How you guys liking Marvels new game?

How you guys liking Marvels new game?

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who's that fine fellow next to her?

22/07/2019 already forgotten


Lewis Box

Theres a lot to look forward to in this game.

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not playing it

Would have been better if they had a combo system with progression more like dynasty warriors.

Also, some of the characters downright suck balls to use.

Buy my wife's game.

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Oh, also having a HUGE chunk of the enemies be immune to hit stun from non special attacks and some to heavy attacks, while you are vulnerable to hitstun, gets old quick.

Cant fucking find Psylockes godly ass from the nintendo direct.


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i bet her farts smell amazing

Thor is based as fuck in this game

Holy fuck thats an ass, god bless the 3d modeler.

Don't have a switch but how long until we get SFM porn from it?

>try UMvC3 team for shits and giggles
>turns out they have great synergy

>Nintendo exclusive.

Don't give a shit.

>B-but, you replied to this thread!

Just to inform people that I don't give a shit.


Should be getting it this week since Amazon shipped late. I like Marvel, beat'em ups and Team Ninja designs so I'm really hoping that I like this game. The Switch tax is real and it cost me a pretty penny.

That has to be the single worst reply and reason i ever heard in my 10 years + on this fucking site.

Have sex

Im sure you dont even know what a tit feels like mate.

>reddit spacing
Have sex.

There isn't a single female character in the game I wouldn't want to sit on my face for hours.

post more girls

you got it

Attached: Psylocke (Higly Unethical).webm (1280x720, 1.97M)

Thats the webm, god thats an ass.

her ass looks strange. something to wide about it

They made the female heroes sexy in this game? Why isn't tumblr firebombing the studio?

I want to lick her ass everyday all day I want to eat her ass seriously

Because tumblr likes sexy characters too
For example when Overwatch came out, it was the most posted about game for like years or something and you know why? It's because everyone is hot (at least to tumblr standards)

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It's too flat.
If her back wasn't so arched there'd be almost no curve.

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This would make a great shitpost bot template

we've come full circle

I dont even know what game this is but it has my full support.

Not really. Not all of them have worthwhile breasts if we're honest. Yes the ass area and thighs and hips? Yeah. Alright. But breasts? Most females in this have mediocre smallish breasts. Only a few have substantial breasts like Mystique.

Let's not get carried away here. This is not Xenoblade 2 where the breast game is very notable. Still better than the politically correct HELL that western media typically has.

>Big Surprise
Oh do I

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The woman in the pic your quoting has big breasts. You don't need Xenoblade 2 esque size to be considered "big". Those are massive.

No idea what character this is, but whoever modelled her is a literal god.

>Some of the cast have big breasts, but most don't
>Nuh uh, one has big breasts

Hela, who is somehow even more mommy-tier than her movie incarnation.

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It’s Hela, from the Thor comics and the Ragnorak movie

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Thanks brehs

That was fast

Like what

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Wish i could play it but don't have a switch.
Wish it was on PC so now i hope it would be atleast playable soon on Yuzu

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Built for anal and thigh jobs.

Still surprised she got in.

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How can a fart smell amazing

Porn ruined your brain

>beautiful women are rare in today's media
Holy fuck the level of delusion it would take to fuck up your perception of reality to that degree

I'll like it when it's inevitably ported to other consoles and PCs in a year because Activision doesnt do exclusives.

Activision didn't make this.

Yeah. It's almost as if he's noticed a big push by pearl-clutching morality gate-keepers in the last few years trying to convince people that boners are bad under the guise of social justice. Why would he ever think something like that?

meh very boring and too much walking in a straight line

Probably because he spends his time listening to fear mongerers and agenda pushers who need him to believe the sky is falling and all he ever enjoyed is under attack by the dreaded Other.

>I have to pay extra for Moon Knight

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Sexiness aside. It doesn't feel right of Marvel characters don't look like greek statues come to life anyways.

It’s good but I’m stuck on the fight with the giant demon guy introduced by mommy helga fuark she’s fine bruhs
Playing on mighty. Using level 40 venom, 37ish psylocke and Wolverine and a 28 iron fist. Getting rocked though and it’s the only part of the game that’s been any trouble

I'm happy to give more money to get Blade, Punisher and Moon Knight tbqh.

still mad hes not phase 4

That is a possibility, I've seen that alot. But he might have actually read the opinions of character designers and writers in articles and interviews and noticed directly that female characters are less sexualized, even when they had been in the past.

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valkyrie was great in ragnarok. Just the right amount of muscle.

Holy shit, can I get some sauce on that?

not the right amount of melanin tho

I'm sure Tessa Thompson is a really nice person, but I wasn't a huge fan of her Valkyrie. Too much sass and head bobbing. So much head bobbing.

I'm actually surprised how quiet the Anti-Sexy crowd is about this game. Like, normally they are up in arms the moment you make ANYONE look even slightly feminine, but I havent seen any negative flak in that regards

Even Kotaku reviewer's only issue is no Squirrelgirl

Well she's gay in the next movie so expect her to be even more sassy.

Hollywood doesn't allow black people to not have sass in their characters.

>I'm actually surprised how quiet the Anti-Sexy crowd is
It was all in your head champ

they are silently backpedaling by allowing it to go on "unharmed" because they realized they were bullying actually attractive people by saying they shouldn't be in gaming.

funny as all hell to see the mental gymnastics playing out spectacularly

I'm not going to complain. I hate these prude/sensitive times we're living in. Yes, people have feelings and you shouldn't be a piece of shit. Yes, women, people of color and LGBTQ are people too and have just as many rights as white men. I don't need it shoved down my throat just like they don't need to be coddled 24/7 because that completely defeats the point of equality. It's fantasy and fiction, show me some unrealistically sexy girls. Throw in some dongs if you want, I don't care, but stop censoring everything. I'm not fucking five and if a five year old is playing your game then that's the parents' problem, no one else's.

Is it on PC


So is this guaranteed to be a Switch exclusive? None of that "It's an exclusive guys!" and then 6 months later it releases on stronger hardware with huge performance boosts bullshit?

Porting models to SFM is a bitch and since a couple people are already getting some ports done I'd give it a couple weeks

I thought the thumbnail was Trish at first

As guaranteed as Bayonetta 3

Unfortunately this got blowback from Twitter of course. Not allowed to find sexy women attractive these days

It will be

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who cares?

I mean, I feel bad for the fear and bullying the LGBTQ and weird/ugly/nerdy/whatever groups of people have felt in the past, but holy hell is this getting ridiculous. Anyone who isn't drop dead gorgeous in real life won't shut the fuck up and let anyone else dream for a bit. I'm tired of seeing "realistic" shaved head porkers in games.

It looks interesting too bad I don’t have a Switch

Game devs and Hollywood unfortunately. I agree though Twitter is a cesspool as bad as Yea Forums in a different way

How's the single player? I doubt I'll ever play this with my friends and whether or not my sister will like it is up in the air, so single player may be my go-to. I heard the online was a laggy mess.

Right is the way it should be

Twitter is like an anti-chan particle.

Would you, Yea Forums?

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Absolutely. Bring Penny.

>Blowback from Twitter
Literally where? I was just there and every post I saw about it was literally praising the designs

You know what...?
...I think I would.

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What? Have you never farted before and noticed it didn't smell bad? Do you eat nothing but onions or something, fart smells can vary wildly
I don't know why I'm defending this, I'm not a BRAP fag

With that hair, yes. I loathe that fucking side shave look with all my heart and soul.

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She would need superpowers to stop me.

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too fucking fat

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Capcom Psylocke was better desu

Blame Miles for that. Considering how upset she was about it she probably fixed that as soon as she got back to her own universe.

On my phone right now but the response to the pic about sexy designs had them go “This is why I hate male game journalists”

>some south african bitch named gwanda
yeah right

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Aaand saved.

That’s because of how your brain recognizes your own genetic smell idiot

>Goofy awkward blonde teenager with a VERY slight toothgap
God would I ever

That is obviously Lou Suzanne

Go fuck some seaweed then and leave the real women to us. God bless Team Ninja.

I can hear it in my head

>your brain recognizes your own genetic smell idiot
So, if you find a girl with amazing smelling farts, it's your brain telling you to stick your dick in her?

Same title, not same character. Brunhilde cameos in Ragnarok dying in Scrapper 212s arms.

>same character
no they are not retard there is more than one valkyrie

Shouldn't your own farts smelling good be somewhat common then?


That's a real lucky Nazi

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Okay, so I saw a webm of Spider-Gwens DELICIOUS ass, and the camera was in 3rd person as opposed to every trailer i'm looking at showing it from a fixed camera sort of view. Can this be played in 3rd person?

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>I'm actually surprised how quiet the Anti-Sexy crowd is about this game
what the hell are you talking about retard

who did this?


Lmao it is retard

One of the camera modes allows you to rotate it towards the ground, that's how most of these get the right ass shot

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she looks like she fucks black guys


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post more until i get the game

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Google it, it has to do with genetics and how your brain interprets them

lol ebin maymay bro

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good lord

triggered whitey? she gets the bbc in the movie


Took the words right out of my mouth. Holy fuck that's a delicious ass.

Yozakura Quartet Hana no Uta

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What's the framerate like?
How does online coop work?
Might use a voucher on this.

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Is this you? Why are you posting a selfie?

Little imperfections make some girls cute as hell. Tooth gaps, a scar here or there, freckles (are freckles honestly considered imperfections?).

If I was about 4 years younger, I'd go for Gwen Stacy.


I heard that at the moment at least, framerate can dip to the 20's in docked mode during big fights, but it's not super common. Smaller dips in other areas. No idea how well Online plays.


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It's cute that you care about age laws with fictional characters. I hope you're legit and not a tricksty little pedophile.

So third person right? Or is this just the camera being pushed far in because it's so low to the ground that it keeps the camera from pulling back? If not what a goddamn waste of such fine animation at its normal distance.

Heroic Camera mode user. It follows you closer than Classic Camera

so when is this game out

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I think it's the latter. I haven't seen any gameplay of this game in third person.


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I can tell you're just miserable. As a person and to be around. However, there is one way to fix that: WOULD YOU MAKE ME A SANDWICH?

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Star-Lord's real fun to play. Game's much better than 2, but 1 is still the best.

People that complain about wojack and pepe posters are literal reddit migrants. Just a friendly fyi.

Came out a few days ago.

just think about it now that there are a lot of spider people now there will be a race of them in the future so lots of girls that look like her

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I think it has to do with how Gwen looks. Something about her just doesn't look fully adult and that's pretty offputting. It just doesn't feel right to think about her like that (yeah yeah, "cringe" and "dilate" and all that). Younger me was into girls like that, that's all.

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People who unironically like wojack and pepe posting are 9Gag migrants and should off themselves

Id love to cave your skull in

Online generally works fine, but I have had some issues. There was one case of a desynch, though that was fixed as soon as the other player was teleported to me. Additionally, the lobby system is fucking weird. It's hard to describe, but it just doesn't seem to want to work sometimes.


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flying takes up mp why

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/r/ pornstars with body like that

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I know what would make him feel better.
A pizza hut in the garage

Heroic camera, YOUTUBE WON'T SHOW ME SHIT! So would anyone have a video of this except the ass webms? Not that you should stop posting them of course, I just want to see some fighting in the mode is all.

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but how does she match up to her comic incarnation?

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>Capeshit game where the female characters don't wear hijabs or look like men/androgynous abominations
How did they get past the censors and the media puritans?

Thanks for the heads up. Nintendo and lobbies don't usually work well together so that's not too surprising.

By letting a japanese company handle the game.


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Hah I actually just went searching too, didn't really find anything other than some reaction video that was showing off what I think was heroic camera. It's weird, it's close but almost too close, wheras the original camera seems too far. There needs to be a middle ground.

show me the where they have them on shitposter

>You may spank it, once.

Aren't they brother and sister?

The new Mortal Kombat.

A japanese company made this? That explains everything.

Looks like female Scout.

That's because that Gwen is 15, so yeah she's jailbait.


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you might be retarded

that doesn't matter for norse gods

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Yeah, the team who make Dead or Alive games tried their hand on this, i think.

God bless you, Cho

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what retarded logic

Because he's a fucktard who spends too much time reading tumblr blogs and buying into the dumbshit outrage machine. Your boners are safe even if they're moving franchises. For every virtue signalling creator turning their character into a hag there are half a dozen more willing to shove some T&A in your face.

You're the retard.

name one AAA game in the last year that had TnA

no you are dumbass


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>Switch exclusive

They should add the lolibait.

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Read your norse mythos dumdum

Envisage the stench after a long workout.

That's still very wrong.

Njord was the Vanir king before Freyr, and he had Freyr and Freya with Nerthus, long before he married Skadi.
Freya is also Frigg. Christians split them up, because they needed God and Mary analogs to help with conversion, and you can't have your Mary analog being a slutty witch, so they took all the negatives, and put them onto Freya, while leaving the things they deemed positive on Frigg.
Tyr and Heimdall are completely unrelated to Odin.
Thor had Magni and Modi with his other wife, Jarnsaxa, not Sif. He had Thrudr with Sif. He also has a stepson through Sif, named Ullr.
Loki didn't have Sleipnir with Angrboda. He literally had it by turning into a mare, and getting knocked up by a horse, in order to get Asgard out of a disagreeable wager.

no i want to be outraged

Ca..can she do that on a dick?

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Fuck of Bendis

yes and she can use her powers to not let you out

>those shadows

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Ask Miles

What's wrong with them

Wait for D23 expo on August

>tfw no goth mommy gf

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For one nobody specified AAA titles so solid goalpost movement
Every fighting game except Mortal Kombat (and even then, kind of)
Shadowbringers has fanservice though subtler TnA
Three Houses
I don't even know I barely play AAA games.

And like a thousand that aren't fully AAA but still have tons of good shit in them.

I'd rather she did it on my face.

Great post

Louie container

>Every fighting game except Mortal Kombat
ok bud

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>I'm sure Tessa Thompson is a really nice person
she's dumb SJW femnazi black lives matter retard

AAA games used to have them. The need to go outside the mainstream now proves the point. I would respect you xirs more if you actually admitted the shit you do. At least a racist admits they hate jews and such.

you are really into the fake outrage shit

I'm not outraged at all. I can recognize a pattern when it shits in my eyes though.

I gave you what little mainstream shit I played. Maybe there's more, fuck if I know.
But yeah what fucking ever. Be a fucking idiot about it. You can find more TnA than literally any time in gaming history but because it's not from the big studios you poo poo it like a dumbfuck.

>Mfw perfectly reasonable stances like this are seen as extreme and offensive in some people’s eyes nowadays

Tranny mad

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She has lordosis

I accept your concession newfag

>ou can find more TnA than literally any time in gaming history but because it's not from the big studios you poo poo it like a dumbfuck.

I'm not poo pooing it. I'm not saying there is no TnA. I'm saying there is an effort to get rid of it by people with a social change agenda. Saying that this isn't the case is, honestly, a bit retarded of you. If this wasn't the case there would be as much TnA now as there was 5 or 10 or 15 or 20 years ago.

Fucking retard.


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Why are you so thirsty for TnA that you need it in your videogames? Go watch some slut do her thing on pornhub or a camsite. Devoting even an ounce of brainpower to caring about whether there is or isn’t TnA in vidya is beyond retarded and pathetic.

>tiddy fags still mad and retarded after this whole time
boner culture is a joke

he was upset

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If it doesn't matter then why get rid of it? Leave it in and let the plebs slobber over it. You are no better than some old bitch talking about rockand roll and comic books going to ruin youth or rpgs promoting satan or whatever. You just HATE when someone else pops a boner. It just makes you SEETHE that you are a random uggo that can't compete with some uberfantasy. It's not about you. It's just good design to include sexual stimulation with danger stimulation. If I wanted to fap to porn I would.

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That's not your call to make. You're entitled to your opinion, but you have no right to give anyone shit for wanting TnA in video games. Everyone has their own definition of what the perfect "escape" is. For some people, it's a super fast blue hedgehog. For others it's edgy teens that can turn back time. Some people want unrealistically sexy bodies. We all deserve to escape however we fucking want, so you can fuck right off with your "get it elsewhere" shit.

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i dont know about you but im getting both


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I hope he does a MUA3 try not cry challenge playthrough like he did for spiderman ps4

How is anyone unironically making fun of Marvel in this day and age? You want a real joke? Hold up, I've got one:

Knock Knock.
>Who's there?

Man leave it to fucking Yea Forums to take a thread about either a new game or sexy heroines and instead just shitpost with wojack

I would be 100% on your side if you weren’t constantly bitching and moaning about no TnA. To the point where you and people like you have become even more obnoxious than those trying to take it out. At the end of the day it’s up to the developers of each game to put in copious amounts of TnA or not. If a dev doesn’t want to include it, it’s not an attack on you. There are devs that will put it ok, not EVERH game needs it. Fuckin relax.

if you want to wank over videogame characters you sad virgin

>*laughs in Shazam*

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I don't want every game to have it. I want the things that are supposed to have it, to have it. I don't care who it's up to. Putting granny panties on characters that have had thongs for 40 years is stupid.

It’s waste, it’s supposed to smell bad by design.

Character selection on this picture seems weird

Bueno Excellente
He's been hitting the gym in preparation for this game. Dude's lookin good, ngl

>Putting granny panties on characters that have had thongs for 40 years is stupid.

Literally name 3 games.

>Best girl isn't in
No thanks, I'll be skipping this

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Mortal Kombat
Tomb Raider

I personally don't bitch about a lack of TnA in every single game because yes that's ridiculous. I do have an issue though with changes to tried and true character designs that have been fine for decades but are suddenly too much by today's standards. Have I ever jacked off to Tifa Lockhart's blocky PSX model? No, because I'm not a maniac. Do I think the extra undershirt and spats are unnecessary when the original design has been accepted worldwide since 1997? Absolutely. That doesn't make me a complainer or a pervert, it makes me someone that can handle and even enjoy a little skin here and there because of the fact that I'm not crazy.

Nintendo is acting producer behind the game, so unless they decide they’re okay with a project they bankrolled being on other consoles then it’s rather unlikely.


MK still has sexy chars
Spider-Man, literally who? Black cat? MJ? Both are true to their comic iterations, black cat has so much TnA going on it’s ridiculous
Lara got a redesign but her body is still on point

Imagine throwing a hissyfit over the most minor of things. If my female characters aren’t wearing bikinis then they MUST be in a hijab, right? All or nothing

That Strange-Dormammu fight phase 2 was fucking bullshit. And you know what, you still didn’t beat me

The word you're looking for is scent you degenerate.

>Black cat? MJ? Both are true to their comic iterations
No they aren't. They have butchered MJ and BC is just an annoying quest giver with no personality.

No to your whole post. You are just massively wrong, proving my point yet again.

>loki let him(her)self get fucked by a horse

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I just want to know if she's any good

>We’re talking about their apparences, not the characters. Do try to keep up.

>Your rebuttal: “no”

Nice to see that I’ve BTFO you so thoroughly that you didn’t even bother with an actual reply. Feels good

Just stop posting.

>Nice to see that I’ve BTFO you so thoroughly that you didn’t even bother with an actual reply. Feels good
Theres nothing to rebutt. You spouted nonsense that was wrong on it's face.

>post yfw you saw this

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Hoes mad and they still don’t have an actual argument. I just can’t stop winning. Keep replying, this is hilarious.

It's funny because your entire post is pointing out that they're wrong because of their extreme expectations, while going in the complete opposite direction and going on the extreme defensive of their generic new looks. The point is that everyone can say that comic book or animated MJ is hot as hell. Not pretty, not cute, but hot. Same goes for Black Cat and quite a few pre-MK11 characters. Now though, with the new "realistic" designs, everything is subjective, with a popular lean towards average or ugly. You can be okay with that if you want and call people pathetic for thinking differently, but quite a few people liked the fanservice and that's fine too because up until now that's what we were given. If McDonalds went straight vegan tomorrow I'm sure tons of health nuts would tell us beef eaters to shut the fuck up and stop whining because it's still food, but that doesn't make it right.

>she's dumb SJW femnazi black lives matter retard
She's just aligning herself to all these ideologies to create a smokescreen for her own privileged upbringing. She's not even full black, she could claim to be afro-latino. She's just a vapid and uninteresting woman trying her hardest not to appear so because her fame puts her under a lot more scrutiny than the average person.

At least they tried.

wtf I'm considering buying this game now!

Black cat is still crazy sexy. MJ has been hot but there’s also iterations of her where she’s not (certain comics, Raimi movies) and she’s not supermodel tier I’m not particularly acquainted with MK so I’ll skip that one. A different interpretation of a character is not always done to remove TnA, you can still retain a sexy body in different clothing.

marvel is burning out
literally the only thing they have going is guardians with thor and spiderman
everything else has no wind behind it

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fine since you need me to do this to grasp the words "you are wrong"

>MK still has sexy chars
granny panties no skin allowed smaller boobs
>Both are true to their comic iterations
they are plain looking MJ is supposed to be hot enough to model and black cat hot enough to make spiderman want to cheat
>black cat has so much TnA going on it’s ridiculous
not even skin tight with no cleavage no muscle definition at all
>Lara got a redesign but her body is still on point
she looks like a normal chick instead of a bombshell.
You are wrong all day long.

I agree, and personally I don't have a problem with the Spider-Man designs even though I do think that MJ could be slightly hotter and I'm not a fan of Black Cat's face. But like you said, who cares, it's an original universe Spider-Man so whatever. It's when designs are drastically changed from one title in a series to another that it's an issue with me and a lot of other people, because why if not to just pander to those that would get jealous and complain? Why does realism in games need to mean an absolutely average looking man or woman? Scarlet is a perfect example, comparing her MK9 design to her MK11 one. Sure, I can agree that her MK9 design was completely over the top and sexualized and if you want to cover her up a bit more that's fine, but what the fuck happened to the rest of her in the process? Same goes for other characters that have been "realistically altered" to look, again subjectively but popularly thought of as, uglier. Not everyone gets screwed by this and I feel like Jackie and Cassie are better looking in MK11, so you win some you lose some, but no one here is in the wrong and people are allowed to be upset. It doesn't make us pathetic.

>Eyebrow piercing
Not even if you paid me.

Not even if she's been freshly blacked my Miles' gigantic radioactive spider-cock?

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>granny panties no skin allowed smaller boobs
Gross over exaggeration

>MJ is supposed to be hot
If you actually consumed Spider-Man content you’d know that there’s been plenty of iterations over the years dating back to even the early 2000’s where this is not always true

>black cat hot enough to make spiderman want to cheat
She is
>not even skin tight with no cleavage no muscle definition at all
Cleavage is not what makes a character hot her titties are popping and the ass is indeed fat her suit makes more sense also and it’s been in the comics before, educate yourself

>she looks like a normal chick instead of a bombshell.

Lara is still hot and if you think she’s average your perception of women is ridiculously warped, most bitches wouldn’t compare to her

I know you want to reply with more retarded shit, go for it

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Nay, a scent is subtle. Tickles the noise. A stench is room filling.

sweet christmas


what has led to you posting comments such as that
what is that
what the fuck
what race are you

You seem reasonable about it so sure. Trust me, nobody loves sexy women in vidya more than me, I fucking love tits and ass. But it seems like this whole counter-culture to design altering has occurred, and to me it just seems like bitching for the sake of bitching in a lot of cases. Tifa in FF7R being a recent example. Like, she really wasn’t changed much, at all, but because her tits aren’t comically oversized and they gave her a sports bra people are literally up in arms over it. And I’ll never understand it, she’s still hot, she’s still Tifa, it’s clearly her design, why be mad. Seems like a waste of energy to me

I don't understand why people keep saying that, I thought that was only teased on the Spiderverse movie, haven't been reading any comics for a while though, did it happened anywhere else?

So you could go *fwwwooopf*

dude someone show this to Etika hes gonna hype it up!

She’s been blacked

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What can white boys even get at this point?

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Should be her default outfit.

Most men don't have a jaw as manly, what's with the strange tranny fetish from devs these days?

Cassie got fucked when it came to alternate costumes in MK11. They suck.

Attached: Mortal-Kombat-11-Johnny-And-Cassie-Cage-Towers-Of-Time-Gameplay.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

Literally everyone is laughing at you.

>Gross over exaggeration
nope all thongs gone to panties
If she wasn't hot in them then they were bad. No one care about some alternate universe shit.
>Cleavage is not what makes a character hot
Not always but it helps....alot. This is how I know what kind of person you are.
>her suit makes more sense
I don't give a fuck.
>it’s been in the comics before, educate yourself
It was reviled by nearly every reader.
>Lara is still hot and if you think she’s average your perception of women is ridiculously warped, most bitches wouldn’t compare to her
She looks like a mom that has stayed in shape, not a bombshell. I would bang her but she's not like old Laura.

The point is about there being less TnA. Your constant excuses prove my point for me.

Because it's less and people want the same or more.

-3 days

This entire post is “I don’t like it because it’s bad” when the reality is that it’s different thus you don’t like it. The designs themselves are different but the TnA is still there you’re just coping.


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>Most men don't have a jaw as manly, what's with the strange tranny fetish from devs these days?
That's not a manjaw, THIS is a manjaw.

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Why is this such a forced thing? I just started watching one particular TV Show and every single white blonde girl is getting paired with a black guy. And every other white girl in the show is fighting over them. Or it's some random brown raced guy that gets a white girl.

And it's not just this TV Show It's seems like a very frequent ongoing pattern that's been happening. What's going on here?

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You need to go deeper though to realize why people have an issue with some design changes, like for example Tifa. Does her redesign make it better than the original? If popular opinion is "no", then that's strike number one. Why was she redesigned? If it's an ethics thing and not because they straight up just wanted to give her what they thought was an upgrade, that's strike number two. And so far, with Tifa's redesign, we're two for two. It's not a drastic change like you said, but the developers clearly said in an interview that the design was originally meant to look much more like her original design and the "ethics department" told them to change it. That's why Aeris, Cloud and Barrett all look pretty much how you'd expect them to look in the remake and Tifa got an extra undershirt and some spats. No one really cares about the breast size thing because they're fine and anyone who says otherwise is trolling, but the rest are valid complaints because of the reasons I listed above.

Faggot game for sure

>The designs themselves are different
True and not really all that bad in and of themselves.
>TnA is still there
To a much LESSER degree. How is this difficult for you?
>there you’re just coping. --
Coping means to invest one's own conscious effort, to solve personal and interpersonal problems, in order to try to master, minimize or tolerate stress and conflict. The psychological coping mechanisms are commonly termed coping strategies or coping skills.
I am merely pointing out an obvious fact.

People are finally realizing interracial couples are a thing and since it’s getting more exposure from its previous exposure rate of “almost zero” it now seems like a lot.

Those are the facts. Now what you’re going to say is that’s wrong and there’s an agenda to push interracial couples as the new normal (which isn’t the case for MOST parties) and that you feel like the sjws are shoving it down your throat.

mua3 has patrick stewart

Yes, then take her to my favorite bridge.

Because white men have been feminized by xenoestrogens and feminism so now the only masculine men left are niggers.


Even then they are just Mandingos. No better regarded than an animal.

>swedish ad for juice is white woman giving birth to a black baby for a white man and black man gay couple
Yeah, no agenda here at all

Fuck, her feet are very small.

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Ethics told the devs they needed to “restrict” Tifa’s chest in some way to it wouldn’t look stupid in action scenes. They weren’t referring to the size, but movement. Tifa can get away with having just a shirt in the original FF7 because the poly could and graphical fidelity simply wasn’t good enough to where it would be an noticeable issue to have her moving around a lot with a design like that, her breasts were static. However, with the graphical fidelity FF7R is working with, it would look RETARDED for Tifa to not have a sports bra and just a shirt, her jumping around and kicking and flipping would quite literally cause her toys to pop out and it would look unnatural to NOT have them jiggle ridiculously in an outfit like that with the acrobatics they will have her do in action scenes. The sports bra is there as more of a result of graphical fidelity than anything else. So sure, realism is what is causing them to change her design, because it would be unrealistic for her design to stay the exact same. But I like it and think it’s a good compromise.

Original Lara’s proportions are actually insane and you know what, I guess I should concede and change my argument.

Yes, new Lara has less tits and ass if we’re being objective and comparing her to her OG design. But I think it’s a good thing because even though I love tits and ass, I prefer her new design and think it makes more sense than a 1 to 1 translation of her old one, and as such I don’t see a problem with it. My argument is more against the notion that the removal of TnA is out of a malicious sense to censor or hide sexy women, and more out of necessity for practicality.

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The characters are sexy but these female models are still far away from what we would of had 10 years ago. No small waists and no big tits anywhere.

Which is completely alien for comic book character designs.

tldr : I suck cocks for free


What chapter is my wife Psylocke?
Can't wait to pump her full of everything

>screaming bTier actor

if you dont have the immortal iron fist defender of kun lun Johnny Yong Bosch on your team you dont deserve the women

How butthurt are ugly western chicks at this game?

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It's a marvel game, marvel is filled with feminists.

If western chicks were mad it wouldn't exist.

Saggiest tits I ever done seen

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>s more against the notion that the removal of TnA is out of a malicious sense to censor or hide sexy women, and more out of necessity for practicality.
That's a much better argument. And I will concede that when you use face models the characters can't look as traditionally sexualized. But, why then get rid of cleavage and thongs and other accoutrements.If it was just a game or two fine but the whole of the AAA space has been vacated.

I am shocked at how much I liked movie Hela. I was certain that they'd royally fuck it up. But they kind of did it.
I mean you can argue about how well or not Hela was adapted from the comics in detail, but in general I am just baffled at how they made a genuinely villainous woman that's still sexy, confident, charismatic and with a powerful aura to her. While still having her do action stuff.
I never would have thought Hollywood could do that.

Ask Peter_

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Cate Blanchett is a goddess and wonderful actress

Most normies don't know of the game.

Most western feminist only try to shut a game down when it has women that are prettier than they are. But since this game is obscure they aren't threatened by it.

Its weird logic

>granny panties
what are you talking about retard and they do show skin dumbass

God how I hate Gwen and Ms. Marvel.
One of the shittiest "Superheroes" ever, lazy and dumb bitch, copying other Heroes

Not as much...keep up.

>Most men don't have a jaw as manly
how is this a manjaw and if it is one to you you must hate the girls in this game

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what retard?

I want black cat to manipulate me with her feet tbqhwy

Tends to be the case for most new Marvel heroes, they're just race/sex swapped existing heroes or outright copies of classics but with a diversity filter on.

Pic related failed miserably

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> you must hate the girls in this game
It was the third reason I didn't buy it.
Keep up. It means you are behind the conversation.

I want Black Cat to tie me up and rape me for hours on end.

look at this retard mad about multiverse shit

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But when's Hulk Ultimate Destruction 2?

Jesus, look at that schnoz. Fitting that a woman with such a brapper would have the best nose for appreciating it.

we see what bullshit you are pulling retard

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It’s literally (LITERALLY) a normal size. Like, actually though.

One decent comedy does not a cultural defeat undo.

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

Cute. Gotta condition them white bois into slowly accepting BMWF as the norm. And I'm lovin it.

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he is trying his hardest to find something

Shazam is unironically the best superhero movie ever made. I’m not even memeing

>i have no argument

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What was I supposed to be arguing about? NU-UH I'M NOT A TARD YOUR THE TARD.

This. The battle is soon won and we have them right where we want them.

>not blade

don't bother replying to me

Nah, it's simply not THAT good. I've watched it, it's definitely on par with the first Guardians of the Galaxy, which was an amazing breath of fresh air from Marvel, but not the best film this year by a long shot.

just take this and go

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It's safe to say it's already won, a few racist boomers that are left are dying. The average white guy/girl on instagram/twitter is conditioned already by the mass propaganda spam throughout social media / tv shows / vidyas / comics. They're hitting all the target audiences, there are a few white zoomers that are right wing still but they're mostly nerds so they can't even do shit and make white girls even more repulsed at their race. That kino countdown of 50 years when whites become a minority in USA is god tier, sad I'll be dead by the time BLACKS and BROWNS rule.

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you just know

white girls only date black dudes to rebel, they still prefer white boys

Well, it definitely could be just a bit smaller and shapelier. Also, the design of the mask accentuates it too much; they should've gone for a design that covered the bridge of the nose, like Anne Hathaway's Catwoman outfit.

Attached: annehathawaycatwoman.jpg (640x434, 57K)

Those were the good times user... The stereotypes changed, white boys are considered weak, snobby, racist, privileged while black guys are spammed through all social medias as badass, strong, handsome. No young girl will listen to some wh*teoid music, instead she'll twerk, party and smoke weed with her black friends and boyfriend while listening to rap.

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you need to get off social media and look at the real world. real world stats show that people date within their own race much higher than outside

so is the game actually good? is it enjoyable solo?

Kill yourself


I'm enjoying it in small bursts between ffxiv sessions desu

I live in Croatia, there are no blacks or browns here, it's basically 100% white. It doesn't affect me whatsoever, I just feel bad for ameribros for fucking up so hard. Just hoping Merkel won't force us in the future to intake migrants.

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>Sony fags thinking Microsoft are their bros

>boner culture
How is it so easy to spot these cunts that brigade this board

The Avengers game is on Xbox too?
I thought it was exclusive. Though then again
>ps4 exclusive
Of course it wasn't.

the media shows a much different picture than what's actually happening in the usa

really wished MJ got bit by that spider in the new game, would've been a great opportunity to see an hd spider-gwen in a game

I hope so user, I wish you luck. Hopefully (((they))) stop ripping into USA whiteys so hard.

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I live in Portland which is super liberal and most couples are same race. Not even saying that's necessarily a good thing or a bad thing, but it's the reality. marketing makes it look like every relationship is mixed race but it's not

How long is it?
Is it like the first two where it's done in about 6-8 hours and the longevity is "grind to beat new game plus"?

The US is about to collapse because of the actions of the right. Or was it the left? I hear conflicting reports... all agree the end is nigh though. The bodies pile up in the street, people cower in their homes - America will be completely gone, absolutely wiped out of life, within 3 years tops.

damn you right

Does he have any chance bros?

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>there will never be a buddy series with nova and iron fist

is this some mod/sfm shit or legit? Context please

He has a model and a VA. It wouldn't be that much more work to implement him

cassie sucks and her being forced to be a sex slave for Kano was the best she could have hoped for


2 of my 3 favorite characters, I dream of that happening

Every generation has hysterical faggots who think they're the ones who get to see the end. Without fail, these people are the least educated and least prepared for the new world, and see change as fatal because it essentially is for an inflexible and underdeveloped mind.

Have sex.

thats from a arcade ending idiot

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when's he in?

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The 3rd better be daredevil you fuck

Have kids

not even close!

The Thing is the GOAT

you get a pass this time but you're on thin fucking ice my pedigree chum

Attached: Daredevil.jpg (1620x1080, 187K)

from which comic run is that? thats amazing.

>drinks dr. pepper instead of being a drunken whore
why can't other women be this classy?

>literally Helena ripoff

The results of the Civil War is what fucked us. It was all downhill from there.

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any good guides on how to quickly level up yet? so many characters i want to try but i cant level them up at the same time.

doesn't /pol/ exist so you retards have a place to jack each other off that isn't every other board?

It was a mistake giving them a place to fester here in the first place.


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Story is 15 hours and there's inifity trials which are challenges to unlock stuff which can be quite hard

the lowest level trial in the game gives you random XP cubes every time you beat it, in addition to the XP and currency you get from killing 50 mobs.
other than that just grind the highest level wave trial your team can handle or just use the dupe exploit

She looks like she fucks black guys

The most irritating part about this is the "I broke your wall-thing," quote. Every fucking super hero has to be some quirky, silly discount Spiderman. This trope is getting way too fucking common now.

Ew, why is she so flat?

Attached: Revo Gwen.jpg (971x638, 67K)

Remember when the 1st Thor movie was a bit Shakesperean and they said fuck it, everyone gets to quip now?

Go back

I blame Joss Whedon

Looks like something Shadman would draw

>spiderman games and movies
>everyone knows gwen is more popular
>they keep pushing mary jane
>they keep pushing mary jane to be this strong woman that should fight alongside spiderman, even though that's both stupid

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>nobody in the game has big tits

She literally doesn't

Spider-Verse Gwen sucks. I like the regular Spider-Gwen design

>have figures of my whole team but gwen
Fuck it I'm getting her revo next week

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>tfw might have to swap Elsa out since she's often the weakest link

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Can anyone explain why Spider-Gwen's design caught on with people? I don't see the appeal

The hoodie

The hood. People get retarded for hoods.

So, is there a Bendis bonus for a Gwen/Jessica Jones/Fem Thor team?

I like the color scheme

LITERALLY the hood

But it's dumb and easily grabbed in a fight

What is there to do? Is there’s like a campaign and that’s it? You just replay the missions over an over again but with a different character”

>ponytail Psylocke

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why does black cat look like a tranny I thought she was supposed to look like a supermodel?

It's cool. You're decades late to complain about practicality in super hero costumes.

So are capes.

The hood was an excellent idea. It gives her a feminine silhouette without the stupid exposed hair (or wig) of the other Spider-women.

Attached: Spider Women_01.png (817x470, 728K)

If only you knew....

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>I care so little that I want to tell all of you how little I care

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There's a 15 hour campaign, with two unlockable difficulty levels which add some enemies and give higher tier drops and the Trials (variations of parts of the story stages with specific challenges, like needing to beat enemies to gain time, only dual attacks working, solo missions, etc), with many trials only available in the harder difficulties, including the final skill upgrades are only available in the ultimate mode.

What game is this?

Handheld mode is a 240p blurry mess.

>tfw no Emma Frost
It's not fair! I should be fapping to webms of her butt right now. This timeline sucks.

Just unlocked Elektra, been wanting her all game. She feels a bit weird to play, anyone else feel that way? I think I'm just trash at melee characters but her time bomb kunai love seems ass.

Attached: MUA3_Elektra.png (1469x2226, 629K)

What can I read that is about this girl

But Bendis had nothing to do with two of those characters

>play through level
>miss one collectable

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She's a side character in the Flash Thompson Venom stuff, effectively his adoptive daughter / sidekick.
Read the Rick Remender run.

I thought it was Bunn that added that?

>Be black
>Spider-Gwen is officially OURS

Makes fapping to her that much easier knowing she's down with the swirl ;)

I thought she had been introduced a bit earlier, but read all of that Venom comic up until it ends. Bunn stuff isn't quite as good, but it's an enjoyable enough read.

>in your head
Not really tho

I can't remember, it's been a wihle since I read it. All I remember is Flash and Valkyrie started banging and then everyone went and ignored it. Although that might have been his Secret Avengers. Then Bunn went and made Valkyrie merge with his OC and that went to further shit. I wonder how he's covering Aaron offing her in AotG.

>90s design and comic book style
>only on switch

Attached: paladin.jpg (800x418, 33K)

It was in that secret avengers shit, I think, along with the red Venom and Satan shit.

Because they're pushing her as around the same age as Kamala and Miles (even though she was originally introduced as a college student, not high school).

Needs the Marvel Heroes level of character interaction where everyone had a special dialogue for at least 5 other heroes and also for certain stages and enemies.

Laddies, we hit the waifu jackpot.

Wasp is fucking CUUUUUUTE!

>tfw Flash never got a waifu like this
>was cucked by a lesbian
>is dead, will probably come back as a background character and not get a hero or villainness waifu
Who would be best for him?

Which boy has the nicest bum and bulge

Sweet Halloween

What is happening in hollywood with the Tom Cruise head bob?
It's everywhere like a pre-reply to questions.

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Anime has really gone full degenerate. There is no separation between a normal pleb series and hentai. KillLaKill was a mistake.

Attached: YOURE STUCK.webm (852x480, 2.85M)

Her actress sucked huge. I can barely watch the fake drunk and fake tough act she tries.

>after 10 years we finally got new Ultimate Alliance
>it's fucking Switch exclusive
Holy shit, never thought I would be mad over fucking marvel.

Don’t listen to the other fags saying “lol it’s not happening my fellow goyim” it’s a smokescreen tactic

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Spin 2 win baby !

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She's so old but I still would

It’s not interracial couples that are going to make whites a minority, all though it’ll help.
Pro tip: it’s several factors


Would cut a hole in the crotch and savagely fuck.

wtf? Is Deception over?

No need to cut

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It's a symbiote but

Imagine how she fucks with inhuman stamina of symbiote

well you gave a shit just to not give a shit


So is it worth a purchase then?

Not in comics, no.

I have his black friend on my team

I think so. Good roster, each is unique from walking animations to fighting styles, more characters coming with an estimated 50 slots. Costumes coming every month. 15 hour story, challenge mode that is quite hard.

Only downside is the switch isn't the best console for it but I'm enjoying it

>mouse shills
Kill yourself. Hope you choke.


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These stages are completes shit it's just corridor after corridor. Tell me this shit stops because 1 was nothing like this,

Yeah it seems to be corridor after corridor which I'm not enjoying. I miss the coziness of pre MCU Asgard the first one had there you could explore different places and do side quests.

No hub or fun trivia machine is a miss as well

Lol no

White women are the least likely to date and marry outside their race, least of all with blacks, so the media has pushed for it relentlessly for decades now by pure coincidence.

>i recognize that sound!

You're a stupid fucking FAGGOT!

Short haired girls are top tier and this game is proof of it.

depends on the style
I hate Carol's, for example

Why do you post this in every thread?


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I like her. But that's in spite of the hoodie. Having a hoodie ontop of a full-head mask is just silly.


I'm not, fuck marvel trash.

To bad it runs and looks like shit

>Being so retard that you think it works like leddit
Go back

Luke Cage

Do you think anyone at KT lobbied for She-Hulk, or are they pure mutiefags?

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She's likely to get in because of her popularity in Japan.

>2019 Marvel/Disney authorized this
what the fuck is going on

Nintendo is hard headed enough to take on the mouse it seems.

Anyone have pictures of the alternate costumes?

>There is no separation between a normal pleb series and hentai. KillLaKill was a mistake.

Yozakura and KLK aired on the same year. Fanservice has been a thing since I don't know, Cutie Honey from the 70's.


why do you want to know, Paul?

Angry Joe

Pallete swaps. Costumes are dripping in every month from August

Why didn't they have a fire exit at the back of the building?
He just threw some petrol on the ground and light it.. How can it go that bad?

Wrong link

>tfw after playing I realize Marvel has no good porn

>beat on superior costumes
Well shit

>posting poorly photoshopped images

>wanting Trannyvengers made by Incel Libs from Montreal

Yeah no

That armor looks rather hard yet flexible. How does a "common crook" have access to what seems to be rare materials?

looks ok from the gamplay we've seen
art direction is complete trash, though