Why isn't Switch getting any relevant 3rd party games? Why did Japan abandon it?
Why isn't Switch getting any relevant 3rd party games? Why did Japan abandon it?
None of those games are relevant, people forgot about them after a month & went back to circlejerking the same games they always have
Literally a remake
Good game should be on switch
lol shitty flight sim for ppl who like boring shit
Oh boy another gay souls clone
Based. The only real games are bing bing wahoo and bing bing level editor.
BOTW is the greatest game ever made and now it's getting a sequel. Cope.
It hasn't
Most of those games were in development Prior to the Switch's announcement, the only exception being Sekiro.
I wager a lot more third party support will likely come to the Switch in the next year or so from Japan given that it's now the system with the largest installbase there among the modern systems.
After the WiiU failed I doubt developers were confident in the switch. Also its Hardware limitations make it where many games intended for the ps4 and xbone just can't be ran on the switch.
Based. Generic open world shit is ok when Nintendo does it.
This is what Nintenfags say every year. What's funny is that even Stadia is getting more 3rd parties now than Switch.
Switch is shitch
>E3 2019
>Elden Ring not on Soitch
>Tales of Arise not on Soitch
>FFVIIR not on Soitch
Hilarious how much Jap devs hate that plastic bing bing tablet
Why is Japan so unstoppable this year?
Should the west just give up?
So so glad i finally got into ys my god
So kino and FUN amd the ost and characters are excellent.
Name one game that did it open world better than BOTW.
Pro-tip: CAN'T
Even multiplats now suffer badly. You get to pick a low rez low framerate option for portability. Imagine the disparity when ps5 and nextbox are out.
Japs have finally been catching up on the HD meme in the last six years since graphics are just going to stagnate from this point forward anyway with technology only "improving" for the sake of completely useless lighting effects
They're the only ones making real games and not just platform to sell microtransactions and DLC.
why are you posting xbox games?
>MK11 and Crash Team Racing, two of the best sellers this year are both on Switch
I dunno.
Also, RE2, KH3, and DMCV were all in development LONG before the Switch was a thing.
Just Cause 2
Nintendo consoles can't even run 2d games
Nintendo fans are retarded and should commit suicide
>Post black man hand to get replies
Stadia is getting 3rd party support from AAA publishers who assume that Google will pump its infinite money into it, and don't remember how many products Google has dropped support for.
This is like Borderlands 2 on Vita. IT was there but nobody understood that it was going to flop when they pitched in support.
PUblishers and devs generally go where there's already momentum. The Switch was behind the PS4 up until this year, so most Japanese devs didnt really have an incentive to sell their game on it, especially if their game was designed to appeal to the world wide market like MHW or Sekiro or KH3.
I imagine the Switch will get at least a 3DS level of support in Japan in the middle-phase of its life-cycle that we're entering. Probably not DS, it's hard to imagine any system hitting DS levels of support
It's coming to your shitty tablet. Albeit in the worst version possible.
solid game? sure. does not even scrape top ten for me though, and if it didnt say zelda on the box it wouldnt be anyones top game of all time
Yeah, but now it's a bit different since the prediction isn't "3rd party japanese devs will bet on the Switch's future success" and it's now "3rd party japanese devs will see the Switch's existing success as the system with the largest installbase in Japan"
One is an expectation of people acting on uncertain information, and the other is an expectation of people acting on absolute information
Shit. BOTW made a breakthrough and turned a once shitty genre into gold. Just Shit 2 belongs in a dumpster.
It's a good bet that some of those games will likely get a Switch port a year or so down the line. Naturally, the ports will look and play like ass, but hey, who's keeping score?
You're getting it on your shitty tablet, albeit in the worst version possible.
Tech stagnation does benefit Jap devs because they have less resources for R&D. Now it's all about who designs the best games which is advantageous to Japs because this basically returns balance to PS2 era. Also most devs have engines now fit for the x86 standard which allows more time on the actual games even when generations shift.
Are you seriously suggesting that Witcher 3 is better than BOTW? Are you high?
Witcher 3's open world is basically just fluff between the actual points of interest, BOTW at least used its open world in interesting ways such that navigating it and exploring it required concentration and preparation.
BOTW has issues but it is the only game that actually use its open-world in a way that I found impressive since New Vegas
>in Japan
When will retards realize publishers aren't focused on selling their game in just one nation? This is a global business and only a retard dev would choose Switch over the collective install base of PS4-Xbone-PC.
MHW is proof enough that Jap sales barely matter these days. And is also the reason Capcom will never prioritize Switch over any other platform again.
The problem is that Nintendo made another underpowered gimmicky console.
You can only downgrade so far.
Shut the fuck up
Because not every studio is attached to a big publisher that can afford to market their game to the international audience.
Not to mention that it's not like Switch games would cost the same to make as PS4/Xbone/PC games.
The ideal scenario for the Switch is turning to a DS-style of attraction for third parties by being the spot to go if you have an idea that's lower budget and you don't want it to get crowded out by bigger title releases
>witcherfag mad that his game is a standard WRPG with an open-world that shares more in common with Inquisition
Witcher3 had good writing but none of that solid narrative ever really interacted or made use of the over-world
>MHW is proof enough that Jap sales barely matter these days. And is also the reason Capcom will never prioritize Switch over any other platform again.
Sure, but that hardly means that every Capcom game is going to be AAA all the time. If it does, then that doens't exactly bode well since it could lead to the same pitfalls that AAA Western companies fell to
BOTW did not impress me but then I have no childhood nostalgia for Zelda.
>make game that pushes the PS4
>congratulations now you have to port it to this tablet
It can be done I guess but why?
I was kind of the opposite
I was really impressed with BOTW cause it did things mechanically that I hadn't really seen before in an action/adventure game. But all the stuff with the timeline or different races didnt really do much for me cause the only zelda games I played before were Majora's Mask and Oracle of Seasons.
That's not what's happening though.
P* is just making an new game designed specifically to run on the Switch instead.
Which is honestly the ideal scenario. After all, without the DS being weird and gimmicky, we wouldnt have gotten Layton, TWEWY, Ghost Trick or Rhythm Heaven.
I want the DS to kick off an A-budget game renaissance. Won't happen unless the thing sells gangbusters though, but it's nice to dream
>seething this hard about his no games tablet device
>no games
it has more solid-looking exclusives coming out this year than either of the other two consoles, so I think it's doing fine.
>getting this angry that AAA garbage is what determines the future of games on his console
>this year
the other two consoles have been shitting out games for 6 years now and are at the end of their lives, hooo booy the toddler tablet is now finally releasing shit, but will soon be down right prehistoric once the new consoles drop next year.
>projecting anger onto someone else
have sex
I fucking hate that Ace Combat is now being used for console wars and I want you all to kill yourselves
Because the hardware SUCKS. It sucks, it sucks, it sucks. No one wants to downgrade the WHOLE GAME so it runs on a fisher-price tablet.
Just shows it's relevant enough for that now.
So glad these games are not stuck on the snoycensored 4. It's about time the elevens wake up and realize that supporting only snoy is causing more harm than good.
based retard
I didnt really like zelda beforehand besides LTTP and Majora's but I wound up enjoying BoTW.
Thread should've stopped here.
go back to watching your $60 dollar movies with ocassionally pressing 1 or 2 buttons snoynigger
MK11 plays like shit on Switch
>flight sim
imagine being this fucking stupid
>tfw the switch is going to become the benchmark for japanese devs now and multiplats are gonna look uglier
It's the price of success
don't respond to bait
because it's a pain in the ass to port to since it's such garbage.
Dear God, I just love knowing how traumatised you are by Nintendo. Its honestly hilarious.
STALKER is objectively the best open world game of all time
I own a PS4 and a Switch. Fuck me the PS4 was a waste of money. The games are shit.
I haven't played any games on that list except the original RE2 from 2 decades ago. None of them looked that interesting to me. And, as time always shows, I was right because people stopped talking about them after a few weeks. Shit, for Ace Combat 7, I saw more threads about that fucking dog that was memorialized in it than I did about the actual game.
BOTW is only in the top-200 because it was a Switch early release title. If it came out today, it would not gain any traction.
Why doesn't OP come up with better bait? Did your parents abandon you?
Stadia is a really, really great platform -- except for the streaming shit. If it were a real console where the games were stored locally but maintained all the features (particularly in terms of programming/porting), it'd be solid gold. But it loses 100 points for the streaming meme.
>Games only relevant if they please the journos
No seriously, in the age where you can easily look up gameplay videos and download demos in matter of seconds and ability to refund everything with a few clicks, who the fuck look up game ratings anymore?
The Switch came on the heels of the turbulent Wii U generation. If they can maintain momentum, they will carry that momentum into their next console and it will sell boat loads on day 1 with tons of 3rd party support out the door. 3rd parties held back for the Switch due to the Wii U stigma. It will be interesting to see a Nintendo console with huge 3rd party support again.
Snoybois in meltdown. PS4 is dead. No more games coming. Sales falling off a cliff.
Meanwhile Switch sales are through the roof. Hardware revisions will boost sales even more. Absolutely tons of superb games coming over the next few weeks and months.
Feels good.
The Switch is not in direct competition with PlayStation, Xbox, or PC. Also, PC doesn't compete with any of those either. They're completely different demographics. The only ones that are competing for the same customer base are PlayStation and Xbox.
then why bring up how many exclusives it has vs the other two, dipshit?
PS4 is at the end of it's life and people are probably holding out for PS5 since it's now publicly shilled. PS4 is good for a huge current library of discounted games that are perfectly serviceable. But that's if you just have money to burn. Waiting for the PS5 is the wise financial choice.
That, and everyone that wanted a PS4 already has one. This is actually a point that I just don't understand. How are they selling so many fucking PS4s after 7 years? Are you people just spilling beer and shit on them and having to buy replacements? There can't possibly be THAT many people that are buy a PS4 for the first time 7 years after it was released.
And good for Nintendo. I am happy to see them doing well. They work hard and make the best in-house games that any gamer could ask for, bing-bing-wahoo and all. I respect them a lot more than Sony and want to see them shove that censorship down Sony's throat.
Stop making console war threads.
First off, I never said anything about exclusives. Secondly, why bring up exclusives at all like they're some sort of advantage? You should be boycotting that anti-consumer bullshit.
>You should be boycotting that anti-consumer bullshit.
Exclusives are anti-consumer now? Fucking kek the internet was a mistake.
Because they want to work on hardware that isnt from 2012.
The only games the switch is getting in terms of third party are old ports of games that look and play better on Xbox 1, PS4 and PC, and other multiplats that look and play better on Xbox 1, PS4, PC. There are also Indies which are cheaper and come out far sooner on pc and often other competing platforms and the occasional port of an NES game. I mean, it's fucking NES, that's not really daring of Nintendo is it? Microsoft don't have anywhere near as a strong a legacy as Nintendo, yet they've made the effort to include a very decent share of their previous two systems hits, including every 90+ metacritic x360 game that's not a license nightmare like Guitar hero or a sports franchise.
Where is this on Switch? Is it not an untapped gold mine? Are Nintendo not charging you a sum to play online every year for relatively meagre services compared to both their competitors?
Mario Maker, Astral Chain and Sword and Shield are what I consider the consoles latter half year big exclusives to watch out for, which are honestly a pretty decent selection, all concerns about SW/SH put aside temporarily for the fact that it's a pokemon game and will thus attract a very large market. But honestly, even factoring the portability the console, if you by a multiplat game on Switch, and try to actively promote your favourite videogame companies console for it on Yea Forums, you're almost indisputably a diehard, braindead nintendo shill.
So you're saying it wouldn't benefit the consumer at all if they only needed to buy one console to have access to all games? It's not feasible for sure, at least with first party titles, but it sure as shit isn't good for the consumer.
GTA San Andreas
Exclusives are used to force consumers to buy 2-3 different consoles if they want to play all the games that would otherwise be multi-platform. Console people don't see it because they were raised with that bullshit. Ask a PC gamer instead. You're getting fucked up the ass by Sony and MS.
I honestly can't remember Nintendo doing an exclusive in the last 2 decades since their hardware gimmicks usually make it impossible to port games to a traditional console. Any exclusives they get are publisher preference and not bought-and-paid-for by Nintendo.
bing bing wahoo
Switch is weaker than budget chinkphones. Why aren't chinkphones getting AAA game ports?
imagine thinking a flight sim is somehow entertaining
i bet like to play fishing games too
Stop making console war threads.
You aren't "forced" to do a fucking thing, entitled plebs.
Oh? If you want some Froot Loops, and but I am the only milk merchant and charge $50 per gallon, you're not forced to eat them dry or not at all. And yet, you only have 1 option if you want to eat them the correct way. Almost as if you were ... forced.
Because it is a handheld.
I mean there was that whole deal with Nintendo buying up the rights to Bayonetta 2, and they've had some sort of exclusivity deal with Atlus for SMT for a while now, but aside from those Nintendo doesn't have a lot of 3rd party exclusives.
Atlus is an interesting beast. They don't have any exclusive deals. Not with Sony, or Nintendo. They're just really fucking stubborn. Or loyal. Something. It's a mystery to me why they are just throwing money down the toilet by not porting more of their games when they're under no obligation not to.
>switch gets these games
>Yea Forums just starts screeching "port machine" instead
the switch joycons wouldn't survive a sekiro playthrough
Because fuck Jewtendo
Switch is barely more powerful than a X360 the real games as always go to Sony
>switch gets doom eternal
>it doesn't count/ inferior version / port machine
>switch doesn't get [third party game]
>switch is dead no 3rd party support!
>the real games as always go to Sony
What are you playing the rest of this year?
What are you playing next year?
PS5 will be the final nail in Shitch's coffin. The fisher price tablet struggles to run HEAVILY downgraded current gen games, all support will dry up next year because there's no way in hell it can run next gen games
Why do you expect every single game to be released on a handheld? Instead of multiplats (which are all better on PC), Switch gets exclusives
>3DS still being bought
>probably by late buyers who like the library
not bad, for all things considered (especially when you put it side by side with the Vita)
You mean "AAA" garbage games? Because no one besides braindead Sonyfucks and XBots give a shit about bad games like that.
Too bad the Switch is still a pile of goddamn shit that should die along with PS and XBox. Games belong on the PC and shitty style-over-substance shitgames, especially "AAA" shitgames, should die as well.
Remember a while back, all those pictures of switches with cracks in them from fatties gripping their switches too hard because Odyssey was kicking their ass? Yeah...
PlayStation does not compete with Nintendo. It's 2 completely different demographics. One is a mobile hybrid, one is a DialitionStation.
Its exclusives are second rate trash aside from Mario and Zelda as always there's nothing else
>RE2make, Sekiro, DMC V
these games would run like absolute dog ass on the switch
>Kingdom Hearts 3
Shit game
>Ace Combat
I don't care enough about Ace Combat to argue for or against it
The only reason people buy multiplats on the switch is if they are easy to run on the hardware. No one owns a Switch and nothing but a Switch. If you don't have a PC, Xbox, or PS4 you deserve to miss good games once in a while.
Honestly, it doesn’t matter. There’s no games on the Switch and it still sells like hot cakes. I don’t understand it. I hear Switch owners ask me if I’ve played the new Donkey Kong, you know the one that came out 5 years ago? Most of them didn’t even know the Wii U existed, which baffles me. These are people who consider themselves Nintendo fans but ignored an entire console.
I love my Switch, but I have to admit it's probably due to hardware configuration/SDK difference, THIS DOES NOT MEAN OVERALL HARDWARE POWER... games like DOOM proves otherwise, but most companies often do not want to make specific versions for a system as that requires extra time and money to make, so they make something that is easily interchangeable, like PS4, Xbox and PC. Unless a company wants a Switch port, it's probably going to be on the other 3 first (and probably only.) The Switch is pretty decent for a handheld system, but it's specifications is quite different.
RDR2 and Dying Light.
Zelda is great, but those games made me feel so immersed in the world.
>Why isn't Switch getting any relevant 3rd party games?
I bought a Wii U year 1 and I enjoyed it, but most people thought it was only a controller upgrade because of the shitty marketing (10 year olds acting...), terrible name, and the fact that it only showed the controller. It kept marketing itself as an "upgrade" and not a new console.
>there's nothing else
Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing: New Horizons
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Steamworld Quest
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
>Omega Labyrinth Life
>No More Heroes 3
>Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega39’s
Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
And more to be announced
Nice 3DS port
You've been saying the Switch would fail for THREE YEARS now lmao
Yay! I'm going to buy an 800$ console that will have maybe 2 games at launch with no backwards compatability. Buy an Xbox Scarlett 'tard. That shit is going to be the bomb, and it comes with a new Master Chief story at launch.
If I see that "the one game" post where it only explains how Super Mario Odyssey is "the one game", I'm going to show them this list, that way they cannot refute back as the list is far to big, thanks user!
I am so exited for Astral Chain.
Me too, hey OP should I buy the PS4 version instead?
Still has more replayability than World
You're welcome fellow Switchchad
>he doesn't know
Astral Chain is a Nintendo owned IP
*too big. Spelling is atrocious today...
>Game I dont like
>Game I dont like
>Game I like
>Game I dont like
>Game I dont like
Kill yourself.