Which one has the biggest ego?

Which one has the biggest ego?

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the one who thinks he created a new genre

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Right. And yet he’s still way more likable and personable than Cuckmann. And this is coming from a guy who actually enjoys naughty dog games.

Phil Fish hands down.

Both their games are gonna be GOTY

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How the fuck todd still has thousands of peoples that still kissing his ass after that dumpster fire FO76!?

>literal who vs. kojimbo

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The guy on the right, but he embraces it and doesn't pretend to be humble. I have far more respect for egomaniacs that embrace it and present themselves as large as they feel, it's entertaining. False humility is a huge turn-off and also indicates a predilection to lying.

agreed, but that probably won't be for long as the hollywood friends he's buying are corrupting him

I dunno, I've never met either one of them.

I wish they made a collaboration, so we could see the most pretentious piece of shit ever made.

Can you guys talk about something other than ecelebs?

The one on the left outright said games don't need to be fun, and the one on the right spent the last decade throwing money away on Jolley wood while accomplishing literally nothing and for some reason is not blamed at all for his failures since mgs4. Not sure but at least kojimas games aren't political pandering, as ironic as that is considering the topics he uses

The jew

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ego is a tough word. Id say kojima is further up his own ass.

Refn, Madds and Del Taco are based so I don’t think they’re the ones doing the corrupting. It’s probably the Tourette’s mama puss doing all that

I believe Kojimbo sees himself as some sort of great movie director

>The one on the left outright said games don't need to be fun

>Del Taco is based

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Like I said, based

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Charisma is maxed out

He's just extremely likeable. He could fuck my mother right in front of me and I wouldn't mind


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I don't even know who the guy on the left is

Lead writer for Last of Us

Trick question.

Left makes walking sims with derivative stories from better media.
Right is a frustrated wannabe movie director with moments of genius.

He's the mighty wizard that outlived Stan Lee though.

fake gamer LEAVE

I don't even know who the guy on the left is.

Still a cunt

honestly i dont know why people love or hate kojima
like he made some good games
the games had ideas in them and people exacerbate and pick them aparat to the point its pretentious even more so and then they call him pretentious because they looked so far into it

I don't even know who the guy on the left is.

What the hell happened to him? He was so good at Vertigo. Then all of a sudden he makes CP for artsy fartsy assholes.

do you people even play videogames

Kojima, undoubtedly.

>There’s no reason to create something that’s already there. I want to create something that gives more inspiration to the world. Like Hollywood movies where some don’t live with you, people just digest and consume. What I do is make something that’s difficult to chow down when you digest my work. What happens when I release my game or when Nicolas releases a movie, we get criticism or praise. But you think about it ten years later, same as Bladerunner or 2001: Space Odyssey.


Left makes things because he wants people to think he's a great and important artist. Right makes things because he wants people to enjoy and appreciate them.

holy based kojima

Yeah that's probably why they don't know who he is.

I'm 29.
PC useless men of the industry were never important.
I bet he's a PC dev, huh?

Kojima. In proportion to their talent? Cuckmann.

not on gaystation lMAOO idiot

>Left makes things because he wants people to think he's a great and important artist. Right makes things because he wants people to think he's a great and important artist

I've never seen Kojangles acts pretentious
He's just being a regular cinephile at most

Lol what, no one gives a fuck about Refn's movies lmao. In ten years people won't remember his name.

jesus christ what a fucking hack

>but you think about IT ten years later
did you even read the post you linked

>Like Hollywood movies where some don’t live with you, people just digest and consume. What I do is make something that’s difficult to chow down when you digest my work.
>Why make something demanding, if it just gets piled up in the landfill, filed in with the bland things?
Bennett Foddy, Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy.

i dont like ps exclusives but nice false flag mate

I usually find it is more of a question of who has a more undeserved ego.

this, Drive was a fluke

Well, that one doesn't even need asking.

Valhalla Rising is great and so is Only God Forgives if you're not a brainlet.

>Expecting people to know a writer for one (1) shitty game.
I actually somewhat know Kojima sama because he actually has made a series of great games. TLoU is one overhyped game that only normies look past surface deep.

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Man they make it really hard on you to not follow up on the accusations.

t. brainlet


he's right and everyone here is mad because they know he's right and he's proud
>b-b-b-b-but he's a hack!
nah, just confident
unlike you

Because it's not like his incompetence caused that trash fire. The game was doomed from the start.

Also I'm pretty sure their Austin studio developed it, which Todd has little to do with.


>got assmad and fired a translator that turned mgs1 from an unreadable mess into a 10/10 goat
Fucking lol.

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>smug about movie game

If you look up his twitter, he's been mumbing about "cicada life" for a long period of time, probably referring to himself as "the insect". How's that confident, lmao.
Also, nobody gives a flying fuck about MGS4, exactly ten years after its release.

stay obsessed with him
who the fuck goes on twitter?

he was also a writer and designer for the Uncharted series

People who post twitter screencaps on Yea Forums.

I don’t see how Drukkman has an ego. I don’t think he’s said anything to prove otherwise.

You only convinced me even more that kojima is the man, I love that guy. All his games are good to me.

wow so ground breaking and everyone played those
oh its ps exclusive
so i need corporate dick in my mouth to enjoy it i see

Kojima, but the interesting thing is that Kojima is everything Druckmann wants to be.

i barely follow tlou and i know hes said its their responsibility wthi this popularity to change the world for the progressive ideal

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who's the one on the right

wait that's him? he looks way different from the last time I remember one of his sperg-outs

no you're fucking faceblind if you can read that comment and think that blokes fish

Prove it

death stranding is also ps exclusive, have fun crying sour grapes lol

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I really enjoyed el labirinto del fauno but I can't stand when californian elites (I know he's Mexican but he lives in california) start deciding who's good and bad based on their little echochamber's opinions.

i dont care enough to
if you want to pursue this go right ahead

That's kind of like how Trump won.

Hes a pr guy like a megaphone to repeat other people tought.I pretty sure e baraly play betesda game.


i dont give a shti about deathstranding
exclusives are just a way to make you paypigs shell out more
like lol get jewed

consoles are cheaper than pc how is it shelling out more lol retard

nice subscription retard

Kojima, Druckmann might be a faggot jew but he doesn't spend millions hiring B-list celebrities just so he can pretend to be friends with them on Twitter.

>Xcuck seething

I don't have one retard I don't even like multiplayer games lol imagine being 12

Didn't cuckmann hired someone just because she/he/it was some trans person to fill in a male role despite many people trying to audition for the role. All this to push his agenda (in his words apparently)

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the feminist cuck:

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Like I said, he's still a faggot jew.

the one that plasters his name over everything

Kojima has a bigger ego but it's entirely justified. He kept Konami relevant for 15 years longer than it deserved to be otherwise it's game library would just be weeb dating sims

Dreckman's problem isn't his ego, it's that he's a subversive kike determined to shove lgbtq degeneracy down our throats.

Both Kojima and Dreckman make genuinely good games though despite Yea Forums's petulance

You ever imagine what kind of mess Cuckman, kojimbo and Toddleroo would come up with if they joined forces under the EA banner?

I thought Kojima did that to spite konami because they were trying to erase him from his own franchise.

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>that stealth mission at the opera cancellation line

I can never time my cigarette puffs properly to not get caught

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righto ill just be over here not paying for multiplayer and still enjoying single player experiences
you have fun by yourself big fella

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why would you go through the trouble of saving and reusing that image? are you autistic?

same here kiddo

Kojima, maybe, but I'll give him points for actually trying inventive ideas and concepts on a gameplay level over Druckman. For all Kojima's flaws and control over projects, and self inflated creative worth in script and dialogue (most of which are awful), his earnest attitude in tackling otherwise untouched subjects in stories and gameplay is at least admirable. His work is consistently original in some way, even if he's in dire need of supporting stuff and editors that don't blow smoke up his arse. He's like the opposite George Lucas yet shares the same issues; enough ego and asskissers around him that nobody keeps him in check, but actually still has plenty of cool, original ideas both in narrative and gameplay that are worth a look.

Druckman can write a good story but not an original one, and that's it. His dialogue is strong, his characters well conceived, and he can direct cutscenes and scenarios that are remarkably believable. But literally not a single game Naughty Dog has output in years (ever?) has a slither of originality on a gameplay level or even narrative. He explores nothing unique, inventive, or original in game design (mostly tried-and-true concepts better in other games), is extremely rigid in game pacing and structure to the point of narrative always overruling freedom of play, and even though the dialogue and scenarios are well written they're based on material others have already done. And at times they're painfully self indulgent in their own faux originality.

So yeah. They've both got egos, in different ways. But at least with Kojima I know there's usually something thought provoking or original and interesting under the hood of bullshit. With Druckman is just...AAA 10/10 GOTY for paint-by-numbers game design and narrative, even if it does all those things well enough.

>the late game quest where you have to forage for cans

MGS4 might be the worst game he directed.

just without the multiplayer

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yeah cause I'm not 12 lol

drukmann didn't put his name at the start of every chapter, walk out on the stage of E3 with a bombastic intro, or claim to create a new genre.

Sorry to hear, hope you get there soon.

>But you think about it ten years later

He's not wrong. Pic-related is nearly 20 years old at this point and people still like posting it.

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Ironically most often posted by people who completely missed the point of MGS2.

nothing is worse than shitwalker. The second worst MGS game, whatever it is, is still leagues better than peacewalker


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obviously doesn't count and you're a faggot for bringing it up

Kojima, but it’s justifiable
>redpill the masses on the surveillance state a decade before it happened
>was at the bleeding edge of vidya graphics until this gen (the mgs4 engine is still fantastic)
>could have made the NGE of cyberpunk/dystopia games with the cancelled fox engine Metal Gear Rising
>was influenced by the works of David Lynch and George Miller to the point where he cut most of Kiefer Sutherlands lines to properly convey his version of the silent but violent protagonist
>smoked so many fat backwoods, the Konami building looked like a chimney

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>getting this butthurt over the mere mention of Metal Gear Survive


>"the ambassador award honors an individual who has helped the video game industry advance to a better place, anita sarkeesian's work has done just that"

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>calls himself god
>puts himself in his games
>puts his name in literally every thing he does
>walks on a stage with lights while mad max fury road music plays in the background

>still has a smaller ego than Neil "we don't use the word fun" Cuckmann.

Wtf would you do in this game??

>Cuckman vs an actual Japanese dev
Fuck the jew and his shitty "videogames"

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He looks like Epstein, hmm...

Fucking Dee stroyed.

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>evil whitey

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>or when Nicolas releases a movie
I watched Only God Forgives, it was shit.

Kojima because he's a hack, Druckmann at least made one of the 15 most acclaimed games of all time

Did you people actually need this tweet to know that's the subtext of Pan's Labyrinth? It's set during a fascist regime. All the men are evil. All the women are good. The evil men are horrible to the poor, innocent good women. It's not exactly a subtle film.

pshhhh....we dont use the word "fun"....nothin personell....kid....


kojima has bigger but left one is a massive insufferable faggot.

implying I watched that shit

I don't think you know what ego means

Kojima sounds quite modest according to devs who've actually worked with him, Yea Forums just seethes about him putting his name on his work. Cuckmann's the complete opposite with his "we don't use the word fun around here" shit.

Left, easily

How exactly is saying "we don't use the word fun around here" more egotistical than the mountains of egotistical shit Kojima has said and done?

>Kojimbo rolls in the video game industry thinking he redefined a genre for gamers
>Cuckman rolls in the video game industry thinking he redefined how games is.

im not picking side btw, they're just both equally terrible.


>play MGSV
>every single mission
Gee Kojima what about the 300 OTHER people who actually made MGSV?

>but at least Kojimas games aren't political pandering

Entirely untrue. There is a myriad of political positions espoused in them. What you mean is that it's not SJW. Which is nice.


What did he mean by this?

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Right makes good games.
Left doesn't even make a game instead makes average movies but thinks he's hot shit.

MGS4 is more of a movie than anything cuckman has done

Say what you will about Druckmann but at least he doesn't try to take most of the credit for an entire team's work

Look at this shit. He just had to put his name front and centre again

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>A game by Neil Druckmann
>Druckmann Productions
>Written by Neil Druckmann
>Directed by Neil Druckmann
>Produced by Neil Druckmann
>Casting by Neil Druckmann
>Neil Druckmann voice acted and mocapped by Neil Druckmann
>Developed on the Druckmann Engine
>Published by DruckmannStation

Jews always have the biggest egos

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Make a full table.

Tried but I couldn't get a full list of good guys...



Druckmann, by far.
Kojima used to be a movie director wannabe, but over the last years he has been embracing the videogame side of game development more, focusing more on the gameplay than the plot.
Not to mention that MGS2, that game that redditors praise as a "post modern masterpiece" was brought down by Kojima himself who said that the game is just a bunch of anime and 80s action movie tropes put together.
Meanwhile, Druckmann has become an SJW faggot who tries to make even the gameplay look like a cutscene, and is the kind who unironically thinks his capeshit-tier movie games are art.
You can tell by how TLOU 2 is called "Part 2" that he thinks TLOU is the Godfather of videogames or some shit.

No, but he's an SJW, jewish Israeli subhuman.
I don't care about Kojima does because Drucksteinberg deserves nothing but a bullet in the head.

>weeb shit, a VR programmer and a hat salesman

What fucking Charisma?
All he does are stupid "dude, im so self aware about how much of a talentless hack I am" jokes.


>but over the last years he has been embracing the videogame side of game development more, focusing more on the gameplay than the plot
Death Stranding is coming out this year and we STILL haven't got any solid Gameplay demos yet (no I don't count walking around to be Gameplay) . Even TLOU2 has and that's coming later

Peace Walker is superior to every single MGS that came before because it's an actual videogame.

fuck you, you cynical contrarian shitposter

What I don't understand is why Yea Forums pretends to be mad about it.
Yea Forums praises MGS1, 2 and 3 even though the gameplay of those games is absolute garbage.
Hell, people here were hyped for MGSV entirely because of the plot, and even though the game puts emphasis on the gameplay and puts the plot on the side, people here still took a massive shit on MGSV because it wasn't a movie game.
Hell, it took months for people to start criticizing the gameplay because nobody cares about it.

People here keep demanding gameplay of Death Stranding, not because they want to see it, but because they are latching onto everything they can to shit on DS and Kojima entirely because MGSV wasn't an edgy movie about Big Boss murdering kids and drinking their blood.

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they are both insufferable faggots who are way too full of themselves, but at least Turdeo Hackjima has made Snatcher, MGS 1 and ZOE.
That other kike Hollywood reject wasn't even able to keep up with Uwe Boll.


As opposed to the guy who said diversity is as important in a videogame as gameplay and graphics?
Druckmann is just another little turd that thinks his games are POWERFUL STATEMENTS on society or some shit.

>Snatcher, MGS 1 and ZOE
shit games, pretentious nostalgiafag

Toss salads and scramble eggs.


I don't think throwing you into the most dull and lifeless open world in years is much of an emphasis on Gameplay.

The game does control extremely well, I'll give it that

Obviously it's Hideo ''I created a new genre called strand game oh and I totally turned down Keanu Reeves g-guys'' Kojima.

It is.
The execution could have been better, but MGSV is Kojima finally accepting that he's a videogame developer.

>h-he's lying
I love how in denial Yea Forums is whenever something doesn't comfor to the narrative they built in their head out of sheer asshurt.
Like when an entire thread started shitting on me for mentioning the fact that MGSV was the best selling MGS ever, much to Yea Forumseddit's dismay.

how cute. zoomer's first shitpost attempts.

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He never actually said that though, like 99% of the criticisms people have of Kojima, something just got lost in translation

He didn't turn down Keanu Reeves.
The contacts he had gave him access to hiring several potential actors, of which Keanu was one of them.
He chose Mads over Keanu because he was choosing an actor to play the villain, and Keanu doesn't fit that part at all.

>ohhh cyberpunk has keanu and everyone roves him... I totary could have had him but didnt feel rike it guys...

>Druckmann is just another little turd that thinks his games are POWERFUL STATEMENTS on society or some shit.
He's only been doing that recently though compared to Kojima whose been doing it since day 1 of his directing career

But Kojima doesn't give it any value.
Hell, he brought down the MGS2 that people here praise so much.

only decent post ITT

>n-noo, I swear, he's lying because i'm mad that MGSV wasn't a movie

It is funny. Yea Forums gets mad when their head narrative of Kojima going into depression gets shattered. Yea Forums also gets mad when their narrative of him rejecting Keanu specifically gets debunked too (Kojima actually ignored a whole suggested list of actors that happened to include Keanu).

Cuckmann's also been doing it since the start of his directing career, which was TLoU. He was only a co-writer and game designer for earlier games.

I gave up, I suck at this

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That chart is fucking awful.

Kamiya is Chaotic Neutral.
Gaben is more Lawful.

Okay whatever

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He also convinced himself that he could have gotten Keanu to star in his garbage game. He is so fucking pathetic.

They're cheaper because they're shit and you have to actually pay for games.

put me in the middle user

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You are so fucking tasteless I can't believe someone like you can even survive for a day.

> in tackling otherwise untouched subjects in stories and gameplay is at least admirable
Like what, nigger? Cringy war anime isn't new or original.

The one who slaps his name front and center on everything he's involved with.

Change Notch to Toby Fox.

Sure why not

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People hate arrogance and Todd while being a used car salesman does not come over as arrogant.
Also it's not as if all his games are trash like the people in OP.

And him too

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>but you still think about it 10 years later
Yes, because you are literally fucking with me Kojimbo.
You intentionally fuck up your James Bond anime soap opera just to trigger your fans.

We will see how tlou2 will be. Tlou 1 also had politics according to him and it‘s still an incredible game.

Really EA should have the lawful evil spot.

Definitely Kojima. You don't see Druckmann get a hard on for plastering his name every 3-4 seconds in anything he did work on. And as obnoxious and messianic as Druckmann is, at least he doesn't think he created an entirely new genre.

Make sense

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Probably Kojimmy, though Cuckmann is way more pretentious.

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T. Nincel
