Are you hyped for it?

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"Hyped" is a strong word.
I'm gonna get a bunch of upcoming indies and silksong is among them.
If silkson was the ONLY good upcoming indie then i'd be more focused on it, but there's so many coming out very soon that it feels like it's "on queue" among many other good games i'll have to eat trough first.

not really, HK already dragged on way too long and replaying it for the DLC just makes me feel sick seeing how similar this one looks

when it happens it happens

It's going to be the best game of all time until the 3rd one comes out

Just got replaying HK for the 3rd time and it's really amazing how these literal whos came out of nowhere and made the best game of 2017

i didn't like hollowknight

Definitely. I've seen about 15 seconds of gameplay but refuse to see anything more until release.

However it's definitely better than shitstained: ritual of the shit and anyone arguing otherwise is a moron.

For me, only video game I am excited for now. What the fuck else is there?

>didn't like it
I don't understand how Yea Forums doesn't appreciate this piece of KINO vydia more. Hollow Knight is one of the best games of all time.
Everything about is well done
The art is original and creative
The music sets the mood perfectly
The lore is interesting and told in a way that fits the video game media
And most importantly, the gameplay is fucking amazing. Smooth, fun and challenging in the perfect way

I really liked HK but it felt like lightning in a bottle. I'll be surprised if silksong can match the first game

I loved it, but I can understand how the mapping and death system can rub people the wrong way.
And the backtracking, but those types shouldn't be playing metroidvanias anyway.

>felt like lightning in a bottle
Really, why? I feel like if they keep up the level of bosses and level design it'll definitely be just as good.
I was thinking it could even be better because playing as Hornet seems even more fun


In the next Hollow Knight DLC you play as Zote

Attached: Zote the Mighty.png (420x420, 73K)

Yes. It looks like an improvement to the first game in every single way.


I just hope the level geometry is a little less repetitive visually. I scoffed at people declaring such things until I did speedruns of the game. You don't notice it when you're just ambling about exploring every nook and cranny but when you're trying to zip around at high speed a lot of the more labyrinthine levels with tunnel like layouts look really samey.

What species of bugs would you like to see represented? I'd like to see some water striders gliding over the surface of the water.

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which other games are you waiting for? just curious

I actually want a Cockroach gang in hollowknight, and a ladybug.

Yeah, loved hollow knight and I enjoy supporting indie devs

>tfw hollow knight devs live in your city
Why am I wasting my life doing nothing?

Fight Knight, Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX, The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors, just to name some.

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I am. So far everything I've seen or read about it seems like an improvement.

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just stop being depressed, bro



Hollow Knight is my favorite videogame not by From Software. This looks like it will be at the very least more of the same, probably even better, so I'm extremely excited for it.
Shame the fact that this game had such a warm reception here meant that eventually the contrarians started showing up and shitting on it.

Attached: hollow knight.jpg (1172x1754, 700K)

Nobody shits on HK aside retarded contrarians.
What people DO post, instead, is the fact that HK is just ok, and quite massively overrated and it has a fanbase that holds it too much on a pedestal.
Generally this comes from people that haven't played other games that are similiarly structured in the past and HK is one of the first experiences.

HK is to metroidvanias what DaS1 is to souls games, they tend to be overrated by people that are inexperienced in their respective executions.
They're not bad, but blowing them out of proportion shows a lack of experience.

I can't question that opinion as I also have no other experience with classic Metroidvanias. My only complaint with the game was that it started pretty slow and every movement option took forever to get, I wish we could have gotten Shadow Dash way earlier for example and that the bosses were as complex as the mid/lategame ones from earlier on. I was enamoured with everything else, the world, the art style, etc. And by world I not only meant the lore and whatever but also how the maps are set up, the lack of regular fast travel, etc. I don't know if other Metroidvanias have moments like finding where the water in the City of Tears come from and such. I thought Hollow Knight was a pretty complete package in terms of quality in all aspects except the aforementioned slow start.


Attached: hollow switch2.png (1228x1572, 156K)


not him but I'm most hyped for the king Knight campaign when it comes to indie desu