Why is this game's soundtrack so

Why is this game's soundtrack so...

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i normally hate nigger music, but i really enjoy this game's ost, wonder why.

because you're a gay nigger OP

Nigger music is the music of the streets.

>drum n bass



Well it's not INDEESTRUCTABLE but it's alright.


That's just the one song at the character select.

Gonna make you gotta keep em comin.

I play this game with a 40 year old black guy sometimes, and he told me when the game came out the actually didn't like the music because it was too similar to what he was familiar with and didn't sound like "fighting game music" like the previous versions of sf3 and other capcom games

>literal main theme is hip hop
hurr why is it black

I miss this style of Capcom music.

yeah, that makes sense.

>me hear two songs! One that you never hear because too busy playing game! Whole game black a-DOOF!

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Yeah Jazzy NYC is sooo white right.

that's why it's called TurdStrike


I feel like I'm the only person on this board who actually plays this game

>meanwhile... in NYC subways...

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You're probably one of a handful. Most either can't do fighting games or get their shit pushed in because they can't understand parrying.

I still play the Dreamcast version

>implying i can hear that shit over the sound of the dance dance revolution cabinet at my arcade

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>nig bop
>not black

Do you really think that makes sense?

It's actually the only fightcade game I keep on my PC. Been that way since it was still GGPO.

Because black people are based and Third Strike is one of Capcom's greatest OST's. You racist or something?

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It's only perceived white because blacks in general weren't allowed to play in white clubs or appear on tv. Black communities were the originators.

my arcade has two of them and people are always playing them. where do you play?

Download fightcade my man


Things aren't so different.
Third Strike had the best overall sound design, as well as game design, of the three versions of SF3

what fucking place do you live that still have active arcades?

Black music > White music

Japanese Black Music > All

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>never hear because too busy playing game


I pity your subhuman brain.

This is black music to you? Sheesh. This was general early 90s pop music.


Online Edition had some pretty sick tracks

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not into playing fighting games over the internet but thanks
new jersey they are all over the place. like real ones with food and pool tables. at one tuesday is fight night tournaments and thursday pinball come play!

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online really doesn't count, especially fightcade
it's honestly a completely different game offline and I can't imagine going back
I have an arcade an hour from me with legit jap head to heads

Welcome to the FGC.
Capcom games are hood. We need more music like Ed's theme in these games.
I hope SF6 gets Tech N9ne or E-40.

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>Tech N9ne
Get some taste

>Imagine being so bleached you get uncomfortable about the most based Character Select theme in gaming


Imagine being this young.

dudley is so based

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facts about offline being different and nice a lot of japs come to mine to play initial D. it's been around since i was like 12 i've been going there for over 20 years.
the third strike is off came around the corner see how annoying and loud that fucking shit is. drives me nuts.

I go to Smash tournaments and theres a 3rd Strike cabinet in the back of the venue. I play Akuma and another dude plays Urien, fun game

Yeah the game wasn't well received when it first came out in arcades. but by third strike people liked it.

should've skipped to the best part (:58 secs)

Third Strike in general was really divisive back when it came out. The game just didn't feel like Street Fighter to purists.

Then the series went dead, and when we got SF4 and its glacial pace, Third Strike nostalgia was in the right spot to reap the benefits.

i just hope sf6 is good. i fucking hate v.

the one I go to actually has initial D machines too
I really take it and the people I can play with for granted

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third strike character select is fine, but not the bes

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I had a garbage Q back when the SF collection was alive.
Playing him against the endless sea of online Akumas was fucking agony.

>Q looks cool
>Pick Q
>He's garbage
>Too stubborn to pick anybody else because everybody else looks excruciatingly lame

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How can other fighting game soundtracks compete?

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learn to kara throw faggot
he's also literally designed to be the lamest character in the game, your reasoning doesn't even make sense

yeah same it's a great place to cool off after work that's really boss that you have one too. i love it when they have 2 fighting game cabinets for 2 players too. i always make friends playing them too. when i'm online playing fighting games that shit never happens.
he is unstoppable online but he is trash irl

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Probably true. I know most retards say Third Strike is the best just because they watched a parry video.

Easily the best fighting game announcer ever, to say the least.

>was listening to the ost when i saw this thread
>be at arcade
>playing chun li
>a guy walks up, looks about my age
>sees me playing chun li
>walks away

chun li is an overpowered whore in 3s

the truth is that 3s is full of absolutely retarded bullshit, but so is every other fighting game
it's just the one I find the most fun and keep coming back to no matter how much I bitch
no other game feels as good to play to me and holds my attention as well besides possibly melee, but 3s dragged me away from that and I mostly lost interest in that over time
maybe that'll happen with 3s too at some point but I don't see what could replace it for me
I just wish there wasn't so many fucking posers and shitposters and that I could share my love for it with more than a handful of 30+ year old boomers

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Still the best


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if chun is in the game, i pick her. simple as that

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good god user why
that's literally the worst console port

omg why didn't chunli win
the detractors said parrying doesn't matter!!!!!!!
they said 3s was unbalanced!!!!

what exactly are the differences between the arcade and DC version?


third strike ost actually is pretty shit 2nd Impact is way better

>closest to arcade

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DC doesn't even have unblockables, it's a completely different version of the game that no one wanted to play when the arcade revision came out because it sucked
the port itself is pretty bad and has a lot of input delay and gameplay/speed differences from arcade on top of that
if you want to play 3s on a console at least play online edition on a PS3/360, that's the best port although still not perfect
it at least has the same input delay as arcade and if you're a real autist you can even hook those systems up to a CRT
it kind of blows that after 20 years there's still no perfect home console/pc port of 3s

Can we get Edition select SF3? I want to play good Sean again.

is the 30th Anniversary Collection 3S not perfect?

As I understand it (DCfag here), the DC version is using a slightly later revision of the arcade board that did fix the unblockables. However, the PS2 version used an earlier version that still had that, and that particular revision was more common/used.

Beyond input delays on console versions, and the Dreamcast being a bit weird with its music, there's ultimately not enough to list a proper definitive version.

That said, I DO have the PS2 Anniversary Collection too.

since you can't turn off vsync on console it has more input delay, and like everything else it doesn't exactly match the slightly slower framerate that arcade 3s runs at
the PC version with vsync turned off should be fine as far as accuracy goes, but as a port it has less features and polish than OE and the training mode is somehow worse too
it's running a rom so it doesn't have some of the minor gameplay differences oe does though, which is a plus
you have literally no idea what you're talking about
no one who still plays 3s would ever bother with the revision that patched unlockables, it's just treated like it doesn't exist
OE is built off the ps2 version and is regarded as the best home version by most 3s oldfags, like I said it's not perfect but having the same delay as arcade and being able to play on a CRT are big pluses
3s is a game that is really crippled by any kind of input delay since so much shit is frame tight

>3s is a game that is really crippled by any kind of input delay since so much shit is frame tight

Absolutely. Guess I'll look into grabbing OE as well then. I don't mind. Thanks for the info, user

I thought I was good until I got destroyed by a good Yun. Now I realize half the cast can't do shit against him besides the universal throw/hit mixup.

isn't killing moon the only dnb song in the game? maybe snowland?

le supreme gentleman

What is a good character to play for somebody who is a newbie to fighting games in general. People generally say characters like Ryu, Ken, or Dudley but I'm not sure.

OE is good but I wouldn't count on getting random online matches on it if that's what you were planning
but for practice and more laid back offline play it's definitely the best version, and it's pretty cheap too
you just have to get raped by genei jin enough times to learn how to block/jump out of it properly
it's fucking gay but so are a lot of other things in 3s, you just learn to live with it
yun' shit is actually really hard to do so I've learned to respect it even though I don't get to play the game against him most of the time

she didn't win because my sean is godlike
pick whoever you think looks or plays the coolest, it doesn't matter
street fighter is fundamentally built on ryu but 3s is really unique so starting out with him doesn't make as much sense, although at a low level 3s is a completely different game so again, it doesn't really matter
ken is pretty textbook 3s and is regarded by most as "the ryu" of 3s, but again that doesn't really manifest until you start to understand and dig into the game more

if you want I can give you a quick breakdown on any of the characters you find interesting to see if they might interest you more, playing someone you like and are willing to put effort into will do way more for you than playing someone specifically to help you "learn" the game

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Gutter trash.

>play yun because he is a cool young chinese skateboarder
>friends get uppity because he's good as fuck
i just wanted to play him cause he looks cool, now im a tier whore.

can they port Online Edition to PS4

>want to post one of my online tournament runs
>it’s on a YouTube channel with my IRL name on it

he's the second coolest character in the game

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Not him but give me a breakdown on Alex.

ps4 forces vsync on for every game, it would be more laggy no matter what
just get it on PC if you really want it
if you're not taking half their life with 3 genei jins a round tell them to shut the fuck up
if you are you deserve it

play yang, hes cooler anyways and not as overpowered

So delete and reupload you fucking regard. Also no one cares about doxing you faggot.

Probably cause there's no nigger repeating "bitch, nigga, money, pussy" every 5 seconds like in normal nigger music.

>the detractors said parrying doesn't matter!!!!!!!
Most of the complaints I hear are how much parrying fucks with the meta

2nd Impact ost is underrated, as how the stages looked.

hybrid grappler, one of the simplest characters in the game
can take a 3rd of your life and 3 quarters of your stun bar in 3 moves, has a couple of gimmicks that don't really work offline but can still be annoying
mostly pokes with his decent buttons and looks for a jump in or hefty air to air, can gain ground with his back foward charge move depending on the situation
gets people to the corner and rapes them with his mix-ups really bad, again very basic conceptually and also pretty easy on the execution too
has good ex moves, not really anything confirmable unfortunately but he can still work without that, just might struggle against more patient people and top tier if you can't find a good opening or get into the corner yourself
lots of life and stun so you can afford to get hit a few more times than other characters and then you just need a few good openings to completely turn the tables since he hits so damn hard and has genuinely gross corner pressure
those complaints come from people who got their DP parried once and then never played 3s again, if they ever played it at all
don't listen to sf2 faggots, that game is its own pile of retarded bullshit

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At least he can spell retard


This game isn't necessarily black. It's more of the eclectic sound of the electronic scene in new york at the time. 90s house music to be exact with jazz sensibilities. Only the intro is a hip hop song and thats because it's also paying homage to the genres jazz routes.

Psyche Out and Chilli Dog (what the fuck is up with that track's name anyways).

The rest of the tracks are London House, Hip Hop or Chun Li's awful theme.

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Nah fuck you asswhore

It was a phone auto correcting regard.

I just bought a PS2 copy for 10$ m8

I know that feel bro.

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>second worst
why are you even getting so worked up over random online tier lists when you don't even play the fucking game

nigga probably doesnt even know how his taunt works. Just disregard anime girl posters.

why would you not just buy OE

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ok reuploaded it.

because I still have plenty of working controllers & a functional PS2?

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jungle and drum n bass ARE black genres you retard. Jungle is literal ragga reggae edm from the 90s. DnB was born from jungle. Like more than half of all classic jungle dnb producers are black dudes from england. fucking dumpass

but OE is better in every way

I like rap but it's not worth what its done to American society.

>that lag
>those random ass special moves
you can do better user

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I live in the PNW everyone here is an anime player or— Allah forgive me— a smasher.

are you telling me I was black all along?

As opposed to what? Americans arent true whites so they woul have to go with brit rockand roll or jap music.

Nigga I'm from new jersey and I don't see no arcades, I wish we would have a Round 1 or something

>i hate nigger music.

>psyche out



Why would you even want this? Online Edition is garbage. Just play fightcade

Its fucking hip hop targeted to the urban audience aka the early FGC, you dip, why deny it? Are you Canadian or something?