Final Fantasy xiv

Clowns like this faggot is why we can't have nice things.

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Other urls found in this thread:

who cares
fuck off back to your forums

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try not to pop a blood vessel kid

The monk fears the gunbreaker

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>Complaining about having to use Continuation THREE times every 30 seconds
>Comparing that to Dark Arts in any way shape or form
>Thinking Gunbreaker is "complex"
Oh god I am laffin.

>the new titan fight


you and the wowfags belong back on your containment board

^wowfag fucking livid damn


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It's easy as fuck.


Imagine not even being able to do it for free

so fucking goofy, why is he on a fucking little car

confirmed not remembering titan in ARR

Dost thou remember thine encounter with the primal Titan? Remember his car he rodeth upon?

??? he always had a car bro

fucking zoomers

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this he was always a fucking jeep

I don't disagree, compared to the other tanks, Gunbreaker has an insane three 3-Hit combo, nine fucking buttons, and what should be ogcd's aren't.

>"hail, my friend. when summoning titan, it is imperative that thou rememberest his features in full. tell me of your encounter with the lord of crags."
>"...a 'golf cart', what an intriguing vehicle for the kobolds to have created. i shall endeavor to seek the truth of these devices. but before i continue, i must impress upon you: what is thine meaning behind the referral to the lord of crags as a, 'boomer?'"

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such a wasted character
he looked and acted bad ass but was about as deep as a piss drop

>going to the OF
Well you got me to check OP and came across this in an Endgame thread. Do they really believe focusing on story makes this game not a WoW-clone?

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His corpse wasn't found so I imagine he'll pop up again in the post-patch stories.

Why the fuck is the DOT on the GCD? The ammo moves being on the GCD are annoying but w/e, but its fucking retarded to not make it an OGCD ability.

>implying every generic MMO isn't taking pages from WoW
Do people really underestimate the influence WoW had on Modern Tab-Target MMOs or are they just being ignorant in hopes of showing others that their game isn't another Theme Park?

Healing is the easiest thing in the game

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"I know you've convinced yourself that press all these "unnecessary" buttons somehow makes you a better player. It does not
It literally does
people who dont use arms length, second wind, bloodbath, other utility CDs and all the damage abilities are almost always worse than someone who does

the skill ceiling is literally being able to press all the buttons you have in your kit and being able to line them appropriately

Tanks that don't use arm's length for big pulls make me sick, it's ridiculous how good it is.

When was that revealed? What about the jongleurs? I still want to fuck them

why is astro so awful

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But all the scions looked at his lifeless body
Also his final line were very much the kind of shit you hear when someone in fiction dies

Because its ogcds are a joke.

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God i love arms length

can't beat the gukumatz
nope, not the gukumatz

YoshiP never got cards in his savage runs so now no one's allowed to play AST for a few months.

can MNKs learn Gukumatz

They wish.

>spam a million ocds (that have to be targetted/thought about) in opener
>have zero healing potency offgcd and ongcd
>do no damage
>only give like 800 raid damage
>horoscope is decent, but its literally just a clunkier, shittier version of Plenary
>same with neural, WHM get 20% healing and damage reduction with wings, you just get a shitty shield or hot on your aoe
>star is your only really good skill, and requires you to plan everything ahead the entire fight for it to be good, unlike cure 3 which can be be done whenever without a care
>celestial heals for fucking nothing
>run out of mana 1000x worse than the other healers

some one end my misery

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>stop talking about games that aren't SMAAAAAAAASH!!!

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>decide to try out parsetranny shit just to see my dmg in eden as SAM
>using the i440 weapon because no tittyEX yet
>7.5-8k damage
b...bros why do I suck

Subtle jab at Romanioa

I don't see any problems here
is kinda op

>innocence "farm" party
>samurai dashes to the boss with the aoe on their heads thus wiping the group

I'm so glad samurai isn't a tank to avoid this shit

>one of the funnest skills in the game
What the fuck is he snorting

>getting BTFO by trannies

Boomer on his lawn mower. Once you get the mechs down its not hard.

Who are the best beast tribe and why are they the Vath?

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We thought Gaius died after the Ultima Weapon exploded too and look what happened.

>100 potency heal
>with either a regen 1/2 as strong as Medica II or a shield equal to Succor
>on a 2 minute cooldown

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Vath are pretty cool on a design front, little horseshoe-crab men with jingasa heads.

"Dying" in a fiery explosion after we left him there is a lot fucking different from killing someone with our own hands and making sure they're dead.

Grug see big number, Grug have fun

>making sure they're dead
No we didn't, nobody jabbed in him in the neck or poked him with a stick to make absolutely sure.

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>confound it
>must needs
>"without" meaning "outside"
What the fuck is wrong with the writers of this game?

Koji has a fetish for archaic words and does it in such excessive amounts it's sickening.

you mean the localization
It's all koji fox

>all 3 gunbreakers that exist in the world have the same coat recolored
>you cant recolor yours

what the fuck

It comes with the territory of killing him ourselves.

Vath Deftarm is still the best Beast Tribe NPC and it isn't even close. It would have been cool if you saw him randomly around the world.

It's supposed to be evocative of the rough historical period that Eorzeans are currently in (guns are just starting to pop up prompting full-plate armor, etc). "Progressive" Sharlayan society will use terms like "month" instead of "moon" as well.

Yes, a 720 potency aoe ogcd on a 60s cooldown is totally super weak. Why can't we have a 300 potency gcd like WHM has, what the hell?

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Go rewatch the CS after the fight, he literally stares Thancred down then "dies". And then when you go to unlock the SHB version of SSS the NPC fucking tells you his body "disappeared" after everything that happened.

You have to wait until garbage content like Diadem 6.0 to that.

he was pretty deep. He was raised by Minfilia then raised and trained the preceding Minifilias only to watch them all die fighting sin eaters, it got so bad they were sending her out when she was still a teen and that completely shattered his mind.
Imagine being the greatest general of your generation and in order to save your hide you had to send your mother/ daughters to their deaths.

>tank moves out of it
cool 0 potancy heal there

People prefer gnb to old drk because it doesn't have MP management

Avoid zoro roronoa farm party on sarg its a trap

Inb4 he actually died but the jongleurs took his body for some freaky shit.

i havent logged once ever since the raid dropped, there's nothing else to do in this shit

I'm rather surprised how many people at the EX trial level don't seem to know to stand in the circle.

Yoshi got mad at Urianger and took it out on AST.

>what if the tank is shit
Well, nothing will save him or you in that situation really.

His last lines were him greeting the Minfilias he raised.
>My girls.... There you are.
He's pretty dead, unless unironically a random npc says otherwise

This thread is going to get moved over to /vg/
Why the fuck did you put the name of the game in the subject line?

I love Nu Mou.

Vath are best bros. But Namazu take the cake for most amusing beast tribe.

He's not wrong about continuation being clunky. Ideally just have it be a non-assignable ability that replaces the 123 combo when you use each so you hit the same button twice.

They would have paraded his corpse around if he was dead, he's guaranteed to get a psudo-atonement arc before he dies for real like Yotsuyu did.

That Roe Samurai in SB was pretty fucking dead, too. He still came back.

Gosetsu is a hyur

Someone on the dev team hates melees


The difference between NA and JP forums is insane
>check English official forums
>tanks bitching they have too many buttons and they can't generate enough enmity
>monks having meltdowns
>healers having meltdowns
>people begging for titania normal nerfs
>"healers are dead"
I'm surprised "male viera" meltdown threads are finally gone

>check JP official forums
>tanks having semi-civilized discussions and request threads
>tank rotation/diference/gameplay brainstorming threads
>'why is gunbreaker damage so high and acceptable?'
>healers discussing rotations
>improvements for scholar rotations
>'Scholar is Not a Final Fantasy Scholar'
>healer general with macros
>dps having their own generals with macros and how much they like/dislike the changes and how to improve with the new changes

I wonder what french and german forums look like

>AST healer channels their bubble the entire time

So this is the power of 50 potency healing

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I didn't play in 6 months or so and trying to get into it again, did they remove Summoner's ability to cast drain, sustain, and physic or did I just imagine I used to be able to cast those?

>Tanks can't generate enough enmity

>They would have paraded his corpse around if he was dead
Thats macabre but no one stated his corpse disappearded did they?
Him and Zenos but thats beside the point
Not according to Square enix he's not

>what if the ast is shit
Learn to place that shit, it's the easiest thing ever after throwing cards

I can't believe this ability got nerfed so hard. It used to be one of my favorite skills in the game.

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Somehow making Tanking easier has further revealed bigger shitters in this game. There are idiots who single target and ignore their AoE attacks in this age of no TP.

>best looking monk weapons are your own fists

yoshi pls

They don't use tank stance or don't know how to dps to the point their local WHM is generating as much enmity as his co-tank

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>literally an assize tier heal
>haha why is it so bad
The only thing shitty about it is the cooldown, 120s is retarded considering earthly star is much stronger and 60s and CI is borderline the same skill and is 30s.

If the tank thinks eartly star is a mob aoe he'll run out of it no matter how well you place it.

>Tank can't generate enough enmity
All of my what.
Reread my post. During the quest to unlock SSS in SHB they literally state his corpse disappeared after the chaos ended.

I could have sworn they said he was just a big hyur but whatever i guess

Used to be if you were in tank stance all you had to do was do a rage of halone combo and you'd pull the enemy off someone. Now you have to provoke to get them off em. Which is what i do i don't know where the complaints are coming from. Nothings really changed.

>>'Scholar is Not a Final Fantasy Scholar'
Did you miss the part of that thread where every nip tells the guy to fuck off to the NA forums?

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>people think GNB is button bloat because you have to weave an extra action THREE whole times during your No Mercy window

Since I saw that thread being on JP with an english title, didn't scroll much

Which is why people defend nuDelirium

Why didnt thancred and rajin both just die after their fight?

There will never be a better opportunity to kill thancred off, it was his character peak

Should have clarified. "To the point their co-tank is macro-shirking the second highest enmity and putting WHM on second highest enmity"

That's the problem with making shit easier. There will always be another level of mouthbreather. You could reduce each class to a single button and there would still be people fucking it up.

Also random greek words.

don't worry, elidibus will possess his body and you have to end up killing him.

ok i don't think i unlocked that yet. So let me check
he's a special roe is what they said

6.0 comes out
"Bloodfest effect changed to allow the user to perform actions without consuming any cartridges."

Fucking this. It's hell as melee if you actually want to get good damage in.

He was still needed to give Ryne her new name and to cause more emotional pain later on when they inevitably part with him returning to the Source.

I bet y'all would've preferred a more modern translation, huh?

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>Let's make the healer a final fantasy jobs again
>in other words, make healers great again
surprisingly based and redpilled
I wonder if that quote is as famous over there as it is here

>monks having meltdowns
besides the clunky opener, monk is fine

having thunder and ice 2 was pretty rad

>multiple ffxiv threads on the front page
this is why we keep getting deleted/moved

>implying they wont write a random asspull as to why Ryne can join them on the Source

Why didn't they just hatefuck and whoever finished first would lose Minfilia's custody?

What went wrong with this job and how to fix it?

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Will I be expected to micro my pet a lot later on as SMN? Right now I just let it do what it wants and I'm not sure how I should use it.

And yet there's a recurring tifa worship thread up at all times

Why is no one talking about WHM doing too much damage

nothing, nothing

Give it whatever the fuck kit SE wants to to make it a real job, it's either going to be highly customizable or realistic, not both

It's a minigame that Yoshida did not want to balance but then went out of his way to balance it so it wouldn't kill bosses with OP abilities like he originally said.

they will never make it a real job

I know but I'm saying that's the easiest way

I checked all it said was that
>Nothing untoward, worry not. It's just that, see, ever since Lord Vauthry and General Ran'jit ran off to gods know where, the Eulmoran Army's been in shambles.
Nothing about his corpse disappearing

Yea, let's give WHM banish, haste, mini (increase damage taken) and reflect while deleting AST in the process since Astrologian doesn't really have anything decent in any FF game.

Let's make FF jobs FF again.

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just once i'd like to be able to log in without a queue. I'm on a dead fucking server man what gives

It will in 5.1 once they actually figure out what to give it as a proper kit.

the minigame is not good
make the minigame good

It needs more content to play with, that's literally it

no they literally wont lol, let it go its a minigame job, not a real job. 5.1 will just be a boost to 60 and additions to the carnivale, thats it

Lovely Branch.

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>"Job" that cant do current content ever being a real job
Yeah and i'm sure it's gonna be a great progression job that will augment our gearing path and we'll get a more diverse endgame thats not just Tomestone and Savage.

Guys I want to polish my wood

I wasn't sure if it was a she or a he when I first heard it talk.

I really don't get their autism over it, just make it a real job as is it's not particularly unbalanced. Maybe make it so it can only join premade groups and other players can see your loadout to make sure you're not a shitter.

>tfw no irish fairy gf

But why is he a King and not a Queen anons?

Considering she is his last and best chance of ever getting to fuck F'lhaminn, I'm 100% sure she'll come back with them.

It's alright, just have one at 80 for savage patch, we're gonna get big dick buffs and WHM's will be seething.

Virgin: RDM, DNC, SAM

The OF are a fucking goldmine of stupidity.
I once tried to talk about my favourite job's balance in a serious sense and the only response I got were from a bunch of shitters who had never even touched anything at Savage difficulty telling me I'm wrong because they want the job to be easier.
Perhaps the stupid one was me for even thinking decent discussion could be held there?

Woah hold the fucking phone. OGCD? Pardon my ignorance, that must make it the best healing ability in the game.


Because fairies are dumb as fuck.

Mix the Eureka elemental system into it, have dungeons require certain spells, and give them proper combos.
Give them a scoring system at the end of each dungeon to encourage them not to be complete fuckwits. Score is turned into points that is sub divided into each expansion.
A good blue mage that knows what they're doing will be on par with black mage in terms of damage. A bad blue mage will get kicked. Any complaints on the OF will be disregarded as trash.


They're pixies.

>monks having meltdowns
Literally 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, since the day ARR came out. To play MNK is to be a permanently ass-blasted crybaby.

Where did this stupid meme come from?

You forgot

Which job mains complain the least about their job?

They have an identity crisis
SAM stole the title of selfish big dick melee DPS
DRG has always been the best balance of utility and melee damage
NIN is traditionally the best utility melee
MNK is left with no role to fill

Probably BRD, or DRG
never really hear much from either of those two, they seem pretty happy


Did you play in jap or something? Feo Ul has a male voice in english. And the leader is called a King.

BLM, bitching about party members doesn't count

You should be using your Egi Assaults, Enkindles, and Devotion regularly, but other than that there's nothing to really do. You can place Garuda in the middle of the arena to stop her from wandering off to stupid places, I guess.


What do you expect, they're bigger weebs and chuuni fags that ninjas and samurai combined and think "I punch the monster, I'm the biggest and the coolest"
To be a MNKey is to admit you are insecure and have a small penis

BLM. The entire job is about rolling with the punches and adapting your rotation to every situation, so it filters out all of the whiny faggots.

I think his intention with saying that was that BLU would have a metric fuckton of useless abilities if brought into a raid scenario because of all the instant-death or %age effects they tend to have, and players go into a raid with the expectation that most of their skills actually work.

>Feo Ul has a male voice in english
let me just nip this retarded meme you're trying to make in the bud

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>Did you play in jap or something?
> Feo Ul has a male voice in english.
is this a shitpost

PLD rotation feels great and I hope to get a new controller in time for my max level when I'll start a gnb or whm. PLD rotation is basically stances it's the shit.


Per role
Tank : PLD
Caster : BLM
Healer : WHM
Ranged : BRD
Melee : NIN

besides BLM since they never really get any real nerfs, probably DRG, the only thing they complain about is clipping occasionally

Pixies are genderless. The title King comes from the last ruler of Voeburt which is now Il Mheg. Out of respect they call the head honcho pixie, King.

Been playing monk since like 2.1 or so. Been happy with it the whole time mainly since I just like punching shit when everything you fight is usually someone with actual weapons or some big monster. Only thing i'm disappointed with in ShB is losing howling fist and steel peak and even then it's just because I really liked the animations.

>also played James Kidd
Based and branchpilled.

Not that user but even when G'raha introduces you to Feo Ul even he refers to them as a "He" on top of Titania being referred as a Title of a King and not a Queen.

t. hasn't looked at NIN forums since ShB came out, they're full of crying

>Feo Ul has a male voice in english
>if it's not helium high pitched its not female
The state of weebs.

Based and Vathpilled. Best beast tribe reward mount too, by far

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bart simpson and timmy turner are voiced by a women, does that make them girls?

It is NOT FUCKING FAIR that I was born into a universe where I cannot romance a fairy.

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I did notice that along with a myriad other spelling errors yes.

feo ul is a guy, or at least genderless
but it's definitely not female


>i-its a spellin error so my waifu is saved

Glad to enlighten you user

>G'raha introduces you to Feo Ul even he refers to them as a "He"
I don't recall this
>on top of Titania being referred as a Title of a King and not a Queen.
Play some sidequests in Il Mheg, it's revealed that referring to Titania as king was done so in honor of the former inhabitants King - who is now dead.

Does this look like a man to you?

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Good catch. My sentiment still remains, though.

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it's a common trope for titles such as king to be gender neutral

>Tank stops moving for 10 seconds during a pull
>Put down ES
>He immediately runs off to the next pack
>Now forced to Synastry + Benefic II just to keep him alive

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I'm not attracted to it so no, it's female.

putting aside the fact that they call titania the king in reverence to the former actual king of the land, "the king of the fairies" not actually being male is a very old trope
like, very very old

Ryne: come over
WoL: I can't I'm wiping to Titania NM dps check
Ryne: Thancred isn't home

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Story wise I enjoyed Ixal and Moogle. Personal preference wise it's gotta be Vath, Vanu, and Namazu.

Remember how everyone thought Garlemand was the coolest shit and wanted to join them in 2.0 so in the expansions they beat you over the head with how much they rape and murder and enslave everyone they meet? Do you think they'll do the same with the Ascians?

I think i'd like them more if I didn't hate the area, their quests got annoying after a while.

>bart simpson is a girl now

I don't particularly remember them being that dastardly in HW, no
I mean we literally teamed up with a Garlean Legatus for the Triad storyline

>G'raha introduces you to Feo Ul even he refers to them as a "He"
G'raha introduces us to feo ul, and not feo ul to us that's why we're "a friend from a distant realm". When he says this fine lady he's referring to the WoL gender.

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I think we can all agree that the worst beast tribe is Lalafells

>that solo duty where you sneak into Ala Mhigger with Thancred and Lyse
>the one garlean going "dude have you tried raping yet? raping mhiggers is really fucking cool my dude. you should really try raping dude, the things they can do with their tongues is wild. can't beat the cock."
>his patrol buddy's reaction is just "lmao who would fuck a savage"

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>MSQ roulette
>everyone arguing about whether cutscenes should be skippable every single time



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Is materia still the most consistent gil maker right now, or is there actually useful shit I can get with gatherers for once?

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They never should have changed it

Still using that mount

Takes 10 minutes the gather a stack of 99 mats that go for 1-2k a piece at any given time
You're better off crafting though

Should be a group vote honestly, with a penalty to the xp if you choose to skip.
Pretty sure that same exact thing happens at Little Ala Mhigo too, minus the Garleans of course. I think SE just wants us to know Mhiggers are good for rape.

posting some old OF cringe
shits always funny
enjoy anons

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B-boys.. I hate to admit it, but..
....My sweet branch is a... TRANNY

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Oh yeah the one girl youth is raped. I forget who rapes her, the amal'jaa?

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I think they should make it in a way, if there's a new player you can't skip, but if everyone already did the MSQ once then you can skip.

I still find ridiculous that you can't skip cutscenes even if you solo and if you go to the inn you can't fast forward them.

What if we like
Didn't fucking put cutscenes in dungeons

>Nektolus Tuor

Damn that name takes me back. If it's the same guy he's been making stupid posts since early on in 1.0.

hope none of you play male au ra

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>Still have to cooperate with dirty pirates in post SB quests


It was the Corpse Brigade if I remember right.

they stopped doing exactly that for a reason
trials too, the longest one after ARR is still Thordan's because his knights and the pope have to give a speech
it is a cool speech though at least. "You deny my divinity, but what have you got to offer my people instead? Bitter truth? Virtuous suffering? No matter. If you believe your cause just, I call upon you to defend it with your life!"

>Bitching about aggro generation
Fucking how? Like the multiplier on tank stance is something like 10x

>just starting the Titan arc
At least it has Y'shtola.

Can't wait for the dwarf sex minigame daily quest

I loved Dark Arts weaving and I love GNB.

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>Titty Normal nerfs
What? Literally just mark the add order and you'll herd the braindeads quite nicely.

I just switched from lvl 55 dragoon to red mage and I feel like I'm playing bad or something or is the class just this easy

There's no difference between edge of night weaving and dark arts weaving.

You know what they should add?
Craftable versions of the quest items they make you get. Like, it's just a fucking dinner, high level CUL should be able to make gobbie cheese and whatever or something.

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>I mean we literally teamed up with a Garlean Legatus for the Triad storyline
Best part of the dogshit stain that was HW

RDM and SAM are by far the most braindead DPS

yeah i remember reading some of the shit he posted
i almost want to say it was an elaborate troll because my mind cannot comprehend someone being that fucking stupid

I never said there was you brainlet.

holy fuck is this real
the healing ability on fucking Dancer is better than this

>dogshit stain

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sands are still pretty good gil for the amount of effort you need to put into them
i'm stocking up on timed nodes too since the crafted shit drops in a week (i think) and currently they aren't used for anything

People at level 73 still don’t know how to do even half a rotation. NA players were a mistake.

Yes, the Role Action skills were all revised

Yes it was removed from the game because your pets don't take damage anymore and are untargateable by enemies. Why would you need a pet healing skill now??

SMN still has it, but you have to reset it on your bar from your Action skill list

found some more

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>literally an assize tier heal
yeah at a 2min timer and unlike co it's the full amount of heal instead of a partial heal with a hot

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Did you only read that part of my post?

Dark Arts can fuck off, but I like GNB. It’s every half a minute.

t. grey freestyle sam

I wasn't going to bother with crafting shit until I got to the Shadowbringers but is house crafting Carpenter only?


Precisely why I play SAM. I want ZERO responsibility. At all.

No. All the DoHs have different housing items to craft. For instance culinarians can mostly just craft stupid shit like tabletop foods. Goldsmiths and Blacksmiths can make statues I think. Leatherworkers can make rugs and sofas.

>Let's give every jobs amazing substats on their Titania weapon
>But not SAM
>Fuck SAM lol

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I'm trying to level a tank for the first time and everyone says that the actual differences in non-elite content are negligible. But doesn't PLD have a bunch of utility that could make or break a bad situation compared to the rest of the tanks?

What does ogcd mean? I assume gdc is global cool down

off global cooldown

look at your actions
a weaponskill or a spell is called a GCD
an ability is called an OGCD

Haha remember when every single omega weapon for WHM was spellspeed piety? Nothing like beating omega and thinking "what the fuck is this shit yoshi p" 3 times in row.

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every tank has utility for the same or similar situations. Tanks were homogenized this expansion

substats account for

>this expansion

well hey at least now you have crit and piety

PLD has free 20% mitigation pretty much always thanks to Sheltron and it has more OT utility. They're all similar dps wise.

Not really. They have a lot of helpful shit, but if it were needed no one would be able to get clears. Just remember things like Divine Veil and Passage of Arms can reduce party damage with stacks and raidwides.

Stock up on aethersands, and on legendary node materials.
These fuckers will shot up on price once the new master recipes come out.
Also, I hope you exploited the grade VII materia inflation that happened this week.

>DRG players

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Why is she so incompetent?

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>20% mitigation pretty much always thanks to Sheltron and it has more OT utility
TBN, RAW and HOS all act in a similar way AND can be used every 30 seconds

Somebody's clearly upset about something

She already split a world into 13 versions of itself. Let her rest.

cuz she used all her power shielding your dumbass in praetorium

>zodiark literally saves all of existence from destruction
>hydaelen decides to be a spiteful bitch and literally shatters existence into pieces

never played drg whats happening here

Feo Ul should sound like a real pixie, like Titania

Because Light is umbral energy, meaning the passive state of aether. She is passivity made manifest.

this hurts to look at, everytime I need to double weave a little bit of my soul dies

Yeah, they all have quick defensive cooldowns now. In fact I’d say WAR and GNB have superior ones due to costing no resources.

crap old castle

From what it sounds like, it's an alexander type situation, she lets her power die so she doesn't kill the worlds inadvertently putting in only the effort in a absolutely needed moment.

Yeah, I get they aren't needed for any content but for example if the healers eat shit in Titan EX or something where mechanics matter more than any DPS or rotation, couldn't you save that by using your own heals?

Hey guys, what if we sacrificed half of the world for me?

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>OWCH, yew plaey ROUGH!

>this is Y'shtola's voice actress

>a fucking prism
Could they not come up with something better?

what did s/he mean by this?

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If shit goes real bad nothing will save it. PLD can clutch at very low percents, though.

Yea Forums is a smash board you fucking newfag. This is public knowledge even amongst the jannies here. get over it newfag

Daily reminder to commend your healers, they are the only ones keeping the party afloat


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>Spends more time doing nothing and typing passive aggressive comments than healing

How does getting a private room in a FC estate work? Is there a limit to them?

She meant that resummoning her treants in a much larger size is better than they were previously.

Funko Pop Y'shtola is adorable.

>Zodiark summoned for the express purpose of fixing shit
>Hydaelen summoned for the express purpose of cutting Zodiark into bits

They both did their jobs

She means there'd better be a roegadyn with a dick to sit on in your party or she's going to raze Voeburt Castle to the ground until there is one.

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I'm a tank and I never commend healers. I hate their guts ever since I got killed cause the healer admitted he was watching Netflix and let me die. Always give it to any BLM I see.

>Go to make big pulls as a tank
>"Wow. Can you at least ask before you make big pulls? How do you know if I'm comfortable with it?"

Yeah, nah. Fuck healers. They're unbelievably entitled shits.

The bullshit grind required for the worthwhile abilities. Add duty finder

>Always give it to any BLM I see.

>implying WoW wasn't just late millennial EQ
Keep on zoomin zoomie

Just make it a real fuckin' job, and quit being a dickhead, Yoshi.

>comparing funko shit with WoFF

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So what happened when all the Titania = Alisae shitters got btfo?

Holy based

More or less the same as apartments, there's a door in the back of the main FC house room that's "Private Quarters", you pay some amount of gil (I think it was 250k-300k?) and you get a one-room house on the inside. As long as the FC house is up your room is safe.

I think there is a limit but it's well into the hundreds of rooms, I'd have to check.

>"let's flood the castle we've decided is not important to us to give ourselves a strategic advantage"
>characters are still acting like this is the wackiest most insane yet genius plan every conceived

i don't think anyone actually unironically believed that other than retards

they did it willingly to save the world. Hydaelyn literally destroyed the world by splitting it into 14 shards. Now only 1 real person lives on

more like Flare based haha give me (You)s

I believed that but It doesn't bother me that it's not true

it is literally funkopop ff the game

I'm retarded and can't read, cause someone explain the Enhanced Army's Paeon trait to me? What exactly does it do?

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>Do medium pulls
>”Pull big pls”
>You pull big and they’re too shit too keep up

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>Pick up the damn rocks, Deftarm.

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So are they doing FF4's plot with the merged worlds just painfully drug out and no Golbez?

gunbreaker is piss fucking easy and its damage needs to be nerfed

>Be healer
>Pull as much as you want, I've got this
>They still single pull
I fucking hate sprouts and most likely bot tanks.

It does blmfag

I remember s story where the FC leader locked people out of the house, so people could not enter their FC rooms, which means they could not leave the FC since you need to get rid of the room before leaving. Did they do something about that?

If he was the tank, he would have dodged it.

>getting mad at people who don't feel comfortable playing like you want.
You sound like a fag.

I don't remember any merging worlds in ff9

is this why we have trusts now?

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Castles are pointless against air raids

They're genderless you stupid fuck

>Zodiark gets the power from 75% of Amaurotians sacrificing themselves to him
>Hydaelyn is summoned without any sacrifice
>Still manages to kick Zodiark's ass
Why is Hydaelyn so based and Zodiark a jobber?

I really like The Blackest Night.

Basically if you let your song go to the end of its duration you keep the speed buff from it

>You received a player commendation!

>kinda want to do all the role quests but i only really play tanks and melee
>hey i leveled smn back in hw, might as well take that out for a spin
>hey you know what's a good idea lets give a caster class like 20 fucking ogcds that you have to use constantly
yes i know about using instant shit to weave it's still bad and i don't like it

too bad trusts suck ass

While in Army's Paeon and you have one stack of Repertoire or more, using one of the other two songs will grant a self-haste. Letting Army's Paeon fall off entirely grants a buff which ensures the self-haste happens anyways once you switch to the other songs. The number of Repertoire stacks you have at the time of Army's Muse going into effect determines how potent the self-haste is.

Hey man, at least say no or I'm not comfortable or some shit. I'll still try to egg you to try but for fuck sakes don't leave me on read.

singing normally now gives songs after army's paeon reduced auto attack times and cast times
letting it fall of grants army's ethos

Not the same thing brainlet

it has a vagina I'm gonna stomach bulge it

What he said in the OP is what happened to WoW. They took all the buttons away and it made the classes all the same.
Don't let it happen to your MMO.

Because Hydaelyn's power is to cut the power of other things in half. She didn't need to be powerful from her initial summoning, she only needed to land a few hits.

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>You received a player commendation!

hey gnbros i'm feeling a little overpowered lately, don't you think war should be buffed to bridge the gap? haha

Why does this game use the naming conventions from the SNES Final Fantasy 2 translation, did the English localizers just really have an autistic boner for that version of the game?

>weak healer
>boosts damage done of the whole party
I don't see a problem here. AST became more of a support class.

>join titty ex "farm"
>wipe during add phase after the chains due to people not stacking up
what the fuck is going on? i just want to get my alt jobs their weapons


>Command Squadron
>Takes orders
>Does AoE
>Cool Limit Break
>Doesn't follow mechanics
>Follows mechanics
>No AoE
>Unique interactions (seems like just Ryne + Thancred)
>Doesn't take orders

Why weren't these systems merged together better.

I would've intentionally wiped and kicked after asking the party.

Why would anyone wait for a dps?

gunbreaker is just a dps class with an aggro toggle. it's nice and I think I can say goodbye to DRK now.

he's referred to as a roegadyn multiple times throughout SB and possibly even the pre-SB patch where he was introduced

>all wow classes are the same now
>a retarded monkey could play them
>somehow still get wiped in raid finder

What is the accent Viera NPCs uses?

trust sucks due to their extremely shitty dps.

{ Don't worry about it. }

What do you mean we can't have the same dps as white mage while boasting raid buffs and one of the strongest aoe heals in the game as a ogcd skill?

>Healer asks me to pull big.
>Spends the whole pull spamming holy without using a GCD heal.
>End dying after going out of CDs and MP
>Dude where's HG?
I hate "muh dps" players more that the french.


Kinda vaguely Slavic or eastern-European. It's pretty similar in overall cadence to the faux-Romanian that the captain DNC rabbit's voice-actress put on for Sypha in the Castlevania series.

They pretend they never believed it just like the retards who thought the exarch wasn't g'raha

Whereas Command Squadrons have pretty decent DPS for being NPCs.

eastern bloc countries

>>End dying after going out of CDs and MP
but you didnt use HG so this isnt true?

Right, and they don't even give a fuck about mechanics, they can eat that shit all day long and not die.

They actually said they thought people would get confused if shit was named with the -a, -ga, -ja conventions. Really.

That was the JP justification for it if I'm remembering right. 1.X used the FF8-and-up convention and there's a Sharlayan book in the Great Gubal Library dungeon talking about how Sharlayan changed it because they didn't like it and couldn't agree on a suffix for spell tiers higher than -ja.

what were the most drastic job balance changes at the beginning on stormblood? late strombab btw

when savage drops

rip in peace double archer engage spam, you were hilarious while you lasted

>english dub
>not listeing to her cute "Asobi mashou", "Dochi? Kochi? Wakatteru?"

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>a suffix for spell tiers higher than -ja.

What is the best way to earn wolf marks?
I have qued for feast but I have been in que for 30 minutes and I already did my frontline roulette

i still dont know wtf to do to optimize smn rotation. is there a point to staying in DWT or should i just summon bahamut immediately? when to i use my ruin4 stacks? should i just spam pet actions on cooldown for stacks? when do i time devotion? how do i optimally time trances for tri-disaster refreshes?

If WoW didn't have influence they would have made FFXI-2 instead of this sinking ship. They brag about how many are playing during a release and watch the numbers drop, just like WoW.
>So far the scholar ... is a mere healing summoner who uses white magic
Every flagship FF title's universe a little different. You can't expect the same as old.
>Shadowbringer's healers ... seem to be World of Warcraft healers
This is the same complaint brought up in OP's picture as well.
Locking effectiveness behind timers makes the game more active to keep people engaged. It's not that button mashing shouldn't be a thing, it's that people with a short attention span are more likely to leave if the game doesn't keep them busy. This trend was apparent when they first released the game without auto-attack.

CDs implies HG too.
Fuck, I even spent the whole req on clemencies.
That was the only healer I had issue with, even sprouts could handle wall to wall pulls.

First Savage patch, and for MNK ~4.3 when Riddle of Wind got changed to give a Greased Lightning stack on the second Shoulder Tackle because it enabled the Tornado Kick rotation.


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I don't think higher numbers with every launch and higher player-retention with every expansion is how a sinking ship works user

>Zeniticia Zeya
Shame this is how Lamia's getting known now for outside of NEST nowadays.

Go hommu whaitto piggu

yeah but imagine the players were water, and the more players there were the more water is in the ship
bet you feel dumb now huh

>is there a point to staying in DWT or should i just summon bahamut immediately?
There's no magic damage buff anymore so you use it for movement and/or weaving and then Bahamut as soon as those are done.
>when to i use my ruin4 stacks?
For moving or weaving.
>when do i time devotion?
Either right before Phoenix, or in sync with your party buffs if you're in a static.
>how do i optimally time trances for tri-disaster refreshes?
When your DoTs are about to wear off

> imagine being so weak that you literally cant hold your piss on a 25 minute trip
jesus christ

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At last, I truly see.

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The weapon isn't gonna give you an extra 3k damage, fix your rotation.

>tfw fucking Varis just showed up in the sea of clouds IN PERSON to chat with you and Alphy

I wish he hadn't turned into such a joke and then died like a bitch

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Trust is the best thing to happen to xiv. Fuck playing with FFtards. Only gay shit is the leveling after finishing the story

I'm a smn main so I will help you out.

>is there a point to staying in DWT or should i just summon bahamut immediately?
In your opener you use the full duration of dwt to use all your ogcds. After that tho to make sure bahamut lines up with raid buffs you only use dwt for 2 gcds after opener.

>when to i use my ruin4 stacks?
When yo need to weave your ogcds, during the last 3 gcds of bahamut or in worst case scenario when you move.

>should i just spam pet actions on cooldown for stacks?

Yes. Make sure you should only use the egi actions when both are up in a weave. It's a dps loss for example of you ruin 2 egi action 1, ruin 2 egi action 2. Make sure you weave them both in a cast where you do 2 ogcds.

>when do i time devotion?
before phoenix and whenever it is up for a buff window of party.

>how do i optimally time trances for tri-disaster refreshes?
Well you should only be manually casting your dots once every 2 minutes. Essentially the time after bahamut should be that time. After that your tris should be used to refreash dots

>Don't heal me Tank, I don't want your nasty heals

Wish someone would upload her and Suzaku's japanese voice lines to youtube

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they're slow as hell and there's no benefit to grinding them over just queuing normally

here is a google doc made by trannies. Reading it should tell you all you need to know

>Nostalgiafags wanted Blue mage so bad they bitched more than the viera and dancer fags
>They listen to them but BLU is giga cucked for eternity because the team has no fucking clue on what to do with it
>These same faggots never stopped seething
Post yfw you're not a BLU fag

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Can boostfags solo through Stormblood or not?

Only if you're a WHM


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>they're slow as hell and there's no benefit to grinding them over just queuing normally
I can put yshtola in slut wear after she gets to 80

I'm fine with BLU and I wanted it in before it was revealed to be limited, suck my nuts.

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you can't even be a BLUfag, i just play it for the burst of allied seals and poetics

We need a version of this for that quote

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How does the whole private housing work with buying plot? Is it really so contested that you can't even get a small house on a bigger server and have to get that shitty animal crossing apartment?

BLU is a pretty cool idea in its current form but the fights are too easy. need more wacky gimmicks, harder fights, and greater rewards, and possibly group content too, as this is a MMO after all.

>group content
Solo job :^)

>Is it really so contested that you can't even get a small house on a bigger server
Try any server.

I switched jobs, whats the fastest way to level?

No, those names are the same in Jap and they probably made it a point to keep them that way.

The greek could have come from him, their localization goes both ways, some stuff goes into JP from English.

Huh, my bad then, didn't expect that to be honest.

Palace of the Dead up to 50 (60 if you hate yourself), 61-70 Heaven-on-High, 70-80 dungeon spam, FATEs, dailies.

If tank or healer, dungeon spam all day erry day.

Just spam frontlines. Feast is wonky where you have to go in at the right time at the right job. I think melee DPS get the faster queues for that. They really need to bring 8v8 Feast back already.

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Any idea of the drop rates on the EX mounts? I only have 14 Titania clears and 5 Innocence admittedly but I haven't seen either at all.

What's worse for "Quit bitching about 2.5s GCD" atm, NIN or MCH?

Fuck potd.


>"without" meaning "outside"
If this is strange to you then you're probably genuinely fucking braindead or ESL. I first heard it used that way on fucking Fresh Prince.

Just play BLM

How do buffs and abilities interact with each other? Let's say I used SAM iaijutsu dot without buffs and got buffed afterwards/selfbuffed: Would the dot now do more dmg or is it like in WoW where the whole dmg is calculated from the point and time where the weaponskill was used?

Fuck off Koji

Damage is calculated when you apply the DoT

Squads are great, especially once you get level 2 or higher offense tactics on all of them
If trusts were as broken as squadrons are leveling them wouldn't be bad at all, imagine if a trust run of Holminster took 15 minutes instead of 40.

What? it does. The Japanese think English is cool as shit.

When it is used. This is why meta comps have to build all their buffs and strongest attacks inside a short trick attack window.

DoTs snapshot like WoW. Abilities in generals do because of the way server-tick works, a common trick with Blue Mage is that you start casting White Wind and so when damage is applied just after you've been hit, the spell goes out and it's snapshotted to have your full HP behind the spell.

>pathetic attempt to revive a meme that died over a decade ago, forced by people who started browsing in last five years (as only people who were not around back then could have "nostalgia" for godawful 00s memes), which also contextually makes no sense as the main complaint about wojak/pepe is that they're just lazy rehashes and its being fought with a different lazy rehash
pick one (1)

>JP Zurvan
>Junichi Suwabe sounding menancing and cool
>ENG Zurvan
>A fucking bugman for some reason
I never understood why Zurvan sounds so incredibly different in English, its probably the most radically different vocal delivery between the two versions (although tsukuyomi is also up there, with her screaming like a madwoman in the english version). Also JP doesn't get AHURA MAZUDA because Koji is a fag and refuses to let the English voice actors scream the ultimate attacks out loud

WoW dropped snapshotting a while ago and it's just dynamic now.

It's based on buffs before the DoT is applied.

DELETE THIS. Ranged is clearly the harder and more punished class. I say this not because I want to feel victimize and that I am overcoming the odds, nor because I have literally only ever played a ranged class, but because it is TRUE. Despite the obvious of ranged being safer and and having more uptime, ranged is still so much harder and higher skill than all other classes!

holy fuck why cant any of these "farm parties" kill titania? i fucking did this shit the second week now im trying to farm weapons for my alt jobs and these fucking idiots cant do it

They're not random english words, they're four types of Love in Greek, talked about in terms of philosophy. They're set there for a reason.
This isn't a Monster "we put the G there cuz it's cool" Hunter naming situation - as cool as MH is.

autistic tirades like that one are part of why it works


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That's because all BRD wanted was for them to not be the turret class they were in HW. Once they let them move again, they were pretty much happy with everything they did with their class after, even if some of their support utility got nerfed and the class was made simpler.

squadrons suck in the 35-41 range because you get no new dungeon for an absurdly long time

Because good players already got their weapons so they don't care anymore because the mounts look like dogshit. Farm is always best in the first week of release.

>I never understood why Zurvan sounds so incredibly different in English
He doesn't, you're just autistic and think tones of voice mean the exact same things across different cultures and languages. Both voices give the feeling of a powerful, lofty war god. If the English voice actor just tried to copy the Japanese's exact tone of voice, he'd sound like he was bored.

>JP voice
Jesus he sounds like that? cringe. The NA one gets you fired up.

>play sch
>force whm partner to heal while i spam broil

They really screwed up with the primal mounts this time around, i don't think many people will bother farming for those

I can't fucking work this shit around Innocence at all

watch all the engbabs come out of the woodwork

when Scholars try this with me I stop healing altogether

>Party members will only suffer 90% of all damage inflicted
What an awkward way to say "reduces incoming damage by 10%"

>Warrior isn't a DPS job

dropped. swinging giant two handers while being on top of the parses is all I can do in life

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My dude he sounds like a insect/human hybrid in english. That's the voice every insectoid human has in ficton, while in every other dub (not only the japanese one) he sounds like a normal person. I'm just wondering why they went with the bug thing.

I cleared her day 3 of early access, we farmed out weapons for the 8 of us and got lucky enough to see a mount drop. Our WHM walked outside with it, used it and climbed on and I've never heard a group sound so disappointed at a rare drop before. It's pretty atrocious.

>can't even hear half his voice lines in the battle because the audio mixing was fucked up or just didn't play at all

I don't feel guilty Rescuing green-DPS shitters into AoEs.

>because Koji is a fag and refuses to let the English voice actors scream the ultimate attacks out loud
Because that's pure unadulterated cringe.

They will in the offchance the new collect-'em-all mount isn't a reskin of an existing monster model.

I just do a medica 2 after an AoE and maybe rez someone every once and spend rest of my time dpsing whenever I do anything that requires more than light group. Am yet to hear anyone complain about it.

And you think they wouldn't consult the person on their team that did his degree in linguistics to do this?

That's where I rescue you into a aoe because I can outheal you and outdps you.

CU was always the "time it for castbar then get back to heals/dps" skill. If anything it got buffed with the instant application of its buff/HoT instead of having to do it ahead of time due to server tic wait.

Everyone else bitches about DRG but I rarely see DRGs bitching about their class, especially now that high jump has half the animation lock.

Unironically low t opinion

>My dude he sounds like a insect/human hybrid in english. That's the voice every insectoid human has in ficton
If you associate that voice with bugs for some reason then whatever, but nigga that isn't any kind of universal bug person voice. He's just growly.

>healer rotations
its two buttons are jap retarded?

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just had a dying grasp group that wiped a total of 8 times. i'm really scared of how bad this playerbase is at level cap.

The only thing I truly could not stand about DRG's gameplay was Heavy Thrust as meaningless busy-work, and its damage-up replacing Disembowel's damage-resistance down completely nullified my problem with it.

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Whats more fun? BLM or MCH?

Same thing happened to me, only it happened when I was getting through the MSQ and we ended up abandoning. Really annoying.

I ran Holminster Switch today with a healer that somehow didn't know what a stack marker was and it honestly just confuses me, how is that even possible?

Hold the fuck up node, you can't drop a lorebomb like that and not develop it.

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>first clear of titania ex is a blue parse
I'm pleasantly surprised. Usually my first clear of anything is grey and then I get better from there. Especially since my gear isn't great right now.

If they had just made Coil mandatory for the MSQ as was originally planned then we wouldn't have this problem.

>Opens with crit buff that runs out before you consume it
Drops 2 oGCDs, a movement ability that leaves out of melee, a weak ranged attack, all the oGCD buffs (including the one that would have buffed the earlier 2 oGCDs), and then fucks up the combos.

BLM and I play both

how...? that fight is thordan tier

also which is better with a shit connection

What lorebomb? We've known about Archmagus Noah for years. You can go talk to her in Mor Dhona right now.

How come DRG/BRD got their potencies buffed the fuck up for pre-70 content instead of just being a lvl71-or-higher trait to boost said potencies?

Think about where the Jump Potion puts you.

blm, mch smashes a bunch of ogcd shit and you'll clip like crazy if your ping sucks

Just make it more like FFXI Blue Mage

The FF14 thread on /vg/ is so fucking gay though. If you could smell through the internet it would smell like shit, astroglide and scented candles. If you saw what /vg/ looked like under a blacklight your hair would turn white from the horror. Yea Forums is the only place on the entire site you can actually talk about the game.

>with a shit connection
If you can't do 4 single-weaves w/ 5 heat blasts on MCH, it's pretty much unplayable as far as not wanting to do shit numbers are involved. BLM to both questions.

Since he's just a localizer, not really because they have their own researchers for that kind of thing.

Consistent job-fantasy across all their levels, you'll always have a rough-idea of how much damage "Dragoon" does that doesn't suddenly change at 71+.

what is next healer going to be? I thought they mentioned healer with oriental style?

>balance patch comes out
>drg get more buffs

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It already IS like XI's Blue Mage.

Right, forgot her name.

I was thinking on the fact the crystal tower exploration group was named noah by g'raha.

If we get another healer it won't be until 6.0 in two years. Probably Geomancer since Astrologian focused a lot on it in 60-70.

That still doesn't work since potency scale with your level in XIV.

Buddy of mine heard how much fun the rest of us were having with the game and how good the expansion was and decided he wanted in making the switch from ESO. Naturally he's a huge faggot so his default response to seeing how much MSQ there was to catch up was to buy a level 70 skip and a story skip. That's exactly how you get people in this expansion who are terrible, it's finally gotten successful enough to pull people from other games that might not have the attention span to sit through the story.

>Since he's just a localizer
He's not, you fucking moron. He's also on the lore team, and he has a linguistics degree. He writes things alongside Oda and you're an actual retard if you don't think he puts his skills to use. He already personally developed every beastman language. Just go fucking look on the OF to see the work he put into dragonspeak.

[laughs in blood of the dragon]

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Nice meme

nice rebuttal

He just thought it would be a nice homage, and he knew about her because his specialty that he got his Archon status in is Allagan history.

They're going to slowly transition BLU into a real job right?


If he was on the lore team he wouldn't have been trying to pull explanations out of his ass when he fucked up on the Nael localization, with it only being fixed in the lore book.

He's literally one of them.

"There hasn’t actually been any switch. I’ve been doing both jobs since back before 1.0 was even released, it’s just that my help with the lore creation wasn’t officially recognized until Yoshi-P decided to reward (?) my work in that area of the game by adding my name to the opening credits (which, I have to admit, is the single coolest thing that has happened in my 15 years at Square Enix)."

The localization team regularly talks to the scriptwriting team and things go back and forth. They tell us this every time and some of you guys still seem to act like Koji and John are just stuck in a shed somewhere.

No, they've already mentioned that the current trials are only a introduction and that they have 100 more spells ready for implementation.

And that specific fuck-up prompted a much closer relationship with the JP writing team afterwards, which was apologized for and explained on the OF and some other places. There was nothing pointing at Nael's gender prior to that point so they assumed Nael to be a man in the localization.

Feels good to be a dragoon main since day 1

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Seiryu is even worse

>when he fucked up on the Nael localization
He didn't fuck up anything. Nael's gender wasn't finalized until Second Coil was coming out, and English doesn't have gender-neutral pronouns that are used naturally. He had to settle on one set of pronouns.

>top two DPS in the party got all the buffs
>without the buffs they both do less than you

>DRG main through Stormblood
>Maining GNB for at least early ShB
>thinking about leveling DRG again
I miss it bros, but GNB is really fun.

Explain in detail how would a BLU job work without being absolutely shit or absolutely broken.

>implying nael taking over her brother position after his death so she could honor her house name wasn't fucking amazing
Fuck you.

Most likely not, if they did they'd have to reinvent the entire job because there's more stuff that doesn't work in a raid setting for BLU than there is that does. Off the top of my head that'd be the loss of the free-learning skill system and customization in favor of a standardized job set-up and associated rotations, the loss of self-hazardous effects like Moon Flute, Self-destruct and Final Sting, the loss of obscenely powerful effects like Peculiar Light, and the loss of effects that allow it to mimic tanks and healers via White Wind and Mighty Guard/The Look.

And that wasn't fucking written until afterwards, moron.

I'm kind of a stupid fuck but what give the most healing on single target as a SCH?
Crit Adlo + Emergency tactics or Crit Excog?

Crit excog is like 800 potency + 50% (crit) right?

But Crit adlo is like 300 x2 but with a 25% bonus 2 times?

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Crit Excog will be better.

Hey that's really not that bad.

>Play BLM and top the chart every time because the class is busted as fuck.
>DRG/DNC pair up and the DRG is still 2K below me

I'm not asking much, just at least do SOMETHING with the buff bitch stapled to you.

>job that uses blue magic but is allowed to actually play the game
Crazy I know but it just might work

People that try to be dank memelords about the game's localizations like to ignore that there are pretty slick fixes like that, it's genuinely more interesting to me that Nael is fucking insane and assumed her brother's identity after his death than that she was just a woman the whole time.

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The corporate position on 1.0 stuff was literally "It'll be deleted in 6 months, it doesn't matter" when your attitude is just "go nuts for a few months" it's easy to make mistakes like that.

100 more? Oh boy, can't wait for more variations of line/conal/doughnut aoes except at double the potency so I can do healer-dps levels at lv60 instead of actual dps.

By changing potencies to reasonable amounts and either getting rid of or changing moves that work outside of whatever role they are.

That's it Yea Forums. I'm gonna fucking play this game. I keep hearing ARR story is garbage tier so lets see.

well see the thing is they gave them everything even the cards, I literally got not a single card. The puny rDPS I contributed was still more than I got back and I don't even play a job known for damage utility.

I said explain in detail not "just make it work LOL".

It's easier to pretend that XIV isn't an east-and-west joint effort, and that grorious Nippon is befouled by filthy gaijin when localized.

She is called king in japanese too. But they have female fairy voices in japanese.

Then you would have shitters complaining about needing to acquire their abilities and it'd just get changed into another job.

>I'm kind of a stupid fuck but what give the most healing on single target as a SCH?
Benediction exists.

um excuse me sweetie you would have been a lancer before that. dont fucking lie to me ever again

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I'm not going through BLU spell by spell just to make your autism feel okay.

>doesn't even attempt to come up with anything
You aren't worthy of the blue.

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Put a warning when you unlock the job that it will require more effort to acquire your skills. Then they can fuck off. Shitters being shitters hasn't fucked any other job over. Anyone can get to level 80 missing their 30-70 PLD skills. Anyone can get to level 80 and join Titania EX just spamming Bootshine.

It's pretty standard RPG shlock overall since it's attempting to set you up as the game's protagonist and reintroduce new players to Eorzea's world and how it functions. Post-ARR and Heavensward is where it picks up in a big way by taking the literary training-wheels off. It's not as bad as is memed about but it's not great.

Later expansions shit on the tedious stupidity in ARR in some dialogue options and conversations.

Are you sure?
Because Crit adlo new system read as
>Additional Effect: Grants Galvanize to target, nullifying damage equaling 125% of the amount of HP restored. When critical HP is restored, also grants Catalyze, nullifying damage equaling 125% the amount of HP restore
So wouldn't it be something like 300 potency crit (50%?) + 25% bonus
Which then is doubled into catalyze which also add another 25% bonus into it?
Shouldn't that make adlo stronger? since it's 2 heal?

I'm asking that especially because I've been into parties where I'm a SCH and the co-healer is an AST and one of the tank is a DRK in Titania ex so I'm wondering what's the best way to safe them from LD.

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God forbid jobs are different.

So you have no idea how to make it work, but you still talk shit about Yoshi-p.
Here's a tip:
BLU cannot work in a MMORPG.

BLU should've been a Tank that used monster abilities.

There's not even that many to go through once you separate the wheat from chaff, a large number of its spells are just "deals damage in element" or "deals unaspected damage BUUUUUUT has context-sensitive effect with other skill"

>BLU cannot work in a MMORPG
What is FFXI

BLU should not even exist. Fuck that waste of time job.

some dead game

>Anyone can get to level 80 missing their 30-70 PLD skills. Anyone can get to level 80 and join Titania EX just spamming Bootshine.
They can, theoretically, but BLU has a lot of self-support and party-support skills under its belt and it'll become blaringly obvious that you're just spamming 120-potency Water Cannon. Do you think people don't notice that the PLD or MNK doesn't have all their skills?

Crit Excog still comes out on top.

You also really don't want to Emergency Tactics an Adlo unless you have literally used all of your other buttons and have nothing left.

Your pre-pull setup for max mitigation is Adlo -> Recitation + Excog. Throw out a Deployment Tactics after if it's in a raid where there will be an early AoE.

>it'll become blaringly obvious that you're just spamming 120-potency Water Cannon
Literally no fucking different than doing that on ANY OTHER JOB
>Do you think people don't notice that the PLD or MNK doesn't have all their skills?
No and that's exactly my point you fucking mouthbreather.

I mean of course, the very notion that JP and ENG are fundamentally different languages with cultural expectations that are wildly different is still baffling to some people.

A completely different style of MMORPG that is almost wholly incompatible with the current WoW clone MMORPG, an attempt at reprising some of XI's concepts and gameplay-loops produced Eureka. Please actually have a "gotcha" the next time you attempt to post one.

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>Absolute Jumplet didn't hit 30 on launch day

It's not that I'm not believing you user but give me a minute to log in and test it, because I dunno something sound off to me.

>I'm wondering what's the best way to safe them from LD.
Essential dignity is equivalent to a 1000 potency heal if it's used on low health target so the AST should be the first to heal.

The post claimed it was impossible in an MMO. Now you're claiming it's impossible in this one if you try to copy the other MMO. So here's an idea; don't try to copy the other MMO and instead make a job that fucking functions in this one.

>The post claimed it was [autistic screeching]

>change the entire game design of a successful MMORPG to fit in one shitty/joke job.

Fantastic reading comprehension there you god damn mongoloid.

Then why are there parts in english that don't match the japanese not even a little? Like it's a completely different story at some points. And then you look at the german and french versions and they actually are more like the japanese version?

Some combination of AST's Essential Dignity and an Excog + Lustrate weaved from the SCH should be more than enough to heal LD. You might not even need the Lustrate.

>Literally no fucking different than doing that on ANY OTHER JOB
No that's exceedingly different when what separates Blue Mage from other jobs is the situational effects and high-potency support effects it has. If you don't have them you're pressing one button the whole dungeon and your damage output is lower than any other DPS job, you aren't functioning at a basic level the way Paladin would be spamming its spin-attack the whole dungeon with tank-stance on or even Monk would be spamming its first punch the whole dungeon. A Monk spamming Bootshine would be doing more damage than a Blue Mage spamming Water Cannon.
>No and that's exactly my point you fucking mouthbreather.
It isn't the same thing with them, they can function at a basic level with the skills they have as a class. They don't start out with literally one skill the way Blue Mage does or have the bevy of skills that are necessary to define their overall skilset like Blue Mage.

Don't get so defensive, user. Even retards can fit into our society nowadays.


>That poor DRK who gets bene'd as he hits waking dead but still has another lightning tether hit coming his way.

But it does work, for what it is. Just because it can't do end game content doesn't mean it has no place.

People do cool farm strats with it, and do blu only runs on shit. If they took away the wildness of it then this wouldn't be fun any more.

Because the german and french versions are legitimately afterthoughts compared to the English?

I'd say post examples but translating on a sentence by sentence basis is a stupid idea anyway.

The other localizations go off of the JP script and EN often takes JP-approved liberties.

>Your Excogitation restores 40667 of your HP.
>You cast Adloquium.
>Critical! You recover 14907 HP.
>You recover 37266 HP.

Seems like letting the AST ED maybe 2 times while I cast adlo Emergency tactic would do the trick then

Such as? The only version that's blatant different is the haurchefant case.

Some of the most fun I've had tanking was with Mighty Guard on and The Look to keep aggro. I'm the squishiest tank to ever live and my survival depends on my using Diamondback properly. Some dipshits here will start arguing about Diamondback being a DPS loss when that isn't the point, I'm the tank.

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That wasn't a crit excog though

ffxi is still an mmorpg

nobody cares

Well I used Recitation to cast it which ensure that it crit so I dunno what to tell you user.

ok retard

Thancred's not death scene. Where he says the new minfilia is his daughter and old minfilia was his little sister and then asked if he was a good brother or something of that sort.
And the reason alisaie's comment afterward seems more lewd in english that it aught to be is because his monologue was different.

I don't know how you couldn't copy XI BLU for XIV. Get traits based on certain spell combos to 'encourage' you to slot in specific skills which would hopefully give you a basic DPS toolkit with some optional support tools.

based koji knows people who only speak english don't deserve deeper storytelling

That's in ENG or in JP?

I need to rewatch that, I don't remember anything lewd on that cutscene.

That's what happens in nipponese.

>Where he says the new minfilia is his daughter and old minfilia was his little sister and then asked if he was a good brother or something of that sort.

We'd need actual text to make this point fully, but that isn't radically different, "Was I a good [guardian figure]" Which obviously contrasts with Ran'jit doing the same, it doesn't really change it or give or take any nuance, it just presents it differently. Especially when you consider how much the Japanese throw around nee/nii, you sometimes need to add extra weight.

Neither did I, which is why people bringing one up is baffling to me.

>Healer would just let me die on the second round of tethers rather than healing off walking dead

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>mfw meeting this character

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You mean this?

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>Hrothgar naming conventions are out
>Lost aren't actually MGTOW, they're beta cucks crying over their lost queens

How in the name of fuck could this be taken as lewd?

This is hilarious.

To add up that was reply to this.

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>mfw was casually doing some reverse engineering on viera names just as a fun exercise.

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what are the best katanas to use on elidibus

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I'm not sure how people get lewd from "Shut the fuck up Alphinaud"

What is this hidden power?

Yeah, of course. They're both little bitches.