2013: bows are cool

2013: bows are cool

2018: axes are cool

what's the next medieval weapon that's gonna get memed on in 2023?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Man it'd be neat to have flails become mainstream but they're almost always seen as used by villains.

>tool for chopping wood

pikes and polearms of course

Attached: polearm-familly.jpg (800x430, 38K)


One that's never gonna be cool is the sling.

Can't beat the pointy stick

>just long back scratches
>twohander swords
>made for giant marshmallows
>convenient cockroach squashes
>newspaper delivery device

How did axes get cool?



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what's something that people used in the wilds? That's what they have in common

>Naginatas are cool
>It's considered a women's weapon
Fuck that, I'm not about to look like a tranny

you most definitely can

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Based weapon.

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Feel like grim reaper edgelords time passed long ago

throwing ax

>literal peasant weapon

They were used as and made to be weapons historically, not just tools

*Japanese drum sounds*

Attached: japanese_weaponry_by_kobra_kan-dvss5g.png (900x1350, 500K)

Thank you Diablo2 for teaching me what all these things were so many years ago.

You just fucking watch, it'll be the hip new weapon next decade.

>axe-spear-warhammer hybrid
I love these things. If you get bored of killing people one way, you have two other options at your disposal.

just kill your enemies and any doubters you massive roast beef pussy

that's just a pointy stick with more pointy end than stick


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Is that a boat paddle? Is this a reference to that samurai that beat a guys ass with just a boat paddle?

I hope, I'm a huge polearm fag, I also like spears and halberds of all types, anything attached to a long stick, is based in my book.

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are you retarded that's a 2 meter long stick gtaht was used to cut the pointy sticks in half it literally beats the pointy sticsk

Fucking hammers I hope

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fear not the reapin'

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Warhammers. The proper historical kind.

If not, flails.

>it's a catch pole

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already there bro

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yeah, most of those pics contradict with each other, I honestly don't give a shit about the names, as long as it's a long stick with something attached to the end, I'm game.

yea they fucked that one up the pertuisane and the partisan are the same thing and they already listed pertuisane in the first one


Why did they make swords with wavy blades like this? It is just blacksmith dick waving with look at this rad shit I made


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they made them afeter the prominence of polearms. its called a zweihander and its a massive two hand sword that was used to literally cut through polearms. one big massive beefy guy would wield one charge in front and literally cut through groups of polearms allowing his comrades to charge through the enemy lines.

I think wounds like that took longer to heal, but a lot of it was just a status thing to show you could afford such an intricately made weapon.

It creates more ragged wounds, which are harder to treat and more prone to infection

>its called a zweihander
It's a flamberge

no it was actually to catch poles with and cut through them. not all zweihanders were wavy but the best ones were

Hopefully spears

>tfw no game featuring full halberd moveset by tripping niggas on the ground and doing crazy shit.
It's always spin2win or "let us casually ignore that this weapon has 4 ends in which to kill someone with and focus on the axe part"


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>using it in the way where it would be worthless as a weapon

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Crossbows I hope, they don't get nearly enough spotlight

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Greatswords were not used for "cutting polearms". No weapon was, not even axes, which are designed to cut wood. It's not economical enough (as in, action economy) in battle to cut the opponent's thick wooden pole when you could just cut their body a lot easier and be done. It takes much more force than you think to cut a polearm's shaft, and whilst not impossible, was never a tactic in melee weapon history. You have the image drilled into you from movies like "TROY" which feature extraordinarily strong warriors snapping spear shafts by stepping on them at a certain angle. It just didn't happen.

It's called a "flamberge" or "flame blade". In theory its undulating shape creates a certain type of injury that makes bleeding out more likely and healing more difficult. But it evidently wasn't THAT effective because almost no other swords after it share that blade design.

Its not that far off from a billhook so it ain't that bad.

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Spears, screenshot this

The flamberg was more or less a stylish weapon but in it's defense it was made really late into medieval history and once guns took over swords were more of a portable sidearm. And that thing isn't fitting in a sheath.

same reason axe heads are curved

Morning stars.

The Katana, its coming back now that its retro again


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No, eveningstars

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>axes are cool
where beyond GoW 4?

why my peanus weanus of course!

>2018: axes are cool
Name 700 games that used them.

Sticks and ropes. And ladders.

Aside from not having the same reach, and not having a point to stab with once you've pulled away their protection, yeah not far off at all. Oh wait, they're completely different in their design, and use.

did you organize your steam library by weapon type?

please post the rest

Lemme see ur shield folder dude

What's a good medieval action game with great combat?
No Dark Souls pls

>he think weapons will be legal in games

Mordhau is decent till you get bored of Frontline and Duels due to the Devs being autisticly against asymmetrical gamemodes.

Everyone used them from samurai to peasant until firearms started showing up and tactics changed to favor the yari (somewhat similar to pike&shot). Also the women's naginata had a smaller blade to compensate for a weaker upper-body.

>just put a katana on a stick lol
>just put a scimitar on a stick lol
What were they thinking? Didn't japs have proper effective spears already?

I would like more games to feature the Spear and Shield Combo Spartan style

you’re not as funny as you think you are

Halberds and polaxes
feat. spears and Lucerne hammers


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That's a catch pole, not a Partizan.

>halberd and spear movesets are usually shit
it's a crime

Go play some Terranigma


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Try Dark Souls


thank you Nioh

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what if a flail had a retractable chain?

would be kinda cool to smash it into a wall and then use it like a grappling hook to scale a building

this fucking thing killed so many peasants

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you ever play battlechess? the king in that game had a sceptre with a massive ball on the end that could unlink into a flail, seemed like a cool weapon
think threaded cane from borderlands only instead of a razor whip cane it's a mace-flail

fuck i meant bloodborne, brb killing myself

>when you tryna chop some peasants but don't wanna get goo all over you before you rape their daughters

>memed on

Shut the fuck up holy shit

Y'all bitches got it wrong and it's way cooler than that. The design made the oponents blade vibrate and shit so it was extremely unpleasant just to hold their sword in their hands. The vibrations also made it harder to swing and shit

>catch poles with and cut through them
Do you honestly believe this?

>"just a tool for chopping wood"
>effective at splitting things that are more solid than human flesh
Every weapon is a tool, but the axe is generally more versatile than some basic ass sword or spear

fuck off sicklecuck, take your garbage ass farm tool back to gay retard nipnong country.

Its Okinawan and evolved from an oar. Various myths/legends on its origins ranging from fishermen defending against bandits/pirates to the Nips imposing a weapons ban when they took over, forcing the locals to adopt farming tools for defense.

racial diversity

No games feature this weird-ass knife as far as I know.

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Maces. Please. It's their time.

a mace plays a role in the new spider-man movie, it might be their time

mate, a spear is just
>just put a arrowhead on a stick lol

a lot of medieval weaponry was adapted from farming tools, because that's what peasants had to work with, so they turned them into weapons if they were in danger and had no nearby army to protect them

there is nothing more insufferable than western shitter devs aping each other and circlejerking around the same game design meme for years.


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What's the shobo?

War axe heads are curved so that you can chop a limb at any angle with it. Every point along a circular shape is perpendicular to the strike angle, which makes it impossible to get a glancing blow on the vertical axis

The flamberge obviously doesn't do this

Good luck with your weapons when I have my spells

>overdesigned piece of shit
Gayest axe I've ever seen.


good luck with your spells with an axe in your head

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Your gay rituals will never be shit when I can just crack my mace over your skull

>2018: axes are cool
>posts a tomahawk
Sigh, I don't know why I even come here anymore.

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Dragon's dogma, Though its not at all realistic if thats your thing.

I hate to be THAT guy but when will magic be more than just 'stand around and zap at the enemy'?

spears and javelins have my vote

I'm sensing some high grade 'tism from this post. Tell us your secrets user.

Probably something like a hook attached to a chain
>ebin disarming the enemy :D
>look u can use it to traverse the environment but only where we say u can
>generic hack n slash mash x to do flashy shit

Magic needs a unique source or manipulation technique if it aims be more than just zap-zap-boom.
Fullmetal Alchemist heralded the equivalent-exchange concept.
Avatar: The Last Airbender popularized elemental manipulation and its limits.
But both of those concepts never made it into video games because it's easier to limit spell casting to mana/energy/spirit/magika/arbitrary-number than having to consider the player's environment and programming how materials and sources transform into spells.
Tabletop games like D&D handle it better, but I've never even seen a videogame even attempt a Hard Magic system that doesn't involve numerical depletion of a resource or spell cooldowns.

I hope it's polearms.

Oh or macuahuitl to celebrate the Mexican annexation of Texas and California.

Forgot the pic.

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Implying it won’t be the starting weapon in the King David game.


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What can chop wood can chop leather, flesh and bone.

The Pollaxe, the most versatile weapon ever invented.

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But at least he's not a retard like you

Are there many Halberd video games?

You always got the greatest hero that ever lived.

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fuck you
I want to play it but I don't want to

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Fuck off, Lindy.

swords > axes
spears > swords
axes > spears

Prove me wrong

R&C Deadlocked has a pretty cool flail

How big are actual warhammers? I'm replaying skyrim and they are depicted the size of polearms while I see some youtube videos of warhammers irl and they look crowbar sized.

Fuck, you reminded me of something.
I think it was a manga or anime or something where magic was pretty much "taking things from the environment", as an example, taking the pressure from the middle of a mountain and use it as a shockwave, or using the edge of a thousand blades of grass to cut something.
I can't remember if it was a real thing or i'm imagining it!


are the removed from 2? didn't see them in beta

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Can we see the rest?

Spears or Halberds. More likely spears since they look cool in their base more primal form and can look fancy as fuck in more detailed iterations.

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Monofilament whip.

>daggers on sticks
>look cool
>90% of weapon is stick

Rightmost knight.

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>Your mouth
>African American Seamen Receptacle

Which is a shame because it's baller. Even has people writing shitposting messages on the bullets

But yeah it'll be polearms. Big dumb guts/cloud swords are always lingering as a popular choice but they are for plebs.

I wonder why it took as long as it did for them to appear. It's not as if it only was a necessity with the arrival of late era plate because the Chinese loved pole-axes. It's just this brilliant weapon nobody figured to use for some reason:

>It's a spear
>with a bit you can chop or stab with
>You can hook cavalrymen off their horse
>Or stab the horse

All it usffers from is maybe a little bit of unwieldiness from stabbing

>medieval weapon



>comically oversized

no thanks

actually it's a man catcher



feel free to screencap

2019 could’ve been the Year of the Spear if Sekiro had included one.


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Some people consider the poleaxe to be an evolution of the dane axe, so its not like it wasnt around for few 100s of years before 14th c.

Warhammers were one handed weapons. Larger two handed weapons such as the Poleaxe or the Halberd did have hammer esque elements to them though.
The image of people wielding massive two handed mauls in combat is a fantasy.
Realistically there's no real advantage a maul has to a poleaxe.

a few decades before the fall of constantinople still counts bucko

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flails were pretty much never used. they are far too dangerous to the wielder to be practical and you can get much more force transfer with a solid shaft

not him but slingshot =/= sling

>War darts/fletched javelins
>were fucking everywhere in just about every fucking battle
>never ever ever EVER show up in medieval vidya
Tis a crime.

I'd like to see this with the Kestros as the elitemost version.

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Weren't they more in use during antiquity rather than the medieval era? Especially in Western Europe I don't believe they were all that common.

Medieval drawings, paintings and tapestries were wildly inconsistent and often done by people who had the subjects described to them but never saw them in person.

They show up fucking everywhere in manuscripts. En masse in battles wielded by commoner and noble alike.

Presumably nobody likes using them in media because people throwing what look like giant oversized arrows looks goofy.

Attached: War_Dart knight.jpg (213x378, 70K)

The world needs more maces and flails.

They generally weren't fletched, throwing spears were quite common though.

Only if they're the real thing (pictured). I can't think of ANYTHING that uses the actual historical peasant flail.

Attached: Peasant_flail.jpg (1086x742, 547K)

you got like 40 flavours of Pile Bunkers in EDF 4.1/5

spears, I hope
long stick with a pointy end is unironically the best and most practical weapon

>generally weren't fletched
You're wrong though. Fletching was easy to produce and handy for ensuring your head landed correctly. It's literally the same principle for making arrows but larger.

Attached: fletchj01.jpg (397x446, 116K)

was everyone in Medieval times 4 foot tall?

>Pertuisane and partisan labeled as two different things.

In war. For personal, day to day defense the sword had everything else beat. Hence why every damn culture used it in that way. Also spears weren't that great on horseback after the first charge.

>ever not cool
gays not welcome

They actually were quite short on average, yes.

I'm talking more full moveset kind of stuff, and much more "meaty" in their strikes, i want to feel through the screen that that thing HURTS
>uppercut in the gut and fire for an air launcher
>combo the reload with a elbow strike for added damage as the retracting piston slams its butt into the enemy's face

>its called a zweihander and its a massive two hand sword that was used to literally cut through polearms.
It can in good conditions but no, it wasn't made for that.

>non-ceremonial double headed war axe

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Well yeah, if you are in a back alley or having a drink in an inn and someone jumps you it's easier to draw your sword and use it in close quarters than do the same in a spear. 1v1 in an open space spear will win easily most of the time

The pear

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>Fletching was easy to produce and handy for ensuring your head landed correctly.
Correct, but I'm still right. It was not the norm throughout antiquity or medieval times, posting a picture with it doesn't prove otherwise you brainlet.
And making a javelin fly head first is not very hard, have you never thrown a spear in your life?

I think all the Castevanias had that, even the reboot ones explained it as having been some technological marvel.

>yfw you learned for the first time just how fucking light swords of all types actually are
I feel like I've been lied to by everyone my entire life.

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Throwing Spears. M&B is a game that does it correctly. I tried downloading a Skyrim mod for them and it was total ass.

If you try to make a script that makes throwing spears awesome, the game itself breaks. Todd's engine is held together by tape and cum.

Roman pila were probably the most used design in history, they changed over the centuries but guess what they never really had?

Try armor next. Full plate suit is lighter than a modern soldier's gear
I have no idea where the "medieval equipment is sooooo heavy guise xD" meme comes from, but I fucking hate it

>roman pila

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>Entire thing is made of metal
>Everyone always assumes that since it's entirely made of metal it must be fuck-heavy to use
>They're actually surprisingly light
It's like picking up a carton of milk expecting it to be heavy but it's empty

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A lot of it comes from tournament armor which WAS legitimately heavy because it was specifically designed for a knight rooted to his horse for a single event.

>1v1 in an open space spear will win easily most of the time
Or rather, depends on the sword. Most were one handed weapons, spears are two handed.
If you half-sword a big sword you basically have a spear with a long edge, if you take pretty much any one handed sword and add a shield for the other hand spears become much less of an issue.

>for personal day to day defense
or maybe people carried swords with them because they couldn't be fucking bothered to take an entire spear with them everywhere

Learn to read you stupid fucking nigger, antiquity was part of the discussion too.
Afterwards apologize for your embarrassing display.

PS: Fletching spears wasn't the norm in medieval times either.

how come track and field javelins dont have fins to make them fly straight, someone might get hurt if the stick decides to fly sideways?

That.. just proves his point even more doesn't it?

the answer is always GUN

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Flamberge isn't a sword, retard. It's a type of blade. That Zweihander has a flamberge blade.

Because that user is both wrong and retarded.

Sometimes I feel like a modern sledgehammer or crowbar is heavier than a sword.

some type of polearm.
My guess: Halberd.

guess i'm gonna have to post this video

Good, now time for armor

and while at it

no, it doesn't prove that spears are better at killing than swords, it just proves people are lazy.

If it's not bolases, I'm quitting vidya forever.

It's funny because people always assume plate and chainmail with a sword and shield is ten times heavier than modern day gear when it's the complete opposite

In the interest of angering people more knowledgeable then me I'm going to refuse to apologise until someone can educate me on exactly how common or uncommon fletched javelins are. I only have dozens of manuscript art that makes it look pretty darn common but am eager to learn and be corrected.

I legitimately won't apologise for the antiquity thing however as none of my replies in this thread have addressed the matter of antiquity. I am solely talking about medieval warfare here.

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Swords and spears were used in tandem along with a buckler during medieval duels. It's really a case of one being the preferred weapon up close and the other at a distance. If you're half swording you basically use the darn sword as a thrusting weapon anyway.

Dont mind me, just claiming my bladefu.

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The flail

Have sex

I want some over the top anime game where the protagonist attacks with an iron maiden

Lantern shield it's your time to shine!

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Honestly hope we go back to swords, maybe with a focus on things like estocs/rapiers etc.

>hurr durr let me reply to a chain that talks about something I don't want to talk about and complain about it
Absolute brainlet.

Fletched javelins/feathered spears are generally referred to as darts, darts were not as common as normal javelins, partially because it generally just wasn't necessary to use fletching.
So yeah, you're wrong you stupid nigger, stop judging centuries if history from a couple of pictures.
There's a reason why we have a shitton of archaeological sources for javelins but nearly none for darts that weren't of the weighted lead type of the Romans or similar construction.
The reason remains the same, they look good, but fletching actual javelins just doesn't become necessary if you don't make all-out throwing darts like some Roman legions did. But those didn't look like spears at all either.

Tldnr: no, kill yourself and take your illustrations from the 15th and 16th century with you.

You seem sensible, open-minded, and willing to be corrected. What the fuck are you doing here go to a better board.

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The only game that I ever played with something like this was, oddly enough, LotRO. Warden was so fucking cool.


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What do Roman darts look like?

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I think that was the only weapon in Deadlocked that I ever actually leveled all the way to 100

Fuck that was a good flail.

I wish drills were more popular vidya weapons.

They're oversized darts and they've got a ball in the middle of the shaft

Yeah, but like, imagine if someone made a smaller, heavier axe with a spiked tip that could peirce and a blade that hit with more force than a sword due to the weight and shape of the axe head. Like, some sort of "battle axe."

Too bad no one thought of those...

I liek falchions

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you're not a chad, you're an idiot

what's the matter, user, jealous of my reach and versatility? or are you just a horsefucker that fears the hook?

The only answer is to fight with a scythe

That thread about sickles from a few days ago makes me wonder if there's any games that have ever been about medieval peasant combat

A sickle would make for a shitty weapon but if your lord is a shit and there's invaders on your doorstep, and all you have is a sickle, you're gonna fucking defend yourself with that sickle.

I smash faggots with sticks like you every day. Stop it, get some help.

If you have a sickle, you'd likely have an axe to use instead.

i hate this shit. why can't they upgrade it into something worth people's time?

This is never going to be a thing, why do you keep trying?

Imagine modern darts just a lot bigger and with a lead weight in the middle.

That looks like that it can puncture Kevlar

morning star

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Because his country literally has no history aside from raping children, sacrificing children to a gay sungod, getting raped and conquered and waging war on cartels.

we need some Spears.

for me? it's the glaive

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Fine asshole, very late medieval to renaissance period weapon.

to be fair, their civilization was really interesting. but i imagine you're only interested in the romans and WWII. so any explanation would be completely wasted on you.

Meteor hammers
Imagine kusarigamas but for STRchads and not DEXlets

Attached: 300px-Meteor_hammer.jpg (300x225, 16K)

honestly, i'm really glad mordhau exists so i can easily create characters that go with polearms

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>can be viable in survival by chopping trees for firewood and shelter, while it can counter sword and spear by hooking and wrench
It’s the ideal weapon/tool

>Gwlachmei, what if I took a hammer that you can throw
>but put it on a chain so you can get it back and swing it around
>You're fucking brilliant Henry

I feel like you're referring to specific games you played, and that you don't play very many games at all. This thread is embarrassing.

Rate my axe

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>no retarded engravings
axe/10 would chop wood or heads with

>King David game.
there is (a new) one announced?

this isn't my body spray

Hold on, axes are not cool, who decided this?

well, it's an axe, which means it's shit imo

trying to install spears by soolie gave me PTSD

Cyberpunk 2020. Gun simulation.

>when runescape tards call a falchion "scimitar"

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Good day to my goedendag lads

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goeden dag to you too

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Go rape some more kids and cut their hearts out, pedo.

Torture device, insert into examinee's chosen orifice and screw open until you get confession you want or something gets torn apart.

The nail is oversized in both.

They kinda are. I mean, their primary purpose isn't even to kill so if you get killed by an axe you get that additional humility.
Also, since swords are usually seen as the more elegant weapon, axes portray a more savage, brutal weapon of choice.
Also, executioner's axe and stuff for that slightly edgy bonus.

Is it though

Attached: Goedendags_in_het_museum_Kortrijk_1302_9-01-2010_14-20-13.jpg (3246x1486, 1.71M)

Spears. Throwable, so can be used at range. Can have stupid fancy shit thrown in like vaulting, spear dancing, all sorts of shit. Can be crafted in survival environments. Can have tassels and shit tied to them for epic cloth physics. Easy to animate.

For me? It's the halberd

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>chidoris your light or medium armored ass
It's looking like spear is back on the menu, boys.

Attached: Nioh_Tombokiri_Spear.jpg (1920x1080, 387K)

>I suck fat cocks
good to know.

Why are you telling strangers about your homosexual fetishes?

A lot of what people view medieval battles as are fantasy. Chivalry exists for a reason because almost everyone who was a soldier was an aristocrat of some form.

Even most large battles were quick skirmishes where people yielded before they got seriously injured because shit ain't worth dying for when you have tons of land and servants to come home to. The ones where peasants were involved got bloody but they were honestly not common

So much so that it took Germany in the 1800s to be one of the first to recruit peasants into a standing army, shocking and terrifying everyone around them with having suddenly 8x their previous army size.

if you cut a pointy stick in half then you get two pointy sticks

Who else would he tell them too?

>you're only interested in the time periods that mattered

I wonder how would you use it in battle

What? Where did you get this information? I watched a documentary about how when kevlar came along, it quickly replaced a standard metal armor because it was so much lighter.

It was lighter, except the kevlar is not the only thing a modern soldier carries. Factor in the weapons, amunition, rations, non combat equipment like trench shovels and the like, and the grand total of standard gear a modern soldier would carry into battle is nearly double what an armored knight would wear, if not double and then some.

>2018: axes are cool
name 2 instances of axes being used to any significant effect recently other than gow and thor

Warcraft's Thrall is using an axe now, I guess...

halberds every year

>How big were warhammers
Most warhammers were about crowbar sized, essentially like the hammer in
although there was a polearm variant, often called a Lucerne hammer, which is essentially a halberd, but with a hammer head in place of the axe head. The size of the head is what is typically exaggerated in games, being much bigger than what would be practical.

>Flails are a meme
>Danger to the user
>Can use in formation
One thing I notice about basically all historical depictions of them are that they are being used by men on horseback. I feel like there actually would be some advantages in this context, given that polearms are essentially single use, while a weapon that must be swung down has a small target (head) and is difficult to aim from a moving horse. Perhaps flails wern't actually intended to be swung, but rather just held out, hanging down means you target the body cross-section, rather than the top of the head, while the momentum of the horse does the actual work. The weapon being held far out could also negate the risk to the user.

Attached: lucerne.png (863x863, 71K)

Normal size hammer head with longer shaft.

Ay caramba

Attached: 1496337134283.jpg (480x360, 74K)


Attached: 1563041673331.jpg (592x1080, 417K)

stop dreaming lads the next big hit is going to be the Messer

Attached: CTK1019-32HC.jpg (1079x528, 31K)

didn't the Yari replaced the Naginata before firearms where introduced tough?

Let's be real, the messer is just a katana for contrarians.

>games posted by weapons
Now we need to see the rest of the folders

The worst meme in fantasy is that BIGGER WEAPON = BIGGER DAMAGE




Meanwhile in real life

Attached: 1489726926897.jpg (1914x2620, 799K)

Ninjato is a fictional western invention
not based in any historic sources

battle axes usually weight less than sword because wood is lighter, they hit harder because the point of balance is near the tip


>Why yes I do use nagnata, ju-monji yari and daito as well

Attached: giga_weeb_chad.jpg (1080x1331, 357K)

Dial 8

ah yes the least popular of the main characters

>those cut-out hips on the infantryman

Attached: i-am-gia-lucid-strappy-cutout-straight-leg-pant-black-s-at-urban-outfitters.jpg (320x400, 48K)

Kingdoms of Amalur: The Reckoning
(not that it matters, it failed miserably)

H is 4 though

Attached: serveimage.jpg (655x349, 101K)

that's not a hammer, that's some boomer fantasy shit

what game?

That's because real life is boring
poking people with a pointy stick is boring
having 90% of all possible weapons be fucking useless is boring

Attached: file.jpg (640x780, 81K)

Pants weren't invented yet. Fashion at the time was to tie a pair of leggings to your belt, usually over a set of boxer shorts called braies.

This is actually why "pants" is a plural despite being only one garment, historically it was three pieces.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (425x319, 29K)

Real life is FAR more fucking interesting than your badly written fantasy slop. Seriously. Pick up a history book. Fantasy is infantile and overly simplistic. Also, spears are adept at swinging/slashes, not just thrusts, you ignorant fuck.

Acceleration is the bigger factor when it comes to weapons, it's much more efficient to increase acceleration than trying to increase mass.

I think the divinity games are onto something. Hitting shit with a spell doesn't only deal an arbitrary damage number, it lets you combine spells and your environment to various advantageous effects, like freezing an enemy standing in water or burning another standing in oil to name a simple few

It's a maul, which is a kind of hammer.
Granted something that size would be made out of wood and is more of a construction tool than a weapon, but still.

Attached: wm6fl-1.jpg (978x352, 21K)

I'm not saying that I prefer the classic RPG giant swords and hammers for massive damage you dense cunt, I'm saying that having a game be too "realistic" and too "fantasy" isn't a good thing and finding a balance inbetween makes gameplay enjoyable, like mordhau, shits fun to play but not even close to reality.
Also imagine fucking swinging your spear around to try to slash people instead of using a halberd or any other poleaxe for that like some retard

It's actually 1/2mv^2

>Also imagine fucking swinging your spear around to try to slash people
It's extremely effective.
>instead of using a halberd or any other poleaxe for that
A halberd is made for chopping and is slower due to its balance/weight. A poleaxe is for bashing and is also much shorter.

You're a fucking retard. Stop posting.

Celts, scythians and persions all wore trousers in antiquity.

>I can't think of ANYTHING that uses the actual historical peasant flail.
The answer is probably peasants

Modest conflict

>I can't think of ANYTHING that uses the actual historical peasant flail.

Attached: Skeleton_Flail_DXC.png (185x141, 19K)

>spiky ball that would be useless for threshing wheat
Not a peasant flail

>It's extremely effective
against unarmored peasants yes, against anyone halfway armored not so much
>A halberd is made for chopping
correct, and how is that an argument? It's far more effective to swing a poleaxe instead of a spear
>A poleaxe is for bashing
and you call me a retard? A poleaxe is for much more than that

It's designed to create wounds that bleed a lot and don't close easily. These type of knives were used in modern militaries too, but became forbidden in Geneva accords.

>against anyone halfway armored not so much
That's not true.
>It's far more effective to swing a poleaxe instead of a spear
That's not true. A halberd is heavier, slower and shorter. It's head also doesn't accomplish the same task as a standard spear head. It's made for different situations.
>and you call me a retard?
Yes, because you're retarded.

>you're retarded because I said so
Okay smartass, please enlighten me on how swinging a spear in order to slash is for some reason "extremely effective" instead of fucking stabbing vitals and unarmored spots with it, and cite your sources

That's just silly.

Why would you care about how well something closes when with a non retarded knife you can stab someone twice as many times in the same period?

Nobody ever stabs someone once and expects them to die

Somewhat. The Yari was easier to wield so when the Sengoku period started and ashigaru started fighting en masse it became the preferred/practical weapon, but as guns started entering the picture the tactics started to loosely resemble the tercos formations, and the naginata outright became obsolete because it didn't have the range or wieldiness to deal with infantry blocks.

For me, it's the Naginata

1. You keep moving goalpost. The initial statement was
>Also imagine fucking swinging your spear around to try to slash people
It had nothing to do with armor when I initially responded to you.
2. You can slash unarmored portions, additionally slashing can be used to generate bludgeoning impact even on things that cannot be sliced. Swinging a polearm generates a lot of force at the very tip of a lever. Depending on various factors, it can be more advantageous to swing/slash rather than thrust.
3. You're fucking retarded.

Europeans unironically believed that though between the 14th~16th century, which is why you get pointless yet awesome shit like the zweihander.

>Europeans unironically believed that though between the 14th~16th century
They did not.
>which is why you get pointless yet awesome shit like the zweihander.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Zweihander has only come to refer to a specific sort of sword in modern times. Back then, it was just a team for long two handed swords. Now, for the specific sword type you are referring to, those swords were not overly big in the the fantasy weapon sense. They were long blades because they were meant for fending off pikes by waving them around and also for pinning down pikes when the opportunity arose. Because pikes were so incredibly long, it was possible for a soldier with a long sword to pin down the tips without the pike wielder being able to easily maneuver it out of the pin.

They arent. They're a marketing gimmick to market a modern blade as "deadliest ever banned blade".

Yes blades meant to to create wounds that cause unnecessary suffering were outlawed by the Geneva convention but this is not an example.

How is that moving goalposts? I asked why you would swing your spear instead of using it for it's primary purpose, which is poking, and not resort to weapons actually made for swinging. I agree that it COULD be a valid option albeit very situational, yet you referred to it being "extremely effective" for some reason
>can generate a bludgeoning impact
That's what you use the fucking halberd and poleaxe for, since you stated yourself that they weigh far more and thus generate a far bigger impact than a balanced spear ever could.

Well, if I know Todd Howard, it WON'T be lances!

I mean, amirite, guys?!!?!

>I asked why you would swing your spear instead of using it for it's primary purpose, which is poking
Most spears are designed for both, you're making assumption derived from ignorance.
>very situational
Not really.
>That's what you use the fucking halberd and poleaxe for
Both are shorter than the standard spear and halberds in particular are more awkwardly weighted, making them really only viable for downward strikes. The poleaxe is significantly shorter, even compared to a halberd which in itself is already shorter than most spears.
>since you stated yourself that they weigh far more and thus generate a far bigger impact
That's not true. The halberd is slower to swing and weapon impact is measured by 1/2ma^2. The poleaxe is definitely better at bludgeoning, but again it's a much shorter weapon so its niche is different. You need to stop.

Zweihanders and their ilk weren't pointless, they were for pike formations and crowd control.

I don't think most people realize that spear techniques are all based on staff martial techniques and that the staff itself was the most popular weapon of medieval times due to the simplicity of its construction, the cheapness of its material and its incredible effectiveness in combat even against armor.

You keep repeating yourself over and over for some reason. How about you provide two examples on how swinging your spear instead of thrusting with it, using a halberd to slash or using a poleaxe to bludgeon will objectively yield more advantageous results, and again, cite your sources because you didn't understand that the first time I asked

>adept at slashes
Lol, no
Some of them can be used for mostly shallow cuts but due to the mechanics at play spears will always be garbage at cutting.
>muh halberd
Not a spear and that would be hacking.

>It's extremely effective.
Easton senpai, God emperor of HEMA disagrees.
Possible? Yes.
Effective? No lol.

Somebody's gonna do a WARHAMMER GAME that is not an RTS?

Prove your claims that
>spears are only made for thrusting
>halberds are better at slashing/swinging
>poleaxes do everything a spear does but better
>real life is boring poking people with a pointy stick is boring
>having 90% of all possible weapons be fucking useless
>that spears aren't effective "against anyone halfway armored"
>It's far more effective to swing a poleaxe instead of a spear
Your move, dumbass.

>That's not true.
Even against unarmoured opponents you won't get more than a shallow cut while they put a knife in your throat.

>but due to the mechanics at play spears will always be garbage at cutting.
Prove it. Also, stop samefagging. You're beyond obvious, HEMAtard.

Not him.
Take your spear, hang up a piece of meat and try to cut it.
What? You don't have a spear?
But you still disagree with renowned professionals and demand sources without giving any yourself?

What now, faggot?

This faggot youtuber has never used a weapon in actual combat. Take your mcdojo trash and shove it all the way up your cavernous ass.

I think that would be ineffective
>nu-uh it's extremely effective
But why would you use that instead of the other thing
>because I said so you retard
Okay, why is that
>because I said so you retard
Okay can you prove it or provide an example?
>nu-uh you first retard

Why are you like this
Also concerning the "boring" part of my post, are you forgetting we're talking about VIDEO GAMES? And how it's impossible to translate real life combat to video games without making it extremely fucking boring because our technology isn't there yet to create engaging and natural combat scenarios we would see in real life? Or did you simply ignore this post?

Attached: 1535439428467.gif (295x221, 554K)

>This faggot youtuber has never used a weapon in actual combat.
Factually wrong, he has decades of both practical and theoretical experience, has contributed to books, helped train and advise people for movies and swung more swords and spears than you have ever even seen irl, what do you have?
You also didn't even watch the video, which leads me to the conclusion that you're willingly,retarded and just too stubbrob to admit how much you ABSOLUTELY EMBARRASSED yourself.

>I think that would be ineffective
Baseless conjecture on your point is not evidence.
Prove your claims.

>Prove your claims.
Here's a detailed explanation

>actual degree in medieval history
>decades of experience as a medieval researcher, instructor, consultant, arms collector and auction evaluator
>but he's on youtube so his opinion is invalid

Sure is summer in here.

not him but i have some spears.You can sort of cut with them.There are large cutting spears in history but the mesuem examples ive seen have hexagonal shafts for edge alignment. But i wouldn't recommend it generally you should just stab thats what 90% of people did.

We actually have a historical account of greek sailors mocking i guess an ancient mall ninja equivalent weapon expert who brought an exotic cutting spear with lots of blades sticking out and it got caught in the enemy ships rigging and he was dragged along as the enemy ship went past with thunderous laughter from both crews till he let go and his prized spear fell into the sea.

>prove your claims
>bu-but those proofs don't count
Again, why are you like this

Have you watched this though properly?
Most of the issue he brings up such as edge alignment on a round shaft are all serious issues that the majority of spears dont address since they're primarily for thrusting.

Large cutting spears arent the norm.

Axes are for bottom turbofags

>You can sort of cut with them
That's literally what most people here except the retard have been saying.>Some of them can be used for mostly shallow cuts
>Possible? Yes.
>Effective? No lol.
Only the guy everybody here is laughing at talked about how amazing they are at cutting.
Also not every weapon on a stick is a spear, user.


also worth noting that you lose the main strength of the spear (that being speed and maneuverability) when you add larger heads made with cutting in mind.

Have you actually read the thread? And no it's not "mostly edge alignment" watch the video again.

>Large cutting spears arent the norm.
I know. Everybody knows.

>Also not every weapon on a stick is a spear, user.
I dont believe i ever said that.

Why are you replying to me to agree with me you stupid cunt?
The retard claimed spears are great for cutting.
They are not, even spears with that in mind are inferior to any weapon actually designed for cutting.

spears > swords
spears > axes
spears > spears

>I dont believe i ever said that.
The weapon you described in the Greek story wouldn't be a spear.
Which makes bringing it up kinda retarded unless your point was that cutting pole-arms existed.
Which is true, but also irrelevant and still retarded to bring up.

although you can get cutting spears that are good for cutting :)

Its written as spear.They had no word for halberd.You cant retroactively add weapons in history.It was a modified spear as far as they were concerned.

Don't confuse pole-arms with spears. An Assai would be passable but there's a reason only African niggers ever used it, even a gambeson would shrug most blows off, it's just not an effective way to create kinetic energy.
Just use a halberd for fuck's sake.
Lmao, retard.
If the japs had no word for gun and called them divine thunderers, does that mean guns are suddenly godly and use thunder?
No, it's still just a gun, just like the thing you described isn't a spear just because a long time ago a culture didn't have a term for it you fucking retard.
We're speaking English here, how about you stick to it? Cunt.

>baseless conjecture is poof

sasuga summer

It's staves, dumbass

>Matt Easton
>baseless conjection

Name a single better expert with the same amount if actual experience who disagrees with him.

The weapon being described is unrelated to medieval halberds.It would be disingenuous to refer to it other than spear.Or do you wish to correct classical Greek warriors on their weapon terminology?

They're were cutting spears and referred to as spears.They weren't the norm but they did exist

Matt Easton's experience is British military sabre, not polearms

Don't engage him. He's a retard.

Hey retard, halberds aren't the only pole arms.
And once again, we are writing this in English.
We are using English terminology.
You wrote spear.
That was not a spear.
Therefore you are wrong.
Whether ancient Greeks used broader ranges of meaning is irrelevant, contrary to you I actually have a Graecum for Ancient Greek. I had to get it to study classical philology so I could study and translate ancient Greek and Latin texts.
So let me tell you:
Just because Greeks or Romans used a term doesn't mean the direct translation is correct, most of the time understandings of words do not completely overlap.
And since you seem to need the repetition:
We are writing this in English.
English definitions apply here, retard.

Staff-weapons in Medieval or Renaissance England were lumped together under the generic term "staves" but when dealing with them in detail we are faced with terminological difficulty. There never seems to have been a clear definition of what was what; there were apparently far fewer staff-weapons in use than there were names to call them by; and contemporary writers up to the seventeenth century use these names with abandon, calling different weapons by the same name and similar weapons by different names. To add to this, we have various nineteenth century terminologies used by scholars. We must remember too that any particular weapon ... had everywhere a different name

Wrong. He used and teaches plenty of weapons. The fact that you somehow think it's only a military sabre when he did different kinds of fencing even before getting into HEMA and mostly teaches the long sword is kinda retarded.
He does teach the sabre and started out with it in HEMA though I think.

And irrelevant.
We're talking about weapons in modern English here, nobody EVER asked about the point of view of other centuries on terminology.
You bring it up because you had to move the goalpost after embarrassing yourself.

Why the fuck would you think terminology outdated by century and millennia is relevant to the cutting ability of what people are referring to in modern times (i.e. in this fucking thread)?

Realistic hammers look so effeminate, I know they're efficient and brutal weapons but damn I wish they looked the part.

Mace masterrace.

>English definitions apply here
Then you'd better start using actual terminology, not colloquialisms. The other guy is right. There are numerous types of spearheads. Not halberds. Not glaives. Not partisans. But actual spear heads, which can be divided into cutting and thrusting types.

Attached: Spears.png (579x853, 188K)

stick wins every time

>no kanabo

Attached: big stick.png (1275x717, 1.58M)

Which was addressed in this thread repeatedly.
How about you shut the fuck up and actually read it instead of trying to be a smartass in a conversation you aren't even a part of?
Go sit in the cuck corner and be ashamed of yourself until you're actually up to date instead of writing dumb shit that's already been addressed.

>Want to do some dual axe wielding furious berserking
>every game is just big greataxes no dual axeing questions
fuck this world

That's actually Ewart Oakeshott lol so now i know you're retarded.

The modern classifications are irreverent to a story told by an ancient Greek as he described the weapon as a spear you have to take his word it was a spear.

Just because it has cutting sections doesn't mean it wasn't a spear. Yari often have additional heads but are still described as spear.

Fuck off, casual. Go back to your youtube pseud circle.

Attached: DuChaillu1.jpg (2094x1506, 1.22M)

Kanabo is just a stick








>Then you'd better start using actual terminology, not colloquialisms.
How is saying that a stick with blades that go to all sides at the end is not a spear wrong in regards to "actual terminology?"
Please enlighten me with a source about a "spear" with many blades in many directions. Then kindly kill yourself or learn to read threads.


A giant purple dildo

The only instance I can think of is David and Goliath. Other than that it's a weapon used by casters with low armor to stay out of melee range.

>you have to take his word it was a spear.
Nope. It means he either saw it as one or had no better word for it, that doesn't make it one. You've obviously never actually translated ancient texts.
>Yari often have additional heads but are still described as spear.
Wings of a spear designed to pretend overpenetration and blades that go to all sides are different things, user.

How are you so bad at reading comprehension?

Thanks for admitting that you had no idea what you were getting into and can't even discern my opinion because you were retarded enough to respond to a post out of context.

Yeah, that's not a source for a "spear" with many blades in several directions.


You still don't seem to understand the basic fact that spear isn't a specific type of weapon. It's a colloquial term. A javelin is a spear. A sarissa is a spear. A halberd is a spear.

Here's a start.

Came here to post this

>no one ever a morningstar

The Mayans didn't have a word for 'spaceship' but that doesn't mean they weren't visited by ancient ayylmaos

It was niche
it was ridiculous
And completely egregious

But fuck, is is awesome.

Attached: Type-IX-1.jpg (2126x1417, 277K)


I'm aware of how a yari looks, user. Stop being so new and post an image next time you reddit shitter.
Once again, winged spears aren't new and those wings were often sharp, makes for passable little thorns.
Contrasting it with a hunting weapon not meant for combat shows how retarded you are though.
You still don't understand that using the term spear is perfectly fine even among experts.
Next you'll tell me real pros (tm) never call swords swords.
You were being a pedantic little shit with nothing to say attempting to make a point that was already addressed and never doubted by either party in a conversation you weren't a part of.
Now you're saying that because I said something that isn't a spear isn't a spear I should always use the most precise terminology.
There is no connection there.
I said spear has a meaning in English, it does. You fucking retard.

They're supposed to be at the tip, user.

He doesn't seem to know English very well.
He reminds me of some of the guys on /his/ who dont know English very well and get confused by general terms and terminology but try debate complex subjects and end up arguing about a definition instead.

>exotic CUTTING spear
>with many blades
Why is reading so hard for you people?

>what kind of spear has protrusions
>*posts spear with protrusions*

>You still don't understand that using the term spear is perfectly fine even among experts.
Except you're trying to claim that certain types of spears aren't spears because they also have specific names. They are types of spears. If you want to get extremely technical, then every weapon is broken down into era, type of head and type of shaft. This goes for swords as well. We may call something a long sword, but that's not an adequate term in technical discussion. Pic related is how swords are referred by experts and not youtube personalities.

Attached: Sword type XVIIIa.jpg (1024x1280, 264K)

>a cutting weapon with many blades at the tip
Seems like I know English better than you do.

Hes retarded and not worth conversing.
I hope some anons found the exotic spears posted interesting.

Reminder that until the Sengoku period the Japs barely knew how to fight.

>>what kind of spear has protrusions
Literally never said that. Learn to read.
>Except you're trying to claim that certain types of spears aren't spears because they also have specific names.
I'm claiming that a cutting weapon with many blades at the tip of a shaft is not a spear, neither colloquially nor technically.
Look up what a pole arm is, not every pole arm is a spear, user.
Plus, once again, Matt Easton is an actual expert, much more than you will ever be. He's not fucking lindybeige or that fat viking larper.

yeah oakeshott typology is academically really useful.

Still eating for a cutting weapon with many blades at the tip that go in all directions which is also somehow a spear.
Go ahead and try to claim that description fits a yari again, faggot.

This is what happens when a bunch if wannabe-experts jump into a conversation you haven't read.
You say dumb shit , back yourselves into a corner and then refuse to leave when you're obviously wrong.

Kino pairings

Adventurer with long sword and longbow

Berserker with twin axes

Crusader with flail and shield

Attached: 2CCE48C5-12AB-43BF-82F7-909C9875CDB9.jpg (371x331, 37K)

spear is generally term used throughout history casually used. Nobody cares about your personal definitions.

Sadly completely irrelevant to the topic at hand though.
Show me Oakeshott's term for a stick with a many blades that go in different directions which is meant to be used as a cutting weapon and also a spear lads.
I'm waiting.

>they dont count

They aren't my personal definitions.
A pole axe is not a spear.
A hammer with a long shaft is not a spear.
Why would a cutting weapon with many blades that go in different directions at the top somehow be a spear, user?

Spear is not a technical term, stop trying to use it as such. A weapon can incorporate a spear point (another colloquialism), but the technical definition is polearm.


What doesn't count?
Terminology for swords?
A pole axe is not a spear, a hammer on a long stick (you know, like a pole) is not a spear.
Why would a weapon explicitly meant for cutting with many blades that go in different directions at the tip be a spear?
Give a reason.

Metal armor designed to protect against guns is a completely different thing from plate armor. Plate in the pre-firearms era was relatively thin and light and largely relied on its shape to deflect and distribute melee impacts. A full suit of plate was also spread across the body, not all concentrated in one area like a modern soldier's gear. Full plate died out once guns became commonplace because of the thickness necessary to provide even a decent chance against bullets, when you see pictures of Conquistadors or other soldiers of that era you'll see that they're only wearing breastplates and helmets, and that's because those pieces alone had become so heavy that adding more armor was impractical.

I'm not you retard, you're the one who brought up technical terminology.
Fucking mongoloid. And even in a very broad sense the described weapon is not a spear.
Unless you also think a halberd or a pole axe are spears.
Do you?

Just to see the character animation I would love a rope dart based weapon.



more like fail

I've always been a fan of spears problem is they can be boring but fuck they look so cool. It's literally just a pointy stick but information it looks awesome.

See here, fucktard. I wasn't the one bringing up technical terms, I said in English you should use English terminology. One of the basic rules if translating ancient texts.

They can't call you trans if they're dead.

Attached: 1560457419943.png (307x279, 116K)

It was only the "grosse messer" that was "like a katana", and only because it's two-handed and single-edged, so brainlets call it a "european katana".
Messers/kriegsmessers/langesmessers, and most of the popular forms of messer were one-handed, ranging from cutlass-length to sidesword-length.
For some reason, just the grosse messer has gained a reputation in popular modern discussions and reproductions.

Attached: IMG_5408-e1524663544783.jpg (3000x2250, 1.88M)

You've worked yourself into this corner.Nobody has to give you an example.The weapon being described in the story was a spear with additional hooks and blades to the side yet you said they dont count so it was a spear then by your own logic if a winged spear is a spear and a yari is a spear.

Irrelevant since their irrelevant from a land mass perspective raped China time and again.

The Swiss actually had a sword that basically looked exactly like a katana.
Didn't use it much or very long though because two handed sabres are extremely shitty by definition as the two concepts stand in each other's way.

>Show me Oakeshott's term for a stick with a many blades that go in different directions which is meant to be used as a cutting weapon and also a spear

Attached: Langdebeve.png (608x503, 74K)

Wheres the Flying guillotine?

A yari is a spear.
A winged spear is a spear.
You described the weapon explicitly as a cutting weapon with blades in all directions.
That would not be a spear. Unless things like halberds, pole axes and similar things would also be spears.
You can paddle back and change the description now, but that won't what you wrote and argued for quite a while not retarded.

it hurts to just look at it

Attached: wakeup.jpg (593x601, 44K)

>many blades
2 wings aren't many, the Greeks had the dual and even if they wouldn't have used it due to its rarity there 2 at the sides are still not many and they dint go "in all directions."
You didn't read the conversation you barged into, did you?

The wings were used for cutting it was still a spear

Y'all mind if I just shill real quick

Attached: Zerker.png (1139x641, 1.48M)

As it had a spear tip for thrusting.

To add to this, the wings there on the only two spears aren't even blades for cutting, kinda pointy though.
A yari is a thrusting weapon.
You can cut with every spear, that was NEVER in dispute. You just can't do it well.
This was already talked about too, stop making yourself look even dumber than you are by barging into conversations you haven't read.

>tfw you will never play a game where you're a monk jumping around with a big wooden staff doing pole vaults and smacking people in the face

Wings are mostly there to prevent overpenetration, user. Being able to hurt people with it doesn't make it a cutting weapon. That's why sabres are predominantly cutting weapons, despite the ability to stab. You can do it, but that's not the point of the tool.
Hope I could help.

That would be the Swiss Sabre.
It still had a mostly-straight blade, and was intended for thrusts as much as cuts, unlike a katana, but like you said, two-handed swords just aren't as good for thrusting (less reach), and need to be longer to make up for it, which also means heavier, more expensive, harder to make, etc.

Attached: antique_aa_swisssaber.jpg (600x800, 39K)

Great combo possibility

There are examples sharpened.

Fridge body "cleverly" concealed in a whorish outfit in the first vid. Thought it was a tranny at first.

Depends on the sabre, see Same with the spear. It all depends on the specific type. People nowadays have an issue where they think that there are only handful of different weapon types, but the actual fact is that there are hundreds of variations on any given weapon in order to make it more specialized, or even more generalized, for certain tasks.

English Civil War was the best era for weapon variety. Tons of crossover between firearms and melee combat. I think it’s the musket’s time to shine.

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Yes, but sharpening the blade of a thrusting sword doesn't magically make it a cutting sword either, user.
I think you're confused about what people mean when they speak about cutting or thrusting weapons. It doesn't mean the opposite is impossible, it just me and the weapon is clearly designed to be used for one of the two ways.

>tool for chopping food

Attached: 41fp39QUU4L._SX425_.jpg (425x408, 12K)

>Depends on the sabre, see
I wrote predominantly for a reason, man.
Glad that you agree with me though.

I don't think you understand the argument.
is English a second language to you?

Based for honor lads

The point of flails is that they were a cavalry weapon, you had way more space to maneuver, and the big point in it favor is that unlike with a sword or mace, hitting someone while in motion didn't throw off your balance because of the chain reducing the impact on your arm.

Still a fucking rarity because flails are super wierd, but hey. They made *some* sense. There were also those big ones that you used two handed, but I think those were more of a "peasant that couldn't find anything better" kind of deal.

>melee weapons
>bows, crossbows
>firearms and cannons
>traditional siege artillery
My vote is for The Hundred Years' War

Attached: sin-tc3adtulo-1.jpg (1721x1079, 561K)

Bows were cool started with the first LotR movie you underage boomer

No, you don't understand the argument.
This was clearly about whether something is a cutting weapon.
Being able to cut with a weapon does not make it a cutting weapon (amazing, huh?).
Please stop being so needlessly arrogant. Cutting/thrusting weapon are terms used to distinguish weapons predominantly used for a certain way to fight.
A yari was most definitely a thrusting weapon.
That doesn't mean you can't knock somebody out with the shaft or stick or maybe even cut somebody with one of the wings.

There are very few games about 17th Century warfare, in general. The only game I can think of is Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword.

A considerable number of deaths on battle don't happen on the battlefield. If you can prolong the suffering of a soldier you can make it so that your enemies lose morale, which can cause desertions.
It's an attempt to copy the cruciform and triangular bayonets which were stronger and easier to produce and could break bones more easily because of their shape at the moment of thrusting.
But yes, that particular knife is marketed towards edgy larpers.

>tfw it will never be elegant, yet brutal sabres and backswords
>nor will it ever be refined, yet flamboyantly stylish napoleonic officer outfits
>"Too white!" you can already hear the masses saying, despite even woke motherfuckers like Toussaint L'Ouverture rocking this shit down in Haiti

Attached: capture_74.jpg (1271x674, 124K)

He thinks generalized weapons don't exist. That cut and thrust swords don't exist.

>pike and shot

Attached: 1406408019686.jpg (276x183, 8K)

He's right, though. Not every battle/portion of a battle was just pikes pushes and gunfire.

Absolutely wrong and the opposite is already explained by me in several posts.
Why are you lying about a stranger on the internet, user? Did I cause you emotional pain somehow?

This is actually really weird to me. Why would you do this?
Where did I write mixed weapons don't exist?
I wrote yari were thrusting weapons because that is how they were used in nearly all situations and how they were meant to be used.

Its was a spear with additional wings for cutting and hooking.I can describe it as a specialized cutting spear since that was what they were for.That doesn't mean it couldn't additionally thrust just emphasis was giving to its ability to cut in the story.

Nah, the HYW guy is right. If you want variety you don't want pike and shot but if you really insist on pike and shot then at least pick TYW for a more balanced representation of the period. The ECW is painfully boring. The odds are completely stacked against the Royalists because Charles couldn't stop tripping over his own dick. Royalists had terrible leadership, outdated tactics, poor strategical planning, old equipment, the list goes on. The new model army absolutely decimated everything in it's path.

>Nah, the HYW guy is right
lmao I AM the Hundred Years' War poster.

If oakeshott classes them all as a type of spear then im gonna have to go with the academic over one anger user.

Those wings were not for hooking but to prevent overpenetration.
Japs did not use shields, which makes hooking much less useful already and they point in the completely wrong direction to be meant for hooking. Why are you making things up?

It are you talking about the spear in the story?
I don't think you know what spear wings are if you think they are for cutting. Hooks aren't meant for cutting either and if they went in every direction they wouldn't be wings.
What's wrong with calling it a many bladed cutting pole arm?

Flails are trash. They were never widely used. In fact, they were barely used at all. 99 times out of 100 someone fighting with a flail loses to someone fighting with a spear or pole weapon, regardless of skill level.

Attached: 1547698497930.png (645x773, 11K)

But he doesn't, none of the examples posted are even close to the description given of a "spear" meant for cutting with many blades that go in all directions.
The closest thing me that were posted were 2 thrusting spears with wings. Wings are 2, not many and not meant to be used for cutting.

So are you or are you not arguing against yourself then?

see you dont even know what im talking about i even said story in my fucking post.

Im not responding to you anymore because you dont even know what your arguing about and you cant keep up with the conversion.

>spearfag 2 seconds before so throw my flail, bumrush him and pull his pants down to rape him
What now range-cuck?

>Japs did not use shields
You fell for memes.

Attached: download.jpg (195x259, 10K)

yeah he got that wrong too.

I asserted that The Hundred Years' War had more weapon variety, but I also disagree with the other poster who thinks that the pike and shot era did not have a lot of variety in terms of used weaponry.

antifa bike lock

Low test virgin fat fuck medieval fantasy = reality """nerds"""

High test mid to late central European medieval historian and internationally recognized Chad by Oxford and Harvard

Attached: i4mwj7m0lvo21.jpg (640x501, 36K)

Bad excuse to run when you've failed to bring a single argument.
I was giving you the benefit if the doubt, thinking you might just misunderstand the yari, but as I wrote in my post, you really were retarded enough to believe that wings could go in all directions and were meant for cutting.
Let's be honest, if you would have described it as a modified spear with different blades and hooks attached different people probably wouldn't have given you so much shit.
But instead you tried to prove how great spears are at cutting (not that they could cut, because everybody in the conversation you barged into agreed to that already) by citing a dumb story and describing a weapon as a spear meant to cut with blades in many directions.
You beclowned yourself, sir.

>Tries to throw flail
>It just hits him on the head instead

They generally didn't, exceptions always exist and erectable battlefield "shields" for a group of people weren't what I talked about as they can't exactly be hooked.
Funny that you two are so butthurt that you're trying to play semantics games for cheap gotcha moments though. Too bad it makes you look like complete idiots.
Japs didn't use shields.
If you think I have to add "in nearly all cases" behind that or I'm wrong you are genuinely autistic.

all weapons are cool, it makes your peepee feel bigger, deal with it faggot

Attached: 1563178066648.webm (640x640, 962K)

Make way for the best weapon in history

Attached: 77_1.jpg (1599x891, 85K)

I don't need a functioning brain to rape you nerd, why did you think niggers manage to do it?

wow fucking wow.
I give it to you.You are either a master troll.Or the dumbest esl ever.

That's not what your mom said last night

he's kinda right. traditional style shields were not very widespread in japan. they favored polearms and bows over using shields. They did exist and were used, but not as prevalently as in the western world.


>hey our swords are have pretty shitty hand protection how do we fix this
>just hold a tiny shield with your sword


Japs made huge use of shields in antiquity just because more recent samurai didn't doesn't retroactively change this.

forgot image

look at this shit it's hilarious

Attached: file.png (1600x1131, 1.12M)

The problem with pikes is that they're impossible to adapt for practical video game usage unless you're playing a strategy game. Matchlock muskets are also not great in theory either, if only because Napoleonic games have already tried flintlock muskets without much success.

Gas the pikes, mace war now.

Keep deflecting from your stupidity and keep running user, what happened to not answering me anymore?
>wow, fucking wow
You need to go back.

>"japs didn't use shield"
>they did
>"you're so butthurt!!!!1"
It's clear that you've been arguing via Yea Forums memes and you don't know jackshit about military history.

Attached: 手盾2.jpg (640x464, 58K)

Those weren't even the same people, user.
Medieval problems require medieval solutions.

I wish maces, hammers and axes weren't stupidly oversized in 99% of the games where they make an appearance. Realistically sized ones look amazing.

He's saying he fucked your mom, user.

Get dabbed on

>Those weren't even the same people

Attached: 505.jpg (367x451, 36K)

Exceptions probe the rule.
If you actually think I was stating that no jap ever used a shield you are butthurt and autistic.
We were talking about the period the yari was used in in the context of the yari being used, user.
I'll accept your apology though.

Le oldfag image reply ;^)

>being uneducated on the historical changes of the ethnic make up of japan on a Japanese colonization discussion forum
Wew lad

>extremely short reach
>only useful against heavily armored opponents
>no piercing capability
>no ability to thrust

just use a poleaxe they are infinitely more CHAD

Attached: file.png (428x600, 49K)

>hey kid wanna go commit some war crimes

>We were talking about the period the yari was used
no no we weren't.Nobody agreed this with you. fucking kek this guy.

That's a spear, user.
The other guy said so and he must be right because of things he refused to tell us about.

>anything that proves me wrong is an exception against my fabricated rule
Keep trying, brainlet.

>no no we weren't.Nobody agreed this with you. fucking kek this guy.
...I was explicitly talking about the yari and the usage of its wings.
In which period did you think that was if not in the period the yari was used in?
Why are you so desperate and butthurt? This is just Yea Forums

This, Bioshock 2 was the only game that scratched that itch for me

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Yes, the yari was nearly never used against shields.
Do you actually disagree with that?
Reminder that this is the post in question
>Those wings were not for hooking but to prevent overpenetration.
>Japs did not use shields, which makes hooking much less useful already and they point in the completely wrong direction to be meant for hooking. Why are you making things up?

Cause when your enemies see it they say o no! :)

See here, newfriend. Are you going to deny that when I was talking about how the yari was used I was talking about the time when it was used?
Fact: during that time shields were pretty much never used in nipland.

>only useful against heavily armored opponents
I think an unarmored person is going to react to being bashed in the head with a mace in a similar way to an armored one.

>local man struggles with basic conversion in English
>but he really wants to argue about definitions and typologies of historical weapons.

Attached: durr.jpg (600x663, 62K)

>Yes, the yari was nearly never used against shields.
Nice goalpost shift. Also, I have my doubts about that baseless claim.

>I think an unarmored person is going to react to being bashed in the head with a mace in a similar way to an armored one.

that unarmored person is most likely carrying a long-sword for self defense and is likely trained with said long-sword. mace vs longsword is not the best matchup, again because of the terrible reach of the mace.

worse yet that person might have a quarterstaff which would be an even worse matchup. I don't care how experienced you are with a mace and closing distance, the reach disadvantage is significant issue and you will likely get a pole to the face before getting anywhere near them with that blunt object.

moreover blunt weapons can kill for sure, but bladed weapons were used for most of history when plate didn't exist for a reason, they are far more deadly against lightly armored and unarmored opponents than blunt weapons. Maces only began being widespread due to plate being so widespread. otherwise they were virtually never used in combat. It's a special purpose weapon and that purpose was solely heavy armor vs heavy armored combat. No one would ever pick a mace over a sword when fighting lightly armored opponents because that isn't what they were designed for. If it was the only thing you had then sure, but a sword would be better in most cases than a mace.

>basic conversion
Keep deflecting, I'm phoneposting and you're still the one looking more retarded. Not having any arguments doesn't help your case though.
>hurr durr nips used shields when they didn't mainly use yaris so your point about how nips didn't use yaris against shields is wrong
Kek, being unable to pick up on these things and taking everything as literal and absolute statements is an actual sign if severe autism, you know?
You were the one shifting the goalpost.
I talked about yaris and said nips didn't use the wings to hook because nips didn't use shields.
You whined about them using them sometimes though, ignoring that except in absolute exceptions that wasn't a thing during the long period yaris were the main weapon in nipponese battlefields.
The original point was about yaris and their usage, if you think nips did use shields try googling "why didn't japs use shields" and you'll find plenty of explanations.
And yes, as I said before, erectable battlefield fortifications ("shields") don't count since they were obviously not what I meant as you can't hook them.

Keep trying lil nigger.

Ive seen depictions of yari alongside shields in the kofun period.

Attached: ebc73df40233d68f727623a77853f808.jpg (521x694, 77K)

>basic conversion
Keep deflecting, I'm phoneposting and you're still the one looking more retarded. Not having any arguments doesn't help your case though.
>hurr durr nips used shields when they didn't mainly use yaris so your point about how nips didn't use yaris against shields is wrong
Kek, being unable to pick up on these things and taking everything as literal and absolute statements is an actual sign if severe autism, you know?
You were the one shifting the goalpost.
I talked about yaris and said nips didn't use the wings to hook because nips didn't use shields.
You whined about them using them sometimes though, ignoring that except in absolute exceptions that wasn't a thing during the long period yaris were the main weapon in nipponese battlefields.
The original point was about yaris and their usage, if you think nips did use shields try googling "why didn't japs use shields" and you'll find plenty of explanations.
And yes, as I said before, erectable battlefield fortifications ("shields") don't count since they were obviously not what I meant as you can't hook them.

Keep trying lil nigger.
>that unarmored person is most likely carrying a long-sword for self defense and is likely trained with said long-sword
I don't care about your conversation but both of that is wrong. Long swords weren't nearly as big a thing as we pretend nowadays and generally weren't carried around for personal protection.
Too bulky.

Why are you talking about yourself?

you goofed.

>generally weren't carried around for personal protection.
oh yes they were.

>too bulky
I hope you are joking.