What are objectively the 10 best JRPG games of all time?

What are objectively the 10 best JRPG games of all time?

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Golden sun? More like Golden Shower!

Golden Sun is still the only enjoyable jrpg i've ever played aside from pokemon

Golden sun
Persona 5
Dragon Quest 11
Paper Mario
Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 6
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna
Kingdom Hearts 2
Golden Sun the Lost age

i have my own opinions

ff6, dq3 (or maybe 5), dds as a duology over smt3 or smt3 if individual game, chrono trigger, xenogears disc 1, earthbound, SoM, valkyrie profile, and fuck it - parasite eve. cause i can't recall another one on the top of my head

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Mario & Luigi: Dream Team or Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee

gs lost age was a piece of shit compared to the first.

Golden sun good
everything else bad

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pretty much this


Wait, was Dream Team that good? I honestly got bored of it and just stopped playing. Does it pick up after the early parts?

Turn off "voices" and Golden Sun/tLA is top tier for sure.

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What are objectively the Top 10 Worst Threads of All Time?
Number 10: .

Not in order.

-Dragon Quest V
-Chrono Trigger
-Paper Mario
-Pokémon RBY/GS
-Final Fantasy VII
-Xenoblade Chronicles (i'm not sure if 1, 2 or Torna)
-Skies of Arcadia
-Super Mario RPG

>improves and expands gameplay
>main cast is actually interesting unlike the generic and bland cast of the first game
>story is just as good if not better
>less linear, more freedom to explore
You must have some sort of brain damage.

>post your favorite jrpgs, but only if you're a moron
Why is every jrpg thread like this? Are you actually looking for good jrpgs or not?

good taste

Golden Sun
Persona 4
Pokemon gen 2
Tales of the Abyss
[I've never played DQ, but I hear the series is solid]

I’m glad that mother series is so high!

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Any list without Suikoden II and Vagrant Story it's worthless.

ITT zoomers

kingdom hearts final mix 2
paper mario
paper mario: the thousand year door
skies of arcadia
mother 3
rune factory 3
persona 4
suikoden 2
smt: strange journey
megaman battle network 3

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love golden sun but seriously, everyone just SHUT THE FUCK UP

ill fuck u up cunt

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Based Glitchwave poster

Sonemic fucking NEVER

>Mother 3
No thanks, I'm not a liberal
How about some good JRPGS for TrumpChads?

Honestly I think these games are great
Any issue with them is also present in most other jrpgs
But they have cool dungeons with actual puzzles, unlike most other jrpgs

The fuck is actually wrong with you? Not having Altin in it alone makes it better.

Pretty good list if you're a casual normalfag with a shallow interest in the genre