What color is PC gaming?

What color is PC gaming?

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green and purple

Grey because of Steam and grey markets

blue screen

Pink, purple and blue.

Yellow, of course.

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>mfw i play my switch in tabletop mode while dabbing on ps niggers
I play on my switch for it's exclusives and portable ports, and play my pc for when i actually give a shit about duh graphics.

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White master race

What color is mobile gaming?

Brown, for shit

Red, for period blood


Green, because Android.

Grey or black

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the rainbow because it's gay af

Sony: Normalfags and Chads
Nintendo: Manchildren and Basedboys
Xbox: Amerimutt flyovers

Grey, represention very well how joyful its game experiences are.

Enjoy your pride flag technicolor, gayboy.

why are the colors the same colors as RGB anyways? was it a coincidence?

Translucid, for the souless incomplete gachshit the games are.


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PC's always been orange to me

>Sony: Normalfags and Chads

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The entire rainbow
>Red for Humble Store
>Orange for Origin
>Yellow for the PC gaming master race
>Green for Green Man Gaming
>Blue for Uplay, Steam and Blu-ray
>Indigo for PCGamingWiki
>Violet for GOG and DVD

exclusive to consoles

>Sony: Normalfags and Chads
Here's your Onions chads, bro

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PC/Sony/Nintendo/Xbox: Poorfags and Virgins
Try again Snoyiggers

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Only chads buy the nintendo switch
It's the patrician choice

Nothing Onions about that.

blue for waffles

Fucking Dickslurp allstars

>Write S o n y
>Get filtered inmediately as Onions

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>Hasn't had a worthwhile exclusive game in 15 years

>That cat pouncing him
Every time.

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PCs have Blu-ray drives.
Some could even play 4K Ultra HD Blu-rays.

>is a pc