Post non-vidya characters you want in Smash.
Post non-vidya characters you want in Smash
I agree
Pic related for sure
None of em, but if I had to pick, it'd be pic related.
Hey lois, I'm in Smash. hehehehehehe
He's in
The mst3k bots
Would be kino desu
Smashfags will never be satisfied with a roster because they don't actually care about the game. They just want a vicarious sense of importance from their pick making it in.
But I still play Melee all the time.
>Smash Team bans all tranny stages from stage builder
>Only black reps in roster are an ape and a pajeet villain
>Sakurai wants "unexpected" characters this time around
He's in.
They're in!
Please don’t respond to bait and off topic responses
After that disaster of a finale? Fuck no.
fuck off randy
But the movie looks fun
Now imagine if his final smash was copying the other person's final smash. Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist would be cool too. I just like him because he has a lot of fun being evil
>tfw the video got taken down
Honestly, it doesn't have to be Kira, any big Jojo character would do. But not many of the animated protags have much in the way of ranged-attacks.
Didn't most xra videos get taken down
I would buy smash if it had a Jojo character. The question which one. Maybe Bucciarati
MvC moves through Mega Man and Ken, mutants referenced in Ryu's Guidance, MUA3 funded by Nintendo, etc.
t. seething snoyboy waiting for death stranding (the movie)
I just realised how fucking rad it would be to have MJ, a touhou and a jojo character in smash. It'd result in so many fucking baller stages and songs getting put into smash. Though now I'm wondering what would Jackson's ultimate be, and what would it be called?
Rainbow Dash
>inb4 banned for pony content regardless of context because fuck you, bitch
Smash DLC? More like, I gotta pee!
>pony character gets added to smash
>smash now defined as pony content
>smashthreads forcibly exiled to the /mlp/ gulag
Good end.
I now have an excuse to post this image again
Most realistic choice for non-game rep imo.
Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives.
>no one's posted the Sponge yet
If you want a 4th party in, they at least better have some damn good games.
>Final Boss is an opera singer
>Doesn't sing
I mean, the singing part is the only redeeming part of the whole show, and even that fails to deliver
Jonesy with Ramirez as an Echo Fighter, plenty of room for different costumes
Space Michael is already a vidya character. He's even one of the supporting role in Space Channel 5 pt 2
Goku's in Smash already
Spongebob isn't popular in Japan.
Oh my fucking goodness you're right. I totally forgot about this. The most association I thought MJ had with vidya was his work on Sonic 3 OST. Thanks a bunch space channel trivia user.
my sides
I'm 32 and I feel like a retarded zoomer laughing at this garbage.
He had his own game and is inherently related to vidya, but he originated in a magazine. I suppose you could see this as a ROB situation.
My dad
Frig off Ricky
>Enjoying a funny image makes you a retarded zoomer because FORTNITE BAD
calm down grandpa, take your meds
What's his moveset?
Doesn't Spongebob have a track done by RIP SLYME?
I can't afford to go to a doctor because I am not a literal boomer.
Only in my dreams
>swinging a chain grab
>the paralyzer special
>tfw no XJ9 gf
nice dad!
thats not decade
Chinaman goes to the eye doctor...
But he is a video game character, user.
Why did you make me remember this
This show was based.
We really need a nintendo board
>all the xavier content got taken off of youtube
why would they suddenly care about enforcing copyright on such an old and usually unpopular show?
clearly, he's making a comeback in the form of a smash appearance
He'd kill all those moralfags
>You thought I only had 3 stock, but I actually had an extra stock added to my count before the round started!
I wanna meet that dad.
Was actually a pretty good twist.
user, that wasn't the end. the show will keep going after the special.
Eh, I saw it coming really early. They spend so many issues saying how it was THE LETHAL LIMIT! HE'LL REALLY REALLY DIE! NO CHANCE TO SURVIVE!
You should've seen it coming as Akagi is a prequel
Also, Ten has a sequel now, and Akagi's friend who he goes fishing with at the end of the manga is in it
In a perfect world he would be in smash
You know the kinda guy who gets into Smash? Well, that was me.
Based Zoomers. I haven't seen this show in years. Is it good?
I think it'd be interesting how they handle him. Also One Piece has more of a history with Nintendo and is more involved with Nintendo (due to shit like amiibos unlocking Nintendo themed costumes). Realistically you won't get Goku. You'd get Luffy.......he is also the anime character I want the most in smash.
i remember it being Kino.
Think about ALL the alts he would have
who is this?
looks like some soulless zoomer cartoon.
I haven't seen it in a minute so I dunno whether it would still hold up, but I remember my parents thinking it was funny back when it aired even though they generally hated cartoons.
My wife
You're trying too hard to fit in.
Fucking. Please.
>20th anniversary
>His powers would be fucking fun to play with in Smash
No amount of convincing would change Sakurai's mind though. Respect for that, I guess the many Smash Bros spinoffs will have to do.
Also EEnE
I don't think there's a single character in Smash that could beat him.
please sakurai
Remember that it's also the 20th anniversary for EEnE as well.
fuck off
>instead of the usual Smash sound effects, they use the random ones from their show
How would they work? Would they all attack at the same time, or would they switch a la Pokemon Trainer? What would their final smash be?
probably swap out with down B like Pokemon Trainer
>Ed super-heavyweight with melee (monster costume is part of his moveset, along with
>Edd average normalweight with ranged gadgets
>Eddy fast lightweight with hit-and-run tactics and jawbreakers
>each has their own version of the Canadian Squirt Gun
>Final Smash is the El Mongo Stink Bomb being slammed onto the caught enemy fighter
>all of their throws play the subaluwa sound