I am literally too stupid to play games anymore...

I am literally too stupid to play games anymore. Im 28 years old and my brain is so useless I cant even solve simple puzzles or navigate an open world to reach different locations. My younger self would probably point and laugh in my face calling me a retard.

Can I ever play video games again at this point?
does anyone else know this feel?

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multiple sclerosis

good news, you're in the right place if you're looking for video games suitable for retards

It sounds like you might have a legitimate cognitive degenerative disorder.

Try Japanese games, they're well-suited for people like you.

Go to a doctor, I'm not joking.

what sort of disorders cause cognitive decline? ...its not that im unintelligent, but ive just lost the ability to problem solve and navigate in an environment.

and tell them what? That i feel like my brain is becoming useless? When I tell them how and why i think that (video games) they'll laugh at me and i wont get the treatment i might've needed.

>and tell them what?...
I'm sorry to recommend this user, but maybe ask on reddit.
I'm not sure if you're exaggerating, but if it really is as you say you might have some weird disease

...come to think of it I never was very good at doing anything other than adventure and platformers. I could never solve puzzles even when i was younger, but i think i was better at it before than I am now.

lol and what would reddit have to say? I might be losing my braincells, but ill never be retarded enough to actually use reddit lolol

If you really feel that way, then don’t get checked I guess. But if I were you I would definitely at least see if a professional has an opinion. It could have underlying causes that are significant to your health.

I don’t know if you’re fucking around or not, but it could be serious if you feel your mental capabilities are starting to fade.

Shit, that's depressing. I'm 24 and still at my peak although I'm far more apathetic now to any pursuits of success. Gaming is still enjoyable but I find myself become increasingly more distracted the longer I play something. I really only play for the adrenaline now

>...its not that im unintelligent, but ive just lost the ability to problem solve and navigate in an environment.

Your brain slowing down at the age of 28 is not normal. That's something that starts happening when you're in your 50s at the earliest. You should really go see a doctor, this shit shouldn't be happening at your age.

im 100% not joking around. I just cant tell if its in decline as I expect to be able to do things better as im older, or if its always just been the same and i was never good at doing things.

It could be one or the other, im getting retarded or ive always been...

Im just gonna go see a doctor.. i currently see a psychiatrist, but maybe ill ask my PCP to get me a neurologist or something.

Serious questions.
What do you typically eat?
Do you exercise regularly in any way?
Have you noticed a sudden decline in intelligence or something happening over the past couple of years?
Do you drink regularly or take any drugs?

>what seems to be the problem mr. user?
>well doctor im having trouble with basic problem solving skills, it seems like i'm struggling with the process, and when i try to navigate using a map i lose my sense of direction
>and how long has this been going on?
>well its been about
>are you sleeping well, eating well? do you feel lethargic? are you on any other meds?
>well doctor
>okay well we can run some basic tests, for starters i'll give you three words to rememeber and we'll carry on a conversation, and i'll ask you to recall those words later on
>then there's some other things we can do and we'll go from there
it's that easy user

>for starters i'll give you three words to rememeber and we'll carry on a conversation, and i'll ask you to recall those words later on

This gave me the worst anxiety. You know its bad when just the thought of having to recall things gets me anxious.

i am a raging alcoholic, however my mental problems started long before i started drinking.
I eat relatively healthy, i recently changed my diet so im finding a balance in how it affects me.
I do not exercise nor go outside.
This decline in mental ability has been ongoing for at least 3 years. at least. I wouldnt be able to recognize if it were any longer because its almost like its my normal baseline.

Train your brain.

By mental problems do you exclusively mean the cognitive decline or other things you've noticed before hand?
How about relatives and parents? Have they ever been diagnosed with anything relating to the brain?

I don't know this feel
>29 and still good at vidya

Do you have trouble reading maps or navigating the real world? Have you noticed any sort of decline in that sense?

Losing the ability to problem solve and navigate an environment isn't something that happens to a healthy 28 year old. So yeah, see if you can get a brain scan.

my brain is fucked. Wont go into detail. My mother has schizophrenia.

im not sure. I know how to locate myself on a map basically.

This is me but I'm 20 desu

Well if it makes you feel better my dad is a paranoid schizophrenic which really fucked me up mentally and caused some severe trust issues that turned me into a total loner. It's hard when someone you love and trust can switch on a dime and threaten to kill you, themselves, and your mom if you don't do as they say

You have a tumour, you imbecile. Get checked asap. I'm 28 and my cognitive skills are better than ever.

yeah i know the fucking feeling. Rest easy knowing that someone sympathizes.

Tumor or a brain bleed. God only knows.

Puzzles can be gay tho.

If you can't navigate though you might as well stop.

I feel this as well. Its really hard to get into a new game because I can't focus or figure out new mechanics anymore.

Years ago I would find better strategies and hidden things not even in the guide books, when those were a thing. I would reverse mechanics to find the best ways to do things and give out the info.

Now if I start a game with too much to it I tend to give up. In my case I'm fairly sure its stress related, probably giving way to anxiety and depression since most of life feels monotone and gray anymore with rare moments of lucidity and color where I feel alive.

On those rare days I can function and enjoy game again, and play them fairly well like I use to, but fuck me those days seem further apart.

I would go see a doctor dude. I plan to, but I don't know what kind. Therapist seems a waste of time this feels chemical.

i want to finish this game, and i want to enjoy it. Its pissing me off. I had to force myself for hours just to get as far as i did. But i cant imagine trying to get further.

OP here I feel you entirely. You put it into words better than i could have.

I know it's against Yea Forums policy to say something like this, but from one person to another I'd really feel better knowing you were going to get yourself checked out if you're seriously considering it's something like that. Try and lay off the alcohol and go for a walk from time to time. I know it's not that easy, but make taking care of yourself a priority. It's not worth throwing your potential away and letting your feelings eat away at you. You deserve the same happiness as anyone else.

First , stop the booze. Even if the decline started before, because it makes it worse.

Yea I'm not sure what to tell you. I'm pretty sure I've had these issues nearly as far back as I can remember in part genetic and in part from some horrible early years.

I had it managed on my own for awhile, but that was during parts of life where I had plenty of freedom, less responsibility, a simpler life, and a lot of time in the future that it seemed like things would work out. These days its a shitty high stress job I don't know if I can replace with something decent even with having some skills and a girlfriends that often treats me poorly and life is overly complicated leading to the return of feeling eternally overwhelmed and unable to do well enough. That feeling seems to suck the joy out of the few moments I do get.

Don't know if its similar for you. Definitely don't drink that is pouring depression on top of depression and is a sign of self medicating. I really don't know what type of doctor is the right way to go though, which is where I got stuck.

Not OP but I'm noticing that now I'm in my thirties I'm not as good at FPS games anymore. I used to be accused of aimbotting in my early twenties, now I can't seem to track targets fast enough. Is it my reaction time slowing down or have games changed over time? I'm starting to favor strategy and world building games these days.

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