>He mains a spammy """"zoner"""" character because he can't fight up close like a real man
You may only post in this thread if your fighting game main is an actual fighter.
He mains a spammy """"zoner"""" character because he can't fight up close like a real man
t. got his shit pushed in by a zoner
Zoning isn't real fighting fag
I am hijacking this thread. It is now a "Why does Nintendo hate F-Zero" thread.
they don't hate it. they just don't know what else to do with it because GX was perfect.
where do you go from there?
GX with online
>rushdown gameplay
>amazing aerials
>only gets better every game
>amazing kill moves
>self healing
He's amazing.
In a perfect world we'll see GX with online and in HD widescreen.
I'm new to smash, whats Kirby?
>He wants every fight to be a close up fist battle where its about being countered or countered
As a falcon main I am appauled with this shit opinion.
Zoning spamming fuckboys are always welcomed, they just need to be prepared to have a stupid fast athlete dance around their asses.
>The best Starfox game in 10 years wasn't made by Nintendo
Give it to anyone else, really.
Neither is smash but that doesn't stop you.
Don’t even try to get peoples hopes up
>GX with online
>After Mario Maker 2 and Smash Ultimate
Yeeeeeeah no.
In a different timeline, a different universe, F-Zero is the Mario Kart.
It's not fucking fair
based, watching zoners trying to approach when they’re down a stock is hilarious
I'd have high hopes since at the very least MK8D works well enough. Racing games are fundamentally harder to fuck up.
Some good online, upgraded graphics and some new characters thrown in would be an easy GOTY.
>that one nigga who gets destroyed so hard by the Belmonts he comes to Yea Forums to cry about it
Grapplers are the only real men in a roster
Reminder that F Zero has a official novel.
So Incineroar and no one else for Smash?
Kirby is kirby.
Learn his tools and come to your own fucking conclusion.
>finding out the real men in a kids game roster
Beginner friendly character who teaches you about other characters through copy abilities.
Lightweight and has combo game and strong special attacks that are good for cheesing CPUs with but not very good against human players.
Kirby mains are fucking based though.
complaining that you can't get close to a zoner
realizing every character is a zoner and you're just bad at zoning
*beats you up close with disjoints but can also spam*
To be fair the Belmonts are the most tryhard bullshit in the game. Even swordies are more respectable than them.
Incineroar has pretty much the same number of grabs as Falcon.
Ganon has more grabs than both.
Bowser is easily a grappler build but he has one command grab.
>Forgetting NESS of all characters
All of them have devastating grapples.
Is there anything more alpha than playing a character because you enjoy their movement and moveset, without giving a shit about their aesthetics?
Short hop aerial fast fall Short hop aerial fast fall Short hop aerial fast fall Short hop aerial fast fall Short hop aerial fast fall
Fuck zoners REEE
Playing a character because it's OP and not because you like their games is the least chad thing possible
Not playing a swordie
i count close range fighters with a strong grab game to be grapplers, and if they have a decent command grab they are automatically in. So falcon, ganon, incineroar, bowerser and probaly some i'm forgetting
Fucking Smash players are too much of a fucking scrub to actually learn how to dodge projectiles. Jesus fuck you guys are so stupid and smelly.
>Kirby mains are based
Kirby is fucking boring. They're tasteless.
My favorite fighting game is Skullgirls and I hate peacock.
The exact opposite. That just makes you utilitarian
A true chad will play a character to his fullest despite how they actually play, JUST because he digs how the character looks/sounds/animates.
>mfw I play KIllager but only used his melee attacks and demolish pathetic Falcons on the minutely
How the hell do you even make a new racing game? Mario kart got its item gimmick.
Belmonts are tryhard unrespectable shit compared to Lucina/Roy/Chrom? How fucking bad are you at the game?
What a weird post
Swordies at least know they're faggots, see Belmontcucks pretend they're based when they aren't.
Do I have to pay for all the characters separately or can I just go in playing Falco?
playing a low tier and fucking up top tiers. you sound like an annoying fag to play with
More Characters, Courses and Challenges?
I legitimately only dislike chrom because of that shitty fucking sword. Damn that cross guard pisses me off.
This. True chad is playing your favorite because they come from your favorite game. Unless it's one of the anime swordsmen, because that means either you';re playing them because you want an OP crutch character or because you actually like FF/FE/Xenoblade/Persona which makes you a faggot with trash taste.
>he can't into the concept of area-denial and distance.
I am almost finished with a night shift. I was trying to ask
How do you make a new f-zero with a new gimmick since ninty fucking loves those. Give each racer an ability?
I play every sword character, but only their green skins, and I make my name Zelda very time.
Playing your favorite regardless of tierfagging (unless they're a swordie, zoner, waifushit or top tier)
>Based and Redpilled tier
Heavybros, Snakebros, Wariobros, Falconbros
>Chill guy tier
Belmonts, ROB, Pac Man, Mr. Game & Watch, Mega Man, Kirby
>Boring but inoffensive tier
>Marios, shotos, Samus, Links
>Shit tier
Waifufags, top tiers, zoners
>Literally kill yourself tier
I like using roar and Bowser. I use Joker too sometimes because I like him.
>mfw destroying tierfags tryharding with FEshit and Joker using my bro
>”heh, I “main” ganon for da memez (but also keep a “pocket” high tier)
Did OP lose to Ness on quickplay again?
>Playing your favorite regardless of tierfagging
>swordie, zoner, waifushit or top tier
"dude, just play the character you like unless you like characters that use swords, characters that use projectiles, characters that are attractive females or characters that just happen to be really strong"
you are a fucking moron.
Also, sword-users are really easy to deal with since their attacks are really predictable 90% of the time, just parry and grab
Kirby is shit in Ultimate for the fact that he can't retain his copied power after 2 jabs, it wasn't bad like that in Sm4sh.
I know what I said faggot. If you like any of those characters you're probably a shitter with bad taste so your favorite doesn't matter.
Put ppl in your mouth while they're trying to recover and suicide fall with them.
Falco is for complete dickwads.
I just like the characters nerd
Hello @scrubquotesx?
Yes, we got one.
>not 100% pure undiluted tryhard
i main ganon because i want him to crush my guts. all the fun of being the guy with a shit-ton of 1:9 matchups is just a side bonus.
kek im gonna try this
t.weeb mad that I C4ed his faggot anime characters straight to hell
>Got his ass beat by Kirby of all characters
smash isn't a fighting game. people who play fighting games don't lose their shit whenever they play against a zoner.
It's literally cheating since kirbys recover is so good cuz when by the time they come out it'll be too late for them and you can just puff you way back and use the sword
>He doesn't remember when people threw a shit fit over Chris G's Morrigan and Infiltration's Menat
>didn't even read the lower half of my post
fe is shit, swordies are shit, joker is an unforgivable abomination of character design, and snake is still disgustingly tryhard.
tryhard isn't even an insult it's just like, don't call other people tryhards while playing snake dude
>having trouble with the worst spacie
you must fucking suck lol
FUN FACT: If you're near the ledge (as in between the distance of the middle and the actual ledge), Mii Brawler can down tilt into forward air into the default up-b for a 0 - death TRUE combo.
Ask me for some more Mii facts!
It works on every character but Falco.
Can't I just enjoy Metal Gear?
Why do you main the fucking miis
nobody said it had to be fair
smash isn't a real fighting game anyways
My point stands retard, Snake isn't anywhere close to top tier. If you're losing to him just throw your fucking cartridge in the trash, you have no hope of getting good.
Mii brawler is overpowered as fuck
I believe in Fashion over Function.
My main
Miyamoto can't think of a shitty gimmick to shove in it because it's already perfect.
Nintendo's been obsessed with being "innovators" ever since the Wii. I guess they're just not that interested in a niche series like F-Zero anymore, gotta chase those Wii Sports bucks.
You can also 3 stock some unfortunate fool in 20 sec with bowsers side b. they get rlly mad
And once shiggy dies? What happens?
That's just Twisted Metal. How you would make it gimmicky is by making it open world playing as Blood Falcon fleeing police trying to race Captain Falcon.
Fuck I thought this was a smash thread
Yeah you can play Falco immediately but you need the DLC.
>it's Yea Forums user can't dodge the same move episode
Which player is worse, the person doing it or the person who can't avoid it?
What if I play a non-OP character from a game I don’t play because I just like how they play?
Honestly I only play close-combat characters like falcon and shiek because I started off with games like street-fighter and MvC, I can't into gimmick-fighters like puff or fox.
You're still a faggot.