Killing of the 3ds line is a big mistake imho

Killing of the 3ds line is a big mistake imho.

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its still alive

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Why? The switch and it's variants are functionally capable of doing everything the 3ds did. I like my 3ds as much as the next guy but it had a good run. No shame in putting it to rest. It was arguably a better console than most.

No more releases after november. No new ds system. Its over.

yeah cool thread op, whatever
Anyway, what version did my fellow 3DS chads get? for me, it's the super nintendo edition.

Attached: Nintendo-New-3DS-XL.png (819x945, 177K)

In that case the switch is just a tablet with hdmi out. And a underpowered tablet compared to the tech in most tablets today. In a year or 2 emulation for the switch on regular tablets will be achievable.

this one

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Maybe your right. Tell you what, I’ve got seat at nintendo waiting to be filled and I think you’re the right match for it.

Not the same games, not the same price (the games)

Eh debatable but even if i fully agreed with you, what's your point?

Isn't it a bad idea to make the handheld and consoles the same thing?

Most consumers don't deal with emulation, and within 2 years or maybe three nintendo will make the super switch. They better call it the super switch.

Actually yes, the same games. The games I played on 3ds have sequels on the switch. And the games are more expensive yes, but the new switch is literally cheaper than the 3ds was at launch. Plus, don't they have some kind of voucher program going on where if you buy NSO, you get certain games cheaper if you buy digital?

I have a trust fund so dont need to work atleast till inflation makes it unlivable to live with 2800 a month.

Fuck normies. Its why im on Yea Forums.

No. Nintendo will become a software only company by 2025.

I also have a red and a white small O3DS, though giving the red away to a friend.

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They should release a new DS console, slightly more powerful than vita, with 480p screens

Now devs can just focus on one piece of hardware instead of being split between handheld and console teams.

One platform, one hardware, all the games in it.

The Switch is the new format for future Nintendo hardware. The Switch successor will also be both handheld and console at the same time. There's no point to do a split anymore now that Nintendo has unified their hardware in one.

What are they gonna do with it? Release a new model with much more powerful specs?

What games that you wish were released during the 3ds line?
The world ends with you 2 and devil survivor 3 are the big ones I wanted

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Nocturne and Path of Radiance remakes.

nice looking
I don't really like buying the same thing twice just because it looks different, but the majora's mask 3DS is probably the best ones they've made so i'd probably buy it from somewhere if i saw it

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Legit the zelda Awakening remake would have been better for the 3DS but I know switch kiddies would have threw a fit

At least we got OOT, MM and A link between worlds

Why do care about the devs lol. From the devs perspective it means some are gonna be laid off.

I don't want to be tied down by such shitty hardware anymore.

mother 3 remake

Poptart and the pokemon n3ds bundle (for plates). Still kinda wish I had gotten a black n3ds though since it matches better

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I'm almost certain every switch owner has a 3DS too. It's also much more fitting to release it alongside the switch lite.

But the switch is shitty hardware. A $200 qualcomm powered tablet is more powerful.

>make a remake
>of a game that never came out
>not to mention all the stuff social justice types would want to remove

>literal tablet
No thanks, i prefer my buttons

>Poptart and the pokemon n3ds bundle (for plates). Still kinda wish I had gotten a black n3ds though since it matches better
They're about $100. Get one anyways for giggles and potential out-of-region events if you get it from Japan or the EU.

So why would the 3ds be a better choice?

My 3ds died sadly :(

>A $200 qualcomm powered tablet is more powerful

Then wont those same tablets emulate the 3ds sooner? Mid tier phones are already emulating the ds easily.

Wait, are you against handhelds in general or just against the switch over the 3ds like OP?

Also, the new 3ds screen is amazing. It makes everything look great.

No it doesn't, they don't have fewer people working on games, Switch games require many more resources than 3DS ones did.

I love my 3DS, but the switch is a flat upgrade. Your bullshit about how it's "weak" holds zero water when you consider that the 3ds is 10 times weaker.

A proper Igavania. Though the Mirror of Fate demo wasn't awful. Ninja Gaiden style movesets in a sidescroller is a neat idea. The light/dark magic gimmick was always an instant turnoff in that series though.

I don't even play smash and TWO of my N3DS circle pad's plastic broke. Or w/e it is.

The sad thing isn't the death of the line itself as much as there being fewer quirky, modest and experimental games from major publishers. The biggest thing is "portable" or not, Switch is still competition with the other major consoles in an HD era.

I love the quirky little eshop 3ds games like Sakura samurai, Dillon's rolling western, pushmo, and boxboy
switch doesn't really have those

some of em at least, the fact that they mix some batches with both ips and tn screens is bullshit since the only way to tell is once you get it out of the box. Lucky if you get an ips

You mean koreans and indians. Switch is literally 2014 graphics in low rez. Dont need many people.

i just don't want to pay double the price for worse sequels or ports

And with less features (no streetpass or customization)

Remember when Nintendo said the NX would exist alongside the 3DS and the Wii U and wouldn't replace either?