Say nigger on Yea Forums

>say nigger on Yea Forums
>get b&
Why do you retards still enforce this rule but only occasionally?
Furthermore; Fuck Niggers, Jews, Jannies, and ESPECIALLY Yea Forums Mods

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reminder you can buy an autographed crack pipe from his website

Well shit thanks for the heads up

>nigger advocates use of hard drugs
>literally nothing happens
>I advocate to saying nigger
>jail time


Viper is the only based nigger

lmao since when does nigger get u the hammer? I've only been banned for cunnyposting

Have sex you racist incels

Niggercel detected

Serves you right pedocunt


Can any rapper even compare to Viper's discography? 300+ albums, do others even try??

you're still here aren't you nigger ?


UMMM excuse you? Racism is NOT ALLOWED on 4channel. Kindly kill yourself /pol/tard.

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fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck jannies, fuck advertisers

Highly unethical content on this 4Chang I'm pulling my ads

Joke's on you, I've only been banned for posting porn in cave story threads.

>post photoshop for fake outrage
>get niggers to chimp out over fake outrage
>niggers nig on Yea Forums

>not saying “fuck trannies”
Epic fail

nu-Yea Forums, folks

shouldve be banned indefinetly for cringe, bad nigger jokes. you disgrace actual racists

I'd fuck a good trap as long as it's white

The only nu here is you newfag
I've been proudly saying NIGGERFAGGOT since 2007

Can you really get banned for saying "nigger"? Note im just asking if you can use the word "nigger" im not actually saying it.

traps =/= trannies
Traps want their cute dick on, trannies want to chop it off

>he gets banned less than 7 times a week

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>a fag

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nu-Yea Forums, folks

He was more like a demon fiend from a horror scene
I said dont mind, but what do you mean, I am the one
Who will be banned for rule 1 for three days
He said I am the one, who will be banned for three days

He told me his name was pathetic fag, toting a garbage bag
Every jan's head turned with eyes that dreamed of being paid
They will hang by a rope feet off the ground

Based posters always told them be careful whatcha do dont go around cleaning shit up for free (Freeeeeeeeee)
His mother always told him be careful who you are you could wind up a virgin who cant even drive a car, oh yeah

Tran Jannys got no lover, he doesnt even have any kind of cash
His job is taking out the trash
He says I am the one, turn on flight mode then it's done

For forty days and for forty nights
Contemplated suicide
But you cant ask for a raise or take a stand
Guess your life didnt go as planned?

Tranny janny was active at 3:00, took one look at me
Then took a break just to dilate
Brain filled with so much hate
Soon he'll hang on a rope above the floor

Based posters always told them be careful whatcha do dont go around cleaning shit up for free (Freeeeeeeeee)
His mother always told him be careful who you are you could wind up a virgin who cant even drive a car, oh yeah
Janny came and stood right by me
Ugly looking loon
This happened much too soon
He finally left his room!

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>he hates Jews but still falls for Jewish homosexual propaganda
Epic fail

You get perma'd after 50

im in jail

Depends on which mod sees your post. Most don't care but some seethe really hard for some reason

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Highly cute and basedpilled

Back to twitter

nu-Yea Forums, folks

Lmao spotted the BLACKED fetishist mod


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nu-Yea Forums, folks


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7 day for advocating avoiding black penis


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Sup cracker honkey peckerwood

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no they want to m80 it off and leave a ham sandwich behind

nu-Yea Forums, folks

Oh god its a nigger

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lmao newfag


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nu-Yea Forums, folks

why are you black

>all these multiplats
>not even on xbox x
yeah this nigger has only a basic ps4

ayoo das rite

One of the funniest things is that there is no slur on the planet as strong and hard hitting as nigger

2007 was 12 years ago user

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there are unironically a lot of discord trannies coordinating mini raids on Yea Forums everyday
the scp general fags for example

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>have pilondal cyst from sitting on ass all day
>too lazy to go to doctor so just ocassionally scratch and try to drain at it with fingers
>take a poop
>wipe and poop accidentally gets in opening
>feel really sick now and have already thrown up three times
Fuck bros am I gonna die?

Reminder that if it weren't for being Anonymous, all these angsty posters would be revealed to be Ryan.

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you gotta get piss in it now to sterilize it

Go to sleep Steven

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I once got a 3 day ban for attaching this picture to a random unrelated post on /vg/.
Mods just do whatever the fuck they feel like nowadays.

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I played the Billy Jean on spotify so I could follow along as I read this. Holy shit my sides

this is why the mods need to ban more of these faggots
maybe one day they will get the message

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nu-Yea Forums, folks

Uhhhh lil b literally coined that word you just used and is basically a viper contemporary

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*blocks your path*

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Lil b became unbiased after he got jumped by migos and started posting spongebob porn on his twitter

Excuse me are you trying to imply that EDF fans aren't based?


Lil B is a nigger
Viper is his superior in every way