Nier Automata

What's the appeal to this game?

The gameplay? The story? The atmosphere? The characters?

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Endearing and likable characters, excellent soundtrack, a unique story for a videogame, genuinely good gameplay. And Dat ass.

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the gameplay, the story, the atmosphere, the characters

just ass

I'd rather play the original nier or even drakengard for everything else

1. Music

2. Overall lore and world building (characters, setting, organizations/factions)

3. Side-Quest writing

4. Just running around at the speed of sound. The basic movement is fun as you run far above human limits in a seemingly realistic setting. Dashing/Air-dash like Mega Man X helps this feeling.

5. The overall story is kind of cool.

6. The combat is ok, I guess.

Everything is good. Combat can become repetitive though

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ass and that's it.
the gameplay is especially trash.

move Dat ass to the front and replace good with bad. then your post is perfection.

This is why you never question Yea Forums on Nier Automata. You either get this incel shit, or contrarian "it sucks" posts.

>What's the appeal to this game?
It makes people feel smart despite the story being philosophy 101
it's also pretty easy since the gameplay is basically attack dodge attack dodge.
the waifubait character helps a lot too.
It's NOT a bad game but if you agree with pic related you're just a pseudo intellectual

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the post asks the appeal. that's the only thing about the game that appeals because it's a mediocre game.

You're a mediocre person. I'm shocked I allow your comment to appear on my screen long enough for a reply.

it does suck tho. it's mechanically a bad game.
any game with multiple scripted events and cutscenes interrupting every boss fight is trash.

hot robot ass

the same appeal to any game with shit combat and great character design. Artwork.
Overwatch fan art is more popular than the fucking game.

Correct, Nier is a bad game, but a good anime-movie.

woh there resetERA, hol up

i feel like a lot of people just got hung up on the feelings they got through the credits and acted as if that made up for the whole game. You nailed it, not a bad game at all, but not really a masterpiece in all these ways.

Even if you like NA, you see almost all posts about it referring to 2B's ass. That's fine on /e/, but to see EVERY discussion about the game instantly become that is some real incel shit. ...Real incel shit.

I like because 2b is hot and looks older than 9S.

>genuinely good gameplay

ahh yes I love all flash and no substance
I love enemies who just stand around while you spam dodge forever

2B is definitely 9S's autism-chaperone. She's there to take him back to his parents if he spergs out too much.

It’s a meme you dense faggot

Go ahead and miss me with that gay ass weeb shit

The only reason the game is open world at all is so you have to spend more time running around, which means more time seeing 2B's ass in motion. Removing the open world would make the gameplay 1000 times better

you came to this board for serious discussion?
NA has any depth worth discussing outside of her asshole?

No (You)
>Hide post

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Right and wrong, as the raw movement around the open world was made fun by the variable speed running, and the dash/air dash mechanic. The biggest issue was really the load times on console for fast-travel.

>hurr it's the butt
OneeChanbara & Senran Kagura was tits and ass galore and they never sold even half what Nier 2 did. The game had more going for it than a butt

Yet OneeChanbara is a better hack and slash game.

it's a good anime with tasteful ass shots. no one posts game play because it's dull.

characters > story > music > atmosphere > gameplay

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no one posts game play because Yea Forums would rather talk about twitter screenshots than video games.

the characters were garbage

you can go to the catalog and see that you're wrong but ok

So the game didn't appeal to you. OP asked what the appeal was. Therefore, your opinion means nothing.

Story is okay but it's mostly just for the ass. Gameplay is pretty bland since enemies basically do nothing. Even Gestalt/Replicant was better than Automata and that game was beyond braindead.

Did they ever fix the PC version?



The story most of all. Music and atmosphere are god-tier.
Gameplay's well above average but compared to other Platinum games or something like Ninja Gaiden/DMC it's not stellar.
Characters are alright. I was more interested in the events surrounding them than the actors themselves. 9S was pretty interesting near the end though.

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They never fixed either version. they both suffer from severe glitches, constant frame drops & horrible optimisation. the FAR mod makes the PC version slightly better but not anywhere near acceptable.

Ass and grinding, two things that exemplifies modern gaming

The matters is how studios spice it up so shit wouldn't be monotonous

I'd say it's a good example of games as art, mostly because it was pretty creative with how it presented itself. Fixed camera angles in certain areas, playing off of you distrusting devola and popola if you played the first game, and multiple joke endings is a fun idea.

Normalfaggots only gave the game attention because of 2B, but the main appeal for people who give a shit about video games is the story
Original Nier is still better

The asses


It did, but the characters are shit. Especially compared to the original.

I don't think he'll be involved in a game better than Nier. I really want to see what taro would try in a multiplayer game though

How can a single post be so fucking wrong

Its shit. Just jack off to the porn and save money.

all of the above

an action RPG with shmup elements, and a bizzare story that pushes NGE like existentialism philosophy... and really, it's a game about robots that has more soul than most other games out there.

It's weird how vocals sung in a total gibberish language (what the singer imagined a language might be like after thousands of years of blending all the languages on the planet together and civilization falling apart) still manage to grab you

>The game is pretty bland
>Like the carnival part
>It's a really short segment, the hours after that are again bland
>Drop it
The combat isn't anything good, it's annoying that the enemies are the same color as the sand so when the camera pans out, you can barely see them
The writing so far felt like someone read a few Wikipedia pages on existentialism and at parts feels like it's a fucking meme
>You have to have a high IQ to fully appreciate Nier Automata

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resetera loves this incel shit

This post is some real Resetera shit.

He's right, though. It's fine to jack off to 2B but let's not pretend it's a good game.

>seething tranny upset that Taro's ass game made more than their walking simulator

My favorite part is the philosophical storytelling. The gameplay is satisfying as well, most of the characters are well written, and the open world is serviceable. Overall just a really solid game

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gee i wonder.

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