What vidya are the most rootin' n tootin'

What vidya are the most rootin' n tootin'

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got more of the guy on the right? ;)

Manlets getting absolutely mogged lmao
when will they learn

Realistically what is the manlet cut off point these days?

You're a manlet if you're shorter than the tallest person in the pic/video

All of these guys are gay right? :(

It’s always been 5’9

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God, I hope so

the only guy that should be shirtless is the one on the right, the others need to remember to do pushups because abs without a chest looks like a 12 year old

what if im 5’7

Nice shoop. Cutoff has always been 5'11"

Holy shit I look like that dude on the far right.

Lmao 5’10 spotted

The cutoff is and always will be 6 feet

Nice bro! Can I see your asshole haha?

Reminder that 180cm is NOT 6ft. You're a manlet unless you're over 183cm, which is the real 6ft.

Girl here, for me, you know the only opinion on this you really need to know.. it's anything below 6 foot

well there’s your problem

Didn't know there were "redneck poseurs" on the west coast. Interesting.

>Go ahead and attack me
>Gets attacked

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Got bad news for you.

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I'm sick of this board talking down to people shorter than 6'. Did you know everyone important who ever lived was 5'7? Eat a dick lanklet faggots.

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the adults are talking right now sweaty

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damn no joke i would fuck the gigachad

I'm 5'11" and three-quarters

5'7 is prime adult height, anything more just makes you look like a hideous mutant, enjoy dying young you worthless trash human.

then be my bf

Have you learned?

1 inch under who you ask.

Dilate (seriously, or his gigadick will make you bleed to death)

No I just feel average as hell. Nobody notices my height one way or another

life truly is suffering, I'm the same height. Never take those shoes off

yeah, you need to stick around longer than me bud
thanks for raising my kids ;)


How to get a body like this?

lmao unreal

Real men only seek approval of other men, so you actually might be a woman

In the land of the small, you are the king of manlets

>Real men.. seeking approval
okay beta

Is that kid rock?