If you remember this your childhood was awesome

if you remember this your childhood was awesome

Attached: xbox 360 2012.png (650x366, 404K)

Other urls found in this thread:


If that was your childhood then you're probably still a child

Scram zoomer.

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>not posting the OG blades theme.
fucking loser.

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Fuck right off, zoomer fag.

this, I was getting my driver license at the time, good memories


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i generally liked the blades theme way more then any of the other dashes, the blades was unique and then they made it into generic box trash.

So kino, post the orange one

Attached: xbox-360-blades-dashboard-1.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

shit was haunted though. don't fall asleep with it on

I remember this avatar was used by assholes and hackers

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wtf was that, Casual, Professional, and Underground shit you had to choose anyway?

That update ruined the UI though you fucking shitter

this, i remember getting so fucking scared when i first heard the sounds by myself in my brother's dark room

If by hackers you mean people who were naturally better at a game then you so you thought they must be “hacking” then yes.

It was originally supposed to be implemented in the game lobbies you ended up in; however, not a single game developer ever incorporated it (to my knowledge at least)

Damn... I remember making alt accounts on halo to get 50 on h3
Dumbass boomer

Best profile pic coming through

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anyone remember when ads started appearing? anyone else block the required ports on their router to kill that shit? like hell I'm paying for online and your going to show me ads

what demo did you play the most of? for me it was SKATE because you could clip out of the demo area and play the entire map

nah mane, it was this nigga right here

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And if you don’t believe it too, you’re a forever alone autist.

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I got killed by "hackers" or whatever you want to call them throughout my years on xbox 360, mostly cod games or other popular shooters.

>you can't hack on console
most tech illiterate post on Yea Forums

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Which one were you?

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>you can't hack consoles
Dumbass zoomer

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I remember that CoD 5 WoW became unplayable at a certain point

I was legit the first person to make his Avatar look like a penis

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>everything you needed is in view
>new dashboard is in tiles and you must scroll around to find shit
I don't fucking understand the mentality of microsoft sometimes

I spent hundreds of hours in XBL and never saw this.

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remember you could have your avatar say something with a comic bubble ? mine said penis penis penis

never got banned not wven a warning. those days are gone

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too cozy a memory, early 360 era was the end of the golden age


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2005 was a different time. Trash talk these days and you get your console banned and your job terminated.

Lmao I had a flashed Xbox and have played in jtag lobbies but “hacking” in the sense of pc is so rare you have probably never seen it

Oh shit thats my local Fox Affliate


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>that crud on the controller

If you remember this you were a retard.


bqck them all you had to do was know how to use assembly and you would be called a hacker on halo reach or 3

>underground is considered toxic in the current year
Mass marketing to pussies was a mistake.

I dont want to be nostalgic for the 360 fuck

>cheater got caught

remember you never get banned for nothing


In a followup it turns out the kid got some guy to alter his account cheevos to get fucking recon armor.

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it's like knowing Java but more hardcore

>it's like knowing java but more hardcore

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lol remember when kids were being tricked into letting people unlock shit via ps share and instead the person would delete characters and saves? good times, good times

yeah that shit is fucked up, you'd be sat there and it's like some distorted fucking thing trying to talk to you

don't people buy 360's that have this UI on it for shitloads of money now because the general update deleted them entirely and you can't roll back

Doesnt look like it from searching online

I don't recall if it was the blades, but I remember one of the 360 UIs being absolute laggy trash.

Christ, take me back

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>tfw you actually spent money on accesories and clothing for your avatar

a different time indeed

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anyone who did that should be gassed

all those xboxes have red ringed by now lol

Microsoft took bits of some Apollo mission conversation and created that background noise. To make it seem like xbox was some alien device. Fucking scary shit that turned out to be

If Xbox was your childhood, your childhood sucked

i miss this, honestly. why the fuck did they change it?

only boomers allowed

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The only thing I payed for a master chief costume. Looking back on it no-one really bought individual shirts or jeans etc. Everyone just got special suits or prop's where you played around with stuff

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A friend and I were chilling at my house one night, stormy AF. It was like 1:30am and we were reading creepy shit online. We had left my Xbox on in the background on the dashboard there.

Never noped so hard in my life when we heard the distorted talking robot/alien voices. We fucking ran OUT of the house and went to his house for the rest of the night.

No it wasn't. XBox 360 was a joke console.

newer UI has more ad space

check out that sass,
check out the way they've written little insults and banter toward every type of gamer while still being all inclusive.
Fuck's sake. What happened?

I played that game alot. Then there was microman. And one more 2d scroller i think. Help me find it?

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i had an xbox and my childhood was miserable
fuck you


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Dude, that was literally the same image that I posted in the exact same fucking thread a few days ago.
You didn't even change the goddamn image name.

Just spill the beans. If you're a shill just fucking tell us if there's an update in the pipeline.

i had a wii and i was raped by 20 catholic priests so no, fuck you

shilling a dead console? wtf

Then WTF are you doing?
It is almost the exact same time that this thread was posted last time too.

You better thank xbox live for encouraging you to not become a reddit soi libtard sperg manchild.

Before social media, there was hate mail. God I miss hate mail

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Some claimed that games would try and match you with people who have similar zones.
>Underground- minorities and wiggers
>Pro- sweaty kids and 10 year olds
>Recreation- kids who suck at the game
>Family- boomers, 5 year olds, and tryhards who want to match with them

Not him, but it's literally the first image that comes up if you google "xbox 360 blades orange" and that's the default file name when you save the image. You are fucking retarded?

Simple and to the point. They kept downgrading with each update.

I don't know. I just stumbled in here nostalgic for the 360. I don't know why the same shit keeps getting posted. that's why thread decay is pretty fucking stupid

>not spending like 25 MSP for a pack of gamer pics
>not uploading custom pics yourself

fuck off schizo

MW2 was full of them
WaW was full of them
GTA4 was full of them

>summer between middle and high school
>get a 360 with ghost recon: advanced warfighter and Oblivion
>spend every following morning sitting in front of the TV until school resumed
those were the days

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>underground zone
Kek, imagine that today.
>human beatbox and trash talking encouraged
Permanently muted from in game chat
>use buzzwords
Depending on buzzwords, banned.
>grief people and talk shit when they cry
>kill your own teammates when they annoy you
>go for revenge instead of going for a win
Kicked by team

Can't believe people now have nostalgia for something that only came out after I was already an adult.

I guess this is how it feels to be old. I'm not even 30 for fucks sake.

I'm fucking 40 and I have nostalgia for it.

never said it was mine dumbass

>tfw you had to force host on Halo 2 Hardcore in levels 40 and above or 9 out 10 times you'd be met with a lovely hacker.
>tfw the hackers gave everyone power weapons, insta kills, super bouncing with just jump, etc.
Man, those were the days.

>on 360 sent hate mail telling people to kill themselves, asked where they lived and acted like a cunt on mic
>never got banned or muted just had my rep go down
>do the same on xbox one
>get my account muted and get put on a three strike system and if I ever shit talk again my account gets perma b&

Fuck normalfags and fuck the xbox one

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Xbox Live on the OG Xbox and Xbox 360 stuff pre-2009 was a lot of fun. In a lot of ways, it had the feeling of AOL back in the day; just a lot of weird people doing stupid shit. Hearing 10 years old call you a faggot and scream at their mom, Mexicans who would call you a puta and other dumb slang, black dudes getting bent for being called niggers and told to fuck off, women being told to fuck off and get back to the kitchen, etc. It was like Yea Forums on voice chat.

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Yeah, it's a shame that now on the Xbox One, you hardly ever get hate mail now because everyone is so thin skinned that they'll report you at the slightest of insults. Its used to be nice hearing the voice behind the seething but actually forget that voice messaging is even a thing because no one even sends voice messages either.

The insults that you do receive are also so bland, in the rare instance you do.
>You are bad. Stop playing.
It's like this current generation of players decided it was just easier to stay in party chat with their friends and talk shit without worrying about a ban for saying some naughty words on their M rated game. Really is sad. I miss the days of loud lobbies filled with people fighting, kids trash talking, all that jazz. You could end making a lot of friends because people actually talked.


>Zoe - Pro
This guy was always an insufferable tryhard and you know it

Damn. Talk about shit escalating quickly.

I remember it and I still don't have my license. I'm 25.

I wish I could turn back time

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I miss unlocking gamerpics when you earn certain achievements. Like this one which is earnt by completing Gears of War 1 on insane difficulty.

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when xbox 360 camera came out people would film themselves taking a shit. you'd be playing poker night and suddenly you see turds dropping into the bowl. good times.

good read

>post blades 360 dashboard
i'm not that fucking old i swear

I miss Blades so damn much, why can't Microsoft just give me the option to go back.

>that underground shit
fuck me, imagine the 'outrage' that would cause these days.
was underground though. had another account with cheater too.

If this was your fucking childhood, you're a typical nugamer fuck who actually believes style-over-substance shitgames are good.
So no, your childhood wasn't awesome. You were fucking abused as a child if your parents didn't force you to play GOOD 80s/early 90s games.

>we've reached a point where people can actually say that without trolling.

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my childhood was playing the first age of empires because i got it out of a cereal box.
>pic related
i only ended up with an xbox because my dad bought it for himself to play racing games. could only play it for an hour a day or so.

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Daily Reminder that Party Chat killed Xbox Live.
>Those days where you'd make bros for life playing Halo 2 and 3
>Shooting the shit in Custom Lobbies with people you barely knew
>Party Chat released.
>Lobbies went completely silent would never speak to anyone again.
Still hurts when I remember it.

>some guy mouth breathing/eating into the mic
>entire lobby yells out MUTE YOUR FUCKING MIC
good times.

Is this the designated OG Xbox thread?
I'm planning to get one of these controllers used to clean and upgrade to aluminum thumbsticks, and I wanna use it with my PC, anyone know if there's USB adapters like the ones for Nintendo?

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I didn't even know that was a thing on Xbox, and I've been playing on Live since 2007 (2004 if you count playing on my friends account when I was over, where we trolled people with obnoxious sounds because we were young kids at the time, like 4 years old or something.)


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>went from blades to this trash
What a piece of shit.

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Damn, its almost like time-passed or something

>could see entire theme or custom backgrounds through all the menus
>the "upgrade" covers over half of the background with a giant ugly grey globe and floating boxes AND drops frames on the dashboard or when you pressed the guide button
fucking RARE was responsible for this

>tfw bought the Marathon Durandal profile pack
I regret nothing, it had a nice theme too

This fucking sucked so bad I hated it and every update based on the design

This was the best design, why did they fucking change it?

>man good job lads on completing windows xp :D
>lets make vista another hit
>uhhh woopsies
>lets not make the same mistake for windows 8 :DDDDD

Underground because I was a mad cunt

So much soul compared to the Windows 8 cut and paste on Xbox One

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>being consolefag

I sent a friend request to my friend on xbox and he never accepted, because he did a suicide by cop.

based tin foil user

jesus christ i'm not crying, you're crying

Damn you're old

>American news

>I've lived long enough to see literal fucking children calling even younger people children legitimately
Don't get old, it's awful. I remember when the Megadrive was next gen.

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Fuck, man i miss skeuomorphic interfaces, they were comfy as comfy can be. Why was the Wii U the last console that had one?

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Where the fuck have the themes gone to?
I have pic related

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>a generation that normalised microtransactions and paid online

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>I remember when the Megadrive was next gen.
Don't worry sir, at least you got the spectacle of watching Sega crash and burn. That's a pleasure i can't say i'll get to experience.

I'm a britbong lad, Sega was king here. Nobody gave a shit about the NES because everyone had micro microcomputers that made the NES look dated. The Megadrive was the first console to turn heads over here and Sega was very popular for that reason. It's a damn shame the DC didn't do well.

>Fuck, man i miss skeuomorphic interfaces
Same here. I fucking despise every single interface having this shitty 'flat' look

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Now the 360 UI sucks dick and is riddled with ads.

In my day we had to type in the entire sourcecode of the game from a book or load them on tapes.

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Back when you still bought expansions for ms points I always had some odd ends leftover that warent enough for anything but cosmetics so in total I got like three items through the years, two of which ware charity related.

>start 360 without internet connection
>2/3 of the screen are empty ad tiles begging you to connect to xbox live so you can see ads

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Fuck you. 5,25 floppies had the best games.

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Microsoft was truly ahead of its time.

Say the 22 yo ''man''.

The absolute state of shit talking that happened between matches are still golden memories for me.

>start 360 with internet connection
>xbox live sale ad
>permanent 'please buy an xbone' ad
>lunchables ad
>some blank tiles because they can't sell all their ad space

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>shit talking gets you banned now
i miss it. if you got offended people would tell you to harden the fuck up. who could have predicted the sensitive faggots would end up in control of it all.

pick one
and only I one
I claimed the dog.

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Oh trust me mate, i'm not saying i like that Sega fell from grace. If they kept at it my Switch and PS4 wouldn't be here at all in favor of the would-be current Sega console.
It's just that i was born around the DC's Japanese release date and i can't even imagine what kind of media storm would result by one of the major console makers dropping the business. It's a situation with a cultural and economic impact so massive to the industry that i can't imagine being there to witness it.

glass icons are objectively goat design that will be back in trend

>rockstar normalised games for normies
dig deeper, mi zoomer

back when we could racially abuse niggers and get away with it.

I still use the N7 gamer pic. You needed to beat mass effect on insanity to get. Havent used my xbox one in about a year tho

reddit thread

I know you are, but what am I?

the 360 game out in 2005

shut up you retarded shit head cocksuckers

>remember when
im still out there scamming retards

sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me

This used to be my xbox 360 profile picture, before that i had an steins gate one

Attached: Screenshot_20190722-162122-261.jpg (114x143, 16K)

suzuha made for rape

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Then you connect it to Xbox Love and the ads make the already bloated UI 3 times as laggy

oh so thats where its from. i've been using that for atleast 9 years and was concerned that i did something faggoty like buy a profile pic pack.

I used the hammerhead profile pic from Shark Week


bass guitar, cuz i play bass guitar

People who had ps4's and xbones as kids are now 18, terrifying how fast time moves sometimes.

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If you remember THIS, your childhood was awesome.

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Palm tree and jet are the patrician choices
>always thought the cat was some distorted owl thing

the astronaut

Reminder that the rings below the xbox logo are unique to each console and is used to track leaks.
Advanced botnettery.

and niggers and spics

They're not even on the UI user.


The new UI*

Yeah I mean the one in OP's pic

Back in my day we played with a pail of water.

>goes from unique and interesting designs to generic and boring
I hate this trend but it's not ever going to go back is it

>ONLY used by asians who say you're cute on the voice chat and send you their youtube with failed trickshots and "rant" videos on it

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Random question but how did you call it when you own every console and a PC? I remember v having a word for that

Shouldn't you be taking your meds about now, grandpa?

the blades design was good but one problem is that it didn't have v-sync for the guide button so it would screen tear like a mofo.

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im white so this is wrong

that math doesn't add up

this screen and the audio combined with the loud startup scared the shit out of me as a child

The original xbox felt like it belonged to aliens

literally not one soul in this world cares about your shitty old games, cheeto


I got something like this from Halo Anniversary

i hope they bring this theme back for the next xbox because the current one is a step down from this


It didn't look like that in 2005

The Bike

The Xbox is zoomer shit too dumb cunt

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>that booger on his thumb
>that shit all over his controller
What the fuck


Frog please.

I loved the voices and noises in the background.

For me, it's the green water-ripple.

Yup that's it
Thanks user

For me, it's gotta be the karate kid.