IllBleed Thread
I love this game. I wanted to make some webms to show people how great it is, but that would be spoiling it for the few actually interested in such a unique game.
Some screenshots I took when I played through on emulator in 2017.
This was Dreamcast right? want to emulate it some day.
Interesting if sort of shitty game, I feel like this is a game that could really use a remake to make combat good.
Yeah, it and blue stinger were dc exclusives.
This game captures the feel of going on a haunted walk. A really cheesey one. It somehow game-ifies that feeling of looking ahead and scoping out where the scares will come from. Anyone who frequents HHN knows what I'm talking about.
I played through it so many times just to get Eriko as close to nude as possible....what a trip of a game
You can emulate Dreamcast games like Illbleed? I always wanted to play it.
what emulator do I use to play Dreamcast games?
This game pissed me off, those damn traps would keep getting me. I would scan stuff but could never get the traps. The presentation was amazing though
It may still depend on the game but dreamcast emulation has gotten way better. I mainly use it to emulate TXR2 and marvel 2/cvs2
Low IQ
I love the hell out of this game, even if it was really rough around the edges and had some frustratingly hard moments. I don't know if I could call it a good game, but it was really damn special and unique, and I wish there were more games that captured whatever it captured.
sexy doll
I emulated it back in like 2012 or so, with minimal issues related mostly to textures in some spots. It was definitely playable without any major hindrance back then, and I'm sure emulators have advanced since.
Fucking loved this game. This game made me buy a dreamcast. I just wished dreamcast emulation was better.
Did you get the secret ending?
Yes, it took me a bit to do that shit. I especially hated that maze section with the jump scares
Drawfag here, I want to draw something Illbleed related. Any requests?
Don't know this game so looked at gameplay video and man it looks retarded..
>walk past lightbulb: explodes, damage
>enter a room: shit falls off ceiling, damage
>look randomly at the floor: pool of blood appears, damage
From the gameplay I watched it looks like literally every steps there's a random trap you can't predict or avoid so what's the point?or are you supposed to just not look at anything at all and walk super slow which is just as dumb?
So, as you're walking around, a meter at the top shows which one of your senses is picking up a trap. Let's say it's Smell. So you look around for something that could smell, like a bloody sink or pile of flesh. It's all about using clues to suss out the jump scares.
Sorry you can't appreciate its subtle genius, bruv.
Both illbleed a d blue stinger were going to get xbox upgrades but the guy died
I preferred Blue Stinger to Illbleed.
Same but illbleed is more obscure so game hipsters gravitate towards it. Plus it has a cutie main character. Not complaining though. I still have a my copy and the value is going up. I love blue sginger tho
But then you lost health lol
So what's the point?
Fuck yeah Illbleed!
draw eriko unfazed at whatever with her signature tattered clothing
Love this game. Didn't the creator die?