What color is PC gaming?
What color is PC gaming?
green and purple
Grey because of Steam and grey markets
blue screen
Pink, purple and blue.
Yellow, of course.
>mfw i play my switch in tabletop mode while dabbing on ps niggers
I play on my switch for it's exclusives and portable ports, and play my pc for when i actually give a shit about duh graphics.
White master race
What color is mobile gaming?
Brown, for shit
Red, for period blood
Green, because Android.
Grey or black
the rainbow because it's gay af
Sony: Normalfags and Chads
Nintendo: Manchildren and Basedboys
Xbox: Amerimutt flyovers
Grey, represention very well how joyful its game experiences are.
Enjoy your pride flag technicolor, gayboy.
why are the colors the same colors as RGB anyways? was it a coincidence?
Translucid, for the souless incomplete gachshit the games are.
PC's always been orange to me
>Sony: Normalfags and Chads
The entire rainbow
>Red for Humble Store
>Orange for Origin
>Yellow for the PC gaming master race
>Green for Green Man Gaming
>Blue for Uplay, Steam and Blu-ray
>Indigo for PCGamingWiki
>Violet for GOG and DVD
exclusive to consoles
>Sony: Normalfags and Chads
Here's your Onions chads, bro
PC/Sony/Nintendo/Xbox: Poorfags and Virgins
Try again Snoyiggers
Only chads buy the nintendo switch
It's the patrician choice
Nothing Onions about that.
blue for waffles
Fucking Dickslurp allstars
>Write S o n y
>Get filtered inmediately as Onions
>Hasn't had a worthwhile exclusive game in 15 years
>That cat pouncing him
Every time.
PCs have Blu-ray drives.
Some could even play 4K Ultra HD Blu-rays.
>is a pc