League of Legends or Dota 2, which game is better?

League of Legends or Dota 2, which game is better?

Attached: lol vs dota.png (1280x768, 2.82M)

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Dota is better in every single way, except for waifus

t. furfag

neither, mobas are trash

Literally depends on if you played Warcraft3 or not. Alot of how Dota2 works is mostly a 1-1 correlation from the original mod in the old engine. Granted how Dota2 is now is because of it trying to stay up to date with others like it. Not to mention the somewhat transformative hero pool comes with it's own human since it needs to be legally distinct or get the ban hammer from Blizzard

RIP OG Brewmaster and OG Wraith King, formerly known as Skeleton King


LoL now, both are shit post Dota 7.0 but LoL has cute girls, more fanart, blah blah blah.

Which ever your friends play, unless your friends are raging autismos then whichever they aren't playing

imagine being so asshurt about 7.0 that you say the objectively worse game is better

I played both quite a bit (I like Dota more but all my friends play LoL) so I'm gonna list the big differences between the two I noticed:
No jungling
Games are more back and forth, better chances for comeback
More complexity in the game, and possibilities for hero builds
Less defined roles
Way more killing and ganking
Very unique heroes with interesting concepts like Meepo, Invoker, Broodmother, Lonedruid, etc...
The aesthetics of most heroes are kinda boring

Yes jungling
Surrender option
Faster games, maybe too fast because often games are decided by the 20 minute mark
Game meta very controlled by Riot, too strict
Have to buy your champions, Dota comes with all heroes unlocked from the start
Champions are more interesting (looks wise)

LoL also has region locking so you arent stuck with HUEHUEs every game

Don't forget
Every hero is just a rehash of the same small handful of archetypes with only a tiny number of characters being truly unique or special (at least you don't feel like you're missing out on much by not buying the whole roster).

Dota has soft region lock which is better.

still posting this shit thread over and over again? come on dude

it's far worse, for the reason i just explained

>No jungling
Wait what happened to jungling

It's not viable as your sole piece of income. It is now used for making money when you are going between lanes so you always are making gold.


It doesn't really exist as a role in Dota. It's so much easier to bully lane opponents out of experience in Dota compared to League that not having everyone helping out in a lane is a huge setback for the team.

Dotafags absolutely SEETHING over the fact that their shit game is pathetic and irrelevant

>Dota living rent free in the minds of LoL players

LoLbabs, say for example this got added to your game, what upgrades does it give to champs?
>Cho'Gath scream is now a no target AoE spell casted around him.

Attached: Aghanim scepter.jpg (1920x1080, 286K)

>Literally depends on if you played Warcraft3 or not.
No it doesn't. I never played WC3 DotA and I didn't actually like WC3 (I didn't like the artstyle or the gameplay that much). I even played LoL before I played Dota 2. Playing Dota 2 (which I did a year after stopping LoL) made me figure out where the appealing aspects of LoL come from and that it executes them really poorly.

Imagine contributing to the cancer by playing Dota post 7.00.

Iron Talon dead.

Dota post 7.00 is the best it's ever been.

Dota 2 around 2013 was the best. And I'm not saying this because of the boogeyman 7.00, I actually like a lot of the changes made in that patch now that we're 2 years past it.
I'm more sad about Valve not really giving more to the community anymore. It's all about shilling hundreds of dollars to get skins and no diretide or other quality game modes for free anymore. Even the paid game mode in this year's battlepass was a rushed piece of shit.

Dota is in a great state right now. Base 7.00 had a ton of problems, but they've all been fixed since then. Stop being a child.

Explain to me what 7.00 did and why it's so hated?

the previous patch before it was considered the most balanced patch ever, every hero was considered viable in competitive play and had their own strengths and weaknesses

7.00 added a lot of new features, which weren't very balanced or fleshed out like 3 backpack slots, Shrines and Talents, new items and some reworks I think and a big map change

But it's just Yea Forums nigger contrarians that like to point fingers at 7.00 when it's all been fixed, like every OTHER patch that was shit it's water under the bridge.

If you haven't played either then don't play any of them. But League is a better game.

Biggest overhaul to the game since Icefrog took reins in 2005 or some shit. Basically introduced a lot of new mechanics that are still in place, such as
>Talents, every 5 levels you get a hero specific boost for your character. They were ridiculously broken in the first patches after 7.00 because of shit like respawning time reducing
>Shrines, buildings that you can use every 5 minutes to heal up. Sieging base used to be hell because there used to be five of these in there, so defending heroes wouldn't have to go all the way to the well to regen up. Nowadays there are only 2 of them for each side and none in the base.
>Backpack, three extra slots that are unactive but allowed item heavy heroes like Tinker to essentially carry more stuff. Before this in ultra late game as a tinker you usually had to carry your own personal courier with you.
>One of the more bigger map overhauls seen in Dota's History

literally no one anywhere gives two shits about dota

Dota but only the patch where Terrorblade was released.

>Nobody knew what to do against him
>20/0/1 every game

Heroes of the Storm beats them in every single way anyway, so why would I argue about this?

Primarily it added shrines and talents, which were both horrendously implemented at first. Both are fine now, but the autists who cry about 7.00 don't know that because they uninstalled the day it hit and are still bitching about base 7.00.

Pre 7.0: Dota is better
After 7.00: LoL is better

>LoL is shit
>Dota goes from great to questionable
>Questionable is now worse than shit

I will never understand you retards
Dota still has fucking light years to go to be anywhere near as braindead and rigid and horribly designed as LoL is

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t.brainlet who can't manage buying wards.

League if youre a dilating tranny
Dota if youre a chad intellectual slav

it's got nothing to do with iron talon being removed
it was dead for like 2 weeks because of the item being removed, but they could've put it back in 9 months ago jungling still wouldn't be viable because landing is too important and they've merged jungle exp a pretty big amount a long with small gold nerfs
you're shit

>Shitty OC donut steel hero
>Hyper-mobile overwatch cancer
>no one knows how to play outside of grandmaster, even then you can still get retards
>dev team probably smaller than dota's at this point
>supports are all healers with 1 or 2 utility effects, instead of the reverse
there's probably more I'm forgetting, but I dropped it a bit after Mal'Ganis got added


Mobile legend

what makes dota so bad now compared to before 7.00?

Attached: dota v lol.jpg (821x1024, 130K)

we literally just talked about it, try actually reading the thread

Unironically depends on whether or not you're a casual gamer that just wants a game that's easy to get into and has cute eye-candy, or a game with competitive depth.
Dota 2 is better in almost every single respective way competitively, but it fucking sucks to get into compared to League nor are there any cute girls.

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What is even the lore of LoL anymore after they purged the League of Legends from the League of Legends? As much as DOTA lore is mostly "here is cool thing that happened that doesn't usually tie into a greater narrative", there is still a binding factor that most of the power of this world comes from the ancients themselves that pit these characters in a never ending battle to make sure they don't get slaughtered by Arc Warden.

Really funny seeing a dotard shitting on hots after Icefrog started copying it
Plus in 2015 Dota was in decent state and Hots was in beta

i want to hug a skeleton

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there's literally zero arguments in this thread as to why dota is somehow shit post 7.00
literally anybody that parrots this retarded opinion doesn't even play dota. dota is the best it's ever been right now, take your nostalgia goggles off
if you're shit at dota now, that's not because of 7.00, that's just because you're shit

>HotS invented talent trees
Imagine ever being this stupid

Yes that's the point you ding dong
It's been discussed that it's fine now and that guy just hasn't looked at the game since original 7.0

I want a response from you because
all seem to agree that while 7.00 poorly introduced some new mechanics, it's 22 updates later now and dota is in a really good place

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people learned that you can punish solo lanes if you just put 2 heroes into that lane

Oi, get this gijinka Pugna out of my face unless it's male and grinding on Lion's angry dick

Dota is the better game, but Warwick > Bloodseeker

Attached: dota 2 lore.jpg (1175x1614, 571K)

>dota is the best it's ever been right now
The current patch is horrible, I can't believe TI is gonna be played on this.
Like fuck, just shitcan Sven and Ember already.

I'm not him you assclown, I'm telling you he's wrong and we've already been over it

That's not a high bar, user

Bloodseeker's unique trait is that he can break the MS cap. Tho if you're trying to do that specifically your build is shit anyway.