Emulation is bad and everyone should have a universal internet account tied directly to their IRL personal information to hold them accountable for what they say in games and forums alike.
Emulation is bad and everyone should have a universal internet account tied directly to their IRL personal information...
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no thanks, china
Kill yourself
anyone that thinks like that needs to be killed
>emulation is bad
Based I agree, play the game the way it was meant to be played or don't play it at all.
>everyone should have a universal internet account tied directly to their IRL personal information to hold them accountable for what they say in games and forums alike
So is it wrong to play the old game through official emulation/bc then?
DS games on 3ds, GameCube games on Wii, NES on SWITCH, etc
anyone have the link to where he says this?
You should call this image BaiT_Field.
playing ports is retarded too.
Jack could be such a fucking faggot at times only reason to watch those streams was for jay and rich.
reminder that the founding fathers wrote under pseudonyms
anonymously shitposting is merely following in their rich traditions
It took them 2 and a half hours in game to figure out the witness was 40 dollars.
Fuck off aidsmoby
You're only redeeming quality is that you're slightly more tolerable than beardfat
There are a few console perfect emulators out there.
>people think the second part is ironic
What happened to Papa Johns again?
I don't see a point for the internet accounts when the FBI can track pretty much anybody nowadays if they make a terrorist threat.
Worst takes Rich/Jay had?
What game was he talking about?
>Based I agree, play the game the way it was meant to be played or don't play it at all.
What if the emulator is accurate enough to reproduce the original experience almost exactly?
having shitty cuck hair is better than being bald.
I would kill myself if I went bald
Emulation is fine. In fact, it's the only way to play many many games who have no presence even in official digital stores. Unless you're saying the game should just never be played ever again.
The faggot that posted that pic probably didn't even watch Evangelion
Fucking newfags
pic unrelated I assume.
PS2 emulation is the worst.
if it's not on the original hardware, it's not even close to "accurate." Don't kid yourself.
>Emulation is bad and everyone should have a universal internet account tied directly to their IRL personal information to hold them accountable for what they say in games and forums alike.
I know this is bait, but there are good little drones that actually think this. Especially the Denuvo DRM shilling faggots. I hope they get raped.
why not just buy the original console/game?
I'm glad emulation exists because it means I can play Wii U games at reasonable resolutions and framerates
Quantum Break PC, when it was exclusive to the Windows 10 Store, and it was always online despite being a single-player game.
There are literally cycle accurate emulators out there you dumb retard.
Nuh-uh. Better to be bald than balding.
>buying a dead console just to play an old game
these are the same people who get mad ICE and border patrol for following the law and doing their job
What if the game is obscure enough that it is almost impossible to find a cartridge for it? Besides, the original devs aren't getting money off of the second hand sales.
What hardware do you have?
cycle accurate emulators emulate the original controller and display that the games were made for? didn't think so retard.
A 980 and a 3.4ghz i7
More often than not it's cost prohibitive to find authentic copies and second hand sales are irrelevant to the developers and publishers, if they aren't still being supported at least.
What? There are people that think Denuvo is a good thing?
>emulate the original controller
you can buy one and use it if you want
>and display
yes actually, they're called CRT shaders. or you can just connect your PC to a CRT if you're going for max autism.
no idea what generation i7 you have?
>CRT shaders
how can someone be this braindead
Why? It's not like the developers will get anything?
>CRT shaders
You can't be serious
It should neither be a law or a job.
have sex.
It's a 2600, why are you so interested?
The first thing I ever saw Rich Evans in was the Pre:Rec when they complained that Sonic the Hedgehog was too hard and it took me a year to get past that and see that he's actually not a retard, just bad at games. Jack is a retard AND bad at games though
Man, that takes me back. I remember how much time i wasted playing GTA SA on ps2.
I was shocked when i found out that PC version misses the most of the atmosphere effects.
>It doesn't matter that this game emulates with 99.999...% accuracy, if you aren't playing your genuine games rented from blockbuster on your shitcube on a chink crt with a madcats controller drinking shasta and eating pizza pockets after school on a thursday afternoon it'll NEVER be the same
keep replying
>Cant get a job because you were a meanie online.
TIme to resort to crime, I guess.
>actually it does
because I want to play some games that were on the wiiu and I just recently ordered a new ryzen cpu.
Yes. That's the point, retard.
user I think emulation is fine but I also agree with that greentext
First time i saw jack, i could immediately he was a cuck. He just has that look.
I regularly use CRTs and original hardware and even I think you're being a massive poser. Fuck off retard, there are perfectly valid reasons to emulate.
such as?
The only reasons I can think of are being a poor fag or being underage.
Been playing lucasarts adventures on scummvm on my android tablet. Stay mad original hardwarefags
>thinking CRT shaders are remotely close to the real thing
Besides being a poorfag?
I'm sure it is ironic shitposting from consolefags vs pcfags.
Move to China or Korea then.
fucking neck yourself you fucking cock-loving faggot.
Such as they run the game better than the original hardware, scale properly to modern displays, allow you to play games that are no longer in print and aren't sold anywhere else, allow you to play translated games that never came to your region, allow you to play on the controller of your choice rather than the console controller that isn't as good for certain games, allow you to play online with a friend that the original was incapable of, and many other reasons.
Because retro games can be prohibitively expensive and/or hard to find and only supreme spergomancers think there's any meaningful difference between playing on an original cart on an original system versus playing a rom on an emulator.
It's a video game. The gameplay is what's important.
you'd be surprised, software mode is actually decent
I played through the entire game and literally every visual effect works correctly except one (the dirt that accumulates on cars)
there are mods to bring most of the effects back to the pc version, but I still prefer the original.
>such as?
Emulating at higher resolutions/framerates than the original consoles allow for? Not wanting to bust out the old equipment, controllers, games, and 40 lb CRT when you want to play a game? True widescreen support for games like Panzer Dragoon Zwei and NiGHTS into Dreams since 16:9 CRTs are rather rare?
Christ can you fuckers make it anymore obvious you're just massive aesthetic obsessed posers who don't actually give a fuck about games?
>>thinking CRT shaders are remotely close to the real thing
then plug your pc into a CRT, like I said in my original post
nothing is stopping you
Not to mention the thousands of arcade exclusive games that would be effectively impossible to play without emulators.
but bro it just doesn't FEEL the same
>Spend 100-300$ on Budokai Tenkaichi 3
Not everyone can drop 300$ on a better copy of older games.
point is that you tried to compare shitty filters to actual hardware, so you have no clue what you're talking about
i agree
As an original hardware enthusiast myself I agree, especially for more obscure consoles like Saturn and Atari Jaguar input lag is a real issue, but I'm not always in the mood to get my retro setup purring just to play a five minute game of Daytona USA. Plus input lag can be adjusted to, and emulation allows you for perspective correct texturing and massively increased resolutions.
I can literally play Armored Core 2 without any slowdowns on original hardware and in full HD with a custom remapped control scheme that isn't dogshit.
Have sex.
Just pirate.
if you actually cared about games you wouldn't settle for a cheap imitation of the real deal.
>social credit scores
lick my taint
>if you actually cared about games you wouldn't settle for a cheap imitation of the real deal.
I don't? I have a Sega Saturn and a PVM two feet away from me, but you're being retarded.
If you actually cared about games you would realize that emulators will outlive the hardware they are based on and as such as the de facto method of preservation for future generations.
I can't think of something more important than that. Do you really want all these games to not be enjoyed later when the hardware is gone?
The show is dead now, are you happy?
And if you actually cared about games, you would be more concerned with the game itself rather than the hardware running it.
I'm not. I actually found it kinda comfy.
>caring about games
>advocates not running the game the way it was intended
>advocates playing the game for an objectively inferior experience
>consoles will, like all tech, crumble with age
>those games should die with them!
makes no sense
He didn't actually say this did he? Proof.
It's a video game. The gameplay is what's important, and there is literally no difference in the gameplay between a real system and an emulator.
thats wrong you troglodyte
I'll happily let games die with the way they were meant to be played rather than let them live on in shitty emulations and let their image slowly be twisted by them.
Entropy hasn't broken most consoles outside of ones defective by design like early 360s.
What am i missing by not playing on the original hardware?
The only games that are "objectively inferior" for emulation are those with lackluster emulators at present or those games on systems such as the Virtual Boy where having a big ass fucking set of goggles on your face improves things.
You believe whatever you like.
While you're sitting over there sperging out about emulation, I'll be over here actually playing and enjoying video games.
If you beat a game on an emulator that has save states and filters you have not truly experienced that game.
Name 1 good emulator
opinion discarded
Cool shill article.
Are any original hardware fags also opposed to modding games?
If you play modded games on your first playthrough you are an actual retard
>there are no LLE emulators
Trust a dumb faggot to have dumb faggot opinions.
Except for this laundry list of games that I'm too lazy to type out where mods fix a broken or shitty game.
a lot of youtubers/streamers who can't handle getting rumbled by anonymous trolls have this kind of opinion
If a game is only good with mods it is a shit game.
Skyrim is the perfect example
Okay, my question didn't specify that though.
emulators will never be accurate as long as they have built in save states and cycle speed abuse mechanics that zoomers use to trivialize all challenge.
>thinks shader's are just black lines slapped atop an image
You have no idea how complex the upper end crt shaders are and you can always get a 240p signal out of your pc with the correct hardware anyway if you have an actual crt.
>emulators will never be accurate as long as they have built in save states and cycle speed abuse mechanics that zoomers use to trivialize all challenge.
just dont use them lol
Are you retarded? Do you know meaning of word FIX?
Morrowind and New Vegas are best played with Community bug fix patches because they are buggy as hell.
As time passes more original consoles will die and their will be nothing left. Emulation is literally necessary to keep any of it alive.
The problem is that zoomers play games with save states and cheats and then judge them on that experience.
Literally who the fuck cares about what zoomers experience?
Kind of a tangent but I've been emulating PS1/PS2 games again and it really makes me wish all consoles lifecycles lasted twice as long as they actually did. Technology progresses way to quickly and right when people start mastering hardware and doing cool things, new hardware comes out and everything turns to shit again and we get launch title-itis all over again for years and we have to wait until they master the hardware and figure everything out all over again and right when they do oops time for the next gen.
I'd much rather it if we were still in the midst of the PS2-era tech and on the cusp of PS3 coming out. Try to imagine the fucking library the SNES/PS1/PS2 would have by now if PS2 was still the standard. Games keep getting more expensive and spend longer and longer in-development, I liked how quickly games used to come out and if one game failed it didn't mean a studio had to close as a result since they didn't cost $100m and five years to make. Teams were smaller, a niche game could actually have a decent budget and make some money because they didn't have to make $100m in the first week to break even.
People keep talking about the impending computer hardware stagnation as diminishing returns kick in and tech companies have increased difficulty shrinking die sizes and fitting more transistors inside microchips or whatever and I welcome it with open arms. I shutter to think how fucking expensive PS5-era games will be, how expensive they'll be to make, how long we'll have to wait for them to come out.
Struck a nerve, keyboard warrior?
>Morrowind and New Vegas are best played with Community bug fix patches because they are buggy as hell.
because they are shit games that are only enjoyed through mods.
Hot take: Gen 5 games shouldn't be emulated at resolution higher than x2.
Only gen 6 and up can be scaled all the way to 8k without botching intended image.
How is that even a problem, who gives a fuck how they play. You know stuff like game genie exists for original hardware right?
>tfw paying to ONE DAY pirate
Feels good having alot of excess cash
This dude is such a tryhard. He's either a hipster zoomer or 40 years old autistic virgin.
I personally find 4x to be the happy medium, it's a matter of taste.