Games to play when high

Games to play when high

Personally I recommend Paper Mario.

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Is that not gay what Mario is doing?

this image made me feel weird guys :(

Yo is this nigga lighting fludds dick so he can make out with him

Uhuhuhuhuhu dude like...
What if the "Mushrooms" Mario eats dude

What if
What if they're THOSE kind of mushrooms UHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUH


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Crazy taxi
Burnout revenge
Destroy all humans
Spongebob battle for bikini bottom
Maximo ghosts to glory

Everyone I've met that smokes that shit on a regular basis just can't seem to comprehend why I don't smoke it. It's like they can't grasp the concept, like it's just completely foreign to them. Then they start spouting all this shit about how it's some sort of miracle cure that fixes everything.
Why is weed culture so obnoxious?

what a despicable post, image, and filename
can you do anything right?

Those wigger ass kids in high school who listen to mumble rap ruin weeds reputation BIG time



Must be Americans, because I've never encountered that shit.

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New Zealand. All people do here is drink and smoke weed. That's what's considered "culture". I do neither and I'm considered weird because of that

Kula World
the vertigo sensation could be amplified under narcotics and you might die

stoners are addicts, their mind has been hijacked by a substance. You are smart to stay away.

>T. stoner


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>Why is weed culture so obnoxious?
It might be you mate.



epic weed

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Post your controllers. Dont have an actual shot.

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FLUDD is a girl.

I'm afraid literally faggots with a weak mind or no self-control get addicted.

youll cowards dont even smoke crack

what the fuck kind of bong is that? It's got feet and eyes and this is some weird gay shit

racing games are always fun when high, I higly recomend playing trackmania, I play the canyon version, Sonic & all stars racing transformed is also very good, but just stick to what you like.
If you smoke weekly like me, you just know its not that good as the first time, so in that case it doesnt matter what you play. The same happens with alcohol, the first time is amazing, then its just a regular feeling

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oldschool runescape or some other comfy stupid mmo