lmao thanks Todd
Lmao thanks Todd
Alright I'm sorry for the child and awfully mad at that Father for doing an horrible thing to a child ESPECIALLY A BABY!!! This what I'm going to do, buy Skyrim please, not just one but for all systems and for you family (don't forget the DLCs), it will help the small child. Do it, Do it to save the child who was abuse.
wtf /pol/ told me only blacks did this nooooooooooooooooooo
I hate children.
rent free
FUCK hes from WA fuck this cunt needs to die
that cunt hes with is scum also jesus christ
This guy looks like he has Fox racing merchandise
They do violent things more often
target: offspring
setessential 000ch1ld 0
Eastern Washington?
>"You won't let me kill children in your games Todd? Fine, i'll show you"
that's a chuckle from me, my man.
Western australia
did you even look at story
FUCK this guy
needs a good braining when he gets to jail
He is Ausfag bogan so yes most likely.
Fallout 5: I must kill my son
No one in their right mind, not even the poliest poltard, will tell you degenerate whites don't exist and that whites are never guilty of doing awful shit. The difference is that while 1 in 10 million whites do this kind of shit it's like 1 in 500 blacks who do it.
>He actually did this two years ago
>Only just now getting charged
How is it possible for the government and courts to be so fucking slow and lazy?
God good why are Anglos so fucking ugly? They don't even resemble humans, much less white humans. Such an insectoid deformed "race"
so many crimes on queue
Honestly, his descendants probably cross bred with the indigenous natives at some point. Once the bloodline is tainted there is no hope.
So he did a post-birth abortion. I'm sick and fucking tired of science-denying Drumpf retards publishing articles on Fox News trying to demonize a woman's right to choose.
I get it, hah hah, Fallout hat. Kind of funny. But as long as women are being denied reproductive healthcare in this shithole country, it's no laughing matter.
if anyone sees this cunt on the streets he'll be sure to get a bashing.
>"B-but whites do it sometimes too so they're no different"
>its only okay when women kill their babies
Nah, all pure Anglos look like shit. The few good looking Anglos had their ancestors cucked by norsemen or the French. Natural Anglos look inhuman and freakish. Like tall pale goblins. Just look up any soccer fans in the UK. Brutes.
but babies aren't human yet. How is this murder?
>it's no laughing matter.
Neither is bashing a six week old baby to near death.
and even then fuck me they had to upgrade the charge to murder because the strong lad held on to life so long
>post-birth abortion
>"beating six week old to death"
fuck off
imagine the kind of man you have to be to beat up a literal baby
This is all clearly a lie, Bethesda doesn't let you harm children.
It's not Todds fault that dude modded so he could kill kids.
tell me how he was supposed to get to being a legimitate "human" if his parent bashed him into a coma
with your attitude be thankful your parent(s) didnt bash your head
think about that
why do you get to live and this kid got to die
But Todd...what about this?
im not sure why you even bother reply to posts like that
OOF oh no, Todd left! I'm his friend, Rodd.
Glad I told obsidian they're not making another!
nah that's just 90% of the time
More of a man than most. Most men wouldn't have the balls to do it.
I wish I could meet people who did shit like this.
I would beat them all to death, without a second thought.
That's what these people deserve.
I would make this fucker suffer as he did to his son.
I would bring true Hell upon these people, Yea Forums.
I'm not even a violent person. But it's things like this that remind me why violence is necessary.
Even if this post is all these feelings will ever amount to, just know, Yea Forums. That if any of the fuckers near me ever did this, you would be able to see me on the local new for manslaughter.
>it's no laughing matter
Then why am I laughing so hard at your post?
oooh! edgy!
would you rather live in a black neighborhood or a white neighborhood?
whites wont right in the street and burn down a city for this guy's release cuz he dindu nuffin
No, /pol/ told you blacks were far more likely to do this, and they are completely correct
It's a valid point though. Babies aren't really human beyond a textbook definition. They haven't experienced anything. They have no memories to be spoken of, no formed relationships, and they are of no importance to the rest of society. We lose nothing by ridding ourselves of them and no one is hurt or harmed in doing so. You're simply disposing of a blank slate that hasn't become relevant yet in any way.
That's what you get for thinking that buying a shitty knockoff hat can justify pirating my games
You got it all wrong mate. He was playing Pacific Rimsies with the lil bugger. Dad was Striker Eureka and bubs was a Kaiju. Not his fault the kid was a soft cunt.
>abortion and babykilling is a-okay
this place is filled with bait and edgelords. never change Yea Forums
Black, a million times over. The further I am from whites the safer I feel.
because these edgy people are just trying to fit in
as dark as your mind might get and your tolerance to gore and hectic shit 99% of edgy cunts arent legitimate psychos, because a psycho would disregard any of these thought experiments we throw around here, they just do what psychos do with the value of human life at whatever level they deem it
most Yea Forums edgelords would squirm and shudder if they had to isis someone
they wouldnt revel in it they would break down
except its been a 9 month energy investment by at least 1 party
and again, by those definitions when someone goes senile and dimentia kicks in they're as good as dead but im certain whoever you love most in your life you wont see the first signs and think "OK FUCK IT IN THE BIN YOU GO POPS LMAOO"
I've pirated most fallout games, except tactics and NV. fuck you todd.
I don't know either, and I made that post
This guy is the essence of a Kyle.
You wanna buy some ditch weed full of seeds?
we said no such thing. stop misrepresenting us. we at /pol/ know full well that no black father would do this to its child, because no black father would stick around for its birth.
>Abortions legal in australia
>Ok to kill a baby in the womb
>Not outside of it though
Lol ok.
pretty sure that was from the pitt in fallout 3. yikes
>We lose nothing by ridding ourselves of them
That's for your government to decide.
Babies are excellent cannon fodder in as few as 16 years, the only requirements are that they have a pulse and can walk.
Blacks can't do it because they're not around their babies
There was a moment shortly after my son was born where I broke down in tears holding him, thinking about shit like this and how mind boggling it is that anyone could intentionally hurt a tiny little innocent baby.
Black man here. Contrary to popular belief, whites are more violent. They instigate wars all over the world, and are crazy.
Next tier is pro-murder and then pro-extinction.
wars against other nations to further your own is not the same as niggers who we let live in this country commiting crime against others in the same country
its literally an idea of should we let this child be born or should we admit we cant shoulder this responsability so instead of the baby being birthed into a situation where they will just die through neglect the child doesnt have to even become fully formed
i dont get how people are not understanding abortion, or more disregarding the obvious to stick to "THEY ARE BABIES WHATS THE DIFFERENCE IF ITS IN OR OUT OF THE MOTHER LMAOO JUST KILLEM"
He looks live a French aristocrat.
Yes, but we count as individuals, unlike everyone else who is a group. And wars is healthy as it cleanse society of weaker men. Can't wait for ww3 when I will kill all the soibois and cement my standing as an alpha male.
Honestly, we should forcibly castrate any male who is a virgin at age 22, or females who have no children at 20. These creatures are failed humans and just another expense on the tax payer.
jhat are you dewing here my amigo?
>ha ha wh*te peepol are so weak, they can't fight and they can't handle spicy foods! that be real ayoo
>wtf wh*te peepol are crazy and violent, they be commitin wars and genocide and sheeeit
Literally OBSESSED.
The absolute state of fallout players
I bet he did it because the baby cried too much because it was starving while he was busy grinding zombies for loot
So you're saying if the child is born and we think we can't handle we shouldn't be able to kill it?
Bro I thought I could handle the responsibility I can't now. Just let me kill it.
>vault-tec hat
>neck tattoo
>faggy sunglasses
White trash cunt needs a bullet to the head
no you retard you will know if you're stable enough to raise a child the fuck kind of bent logic is that just trying to win the argument
useless do some introspection on why the fuck you're thinking like this