>buy new game at store
>it's just an empty case with a slip of paper inside with a code on it
absolute state of video game ownership
>buy new game at store
>it's just an empty case with a slip of paper inside with a code on it
absolute state of video game ownership
PC games have been pulling that for at least a decade. where the fuck have you been?
1. That's what you get for playing Eurotrash platformers
2. What the fuck publisher is PlayIt
I mean, it's fucking Robocod, what did you expect?
For them to actually put any effort in it?
Why would they?
I ALWAYS buy every port of Robocod even tho it's probably one of the worst games ever made.
The reason why is because i used to play it when i was younger, and the memory of it is deeply integrated somewhere inside my brain, to the point that just replaying this shitty game releases dopamine and makes me happy.
It's such a piece of shit game yet i'll probably be stuck replaying it occasionally for the rest of my life.
doesn't justify it by any means
why does this game keep getting rereleases
I have absolutely no fucking clue.
I don't know why anyone would buy it aside me.
I have no idea how they're recouping enough money to fund a new rerelease each gen, it must be some kind of money laundry scam.
Then buy a game that doesn't have that banner on it.
I feel that eventually physical copies will be dead. Obviously devs don't like it cause it allows one to buy a used copy off ebay instead of being forced to buy new
You ain't exactly raising the bar here, user.
Hell i'd argue Robocod is better than this.
I don't care as long as they give you fair warning that there's no physical copy inside
I really appreciate Nintendo putting a gigantic ugly white box on the cover of any game that requires a big download
I wasnt justifying it. I was pointing out that you're either a zoomer or you live in a cave
This thread is about console games, you fucking retard. This is unprecendented for consoles. No one gives a shit about PC, you dumb fuck. Stop bringing it up where it isn't relevant.
I though shovelware flooding console market thing was over
On the Switch there's an overabundance of indies and ports (it's basically the main platform for indies right now especially, standing shoulder to shoulder with PC even).
Most of them are great but in the chaos you get shit like this.
That's great and all but it's better if they just mandated that these kikes fit in all of their games in a cartridge.
How many fucking times has Robocod been ported now? Fucking christ, that shit seems to be on everything.
Making cartridges is expensive and deemed as an useless waste of money and effort for a lot of companies, especially for multiplats.
Also a lot of them don't quite know how to do it propely and you end up with defective cartridges and/or cartridges that only have part of the game inside and then you need to download the rest via a patch.
I'm sorta torn on cartridges, to be honest.
They're cool, and compact, and i like the idea of a game being a sort of expansion of the console hardware that connects to it, but they also have downsides, they have longer loading times compared to a game installed onto your Switch or SD card.
How the fuck do you all even know this game? I've never heard of it.
Can't stop the cod.
It used to be a reasonably popular IP in europe, not many people know about it in NA.
I happened to play an Amiga port of it back in the day.
Did the Amiga even get popular in NA?
Probably not.
I think what contributed to the mainstay is how many times it got ported over systems. Like you said, it got an amiga port but it also got a PS2 and now a switch port. The worst part? The cover may change but the actual game inside is exactly the same fucking game with barely any changes at all.
It's become infamous with my friend group for such a thing.
>No one gives a shit about PC, you dumb fuck
toppest of keks
consolefags actually believe they are the master race
>buy a retail PC game
>has a dvd and a download code
>game is 50gb big
>dvd's max capacity is 4.7gb
What is even the point of the dvd?
Which has more ports, this or Rayman 2?
Resident Evil 4
Wait, there's no new content? Wild Guns hot two new characters, what's the deal with this fucking fish?
street fighter 2
>Buying physical in 2019
>Wild Guns hot two new characters
I mean, these are just basic ports.
What Taito is doing with their IPs is fundamentally different, they're remastering them and even remaking many of the sprites etc.
>buy Oblivion from walmart one day
>get to car and open it
>no game
>take it back in to get a new one
>have to argue with worker that it was empty
>thinks Im trying to get a second copy for free
>luckily I was able to talk him into it
damn bros almost lost 50$ on that one