This Year's Steam Summer Sale Was A Mess, Game Developers Say

>“Last sale, I made over $2,000,” the developer wrote. “This one I’ve barely made $200. Thank you.”

>Developers are chalking this up not just to wishlist issues, but also changes in the way Steam recommends games, as well as changes to the structure of the sale itself. Nepenthe and To The Dark Tower developer Yitz pointed to Steam’s data on his games, which showed that the “vast majority” of his store page traffic came from outside Steam, as opposed to from built-in recommendation systems like the front page, the discovery queue, tags, and games’ “more like this” sections. Data from the first half of 2018, meanwhile, shows less than 20 percent of his traffic coming from external sites, while over half came from within Steam. This, Yitz says, has been an issue since October 2018, when a Steam algorithm bug caused big games to make big gains in traffic while small games lost out. While Valve said in December that the issue had been fixed and the flow of traffic re-normalized, some developers say their games never recovered. Yitz is in this camp.

>“Before October 2018 (and for a few months after that while I gave Steam the benefit of the doubt), I told anyone who asked me that Steam was 100% worth it for indie developers,” he said in a Twitter DM. “Now, that trust is gone, and it’s not because I’ve changed or become more cynical... This Steam sale was a disaster, but I’m far more concerned about the overall trend we’ve seen in the Steam algorithm since October last year: pushing unpopular (including ‘mostly negative’ reviewed) triple-A games over titles that Steam has more than enough data to know would be a better match for the consumer.”

How will Steam drones defend this?

Attached: steam sale mess.jpg (800x444, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>indie dev puts game on sale
>It's the same discount as last time
>There's a good amount of devs that never put there game on sale or gave a worse discount than normal
>Remove game from wishlist because costumer realizes this dumb indie game is 20 bucks still on sale
But wah it's steams fault because i told them to give my game a half ass discount.

Someone even gave you an archive link last time, fucking kill yourself.

He should just paid LPer's to play his game and maybe their drones will get his game

You already made this thread THREE TIMES today. Fuck off.

Attached: Untitled.png (1869x919, 340K)

By doing nothing.
Epic won't pay these devs the same bribe they give other publishers because they cherry pick popular games.
When Steam had curation they bitched because steam considered their "games" trash nobody wanted and kept them off steam.
When Steam loosened their curations they bitched because they still couldn't make the quality cut.
When steam removed their curation they bitched because their games are seen in the mountain of trash and porn that the previous curation kept out.

These devs think their shit is amazing and should be recognized but it showed that nobody wanted their fucking games in the first place.

Also the Kotaku article is written by someone who is close friends with one of the developers in question and this is simply a petty hit piece.

>He should just paid LPer's to play his game and maybe their drones will get his game

Literally every dev does this

Every dev does this. But the ones that make shitty games normally sends impersonal emails like
Dear (Insert Youtube/Twitch account name here) "automated massage about playing our game"
And sent out to every popular LPer and streamer in hopes anyone takes the bait.

>no idea what nepenthe is
>look it up

top fucking kek

literally this. indie hack devs blown the FUCK out

Who gives a shit about Steam for Indie games? Especially when any asshole can dump anything on the shop. Don't they sell way better on Switch?

How many more times are you going to post same crap you retarded brainlet?
At least put some effort to make a new bait

Attached: pizza_man.jpg (1048x716, 167K)

I hope your shitty game doesn't sell any more copies. Not a single one.

>linking to cowtaco
castrate yourself with a blowtorch


>another epic games thread
Reminder that epic games owns EAC and datamines your pc

Tht pizza looks pretty gross

One of his games is described as a visual poem and the other looks like pic related and is another ebin “mother inspired” rpg. Did he really think he’d get anything but made fun of for this? He’s just tooting his own horn

LA is a pretty shit area with a very small Italian community. Also to play devils advocate a lot of pizza looks bad cold. Doubt thats good pizza though.

>Don't they sell way better on Switch?

They do

>The Switch though has seen a number of ports sell better than anticipated. Despite already being out for over three years, the Switch version of Shovel Knight sold better than any of the other versions at launch according to its developer, Yacht Club Games. Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, Forma.8, and other games have seen similar success. SMG Studios noted in September that Death Squared sold more on the Switch in the first three days than all other platforms it released on combined, while the same thing happened to the Zelda-like exploration game Oceanhorn. And then there was SteamWorld Dig 2, Immage & Form’s action platformer that sold 10 times more on Switch than on Steam.

OP stop spam posting this thread you fucking loser

>Nepenthe and To The Dark Tower
Never heard of them.

switchlets are starved for games worse than an African toddler. Why do people act like it means anything when shovelware sells more on a platform with a painful dearth of games to begin with

Just how big of a market is there for games that look like they were drawn by a 6 year old? Not defending steam just asking a serious question.

Oh I forgot the pic

Attached: 27E475B4-F5B1-460B-AD57-D6C79EF523D0.jpg (1920x1080, 592K)

B-but it's at a discount!

this thread again?

what's his endgame?


Are there any more recent examples of indie games doing exceptionally well on switch?
I feel like there's enough garbage on there now that it isn't guaranteed cash if you release your indie garbage on that system at this point.

There's no way it's good, the toppings aren't even embedded in the cheese. Literally elementary school cafeteria tier. LA did have some pretty good Mexican food when I went, though


It's interesting to see how other groups will capitalize on this, IE humble bundle who has no stake in the major store wars, they're just an independent provider and occasionally offer DRM free stuff like gog. even users have seen how sales have turned to shit though. the removal of flash sales was the end of me buying stuff on steam, honestly.

What the fuck is this


Ah the good old talking point
>it’s just the devs whining they can’t sell their stuff on steam and not dreams fault
Fucking losers

Holy fucking shit.
I really hate this mentality where they believe they'd sell as much as Ubisoft shit IF ONLY people knew their game existed. The idea that it doesn't matter what the game is, people are just jumping on Steam, cash in hand, and buying the first thing they see.

Never heard of them either and think they look kinda shit


The way to discover games on Steam is totally trash. The Grand Prix sale made big advertisements for Assy Creed, Resident Evil, etc, and it was really hard to find little niche and random games.

Steam store honestly needs a spotlight algorithm for games that have sold under 10k copies.

Attached: vzhi.png (835x856, 113K)

well, yeah, I'm not paying 40% less than a 200% markup 4 years after a game is released, sorry.

yea, even in my shithole which has 2 pizzerias they made better looking one

where's the pastebin nigger?

Maybe gamers have finally realized buying games they will never play is stupid?

Haha no ofcourse not who am I kidding. Keep consuming.

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Someone should really compile the list of garbage games that the devs that whine about this made.

>Maybe gamers have finally realized buying games they will never play is stupid?

Why does that impulse exist?

Attached: disney afternoon steam.png (1005x726, 183K)

Isn't it weird how the only devs who cry are the ones who make complete garbage? The person who was interviewed made a fucking "visual poem" game that's a fucking slideshow.

steam sales used to be fun and the discuints used to regularly drop games to under $5

It's the discounts that put people on edge in their judgement if they really want a game or not. They'll think "I might play it in the future so might as well grab it now for cheap".
Bundles are also to blame though for low completion and generally dropping the (perceived) value of games; people get bundles usually for 1 or maybe 2 titles with the rest either rotting away unredeemed in their library, giving them away for free or selling them on keysites or redeeming them and only playing them once.

If it wasn't going to sell, why did Steam allow it to be on the store? Other than being like a landlord controlling scumbag who knows the person renting can't afford it

If you use logic, you are obviously a steam drone.

It costs $100 to be put on the steam store. There's no interview, there's no QA, not even a malware check, nothing. You pay $100, give up some of the pertinent info like tax shit, then your game is up.

Disney Afternoon hasn't been in a bundle, making it 10x worse.

Yes, and there's been total shit even despite that $100 limit. It used to be that Steam used to curate the store, so much so that even good games got denied like the link here

Of course Steam lowered the bar and it got on which is a good thing, but so did a bunch of horrible shit that ruined the reputation of the Steam store. The fact that Steam just couldn't curate the good games from the bad really was a pathetic showing from Valve

What you see here is a person happy that others play his videogame at all instead of crying to kotaku about how evil steam store is.

That's what I said, $100 is literally nothing, of course there's tons of shovelware on the store. At least greenlight held shit back somewhat..

>It used to be that Steam used to curate the store
When the fuck was that?
Between Braid launching on Steam and Greenlight?

>People wanted Greenlight removed
>Steam took the message and did it but replaced it with nothing and made it worse

Bravo Valve

2009 (Braid), 2010 (Din's Curse)

I know you don't remember old Steam, but it used to be only good games (or at least big name publisher games if they were crap)

Daily reminder:
Because of this game he has been hired by Capcom.

Why do indie developers feel entitled to our money?
Do they really think that just because their game is on Steam we have to buy it?
Thanks to this mentality the plataform is full of garbage. So, thanks a lot cunts.

try making a good game and you'll make more money
seriously, look at this trash

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I don't think working at a soulless corporation is anyone's dream jo-

*gets zapped*

Oh yes, I sent my application to Capcom and I'll be working for them right away!

*thumbs up*
*winks at the camera*

Being another cog in the machine is what I've always wanted to do! Forget having my own successful game!



>games sell less as they get older
Stop the fucking presses.

Why is it so easy to hate game devs
imagine if every group of lowfi indie highschoolers took to Twitter every day to whine about Bandcamp putting their music in the pile with the others and not printing them free money
I can't imagine that because it doesn't happen, those people either do it for fun or actually try or just have a shred of self awareness

Attached: endurlife.jpg (1440x1440, 183K)

If Bandcamp curates the store like Steam does, then they actually do have a valid complaint if there's total dog shit being sold alongside something decent.

>Steam store honestly needs a spotlight algorithm for games that have sold under 10k copies.
They littererly just introduced something like this last week.

They bitch about GOG's curation too.

Here is the archive link

Attached: v The Last Splatfest.png (980x1630, 1.06M)

Ah yes I'm sure GOG drones would love games like pic related on its store and want it to be a free for all.

Current GOG is like the way Steam used to be, right down to the suspect quality standards where good games like this will be turned down from being allowed on GOG:

Still, who would argue with GOG having quality control standards other than Steam drones?

Attached: greenlight steam.jpg (1438x1320, 102K)

>Still, who would argue with GOG having quality control standards other than Steam drones?

Indie shitters apparently, you didn't see the front page articles on pcgamer because some writers butt buddy didn't get on the store?

>Do they really think that just because their game is on Steam we have to buy it?

I'm sorry you don't remember the time when being on Steam was an advertisement in an of itself, zoom zoom

Depends on the game - but the fact that we have a storefront (Steam) that literally doesn't test the games it sells is pretty messed up

>hand drawn
>looks like it was colored by a child
>>indie title

Attached: 1443983566608.png (323x348, 189K)


Everyone knows you should follow steam for its niche/themed sales instead of the big ones.

Case in point:

Devs and publishers are more willing to dish out those 50% and above discounts when there's barely any oyher games to compete with in discoverability. The post-apocalyptic and warhammer sales were great too.

if the game only made $2000 last yer what did he expect this year?
I bet he didn't do any kind of marketing either

>To The Dark Tower
checked this and I'm surprised this guy even managed to get $2000 on steam ever with shitty games like that

>implying I have to buy your game again and again every single steam sale

Do indie faggots really think epic is going to improve anything for them when they put out shit like this? Yeah, that'd look real sweet next to hades and satisfactory.

let's face it, it's the "spent 5 years making a game and nobody bought it" all over again,
I can shit in a pile for a decade, and at the end it'll be nothing more than a pile of shit

I think I bought something like 20+ indie games last sale, this guys games look like the lowest of the low budget games made.

same here. I only bought small indie games because I already have too many big games in my library.
I wouldn't buy the OP's crap though.

>shit game sells like shit
gee i wonder why

> it's okay when Valve screws developers
But somehow it's not okay when Epic pays you $10 for every purchase.

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it's always some fucking nobodies raising a fuss about this. maybe your games are simply shit.

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>That Undertale inspired gameplay

Attached: 1469580660030.png (750x750, 26K)

Sure was fun ordering VTMB, Anno, ONI, and BL3 past the first day of the sale. Oh wait.

>Why do indie developers feel entitled to our money?
it's not indies, it's this entire industry that blames customers the moment games don't sell. just because you developed something it does not mean you're entitled to success.


>Valve screws developers
They screw themselves by releasing shitty games, never advertising them and then expecting to have a stable profit from them for all eternity

This single thread has more astroturf than reddit

They literally just made a new recommendation tool to remedy all of these issues.

Attached: 1517979457528.png (190x254, 56K)

Maybe Steam should give all indie dev an equal share of all monthly sales of indie games.
Would these faggots be happy then?

What is it for?

Attached: Astroturf.jpg (425x430, 45K)

> Anno
Anno and Div2 were on sale.


honestly, the fact that OP got $2k with that shit makes me think Steam is still a fucking bonanza

>Why is my obscure indie game not on the front page of the sale?!

Attached: 1562668323771.png (409x409, 297K)

This actually makes me wonder. So steam has all these special publisher/dev sales right? So here's an idea: why don't all these small time indie devs form a group and send valve a draft proposal of a special sales event they could have where all their shovelwa--- I mean games can be showcased?

Does anyone know how hard it is to convince valve to have a special sale for your game? I'd imagine steam would be more than accomodating if a hefty group of indie devs actually planned out their own special sales event. You know? Meet each other halfway and all that. And if the group is successful they could also have a potentially have a person speak for all of them to communicate with valve?

Am I retarded because this seems like a genius idea. All you need to do is to network with your fellow niche indie devs, send valve a proposal of your planned sales event, and hope it's a success.

Holy fuck not you again tayalfag.

Thread ended here. Everything after is just anons playing drama for (you)s

lmao sounds like work
you think indieshitters are willing to do all that work?

>dev complaining that his shitty rpgmaker undertale clone isn't getting bought
It's impossible for Steam to give every game on the store exposure simply from the sheer number of games that get released on it, some games are going to get pushed out and if it's shitty games like the one this dev has made then I'd say Steam is doing its job just fine.

>All you need to do is to network with your fellow niche indie devs
user, I don't think you understand. The people that complain that their shitty walking sim didn't sell well, are the same people that think THEIR game is the epitome of the medium, and no other videogame can come close to the COMPLEX emotions explored in their goat buttfucking simulator. Why should they have to work together with "inferior" developers to sell their masterpiece to the FILTHY plebeian public who aren't buying their game simply because it's invisible, a gem buried underneath shit?

These people, like the rabid leftists on Twitter, are completely deranged. They think they are above everyone else, which grants them the authority to speak for everyone, and of course means that special rules should apply to them.

Attached: 1508129916973.jpg (850x850, 264K)

Didn't you get royally BTFO last thread?

The only reason those games sold so well on Switch is because they already had good buzz from the people who played them on PC and other consoles when they first came out. If they had only released on Switch then they wouldn't have done anywhere near as well.

Well it doesn't have to be these dudes. I imagine this plane can work for the Yea Forums devs at /vg/ as well.

Its an edit newfriend

Nope, but I made a monkey out of the Steam drones though (and I don't make monkeys, I just train 'em)

>Nope, but I made a monkey out of the Steam drones though (and I don't make monkeys, I just train 'em)

Attached: 1543816193673.jpg (432x226, 21K)

To this day no one has EVER managed to present an example of a game that was actually good but didn't sell. All these games always have at least one of these obvious, telltale signs as to why they didn't appeal to the public:

>Shit graphics (outright bad or lazy retro pixelly shit).
>Identical to another game, often from the same devs but sometimes to a cheaper, mobile version.
>Hilariously high price/low discounts.
>Been stuck in early access for years with no end in sight.
>Missing the obvious, most important feature of its genre (online mp, mods, etc...)

They are all shitty games.

Attached: __original_drawn_by_kkamja__cfb92180db021cd3cf721302cc11d943.png (1000x506, 556K)

No, pretty sure you were. And then you stopped replying like a pussy.

Attached: fag btfo.jpg (1327x359, 100K)

I get your point, and I fully agree with it. Too bad this doesn't scale up to AA+ games, though. Else Prey would have been a smash hit.

System Shock 2 sold poorly and is one of the best games ever made. The graphics, while rough, were not inexcusable in 1999.

>To this day no one has EVER managed to present an example of a game that was actually good but didn't sell.

>bad game from dev that's known to make bad games

Nice try.

Hey neet, some of us have work unlike you

Anyway. The filtration system Steam has also works to bury good games like Tayal - OOPS

You do know we are talking about Steam, right. Is your retard handler near the computer? Can I talk to him real quick? I think he might be letting you stay up past your bedtime.

>a fake retro game that looks like a megaman clone and thus in TWO categories of the post explaining why games flop

That's your brilliant comeback, huh? Yeah, you should stick with your day job and be grateful they are willing to employ the handicapped.

Attached: 1549217599014.png (896x753, 52K)

>>a fake retro game that looks like a megaman clone

Yeah man, these are NEVER popular

Attached: shovel knight treasure.jpg (590x332, 66K)

>To this day no one has EVER managed to present an example of a game that was actually good but didn't sell.
Really? How much of a basic zoomer newfag are you? There's plenty of great games that never sold well, even before Steam existed. One notable one is Psychonauts, which sold like shit.

Why do these devs cheer Epic for competition but they complain when they have to truly compete in steam's ecosystem?

yeah because Shovel Knight plays like megaman, right?

Steam literally has too much shit in it, and nobody wants to go into the sewer to possibly find gold

They'd rather check the front page of Steam sales, which, in the grand prix, Steam was shilling big marquee franchise names like Resident Evil, Dark Souls, etc

Change it to Ducktales or any NES game you can think of that's similar, Shovel Knight was popular for a reason.

Look at this retard. Look at him and wonder why would he ever bring up old, shitty games in a thread specifically talking about Steam and how easy it is to find games in there. You can then go to bed OR wake up feeling grateful that you are not absolutely retarded like he is. If doctors could prescribe a noose, user would have one from every doctor visit he's ever made. His mom would have few baby sized ones too, from the surgeons that helped her deliver.

It was a good event because I won Cyberpunk 2077 + Destiny 2 Deluxe, lol

Based Corgichad

>discovery queues
>friend recommendations
>the frontpage
>new and trending list
>top selling list
>popular upcoming list
>recently updated list
>from developers and publishers you know list
>the new releases/events ads that pop up when you launch steam
>every game being organized by categories

And so on, so forth. You have to be a mongoloid to struggle finding shit on steam.

>b-but I don't like curators/discovery queues/friends/whatever!

Then whose fucking fault is it that you can't find shit? "Durrrrrrrrrrr I don't use the tools to do what I want to do hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

Attached: 1556856225642.png (1000x432, 165K)

Are those actual scanned crayons?

If only Yea Forums had mods.

No matter what steam does they'll be the good guys to yoy autists because of your inability to disassociate yourselves from corporations that don't care about you. Based Epic, saving the industry

Yes indeed, I see you've heard my tale before.
Now sonny, imagine not having the Corgi badge. It's the sign of a chad after all, so lacking it makes ya a KEK. You're not a KEK, right boy?

>Old Steam
Just check what's new on the home page, if it doesn't interest you, go back to playing Killing Floor or Counter Strike

>New Steam
All that shit you just mentioned. Why does it have to be a fucking project to find games that aren't made in fucking RPG Maker?

>typing a genre in the search bar is hard
>two, if you want to filter something

Woooooooow what a project

>at launch
Of course that a game that already has a huge fanbase will sell more within the first few days when released on a new platform. Show lifetime sales, a faster launch is obvious.

Just filter RPG maker tag if you don't want to see it.

>also "New Steam"
Just look at the homepage and nothimg else like always for the same experience. Are you clinically retarded?


Attached: 1549429315136.png (616x822, 23K)

Following this thread with new IPs being marked is funny. It's the same few shills getting constantly dunked by user.

The internet has improved word of mouth so its rarer for "hidden gems" to occur. Plus, PC gaming was niche in the 90s.

But old Steam told you about EVERY game being released on the front page, and sure, you were limited to a selection of games that didn't age well like Braid - but you knew Steam/Valve had tested the game and okayed it

Now, Steam can't list every game on the front page or it would literally be a dumping ground of shit, so they hide it under a different tab

So you have popular new releases and new releases - what the fuck?

Attached: braid1024pcbox.jpg (1024x1452, 311K)

Aha. So your complaint is that there are now too many games.
Maybe you should get a job?

If you want Steam games specifically then look at great games like Rain World, Wuppo, Pathologic 2, Environmental Station Alpha and more which all sold like shit.

Braid is fantastic, hipster.

Braid is not good, actual hipster - it has a fantastic licensed soundtrack that he had nothing to do with, but that's it.

>stupid retro looking survival game with obtuse controls. Took like two years to get a patch that kind of fixed them but not really.
>"Hollow Knight sold poorly". What a fucking retard.
>Sequel to an infamously poor game AND kickstarted AND poor game all by itself
>yet another shitty looking retro game except not metroid wannabe

Wow yeah. Real champs you got there. But here, I'll include your amended post too >Wuppo: a crappy looking game that would be for literal kids except it has a bad interface.

Am I being meme'd on right now? Greenlight was never fucking good you shitters. Curation can only get us so far.

The fact of the matter is, people are making way too many god damn games. Market demand dictated that there eventually needed to be a place where all this trash was to go to, and Steam stepped up. At the end of the day, I'd take this wild wild west format than the old days of Steam curation where the line for entry would be so fucking long it'd make America's southern border blush.

>>Curation can only get us so far.

It's working for GOG, nigger



Yeah sure does.

>Game not being updated on GOG compared to other versions? Missing languages or DLCs? Post about them here and let me add them to the list. Please add a release date for the earliest missing patch if possible.

Yeah and look how far that got GOG.

Steam is better than gog because Valve supports linux and VR.

That is a problem, but I also heard the GOG update process is annoying for devs and they'd rather leave the games in that state

>That list of GOG games missing achievements


Jesus christ the ENTITLEMENT

Whoa you posted it again. what are you up to now? A whole dollar?

Attached: Epicuck Shill.png (1394x1466, 516K)

Braid was boring shit even when it came out.

GOG has always been horseshit.
>paying for literal cracked torrents

Nah I'd say Braid was acceptable for the time it was released, overhyped, sure, but besides a weird (but good) port of Symphony of the Night, it was the only halfway decent game on XBLA

It's aged fucking HORRIBLY since as we've gotten amazing platformers like Shovel Knight and Cuphead

>Indie devs actually doing work
>See user, I'm actually more of an idea guy....

"Idea guys" get the rope too.

All these indie cunts don't want curation. You think the shit kitsune or yitz put out would be let on a curated store? No, what they wanted was steam to open up to them when they were trying to get on, and now they want the door closed behind them because everyone else can go fuck themselves.

Snake Pass
Mushroom 11
Axiom Verge
Return of the Obra Dinn
Yoku's Island Express
Megaman 11

All great games on Steam that sold like shit.

>when you make a bait thread to get steam faggots thinking they're entering an EGS nigger thread but you're actually a kotakushill

Attached: 1547200396696.jpg (540x393, 39K)

Axiom Verge is anal sauce, as is Dustforce

Do these devs not know how to tough it out?

Fucking Hollow Knight only sold like 100k units on its first three months. And that was during a time when they got absolutely bodied by BotW, Nier, Cuphead, Odyssey, Horizon, etc. Those devs fucking toughed it out and now they're at 3m+.

>Somebody else hates Dustforce


Fucking hate how soulless it feels

How do you know that they sold like shit? All of thise were pretty popular when they came out. People actually talked about them.

>animeshit poster
>complete and drooling retard

>only 100k in its first 3 months
Nigga that's over 500k of profit per dev. You're trying to say you earn more quarterly?

>kissing corporation's asses
>being in either side with "these" fags

Attached: 20190722_003306.jpg (720x1077, 217K)

I've been going off whatever their peak is on as a general indicator (I know that's not the number of people that own it but if its all time peak is less than 1000 I'm pretty certain it's safe to say it sold like shit). Seeing as how games rarely say how much they sold this is the best thing I can find.

I just hated the clunky controls. Platforming should never be clunky and annoying to control, it should be precise, exact and fast.
Super Meat Boy shits on Dustforce.

So your guesses are even wilder than the entirety of vgcharts.

Super Meat Boy is Super Shit Boy, but I still agree with you on Dustforce

Cool so you don't have an actual source then.

No. If you have a better source for sales than I'd like to see it. Several of the games I listed I'm 100% certain they sold like shit since they didn't even get threads on here. What do you use as the cutoff for a game selling well? If you haven't got a better source than shut the fuck up.

I'll help the guy out

The most accurate list in game sales we have

>Obra Dinn
No threads. Are you actually fucking daft?

>obra dinn
>no threads

Stop lying faggot. I don't know about the others but only because I'm not into them.

Nobody defends this retard
t. steamdrone

Why is it always Nathan Greyson? What's his beef with steam?

I can't believe there are this many people on Yea Forums that can't even fucking read.

Says the dumbfuck that bases a game's financial success on Yea Forums threads and fucking concurrent player peaks of all things.

You are pretty fucking stupid in that case.

>t-those guys stopped being accurate y-years ago

No they didn't. They fixed that shit in like two months. Let's review your pile of garbage:

>Snake Pass:Boring collectathon relying entirely on unusual controls, which are not to everyone's liking. Poorly reviewed.
>Mushroom 11: Literally a flash style game available on mobile for ten dollars less than the Steam version.
>Axiom Verge: retro looking shit AND it still sold hundreds of thousands so fully retarded example.
>Furi: 500k to a million copies sold. Another retarded example.
>Weird looking puzzle game that has never had a discount below fifteen dollars.
>literally pinball.
>250-500k sold.
>thirty dollar game with no regional pricing, based on a long ruined franchise and never available below 20 bucks.


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>there are zero problems with my beloved digital store
Goys the lot of you.

Winnie the pooh pays him 1 chinkbuck and his family gets to live another day.

>I released a low effort derivative work into a monstrously oversaturated market and spent exactly $0 on marketing

>draft proposal of a special sales event they could have where all their shovelwa--- I mean games can be showcased
each developer can set their own price, they don't REALLY need valve to do this.

just chalk in up in whatever shitty social media platform, call it indiegameday and set the discounts as a group

If it wasn't for indie devs like me, you would all just be stuck playing call of duty and final fantasy for the rest of your lives.

no one holds those shitty low effort tittles with 34 reviews hostage - they are free to pursue their millions of sold on many different platforms at once. But I guess not a single other storefront would accept them, huh?

They don't need to convince Valve to do anything. Devs and publishers have the right to put their game on sale X amount of times in a year, whenever they want. All it would take is a group of them to band together and say "Ok Valve we want to do this thing" but of course indie devs are too stupid and egotistical to do that.


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>"People are blacklisting the indie and visual novel tags because they don't want my shitty poetry laid over MS paint images."

Cry me a fucking river mate. Design a proper game and we'll talk. Newgrounds flash games were less pretentious than your shit, and I'd actually pay to have some of those in a refined format that isn't slave to my internet connection.

>some article that kotaku crapped out is above criticism because it shits on Steam
>t. kotaku "game jurno"
See, I can do it too.

>Design a proper game and we'll talk
You still won't see it because by blacklisting indie you told Steam that "I only want to see things from big publishers"

Go ahead and kill yourself out of spite faggot

>Newgrounds flash games were less pretentious than your shit, and I'd actually pay to have some of those in a refined format that isn't slave to my internet connection.
You are aware that BlueMaxima's Flashpoint exists right? Just grab the infinity version and download the specific flash games you want. Unless you're talking about updated re-releases or something.

Warhamer sale was pretty darn great.

>the original, mentally ill people that keep repasting these shitty threads have been thoroughly trounced and have retreated until next thread.

Not really, crybaby bitch

Post Steam blacklists.

Attached: SteamBlacklist.png (763x310, 30K)

Jew indie dev kvetches over nobody giving him sheckles

Maybe your product sucks, david, did you ever think about that?



I don't remember if I have anything black listed, I just ignore games that I don't like and Valve's algorithm does the rest.

RPGMaker and Visual Novel

fuck i don't feel like pulling up the list. suffice it to say grand strategy, visual novel, indie, sports, rpgmaker, mmorpg, walking simulator, VR, and LEGO make up the bulk of said list and make me really wish i had more blacklist slots.

He's right about the discovery queue and "more like this" being trash though. I usually have to rely on Yea Forums to tell me what games are similar to ones I've enjoyed.

>people who already bought my game last year aren't buying it again this year.

>too obvious, comrade.

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>grand strategy
Guess that's not everyone's cup of tea, can see not wanting to have it clog up the recommendations if you don't care for them.
>visual novel
Practically not a game, so nothing to say here.
Now this is where I have to question "Why?" ANY game that isn't produced by some AAA publisher? That seems kinda shallow, for a lack of a better way of putting it.
Who the hell is playing sports games on PC?
Never seen a RPGmaker game that wasn't shit, so nothing to say here.
Getting into any MMO always seems to be a strange timesink.
>walking simulator
Practically not a game, so nothing to say here.
Guess if you don't have a headset, nor intend to get one, fair enough. Personally like to see what the development of (good) VR titles is though.
Seems a bit random. I'm not the biggest fan of every LEGO game for over a decade has been a palette swap of the last, but going out of your way to block them?

>Now this is where I have to question "Why?" ANY game that isn't produced by some AAA publisher? That seems kinda shallow, for a lack of a better way of putting it.
I'll grant its shallow but since anybody can put any ol' POS on the steam store, I'd rather rely on "word of mouth" to bring the games that are worth the money to my attention.
>Seems a bit random. I'm not the biggest fan of every LEGO game for over a decade has been a palette swap of the last, but going out of your way to block them?
I never cared for the LEGO games, they seemed like the funko pop of video games. For a long time, it felt like id see two or three every time i generated a new queue. Just got sick of seeing them.

Whenever I touch myself I play with the strands of precum before committing to busting a nut

well who the fuck doesn't?

>I'll make the exact same thread again and again and again and again and again
when will the jannies ban your sinful hand?

>Battle royale
>Visual novel
>Walking simulator
And I unchecked "show VR content" at the top rather than filtering the VR tag, since there could be good games that are only optionally VR.

>tfw get a really sticky string that won't come out all the way and I have to wrap it around a tissue to get it all out
feels weird bros

>Valve makes greenlight
>Valve fully opens the floodgates
why dont these indie hacks fuck off, oh wait no other store wants their shitty asset flips

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What a fucking nigger. Rain world sold and is one of the best games of the decade. It's a niche game and has a limited reach no matter where its released. It would never have sold in droves. It also sold well on switch despite being broken as fuck on it. Btw the controls aren't broken you are just shit at vidya. Rain world doesn't look retro and isn't even pixel art. Get your eyes checked.

>my first sale made a lot more money


Huh, I didn't know Shovel Knight and Cuphead had mechanics that screwed with time in interesting ways

Braid didn't have mechanics that screwed with time in an interesting way, either


The artstyle's kinda cute desu but knowing the dev is acting like such a faggot, with THAT as his portfolio reference for being an authority on Steam algorithms, makes me actively want not to play it.

>pushing unpopular (including ‘mostly negative’ reviewed) triple-A games over titles that Steam has more than enough data to know would be a better match for the consumer.”

This shit is annoying as fuck. I have games that I have hidden before show up on my front page and it even says that its hidden. The fuck is with this shit.
The switch shop is even worse because it doesn't have any features like steam to filter the garbage.

Going for the Head.

>It's steams fault no one wants to buy my asset flip/rpg maker/text adventure game!
>steam shouldn't curate the store they should let everyone on
>why is my game being bumped off the new release page after 48 hours

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It's over which means it's ancient history.
I can't remember a time where people talked about the steam sale after it was over so I'm guessing it's Epic store fanbois/shills jumping on a dead horse and/or devs just bitching about their shitty game again.


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He wanted me to buy THIS?

>modern indie devs

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I wonder how these devs feel knowing that hentai rpgmaker shit sells more than their games.

Can you imagine Yea Forums?

He made actual money off of *this*? While I have a PhD in computer sciences and can't find a job? Brb killing myself.

fuckoff faggot. it's not steams job to do your advertising. your game is older than it was last sale, so it's gonna get less sales. your discounted price is probably dogshit, worse than or at best equal to last sale. the fuck do you idiots actually expect.

i'm all for indie devs making whatever the fuck games they want and throwing them on steam, but expecting anything out of it is fucking dumb. as for the dudes whining, they're literally testing new ways of showing users what games they would be interested in right now with their machine learning tests and shit. does he think that kinda stuff just pops up in working fashion overnight?

i'm so happy for this guy that his little game got enough people to play that he was genuinely happy and thankful, and that he got hired by capcom too.

not you again you endless fucking faggot. go somewhere else you lazy cunt, wants mommy to curate all his content and only give him the few drops that are popular.

He gets btfo'd every thread, he literally never stops crying that he has to self curate and it's soooo difficult that someone doesn't limit everyones choices simply so he can be a retard

I only buy big budget AAA games. Even then I only buy like 4 or 5 games a year because they are all shit this gen

Came here just to write this


He's just seething that the guy now has benefits and experience that he can take to other jobs, while he's still pissing in bottles in his mom's basement. Even if the job doesn't work out for him, he can still say he worked for Capcom, which is still a respected company within the industry.

stop spamming this garbage fuck

I've bought like 5 games in the last 2 years despite being way more financially stable, and a lot of people I know are the same. Why would I buy any of the dozen $20 Mystery Games (aka nice store page but is really probably probably shit) that comes out every week when I've got the last 15 years of unplayed FOTMs to go through in my backlog library? As well as all the large timesink games, replaying older games I liked, and the occasional worthwhile new thing.

Basically game devs are fucked and should stop trying to make filler games sold at a premium pricea

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Most indie devs on Steam don't want to put in any more effort than necessary. Most of them are just publishing their college work with small tweaks to make a quick buck.

my indie game sold more than ever this sale so things are looking up for me

Attached: 9a2.png (377x326, 11K)

>everspace devs do this
>the streamer starts it saying "now we're gonna play a space game and i don't like space games"
>bangs his head against it for a couple hours
>shuts it off as soon as time's up and never mentions it again

yeah except this is from launch when switch had 15 games total

now that boom has ended and ports go to switch to die, as they did with wii and wii u

lego is so chill to play when drunk or high though user

Steam is dying. People are sick of PC gaming. Tired of using the awkward control scheme that office workers use to make spreadsheets. Tired of missing out on the best games of every generation. Tired of modders and pirates ruining games and their communities.

>ruining games
There's a lot of games that are only playable because of mods

I dunno controller works on PC just fine???

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You mean the games that were playable day 1 on console and didn't require some shoddy fix cobbled together by some neckbeard and hosted on some sketchy Russian url?

fuck off with your console wars

Why is it GABEN's responsibility to advertise their game? Is there something in a steam contract that states as such?

yeah just play it on console with terminally last gen specs!

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why do you keep posting this

>I never cared for the LEGO games, they seemed like the funko pop of video games
The newer ones really aren't that bad

>make shit game
>cry when Steam doesn't advertise your shit in bold letters on the frontpage

Go to or trick timmy tencent into giving you fortnitebuxs if you're too afraid of an open marketplace where you need to compete with more successful games

This is a good thing for developers. Steam used to be in control of which games get attention. Now Steam is so clogged up with trash that customers are looking elsewhere to find new games.

You bootlicking Steam-drones are hilarious.

>Steam is so clogged up with trash
Pretty much.



>Steam’s data on his games, which showed that the “vast majority” of his store page traffic came from outside Steam,
how the fuck do they know this

>Now Steam is so clogged up with trash that customers are looking elsewhere to find new games.
Who do you think wanted that in the first place

The only good thing for developers is that they're finally realizing their game design degrees are fucking worthless. It doesn't matter how many stores they prostrate themselves too, unless tencent gives them a big bonus check they'll be forced to wake up to the reality that no one wants their kusoge

Steam tracks every single click you do in the store. It's in the privacy policy.

okay chang

Pretentious shit is such an oversaturated market because every commie indie does it. They never think about marketability because they think money should just print for them for wasting hours of their lives on producing shit

I never have a problem keeping up on anime games released on steam

The hilarious thing is most of the hentai rpgmaker shit literally uses mostly default assets aside from the CGs and maybe the protag's sprite.
Though I'd argue that's at least more effort than pixel trash.

>pretentious californian makes a shit 30 minute long RPG Maker "experience"
>gets dabbed on by some fucking chink studio that makes god-awful 30 minute long hentai RPG Maker games
>indie devs left literally seething other how Chinamen understand capitalism and market forces more than some pretentious western SJW who go to lobby those pretentious Campo Santos scumbags to ban "anime games" basically arguing for nationalist protection of their shitty product

Controllers work better on PC than their own consoles

>The only good thing for developers is that they're finally realizing their game design degrees are fucking worthless

Pretty much. Learning a game engine requires zero talent. They're a dime a dozen these days, and respectable studios have no sudden need for more code grunt

The real demand and money is in CG animation and graphic design

>Game Developers Say
*Shitty indie devs wanting to sell crappy games say

in addition to most of the games being shit the indie market is insanely oversaturated at present due to unity/unreal engines and steam's low quality control. most of these devs will never see more than a couple sales

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