frog boy and ruining it.
Because fuck you its her joke
Do you also think that Link only talks in HYATs?
really? well Im a spic so I only listen to the christian ones, dont even now how CE is in spanish
do asians use CE?
Chrono talks in Ending 10.
>Not using AUC
Disgusting plebs.
I do call it Chronigger cometimes, though. It's a contraction. Like Konosuba.
But that sounds like the n word, you could go to jail
Jesus died about 30 years after his birth, not in the year of his birth, user.
Was he the OG wizard?
In Spain we still say AC (antes de cristo) and DC (después de cristo)
I wonder how the people who voted for Donkeyteeth (AKA AOC) feel nowadays?
You can't go to jail just because you say a word that contains another word. If that was the case it would be illegal to snigger.
He fucked prostitutes so no.
Before Christ and Anno Domini aren't accurate or are you one of the dumb fucks that think it means after death
I was wondering why Katie would use AD/BC but then I realised she just wanted to mock christians. Funny.
Or you're just a fucking idiot
In France we use "before Jesus Christ" (av. J-C) and "after Jesus Christ" (apr. J-C). Before reading this thread I didn't even know that there was a debate about that in the US, although it doesn't surprise me...
Some Asian countries, such as Thailand, use the buddhist era (current year = 2562).
Stop changing your damn suffixes and just stick a minus on it if it's before year 0 like the rest of the world.
There is no year zero. The first year of our era is year one, and the year before that is year one before our era, or year minus one if you like.
I miss Chrono Cross.
There is always a 0. If you pretend there isn't a 0 then you get retarded shit like people claiming that the millennium began with 2001 instead of 2000.
There is a 0, but it isn't a whole year, it is a single point in time. In our calendar, it is located at midnight between the last day of year -1 and the first year of year 1.
The millenium did begin on January 1st, 2001, which was the first day of the first year of the third millenium. The year 2000 was the last year of the second millenium, and the millenium wasn't over until that year was.
Remember when I mentioned "retarded shit"? This post is it.
So he was a pussy that was pushed around by the Jews.
He'll burn forever
Gud bait Xd
Except there wasn't because the number zero wasn't invented yet.
Zero was never invented. They were just too stupid to know what zero is. There's no reason to continue acting like retards because of it.
The jews decided the romans executed
Nigga come on, you can't just contradict yourself like that and think anyone will respect your argument.
Fucking this
I know you're being ironic because this bait have been posted so many fucking times
>doesn't understand culture
>doesn't understanc society
>doesn't understand history
>doesn't understand philosophy
>doesn't understand theology
>hates christianity aka the driving factor of western civilization which is unrivalled in every field
There is no 0 AD, it goes from 1 BC to 1 AD
Don't judge your fellow man as if you were God.