In the event that WoW classic flops (which is unlikely) is Blizzard completely fucked?
Overwatch is in life support, Hearthstone and Diablo are completely dead, and they don't have anything else coming up.
In the event that WoW classic flops (which is unlikely) is Blizzard completely fucked?
Overwatch is in life support, Hearthstone and Diablo are completely dead, and they don't have anything else coming up.
Other urls found in this thread:
>which is unlikely
It will flop, give it a couple months for the initial hype to wear off.
They could remaster Diablo 2 (aka graphical improvements while fucking everything else up) and a bunch of retards will still buy it because Blizzard.
I doubt it will, wowtards are the closest thing to actual drug addicts in gaming.
Remember all those 'home' threads we were getting spammed with? Yeah.
No shit the initial hype will die off and anyone who expects anyone who started WoW in Wrath or after to actually stick to it when they realize how long it will take them to get the max level are insane.
Will it flop though?
Fuck no.
All they'd have to do is actually support a resolution above 640x360 & framerate above 24 fps.
Blizzard is moving into games as a service. Look at Diablo immortal. You may not like it, but this is what peak revenue looks like. Before you know it, Blizzard will be selling gacha to weebs and be back to making billion dollars / year
MMOs have always been games as a service...
Isn't hearthstone a gacha?
HS is slightly more of a game than gachas
It is a flop because they expected it to be much more popular. They thought they would somewhat revitalize WoW with normalfags, but all they're doing is adding a second money sink for some of their whales.
it will flop wow tards are the biggest idiots they are like sluts and be told what they like and dont like
If they remastered Diablo 2 and released a new expansion pack for it that included a new act, runewords, and uniques, they'd sell millions to nostalgic 30 somethings if it was made in the same engine. Hell, I'd buy the fuck out of it even though I hate nu-Blizzard. The nostalgic boomer in me just couldn't resist it.
Which only makes it that much more of a flop. Without a prominent cash shop, the whales won't stick around for long.
Blizzard is finished
Blizz is fucked and its good for the mmo genre for this shit to die off so we can finally get some innovation.
I will play classic for a few months to level and then grief normies and blizzdrones until I get bored
i hope it does flop so activision blizzard puts all there games on steam!
also is activision blizzard the american equivalent of square enix?
OW2 and D4 hype can keep the stock from freefall
I don't think it will flop per se but it's splitting their current playerbase in two and as you say classic won't have a cash shop so you're splitting your playerbase between a hardcore mode that's harder to monetize (and people will drop like flies) and your current game.
Players are leaving retail wow anyway so it is better to keep some of them than watching them go to other games.
>Want to play a game to scratch that MMO itch that FFXI left on me
>Realize WoW classic is coming out
>Get a bit hyped
>Start looking up information about classes and shit
>Decide on playing either a Shaman or a Warlock
>"CLASSIC SUMMER" is announced
>Get a bit more hyped
>Release date is right at the end of fucking summer
>I went back to college two years ago, can't fully commit to WoW for more than a week
This is just punishment for being retarded years ago.
Have fun guys, gonna have to sit this one down.
This is the biggest problem with classic wow imo
Literally who the fuck has all that time to play wow anymore?
I guess boomers that are not studying and just working have more time than me.
I'd have been okey with having a month or two to play, but I guess I am not gonna be able to even get past level 10 before I go back to class.
I hope the game succeeds, or in the very least I hope you guys have fun with it.
Shaman or Warlock? Which one is more fun, guys?
But as soon as people start to lose interest they'll deploy TBC servers. The nostalgia train will never stop
They will also charge 15 dollars per character if you want to upgrade from vanilla
Nothing is gonna happen even if it flops, they are probably counting on it only lasting like 2~3 months and have plans for both cases
they might do something like that only it will be phone only of course
>Mfw I can play at work during winter due to the downtime
Diablo 2's longevity subsisted mostly on the grind in order to become competitive at fast paced PvP, though. You can't really do that very well on phones but nu-Blizz developers probably never played D2, anyway.
Even if Classic does do well they're still not doing great. Half the games they have out right now have given up on bringing in new players and resorted to whaling, and the games they can't whale are either dead or dying. It's gotten to the point where I'm expecting Diablo 4 to have loot boxes or some way to improve your gear that encourages spending money.
>Overwatch is in life support, Hearthstone and Diablo are completely dead,
Do we have any numbers on this?
Is there a statement about their target audience for classic? First I thought its end-20s like me who played the original but then again I won't play it and neither will any of my friends. Not enough time.
I remember reading hearthstone lost like 50% of its playerbase due to how bad the lasts xpacs were. Diablo was never alive and Overwatch is more of a feel thing.
Overwatch is doing fine, it's probably not doing well because of GOATS but it's far from dying.
Hearthstone is losing players and their content creators are jumping ship because of a combination of extremely high cost to entry and an unbearably shit meta. Not dead but they're definitely bleeding.
Diablo 3's been skeleton crewed for a while and Diablo Immortal was panned so hard they haven't talked about it at all since Blizzcon. Safe to assume it's dead.
Anyone who wants to try it out for $15. Also there are so many people who have played WoW and quit over the past 15 years, it's a call to try and reel those back into the Blizzard ecosystem who haven't played a Blizzard game in years.
Diablo Immortal is dead on the west, that's for sure.
Chinaman subhumans will still eat it up and ask for seconds.
That's what you get to be a normie, NEET master race will have all the glory.
But being serious, don't waste your time on WoW, not even classic. It's pointless. Just do something else with your life.
Literal boomer dad here, gonna be putting a couple of hours per week into it probably, do some 5-10 mans, get some gear, pvp.
I don't fool myself I'll be able to commit to raiding, maybe a bit, but nothing serious. I'm actually ok with this, putting insane hours into this game again - no fucking thanks.
People who jump in and out of blizz games (so most of the wow playerbase) plus zoomers who want to be cool like Asmongold.
You realize playing 2 hours a week it'll probably take you about a year just to hit 60, right?
Blizzard doesn't care if classic tanks. Its just a nice pet project/ PR stunt.
Where's the hardcore players- let's correlate these numbers with expansions and in store shops and whatnot.
Activision Blizzard Annual Net Income
(Millions of US $)
2018 $1,813
2017 $273
2016 $962
2015 $881
2014 $817
2013 $987
2012 $1,125
2011 $1,069
2010 $414
2009 $112
2008 $-107
2007 $227
2007 $86
>Hearthstone dead
Hearthstone isn't dead, it still has a very active player base. It's just people aren't spending as much money as they did and several big streamers have moved on to fucking auto-chess.
>and they don't have anything else coming up.
>136k viewers
I fully realize I'll not be at the front of the leveling/progress wave, probably not even the average, and I'm okay with that. Also, it'll probably be more than 2 hrs/week, yes.
People who are addicted to WoW, believe it or not, are still playing the current game.
If you're an actual addict you aren't capable of breaking off from the game no matter how bad it gets.
>several big streamers have moved on to fucking auto-chess.
I don't blame them, why give Blizzard a pile of money every 3-4 months for all the cards in the new shit expansion when they can play Auto-Chess for free and get way more viewers?
I personally can't wait for Heroes of the Auto Chess in 2022
Fashionably on time to the trend as always
>having a massive player spike and then a large downturn is "flopping"
I guess every multiplayer game released is a flop too
TFT only enjoys high viewer numbers on Twitch because League streamers can finally stream something that isn't fucking LoL without losing their braindead viewers.
That time Blizzard had a few League personalities play HotS for charity after they revamped the game made it very apparent that League streamers are miserable and wish they could play anything else without losing money
>If you're an actual addict you aren't capable of breaking off from the game no matter how bad it gets.
People break free from addictions then get roped back into them all the time. And of course people are able to quit if the quality of the heroin keeps degrading again and again over multiple years
It's a dead company already. It's just coasting on momentum.
Warlock or Shaman?
>massive player spike
You wish
I feel bad for the League streamers man, that category is rabid with people who will abandon you the second you stop playing their game so they're stuck playing a game they hate.
You'll have to see but I'm going warlock after years as a shadowpriest
This. Literally just had like 5 of my friends come back to retail because they were bored, all it takes is one to resub and they all come back to grind mythic+ and complain how awful the classes are.
Wow players will keep relapsing pretty much until the game dies.
Class design hasn't been in a genuinely good spot since MoP.
They had bouts of good ideas like Gladiator Warrior but naturally were completely incapable of capitalizing on them.
I will never not be mad about what they did to Glad Warrior. It was good for one raid and then they killed it because they didn't want to outshine Fury and Arms.
what do you think the whole point of layering is dumbass
Funnily enough two of the biggest ex Hearthstone streamers said by far HS viewers are the worst because they will drop you instantly as soon as you play something else.
I think it's a personality issue more than a game issue. Many of the league streamers are boring as shit and just get views because they're skilled. The fun ones like T1 actually get more viewers when not playing League
I plan to take a week off, but I'm honestly not sure what's going to happen if I end up falling that far behind.
Private servers were aids if you fell behind. Too many bored 60s camping every zone.
To cute costs, retard.
>random bullshit alexensual youtube screenshot
picture and opinion: discarded
god damn you're dumb
The game will be profitable after the first couple of months. Do you really think blizzard doesn't expect a massive player drop in the second and especially third months. If that was enough to flop the game then they wouldn't even be releasing it.
>he thinks Classic wow has more players than WoW actually had on launch
blizzdrones sure are delusional.
That's completely reasonable.
This picture is a bit outdated since Assmongoloid went crawling back to BFA and is now praising it as superior to Classic after 8.2 came out.
>randomly saying shit that nobody ever said: the post
pure 4chin thought process
classic wow is like the bachelor party for blizzard. its one last hurrah and than the ship will sink
blizzard died when i decided to study biology instead of programming
>Dark Apotheosis making a tank out of a caster
>Gladiator finally making a sword and board DpS choice
How many did wow have on launch? Because I guarantee at least a million subs for classic launch. I don't see how anyone would think otherwise. It's not going to be recurrent of course, but classic's launch is going to be fucking huge.
Only reason layering exists in Classis WoW is to cut costs. No amount of delusions you come up with will change that, other than maybe
>it's to stop streamsnipers!
but thinking that's the entire reason is just as delusional
WoW got over a million subs in under half a year. Keep in mind this is on old hardware, and they still didn't need to add any of that layering bullshit
i wonder how much they paid him to pretend to like retail
there is no cost cutting with layering dumbass
I was there.
I don't even want to admit how many lvl 90's I had in MoP or my achievement list (I had all professions maxed, I'll say that much).
I just quit one day.
Walked away, never logged back in.
I don't think the layering is because the servers can't handle it but that having 200 players camping the same mob in the same area isn't fun gameplay and one month later 75% of those players are going to be gone so you can just remove the layer and have a normal pop server after the first spike instead of needing 4 servers and then joining them into 1 later.
Classic Wow will have millions at launch. In what world do you think this won't happen? From a purely technical perspective, you do realize millions of people currently have a subscription? Guaranteed they check it out at launch. I'm willing to bet there will be at, least 1 million new subs on top of that. WoW wasn't originally designed for that kind of population, ya dingus.
Asmongold has a mind of a child, he couldn't hold a steady opinion if his life depended on it. Or he's just smart enough to milk his brainded fanbase. Probably a bit of both.
He does it for free because he's an addicted WoW junkie incapable of playing anything other than WoW.
I had all 11 classes at 90. Had all 11 at 100 in WoD, then 12 110s in Legion too. BfA is the first expansion where I couldn't motivate myself to cap every class because it's just so boring even on just one character. I leveled my main (Dwarf Paladin) and my Warlock and that's all I could take before I quit.
Bingo. The game wasn't designed for ten thousand people to be in barrens.
>on old hardware
you also couldnt play for like 2 days after each update because servers ran like shit - which was acceptable back then but nowadays nobody has time for that.
If the servers don't crash, rendering me unable to play the game at all, it won't be classic. #nochanges #keepitvanilla
You could have just said you're a retard sooner.
Unironically this. The rat race of trying to rejoin the server first to catch the spawns was what made the vanilla experience so great.
You are in the extreme minority
Does anyone else plan to play for a couple months just for the memery and silliness with your bros. I'm looking forward to it.
I am right whether the majority is aware of it or not. This competition and struggle was what made it so memorable.
Try to think about things before immediately claiming to have numbers on your side, redditor.
Is he right, Yea Forums?
Play shadowbringers
So you would rather have 2,000 servers at launch, and 20 in 3 months. No thanks.
WoW reminds me of Hillary Clinton.
>literally lives in a dump and sits home playing the exact same videogame for 16 hours a day despite being a literal and unironical millionaire
He dumb
Still more than a month to go. Can't wait.
>implying they wouldn't also fuck up the graphical improvements.
>what is server merging
>blood elf players
>be on Yea Forums since 2007
>get called a redditor
Then stop acting like one faggot
>what is wanting your name to be unique
thats saying a lot considering it really doesnt take that long to hit max in bfa
It'll make a lot of money up front, but like I've been saying since they announced it, after three months the casuals and zoomers will bleed, then the boomers that only want fresh shit because they suck at the game then the people that are just there to plow through content. After that it'll live with its niche hardcore audience. It's not going to fail, but it's not going to save Blizzard from the downward trend blizzard is following.
>He does it for free
He literally gets paid to do it tho...
What did I say that hurt your feelings, user?
Nah, he's right. I get called reddit for shit that isn't reddit. Reddit just means "shit I personally don't like" and has almost nothing to do with reddit
also most of you nu-neo-newfags came from reddit anyway lmao
Blizzard already has ways of dealing with that, they've merged servers in the past.
Even if they never did implement anything for that, you can always just give them more money and transfer to another server. Dumping money on WoW should be natural to a whale like you
Reddit also means "doing things Redditors do" like responding to a post with "most normalfags disagree with you" and nothing else. That's a very reddit thing to do, it's the same as thinking more upvotes means more right.
>level smn
>it's garbage
>level MCH
>ranged dps is overpopulated due to dnc and MCH has no utility
I took the BLMpill but I don't think I can do it boys...
>Blizzard already has ways of dealing with that, they've merged servers in the past.
They sure have, Anonymous[dickspear#18547].
>Dumping money on WoW should be natural to a whale like you
I picked up RDM and I love it.
>D2 Remastered
>Some poor guy given the task of unearthing all of the original art assets and 3d models
>Everything re-rendered/painted for 4K standards
>No touching-up of the 3d models other than their resolution
65% of players wont even resub for month 2
>a couple months
I give it 3 weeks.
Except you stated that the game should be designed for people who are competing for worlds first "achievements". That's retarded. Why would a company design a game for
Not an argument. Blizzard has addressed those issues already, even before BNet's oppressive inclusion.
I am. I kept deleting my character and remaking it. I think I've finally settled on my character and can actually play the game. Going to go through the story as a tank.
Never once did I state that. You're delusionally misinterpreting things
>tenor (2)
You're not helping your case, redditor.
WoW classic is dead on arrival. Eat shit blizzfags
How can they address players who have the same name merging without including obnoxious unique identification? Genuinely asking.
Ok dude. Keep being fucking retarded.
Once you finish the main story for ARR you get a free Fanta, which is a race change potion. So stop deleting your character.
Also, use SSTools to race change if it bothers you so.
I don't know how WoW did it but in other MMOs I played, whoever logged in first kept their name and the next had to rename or got a free pass to another server.
I hope you have fun, user. The early game is kinda rough at times (with the 2.0 to 2.5 transition being the worst part) but everything else is great, and this last expansions is absolutely top notch
I was already past Shiva and almost at Heavensward on one of my characters, though that one wasn't deleted and is still intact on another server.
Now go back to whatever shithole you came from
Classic will not save Blizzard. You do have to understand that BFA is raking in more money than ever before, and the game is dying real fast in the west. It's all about mictotransactions. Two millions (and I'm being real fucking generous here) of boomers playing Classic will be just a small increase in revenue for them.
been leveling on a private server practicing for classic. The population is insane. Vanilla is going to be big. It's also very little investment on the part of blizzard. It's basically free money and it's going to make them a lot of money. Even if a lot of people lose steam once they start grinding for a few months, it's going to have a very hardcore playerbase that will be making blizzard money. All those private server people and returning boomers. It's a win win.
>No gun
>The population is insane.
You do realize, that at least half of this population are chinks and slavs who will never play on classic because of subscription?
Have sex
You might wanna consider picking that character back up and just using your free Fantasia for getting into HW to roll to whatever you wanna play.
Do you guys think they'll just transition from classic into TBC when the time comes? Where does it end? Or do they just reset the realms once every year and a half?
MCH is still really fucking good even with no utility dude BRDs are in the fucking shed for ranged
It would be cool if they eventually released content that was cut from vanilla.
Does MCH use flamethrower in single target?
If they were smart they'd do servers for every expansion.
If I want to go back and experience Mists of Kino I should be able to.
That word does not mean what you think it means.
This should never happen. Classic should just be played out in a "season" then restarted. I don't play classic because I want to ride the whole ride again, I just want the og game to retain relevance which gets ruined with the added expansion content.
>blood elf
>death knight
>shit opinion
the trinity
do you think people just ran out of time or something
take up the MNK meme
Maybe if you keep reposting it enough times he will be
nice old forums
every person i talk to says they are practicing for classic.
MCH is just a filler dps that is outdone by other better filler dps like SAM or MNK. It has nothing to offer except the base skill every ranged physDPS has, and BRD is still within 1k dps of it offering lots more utility.
Who cares, once NAXX drops im out and im sure anyone whith half a brain will too. If I wanted to sit on my hands in ironforge and live the "raidorquit" life style I would play retail.
Raiding literally killed wow, always blows my mind to hear people are excited to raid in classic wow.
That's just your perspective. Raiding is an enjoyable challenge for many. Also it's good to have people that have gear you can't have unless you put in the time. Desirability makes the game good.
Stay in /vg/ furfag
>dude just throw more money and hardware on the problem
You sound like my retarded boss.
You would also complain when you fought over 20000 other people on the server for boar spawns.
Do you think the audience for this game has the same free time it had 15 years ago? Unless you're a NEET that is.
Get better at securing your resources. That's the entire reason people even remember Runescape despite it being such a shit game
No because Square Enix occasionally has flashes of brilliance.
false, it made for there being a group of people who one shot you in pvp and if you didn't spend 6 hours a day raiding you cant do anything so you quit.
Thats why that 40 man shit got canned after cata, blizzard was bleeding subscribers after naxx launched because no one wanted to play like that except the insane no lifers.
They need to unfuck themselves and that starts by firing everyone who's leftist/sjw working for them. All the "community managers", the "twitter specialists" and all that other stupid, meaningless money-sucking do-nothings.
Then once the chemo is over internally, they need to stop responding to these people completely. They have to start making fun games where the community isn't treated like criminals and policed because of wrongthink and similar nonsense bullshit.
But in the end, they've gotten woke and they're going broke. Probably nothing that can be done to save them really, because it would mean a purge of 90% of the company at this point.
You sound like you know a lot about Reddit, maybe you should go back.
You're dreaming if you think anything other than a tiny percentage of people who actually played vanilla are even interested in classic.
We're all too accustomed to Blizzard's bullshit, there's no going back
No, it's just that the younger audience, which was the largest chunk of playerbase when Wow hit, now has other interests, more adjusted to their zoomer needs. The original playerbase that grew up probably has less time on their hands to play than they had before, apart from hardcore neets. The demographics of WoW classic will be different from the demographics of 2005 WoW.
If you don't know what a faggot looks like then you're to blame as well, faggot.
Imagine being this obsessed with identity politics that you need to pretend everything you dislike is because of the ess jay dubya boogeyman.
HotS is dead, too, but has it finished releasing all its remaining content yet?
>Imagine being this obsessed with identity politics
Then you'd probably be working at Blizzard
You DO watch Asmongold, right bros?
>practicing for classic
>on pserver
imagine not watching asmongold
I hate this word so fucking much.
Its true, I have like 6 friends who did it this month I dont get it. Like what the fuck are you practicing, are you planning to speed run the game?
Has Blizzard had a negative PR moment on the level of those GW2 writers yelling at players, yet?
I thought it was generally poor company managerial decisions mixed with Activision greed that people call out, but Acti refuses to acknowledge.
I imagine they want to rush to 60 so they can gank lowbies in STV like the fuckheads I assume they are.
>Has Blizzard had a negative PR moment on the level of those GW2 writers yelling at players, yet?
"Fuck Alliance" on one of the blizzcons.
Banning people in their games for the most pointless, lame shit.
Literally removing paying customers because they said a mean word.
Never has any company been so eager to kill itself financially. It's like they think they'll get three new black players every time they ban someone who says "nigger", instead of simply muting them or something so the person will keep playing and keep buying their lootboxes and other pointless shit.
When you end up valuing woke virtue signalling more than money, OF COURSE you're going to die as a company.
user the games going to shit have zero to do with that and everything to do with, you know, the games being shit
Overwatch is a game where the optimal way to play includes not picking damage characters. It has been like this for a year because blizzard is slow as molasses patching.
Hearthstone is a game where you need to spend 100 bucks at 3-4 points in time every year just to keep up in cards. The gameplay is also extremely derivative compared to complex shit like magic.
Wow is running on fumes because the classes literally have NOT been changed for two years. If you compare every class today with classes during legion they play the same except with less buttons.
I know for you everything is about the SJW boogeymen and /pol/ but blizzard is dying because they're making shitty games. Banning people for calling other niggers is not an exception, it's the fucking rule nowadays.
>during MoP, on an RP server
>walk into goldshire
>drunk RP
>/vomit on a dwarf and insult his stature
>He demands I stop, challenges me to a duel when I keep going
>decline his duel saying I don't hit children
>get on my mount and say you must be this tall to get on this ride, then gallop away
>log on the next day
>suspended for hate speech
It was then that I stopped continuing my subscription. I already had my fill of the game and that was the final push I needed.
>this idiotic argument again
Layering is garbage, but you are completely missing the point of why it is there.
>Banning people for calling other niggers is not an exception, it's the fucking rule nowadays.
And that is why every company that follows this "rule" is failing.
You keep repeating "sjw boohymen" but really, keep your weird projections to yourself. This is a problem with faggots being too sensitive and pandering to the wrong people.
Yeah, just look at Riot Games, or Epic, or Square enix, or EA. All of them are just collapsing since they implemented basic decency in online chats.
You're obsessed user, face it. Noone was even talking about this shit, people were just commenting on the games but naturally the pol tourist had to come in and make it all about MUH DIVERSITY HIRES.
Only one obsessed is you, you began screaming the same buzzwords over and over. Honestly, go back to discord and get some new material. You're not convincing anyone today.
>in the event that WoW classic flops
which is guaranteed
>is blizzard fucked
>literally so few arguments all you can do is say no u
Go back to pol please.
screencap this post
wow classic is gonna come out. It'll get 10k concurrent players at best, on average 4k players. Eventually this will come down enough for blizzard to make it free to play, except they wont. They'll stubbornly make it pay to play or shoehorn in a ton of free weekends or some shit, before leaving it unmaintained while they chase something else that will make them money, like maybe overwatch 2.
>In the event that WoW classic flops (which is unlikely)
What? It's pretty much a given that it's going to flop.
Watch servers empty and subs drop after a month, as the streamers and zoom zooms get bored of it, and vanilla boomers realize they're never getting that '04 feeling back.
I don't do RP shit but can you even be banned for hate speech while RPing
you're just RPing an asshole
If wow classic came out 6 months ago when there was hype for it, it wouldn't flop. But it might as well be vaporware at this point. I've asked 3 of my normie friends who were excited like 6 months what they think about it and they all thought it already came out, and just never heard about the release date.
you're actually delusional, it's already had multiple times that watching beta streams.
yeah nublizzard is fucking autistic.
>"leveling to 10 took whole week'
>"warriors should level with staff in full spirit clothes"
>"it was only 5 herb and ore nodes for whole zone"
>"MC run takes 6-8 hours"
>"there is almost no quests after lvl 40 and you must grind hundreds of mobs"
I don't remember it being a worse grind than maxing combat in runescape back in like 2008ish
and how long ago was that
Is that what retail players actually believe?
thats what i read in classic threads
>he believes what he reads on 4chins
Although it a good shitposting fuel, I admit.
I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf
>mfw i gonna speedlevel to 60 and gank lakeshire all day
>they don't have anything else coming up.
You forgot WC3 Remastered, the game nobody really asked for.
Or if they did, they stopped wanting it when they saw the art has no soul and it looks like it's going to chug.
>mfw I'm gonna level to 40 and gank hillsbrad farms all day
Gee, I don't know, maybe around the time the beta was closed?
again, how long ago was that.
I did when his content was good and he actually cared about having a decent stream, now he's just a bottom of the barrel reaction channel.
aka made it casual. Go play retail if you can't cope.
and you forgot the Magnus Opus Diablo mobile
or do you just not have a phone?
>human rogue or kick
>dwarf priest or kick
>gnome mage or kick
>our guild is casual
A week ago? Beta ended on 17th I believe.
All they need to do is to introduce a tiny little change by putting wow token in vanilla too and you'll see how much more they gonna earn for vanilla boosts alone.
I don't play chink Diablo clones
yeah and their death rate matches those of drug addicts. Wow has probably like a million subs left. Less than a tenth of what it used to be
>Wow has probably like a million subs left.
>he thinks newcraft 3 will be unsullied
I'd say warlock above all, just make sure it's an orc, don't fall for the undead meme.
Literally no downsides.
But imagine all the players that are going to play the game but don't have the option to do it legit because they are too dumb to change the server list/don't want to do anything "illegal".
We're going to get tons and tons of newbies my friend.
>you must be this tall to ride
I can't think of anything in Blizzard's future that I'm looking forward to that isn't related to smut.
I love my wife Mei!
>which is unlikely
Modern gamers are not used to months-long grind just to get to "end game".
Not only that, but Classic has very little end game.
Classic could be a massive hit if it were handled by any other company, but Blizzard is extremely incompetent and they are 100% going to let Classic's player base rot away by taking forever to add new content.
Any company worth its shit would look at OSRS and follow a similar path. Any company worth its shit would have a team of devs ALREADY working on NEW vanilla content to have ready after they reach Naxx on the live servers.
But this is Blizzard we're talking about here. Modern Blizzard is the definition of incompetence. I guarantee you they have zero plans beyond releasing old Vanilla tiers every 6 months or whatever.
This is why Classic will flop in the long term.
>retarded closeted gay/tranny porn addict thinks we care about his opinions on videogames
End game is cancer and shouldn't be the goal in a proper MMORPG. The journey should matter the most, but end game makes more money.
>retarded closeted gay/tranny porn addict
Whoa! How'd you know?
eh you're just salt about Blizzard going to shit
i am too but not too much to stop fapping to their characters
not salty at all, i enjoy videogames so little these days i get more enjoyment from watching these huge companies burn
.... world of warcraft is literally the greatest mmo ever made(just vanilla, tbc, and wrath but still)
hearthstone was and still is the biggest online card game out there
overatch at one time, was the biggest most hype game out there with the best pornhub porn.
....i really enjoyed destiny 2... it was kinda cool. decent story good graphics... eh
wtf are you talking about?
Boomers will play it, neo-wow players will try it and quit before hitting level 20
august 27 make sure you are rested and have a lot of nutritious dry food not sugar. who else probably going at least 30 hours on day 1
going to put in 30 hour days all week
Blizzard decided to do midnight launch in Europe, so at most I will create a character and log in. Assuming the launch won't be a complete shitshow.
take your meds blizztranny
i have a job so no
>He thinks the servers will work on Day1
How many times are you fags going to make this mistake? So many posts "I took today off work" just to get "Server down, please try again later"
you had months to book time off
legion and bfa launches were flawless pn my end, i see no reason to worry
>sacrificing vacation time for videogames
its gotten better since they lost 70% of their players
>implying you leave the house on your vacation time
why are you on this board faggot
>but asmongold said that 9.0 was going to be good
>taking time off launch when rushing to 60 means nothing
>not taking 2 weeks off your final rank12 -> rank13 pvp push months later when it really matters
feels good being a pserver fag knowing how to prioritize my time
>leveling behind the curve
you will never raid
To talk about videogames, duh
>warcraft 3 tournament
>in 2019
absolutely based
not if you're already paying 15/month on a game that isn't even actively maintained/updated
If they're retards, yeah. Retards need to be playing 24/7 to compensate their lack of brain cells with gear quality.
People with triple digit IQ get into good raiding guilds easily by virtue of knowing to not stand in AoEs.
>paying 15 dollars a month for a 15 year old game
thats fucking highway robbery.
I plan to become a famous streamer that can finance my living costs and play wow all day.
Don't worry I get 2% back on my credit card.
>raiding before aq40
for what purpose when r13/14 is better?
I hope you have big tits and can cater to a wide range of fetishes
Well I don't have big tits
>The russian beat the korean
>basic decency in online chats.
Oh no, Someone said a mean word. Grow the fuck up
thats funny because last i heard its fucking dead son
>Been playing through WC3 recently
>Remember back in the day I really wanted to do the Illidan raid and get the Glaives for ages back when I was a pleb on Dialup
>Thinking of subbing and just doing for that
Should I? Is the fun worth giving Blizzard money for?
Have you seen general and world chat on ely launch?
who gonna dab on the classic GM jannies?
>classic will fail after 3 weeks/month
>trust me I'm a video games expert
>go into the /wowg/ discord
>trannies discussing hrt
>say ">she" ">her"
>they get assmad
>dab on them all
>they shut the server down while seething at incredible levels
My job here is done.
My guess is that you heard it here.
So you don't poopsock for 3 months straight? What kind of question is that.
It'll be ruined by streamers and their cuckboi viewers.
>which is unlikely
Are you fucking kidding me? Just HOW MUCH nostalgia can enter a boomer's psyche to distort his view like that?
The game will not have a high number of players in the long run. Only boomerfags that are the majority of Classic's audience will stay. Or do you retards think that ActiBlizz is making Classic for the younger, future audience? Of course not. It is made to drive oldfags from the private servers and back to their fold so that they can charge them to play a game that they have already played (because they are fucking ADDICTED) and to appease them (since it's clear from the Diablo debacle that the oldfags are stirred and angry with the current corporate practices).
Not to mention and leaving aside Asmongold, the squads of streamers and their hordes of followers that will spread cancer to the game....
It's clear as day that the game is a ridiculously easy-to-make containment zone. For oldfags.
Diablo Immortal has been a cash cow for Blizzard.
well i most certainly didn't hear it from nublizz headquarters
Why would someone pay 15$ a month for game rehash that two Russians can make in their basement. Fuck them if this was one time 50$ i might event buy it, but i wont pay for game that i wont play so I can get its bonus content.
>Banning people for calling other niggers is not an exception, it's the fucking rule nowadays.
I wonder what would happen if you just had a month with no enforcement on those sorts of things where gaming communities would be? Would they improve or would they hit levels of wretchedness not thought possible. Kind of keen for either one of those.
Honestly, the fact that it's a rule makes it more enticing to say nigger. People need to grow a thick skin.
It would become even worse probably.
Online communities are absolutely fuckawful because the internet as a whole incentivizes negative feelings and behaviour over positive ones.
>Not even out yet
>Already making black figures