What up gamers what y'all playing?

What up gamers what y'all playing?

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Who let a stupid bitch-ass baby made a thread here on Yea Forums?

ffxiv, what about u baby

dumb baby get off the camera

how the fuck is he so goddamn chubby

God. This reminds of when I was like 11 or 12 and my baby nephew came over and threw up all over my GameCube and controller. Fuck kids.

What up baby, been playin Mario Maker 2 all day
How bout u?

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Hey, I'm on Mario Maker 2 too, catto.
Wanna go multiplayer?

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ur mom lol

i asked to sleep with my mom and dad when i was like 8 and then threw up inbetween them.

Based and somewhat redpilled dare i say.

That’ll teach your parents.

Im playing the surge again. The second playthrough is kinda odd. More powerful enemies right off the bat and they do a fuck ton of damage.

I've been meaning to finish Final Fantasy IX, might continue in a bit. Then again, I also just bought Hollow Knight and haven't even started it

Been playing stalker shadow of Chernobyl a lot and really enjoying it.
Also played fallout 3 for an hour and a half and it was probably the most boring gaming experience I've had in a long time.
It has the post apocalyptic aesthetic, but they didn't quite get the atmosphere down.

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Hyrule Warriors

quake live while drinking a few beers. still have a little piece of hash ive been saving might smoke that and watch some card captor sakura

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nigga wait until you replay it with Autumn Aurora 2 mod or Misery


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Just got my ass handed over to me in Starcraft 2. Debating whether I should sleep or shit post.

>Need for Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0
If I didn't hate cops before, I do now.
Fuck these pigs.

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I'm going between Builders 2 and Crash Team Racing. I like all the little mechanics in CTR that you can learn to go faster.

Asuras wrath

God I hate babies. They're soulless selfish monsters that have their parents infatuated with them due to hormone powers. Basically parasites. They're ugly and slobber all over the place.

>t. trunchbull

I don't mind babies, it's toddlers spoiled by their parents with no discipline that annoy the shit out of me.
>Half of them look like Chuckie
>Old enough you know without a doubt they know how to manipulate people
>Red in the face when they don't get their way
>Parents: "Oh no it's okay. There there."
>Ruining the mood for everyone else
>They don't take them to the side to quiet them down and rather make us all pay for their bad parenting

honestly video games aren't really my thing

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