Vidya tropes you actually like

We've had a thread for the tropes we dislike, why not one for those tropes we like?

>game has a classy/gentleman character

Attached: 1550658718837.jpg (900x670, 74K)

>game is full of guns and swords, but has a character that fights with his own hands
>character still wins

>protagonist has rough and gravelly voice

Attached: 6105378-4032936417-Vanqu.jpg (960x536, 81K)


Main character is evil/antagonist actually wins in the end.

>Your theme plays when you're about to whoop some ass

Attached: okami-amaterasu-mandra-nasya.jpg (600x749, 66K)

That's why Adell is my favorite Disgaea protagonist

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>Game a perky tribal girl character

Attached: b173949d6bac25ecda775ba50f12df73.jpg (686x809, 69K)

>Remixed version of the main theme kicks in at a pivotal turning point

Attached: 1563503410861.gif (400x332, 2.5M)

Witches with big tits and outfits that show them off

Attached: 8ef7be58876a76cf6720a7b9f425d437.jpg (850x1211, 672K)

>Starting weapon can become the strongest weapon late in the game

>game has a highly technical ninja character

Attached: ibuki.jpg (600x800, 68K)

name 5

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Attached: Borderlands-2-Sir-Hammerlocks-Big-Game-Hunt-preview-1.jpg (625x372, 103K)

>developers appear as an easter egg
>and you can kill them

Attached: croteam heads.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

Truly the best trope

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It's not just a game trope, but I'm quite fond of fictional lands and countries being not-quite-exactly inspired by real-world countries and cultures. Gives it a nice grounding and makes it feel more believable (not quite the same as "realistic") somehow.

Sorceress - Dragon's Crown
Nine - BlazBlue
Serila - Epic Seven
Fatima - Luminous Arc
Magisa - Granblue Fantasy

Attached: 1561499832772.webm (1280x720, 609K)

>armor actually does what it's supposed to do

Attached: robertosdad_(1).jpg (1920x1080, 308K)

user delivers

>Character is absolutely just a regular human

Attached: 3100019393.jpg (360x360, 8K)

>game is a fighting game
>you're supposed to fight against SOMEONE
>has a character that forces the match to be a single player game

Attached: Millia-Rage-from-Guilty-Gear.jpg (1680x902, 151K)

I like it when games have jungle/forest, ocean, mountain, and snow areas.

Give the girl a rest, user. She has been nerfed

Whats the webm from if you wouldn't mind?

That's Serila, and to be honest you'll probably be disappointed when you discover what the game is