Dragon Quest

Dragon Quest thread. Whatcha playing at the moment?

I picked DQ4 up again, and I have no idea where to go since I haven't played in forever. My hero is level 18, the party is together, and there's a red X on a circle of mountains in the south east corner. Any clue what I'm supposed to do next, or what info I can give to find out?

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ive dropped that game 6 times at tornkekos chapter. god that shit sucks and i cant stand it enough to keep going. currently on post game stuff for VIII and playing builders 2 casually

How is builders 2? I was thinking of grabbing it for the switch.

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The demo was great fun. But ran like absolute shit on the switch. Didn't buy it for that reason.

Trying to platinum Heroes 2 before replaying 4 through to 9 in prep for XI on Switch.

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im playing it on switch and enjoying it, although just in the farm island i already have bad frame issues with the amount of stuff built in a concentrated area. would strongly recommend the ps4 version if possible


>for the switch


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>The demo was great fun. But ran like absolute shit on the switch. Didn't buy it for that reason.

Bullshit. Runs like a boss pick up the game snoy boys are mad it's selling better on switch

im playing it on the switch, if my mom didnt shit up the hard drive on the ps4 then i would have that version. runs ok for the most part, but try looking up while wlaking or building too much. lag town

I don't want to burn out so I'm just patiently waiting for XI on Switch.

Frames go under 20 too consistently, and only on the tiny demo island too. Nobody that I know has told me that the full game runs any better.

really good, I just play it in handheld tho bc it has a bad framerate docked

I was playing DQ5 on mobile but I lost 5 hours of grinding because lolmobile and now I don't want to go back to it. I don't have another DQ machine besides my shitty laptop, which game should I play now?

Yggdrasil is there and you need a hot air balloon to get there, I forget the exact reason but I recall you go there after zenithia? I recall having the dragon npc at that point.

that happened to me with the gbc version of 3. im playing it on a gba sp, and the light was green when it decided to die without warning

I vaguely remember the world map opening up for me and not knowing what to do and quitting. I googled it and I definitely have not beaten the big bad yet.
Get back on that horse man. It sucks, but now at least you'll be more careful about saving. Treat it like a (horrible) learning experience.

>but now at least you'll be more careful about saving
that's the thing, I did save. I even loaded that save earlier, but then it crashed and I was back at a previous save, not even the last one, it sent me like 5 saves back. I'm at the same point (zenithia tower), but I lost 5 hours of grinding for a king cureslike and my golem

yeah that hapenned to me with the mobile version of 2. thats why i dropped it, because fuck everything about 2 it isnt good enough for me to re-grind so cannock can still die to a monkey

oh, that's some bullshit

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Yeah, I booted up the game just now and my save is at endgame, the quick save was right before fighting the final boss.
The X was there at that time too, I think for the most part the x is just always there whenever you dont have a real objective, I wish I could tell you more. If you dont have a shop yet wander until you can get one, if you do sail around until you find other shit.
You should have gotten leads on zenithian gear, you need to find all of it. DQ4 doesnt have a very complicated map you typically cant even reach any locations until you actually need to be there from what I remember.

Tried playing the first one, drop it everytime after a few minutes


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first one is an old and outdated game. only reason to touch it is for nostalgia or historical purposes

Dunno I don't like skipping parts, does the first trilogy even matter?

user, what is the stuff you post exactly?
I really enjoyed Hyadain's Royal Straight Flush btw

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none of them are connected except for tiny references in item flavor or people mentioned in history cutscenes. 3 is the first game in the series with a standard jrpg feel to it. after 3, 6 is the only bad game and 10 is japan only

I enjoyed 1.

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it isnt a bad game by any means, but it lacks depth or critical thought. you grind for money, buy weapons, move to next town to grind for new weapons so you can go to another new town and so on. and the fights are just slugfests with healmore thrown in between

I just got the ship in DQ 8 and everywhere I go including the ship itself has really strong monsters that kill me way faster than anything before.I am level 23-21 am I under leveled or is this just a difficulty spike?

Already I'll try 3, I'll probably go back if I become a fan or something

go to the continent with argonia on it. its on the southwest part of the map. the first enemies you see should be yellow dudes with katanas. there is a bit of a spike with those enemies but it shouldnt be massive.

it's an outdated game for sure, but it feels like a real adventure where you have to struggle to survive while scouring a dangerous world for a way to save it
the fact that you don't have a party and little things like how battles have a popup on the map with the monster instead of a separate battle instance help it feel quite unique, despite all the derivatives that the game spawned

What is this?

Been playing DQ3 on GBC, and just about ready to fight Zoma. I've got a warrior, mage, and cleric in my party. What class changes are good for them? I've waited to do so because I wanted to get all their spells first.

i like turning casters into fighters so that they have a high crit rate and massive speed to cast healing spells if needed asap

It's been ages since I played 3, but I don't remember doing anything too crazy, just making a mage into a sage.

Playing Builders 2 and got to the point that I have to build the big tavern. One question I have is; does the town border expand more or this is it? I was curious as the placement of the big tavern/bar means I have to destroy the bathrooms I had placed near the bell, and was starting to lose space for all the miners and myself.

i think there is more verticality in this game. i havent tested it, but i think you can build higher up to layer rooms better than 1

I know about the higher blocking, but what I meant was does the mining town get bigger or is the spot for the new tavern the only expansion? It was starting to get cramped since I made two forges for the smithy, and then the special room for Babs to finally get her into the bunnygirl outfit. And with like 16 miners, the social bedroom is crowded as fuck when including the non-burly dudes and yourself.

what do i have to name dragon quest V snes to get retroarch to scan it? i have it in the folder and scan the directory, but it doesnt show on the list of games

Playan DQ Theatrhythm on Citra and have no clue what i'm constantly unlocking. The tracks are gud shit though, as one can expect from DQ

got it working, now i just need to figure out where retroarch stores save files so i can transfer my PC playthrough to my vita

I'm playing 2 and about to cave and use a guide to finish because I'm bored and lost despite taking notes my whole journey
Where do I go after getting the false idol from volcano?
I'm missing one sigil
I have Sun, star, moon, and heart
Am I a loser if I use a guide now?
Will anons judge me?

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People toldme the mobile ports were good but DQ1 is hurting my eyes and I can't get used to the control. also this localization is retarded, as an ESL it's really annoying to read this old english shit

2 is a real piece of work, and depending what version cryptic as fuck(nes). i wouldnt feel bad about it because that game overstays its welcome

got everything to work. now my vita has a purpose again, although using the same methods i just cant get vita retroarch to scan DQ3 into it.

non-shitty handheld version of DQ8 with extra content when


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Thinking of starting DQ VII. Do you guys recommend the orchestra patch for 3DS? Or maybe Joker2/3.

orchestra for sure

Reminder that we're gonna get Monsters news in a few days during DQ Summer Festival

incredible, but a huge time sink
only play if you got hours to burn

Hard to put it down but I hope you can stomach N64 framerate