>Big Iron
>I Got Spurs that Jingle Jangle Jingle
>Johnny Guitar
>Blue Moon
>Ain't that a Kick in the Head
>Heartaches by the Number
>It's A Sin
I've realized you can tell a lot about someone by which New Vegas song they say is best. Has any other game that used real life music ever have such a perfect selection that all fit the game both narratively and aesthetically?
Big Iron
Other urls found in this thread:
not a fallout game
Not a good post
Blue moon is the best and anyone who disagrees is an NCR faggot.
Too bad the unmodded playlist is more like
>Big Iron
>Johnny Guitar
>Johnny Guitar
>Johnny Guitar
>Big Iron
>I Got Spurs
>Johnny Guitar
>Johnny Guitar
>Big Iron
>Johnny Guitar
>[other song not listed]
>Johnny Guitar
>Johnny Guitar
>Johnny Guitar
>Big Iron
A good post
Its the last porper Fallout game we will ever get you mongoloid piece of shit.
Too bad you’re gay.
bioshock handled it pretty well.
it's the last fallout game
>Enjoying Johnny Guitar
What quest mods are best guys? About to do another playthrough but a lot of the most endorsed on nexus mods are honestly shit.
You let the Jews move in now I'M MOVING OUT!
For all its issues, Bioshock Infinite with its old-timey covers of future songs was excellent. That Tears for Fears track is phenomenal.
t. Todd
If I like Spurs the most what does it say about me?
>not enjoying Johnny Guitar
>Jingle Jangle Jingle
>Love me as Though There Were no Tomorrow
>Big Iron
>Stars on the Midnight Range
>Joe Cool
>Mad About the boy
>Johnny Guitar
Big iron with a character that uses six shooters is my favorite way to play.
It says Fallout right there, man.
Has any other game that used real life comic ever have such a perfect selection that all fit the game both narratively and aesthetically?
>mfw "In the shadow of the valley" is almost never brought up and severely underrated
Based retard
Jingle Jangle Jingle is king, but Lone Star also deserves more love.
>no fallout 76
>no one mentioning Manhattan (instrumental), why dont you do do right, etc
Based and bluepilled
Anyone who doesn't say Lazy Day Blues is the best song is factually incorrect and most likely a pedophile.
>In The Shadow Of The Valley is so patrician plebs like OP can't even list it
Nothing compares to exploring the Big MT with Why Don't You Do Right softly in the background.
johnny guitar is boring and slower than almost any song I've ever heard before, makes your long walks through the mojave feel even longer and kills the hype of combat when you have the radio on while fighting. Even worse it gets stuck in your head.
Everything else is great, nothing beats the feel of shooting down a gang of bandits with your revolver while Big Iron is playing.
Quest mods are normally pretty low quality honestly. I've heard some people say that the someguy series is decent though.
how many points do you usually allot to each skill when you level up? this is my first fallout game and I don't want to end up with a worthlessly balanced character
>t. New Vegas is the only game with unoriginal soundtrack that I have ever played extensively
Any GTA or Tony Hawk game easily trumps NV's soundtrack.
Just dump it all on you offensive skill of choice until you get to 100
I don't even play with the radio on anymore. I use to play with it on always because why not? But now I play without and realized all the great ambience and music I was missing.
Focus on whatever weapon your going for first, then repair, then lockpick, then speech and barter, then science, then medicine or survival depending on whether your playing hardcore or not, and finally if those are all at 100 go for a second weapon specialization.
The best one is Begin Again with ambiance in the background that plays in Big MT.
This was surprised no one brought it up yet
huh, it sounds like the game's way more generous with skill points/the level cap is way higher than I thought
Based and redpilled.
Its 100% closer to three than two.
Desert works well as an over map with random encounters but new Vegas's desert in first person was boring and dull. Gunplay was better than threes but that's no big feat at all. Story was better, but still half as good as 1.
if your intelligence is 8-10 you get many more skill points than say if you started with 1-3 INT.
people who have played the game before know this, so they always play with high INT
having melee at 100 is better than having 10 STR, although you still need to take into account a lot of things have stat requirements and there are also checks that work off of stats rather than skills
I like In the Shadow of the Valley the best
Time to reinstall.
It says fallout right in the title doofus.
Bounties 1 and 2 are fun and kino, 3 is alright but has some bullshit
A World of Pain just shoves in fuckloads of mid-high level underground combat zones without any real story but the levels themselves are mostly well designed and if you want a gigantic interconnected dungeon with fun combat and rewarding loot its good.
no one mentions this
wtf niggers