FF X was the last great mainline FF game. How come Square can’t get it right anymore?

XII was just okay and very forgettable
XIII was an utter abomination
XV is a fucking train wreck piece of shit

Why can’t Final Fantasy be good again Yea Forums?

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VII Remake actually looks promising but I am terrified at how many games it will be and the time between releases

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Everything before 7 is indistinguishable from your average indie game these days. 8 is trash, and 9 is overrated. Basically Final Fantasy was never good.

fuck off tifa fag

But I like both Tifa and Aerith

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That means the indie shit took after FF which means FF was good at a certain time

>good FF games
5, 6, 7, 10
>mediocre FF games
1, 4, 9, 12
>shit FF games
2, 3, 8, 13, 15
Why do people love this franchise again?

Fuck right back off to whichever hole you came from

production budget for them got high, they were already huge at a time when workers were better and tech less developed, now it's that times ten
Also FF13 director a fucking hack

muh religion opium of the masses

7 > 10 > 9 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 8 > 12 > 1 > 3 > 13 > 15 > 2

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Better dead than al bhed

X-2 is better

>10 in good

Fuck off Wakka go dig up your dead brother and suck him off you racist retard

Because it is good what's the problem?

This, but also with 12.

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It's not good that's the problem silly and it's certainly not better then 4 or 9

I want to GLAZE Aerith's FACE

12 was painfully medicore, Balthier and Fran don't make the game good desu.

The series is so far up its own ass now which is why I don't like it.

Couldn't agree more. XIII was decent but not on X level.

What does this even mean?

11 and 14? They are literally mainline numbered games. It's not like there's a continuity, so ignoring them is arbitrary.

>MMO shit

X-2 is a great game. It's actually fun and has a lot of content.

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Was replaying X, loved it as a kid but couldn't get through much of it now.
The last FF games I truly loved playing was XIII-2 and LR. Both great games.

>XIII-2 and LR. Both great games.
Eh, XIII-2 was mediocre. Story was hot garbage but the gameplay was good. LR gameplay was fantastic but my god that story is the worst story in FF history. Toriyama can get cancer for making his waifu literally Jesus

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Agreed on all counts. I don't care about story as much as the art and music though with both games excelled in imo

I feel like if somebody else directed the XIII trilogy, it could have been so much better. Toriyama let his boner for Lightning ruin a lot of things

I can go back and play 6 - 10 and never get tired of it. There was just so much magic and charm with those games. Everything after 10, I can only play one time and never want to touch it again. Especially 15. I had to force myself to finish. I have never in my life felt like forcing myself into finishing a FF game but 15 was that bad. It honestly killed the series for me

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I've been playing through FFX again recently, first time since 2002. It's pretty fun messing around with the sphere grid this time, considering I mostly just kept everyone on their main path the first time I played.

I used a Friend Sphere to move Yuna over to Lulu's area after she got to the -ga level spells, then I took her down to get Doublecast. By the time I got to the Gagazet Mountains she was doing about 12000 damage per turn, with her spells being even more powerful than Lulu's.

I also took Kimahri to get Mug as soon as I got my first Lv.2 Key Sphere, then had him go all the way to the end of Rikku's path and then teleport to to the spot where Auron's path meets the end of Wakka's. Picked up Mental Break and Triple Threat. Kimahri's got the most strength out of everyone on my team, as well as the second most agility (behind Rikku).

It's kind of neat what kind of stuff you can do. It's kind of hard to experiment with it unless you know where you want to go though.

Yes, and?

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>Why can’t Final Fantasy be good again Yea Forums?

It is, you are just looking in the wrong place.

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My nigga, elevating the superior FF titles. I love 8 though even with all the flaws, the beginning and middle are great even though the ending is fucking moronic.
As for why people love the FF games, I thiink they’re emblematic of the amazing non-FF games made by Squaresoft in their prime. Seriously go look up a list of Square games from 1996 on, it’s an incredible list for a short amount of time.

It really is. Dress spheres are fucking awesome and I loved how the game played out since spira is already explored they could have you just go all over the place.

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>VII Remake actually looks promising

This is the most kino FF game of all time, hands down. Makes fan favourites like VI and VII look like complete garbage in comparison

They're mainline games whether your autism is triggered or not. XIV's recent expansion had better story and characters than XII