The absolute cope lmao

The absolute cope lmao

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It's true but it's not like they're selling games either.

Well considering they release their own games on PC, it seems pretty obvious they're trying to gain on software sales rather than console sales, otherwise they'd make them xbox exclusive

lol. typical loser talk.

watch, i bet you if the next xbox somehow becomes on the top spot, hes going to change his tone.

The Wii proves his point.
The Wii U undermines it, however.

they might as well just stop making consoles and go third party like sega.

consoles have always been a loss anyways

why do you think they're trying to make them last decades instead of a few years

Microsoft own Xbox
Microsoft own Windows
Obviously it makes sense for Xbox games to release on Windows, which is what they're doing now.

Honestly I'm surprised they've been kept so separate this long.

This. And Nintendo should focus on handhelds only

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Now try to explain this very simple logic to the average neanderthal Yea Forumsirgen who is still stuck in the 7th gen and think console sales are the only thing that matters.

Remember when Yea Forums said that about the wii which sold a gorillion but then the grandmas and shit stopped using it altogether?

>i'm surprised
Zoomers need to fuck off

Tell that to the shitposting, twitter-screencapping, article-cropping faggots spamming the same images and retarded phrases everyday.

The STATE of Phil's butthole.


he's right. you get royalties off of every game/ bit of software you sell on it.
you'll only buy a console once, but that person will typically buy lots of things for it.

He knows consoles will be dead in a generation or two. Streaming is going to BTFO it. Imagine if every customer could buy games without the initial barrier of console cost.

>get windows 10 through school
>see that xbox thing costs a buck for the first month
>try it
>my old live account from 360 days has all my cheevos, and people I haven't talked to since senior year highschool started messaging me
>start playing sea of thieves with them on crossplay
>pressing the home button on my controller brings up my chat overlay/functions

This is kinda neat desu, I wonder if other companies will make PC API's in the future.

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He's right, hell I'm not even buying a Switch Lite to have a Switch, I'm buying it for Metroid 5, sequel to Metroid Fusion, only reason I'm getting a Scarlett is because of Halo 5 and Halo Infinite.

Microsoft is like that NFL team that goes 7-9 or 8-8 every fucking year and nobody is getting fired because they're located in some small market flyover state with a fanbase that kinda sorta exists and that's about it. The fanbase they do have are mostly fine with the product. The team has one or two aging star players, and since the fans will keep buying their jerseys anyway, why change anything?

>Streaming is going to BTFO it
>retards still believe this

>Phil Spencer explains how the game industry has evolved and how console sales aren't responsable for the majority of the profit in gaming anymore and how that has been over taken by software sales

I swear, this board was created in 2004 and has been stuck in that year ever since then.

He's 100% right. It's about how many people are using your software and participating in your software ecosystem. I rather sell an extra million copies of a game and get that exposure than try and sell an extra 100k consoles. Getting more and more people playing your games and using xbox live will generate way more money long term.

Says the company that has never even put out a handheld console.
What are the minnesota vikings?

In case you guys haven't caught on, marketing success is about B R A N D I N G. It's why "Xbox" is being implemented as an ecosystem. It has little to do with games, software, or hardware.

He is right to some degree. If you sell 1000 consoles for $100, you are making less that selling 300 consoles for $400

actually, i had the titans and bengals in mind when making that post.

if the vikings are anybody in gaming, they're bethesda.

I don’t regret buying an XB1X. Plays most of my 360 library, a few original XB games, and a bunch of XB1 games at 4K. Together with my launch PS3, PSPgo, New 3DS XL, Wii U, Switch, and NES+SNES Classic (including hacks on some of them) I have everything I need for the rest of my life as far as gaming

Yes, they just put out the most used operational system in the world are the most valuable company in the world now. What do they know about sales, right?

Missing Saturn and Dreamcast though
Otherwise can’t argue with that

You mean the most monopolistic, hence all the anti trust lawsuits you silly winfag.

Why bother make a fucking console then?
Just release all your games on PC and Playstation if you don't give a fuck about selling your paperweight that plays netflix.

He's technically right. And Microsoft is doing VERY well. I'd argue that they are in a far superior position over their competitor. However. In the console sales race for this generation (and the others) Xbox did lose. So bad that MS had to change the playing field and their approach to xbox entirely. Thanks Don. But him saying this in an interview comes off as an excuse more than anything. He can say this in 5-10 years if he ends up ""winning"" a """"""""""""""""""""""war"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" with sony.

there's a whole plethora of people that just don't bother with PC

even if your console isn't the most popular on the market, there's still plenty of profit to get from that

It's true though. Software sales have proven to be the biggest money makers on every single platform. Why bother selling 1 million consoles when half as many people spend twice as much on microtransactions.

Vikings fag here. Don't lump Bethesda in with us. Maybe try Ubisoft.

They don't need to win anything and they need to stop acting like there even is a war. Xbox, Sony and Nintendo should be happy they have a multi billion dollar industry all to themselves and there isnt a large threat of new entrants. Phil and Xbox just realized they may as well just focus on hitting as many consumers as possible instead of clawing at a market they already share with 2 other companies.

Always go for this.

Never ever go for this. Only villains do that.

Try winning a superbowl first.

>No games
>No hardware
>No smoking
>No white men

How can Uncle Phil be this based?

Attached: oh god yes thank you phil I am euphoric.jpg (750x737, 178K)

>He knows consoles will be dead in a generation or two
>He knows Microsoft will try and kill consoles in a generation or two and is trying to facilitate its success

>I swear, this board was created in 2004
It was

i'll buy an xbox just because he's a cool guy

It's really funny how people here and on reddit (or so I've heard) really think that Sony are anywhere close to "beating" Microsoft.
Call me when Sony are a trillion dollar company.

the future of gaming is getting as many people as possible to sign up for your game streaming/rental service

What's the point in spamming this shit? You think it's different on the other platforms?

Literally no one gives a fuck about parent companies, a trillion dollars didn't help Xbone get good games or a reason to play. It's about to be surpassed in sales by a system released 3 years after it. You might as well say Internet Explorer beats out Chrome/Firefox because it is from a trillion dollar company. Or that the fucking ZUNE beat out ipods.

>constantly surrounded by hype and expectations
>had some years that resulted in some good shit
>ultimately ended up falling short when it matters and you get upstaged by someone better

nah they're bethesda. and kurt coupons is their fallout 76.

nowhere in his post does it say xbox or xbox one

It's true. It's more about how many Xbox live/psn subs you have

>Or that the fucking ZUNE beat out ipods.
How the fuck do you remember Zunes were a thing?

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The future is clearly content. Platform is becoming more ubiquitous.

Oh, I'm sorry. I must have stumbled into a board that isn't Yea Forums for VIDEOGAMES. Of course anyone who says Sony means playstation and anyone who mentions MS means Xbox

>Counts as games
Subscription Services
Hardware Revisiones
>Dosen't count as games
Gay Shit

Based Xbox

He is right but many gamers cant into basic business. If ms can become a super publisher that controls a percentage of AA games along with a few AAA then xbox console loyalist, xcloud (if it works) can trojan horse into portable gaming (see controller patent), and take a chunk of digital sales.

I think they should buy EA and nickel/dime customers on the other consoles while pushing some free content on gamepass to up subs.

I remember because one of their colors on release was literally brown. It was a big brown fucking brick of a turd.

this, based Phil knows what he's doing

are you dense or pretending? he literally said what he means in his post. you're the one purposely misinterpreting it.

That kind of failure must not be forgotten, lest we become lenient.

Because he is the one being purposely dense by interpreting what people mean when they say Sony beat MS by thinking they are saying the parent company beat the other parent company when they are just saying it in the context of VIDEOGAMES. When people here post E3 cards and say MS WON or SONY WON, are you too stupid to think they don't mean the respective gaming platforms?

>tfw have to buy a Project Scarlet next year just so I can play Fable 2 since MS refuses to port it to PC.

Will Scarlett be the most backwards compatible console of all time? I think the PS3 and the Wii are the only two that could compare but if it really has all the current backcompat titles plus xbone? That's insane

>this cope and seeth

refer back to the original post or stay mad

>Internet Explorer beats out Chrome/Firefox
Well, at this point, I don't think it'd be too hard for Microsoft to finally beat Firefox. Firefox shit the bed way too many times, and is hemorrhaging users.

hahaha who would do that...

Underage lol

IE/Edge is about to die as its own browser since Microsoft is jumping on the bandwagon, regardless of what the browser is called, they all chrome.

Firefox will be the only one left that isn't.

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>people in this thread saying that microsoft is releasing xbone games on windows
>still no release date for PC MCC

>Seething little Xcuck


I can feel you shaking in your boots. Holiday 2020, be there :)

yes, they certainly are

because one thing is being slow to release or perhaps running into problems doesn't render all other releases void

>Cuckbox will be g-good next year!!!! J-just you wait and see S-Snoyger!!!!!!!!

If I had a dollar for every time an Xcuck told me that, I'd have a shit load more dollars than you have games. :^)

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serious autism

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That's a shame. I really don't like how much power Google is getting.

Gears was always shit, who cares.