Fix it in 5 words or less
Fix it in 5 words or less
Other urls found in this thread:
Microsoft looses this IP
rework illagers so they can be permakilled especially at outposts
Back to One point Seven.
Only one word is needed: Hytale
Just let it die already.
remove the fucking hunger system
Minecraft 2
Vivecraft and modpacks
Seeth more Dumbass
can't fix what isn't broken
>implement multi player with frens
Fuck sakes how the fuck playing survival with a friend requires a 3rd party software? They dont even need to have dedicated servers, we'll host the fucking games for fuck sakes.
that's six words sweaty
>no hunger
>no sprint
>revert the game back to 1.7 beta minimum
>remove beds
What? You can just download the server jar and run it. It's piss easy.
O shit fo real? Any links or something?
Play Dragon Quest Builders 2
What's wrong with hunger?
people SEETH at taking care of themselves.
add some pretty shaders please
A recent update to the launcher actually added a button to download the server for any version easily.
>remove beds
>no sprint
now you're just being autistic
recode in C++ fuck Java
this desu
Oh shiet thx user. Ill look into it some more.
Fun times with frens just like the good ol days
Better villages and autonomous life. I want to find a village doing its own thing, leave and come back later to see some new shit's been added.
cave update cave update caveupdate
get rid of those faggots
Let it die
Revert back to Beta 1.7.3
back to beta
completely fucks over the exploration elements of the game by forcing you to hunker down and farm constantly
removes your ability to sprint and go fast because sprinting takes hunger
if food was easier to come by on the move the game could have done so much more with it's biomes and exploration but none of it matters because you gotta plop down and set up a farm until you can get stacks of bread to go again
They keep adding all these underwater updates and biome updates but I never see any of that shit because I'm forced to get food
Age restriction
I'm not even that good at Minecraft and food has never been a problem for me. I just kill whatever animal I see, cook it, and stack it up til I need to use it. Stocking up for a big trip is actually kinda fun to me, as a matter of fact.
food literally spawns everywhere
Towns and quests and villager NPCs that actually do stuff
Oh wait
Why is the game running like shit?
I used to be able to play it pretty well back when they added jungles
less blocks
>*fewer blocks
There you go, you silly 3rd worlder
>removes your ability to sprint and go fast because sprinting takes hunger
At 3 hunger bar, which takes at most 1 min and a half of full run time to get to that point without eating
I'm done with this shit, hunger isn't bad. The sole problem is you slow down to walking speed when eating. Remove the speed cap and all autismos like this faggot will kill themselves. Also make regen 10% per bar of hunger instead of 90% or more to have regen at all.
sorry i meant more blocks
>More Survival Elements
>Cave Update
Mods dramatically improve the game.
Biomes of plenty, Gravestone mod, Journeymap. These alone greatly improved my experience with the game.
Pam's Harvestcraft with apple skin/core fix the hunger mechanic
Recurrent Complex adds ruins to explore improved villages.
Tinkers construct for better tools, kinda makes enchanting obsolete though.
play dragon quest builders instead
>you gotta plop down and set up a farm
have you just not played the game at all recently? there are so many ways to get food now it isnt even funny
you can easily get around 3 stacks of bread from breaking hay bales at 1 village
each piece of steak or cooked pork will give you enough saturation to last for a long while, with those animals dropping multiple per kill
you can even use fire aspect, flint and steel, or lava to automatically cook them
>staff already confirmed no cave update in 1.15
Didn't know it was broken
I just need two words
animals spawn fucking everywhere, as long as you carry a crafting table and some coal with you when exploring you will never run out of food retard
I refuse to trust Hypixel
Bro, at least place the words appropriately please.
Dragon Quest Builders 2, duh
I too have seen a serious critique of minecraft
add some territorial fucking sharks
>stuff 5 stacks of 64 porkchops in my inventory
>never worry about hunger again
so uhh what does this feature add again? its not challenging to get food or even fun, just takes away time i could use to actually have it
>mfw wollay gave an update on twitter
>the game is still being worked on but just at an incredibly slow rate
make survival actually hard
God I fucking hate niggers.
>mine for 3 hours with a fortune 3 pick
>get full enchanted diamond everything
so uhh, what does the combat or mining add, it's not challenging or even fun, just takes away time i could use to actually have it
They already did that, it's called Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.
brainlet post
no argument guess i won lmao
underground biomes, more ore types
wow so easy
shit meme, go back to Yea Forums
Wandering around in survival mode like a helpless fucking nomad is not an ideal playthrough for you if you're going to be bitching about the hunger mechanic.
You just need at least one central base to hoard your shit and farm, then you stock up and venture out when you feel like it. Get cooked meat if you want your sprints to last longer.
Play Dragon Quest Builders Two
underground biomes
grappling hook
Are you a retard, food literally spawns everywhere
This. DQBuilders fixed everything wrong with Minecraft, and the sequel is even better. I just hate how long it takes to slog through the story.
git gud
Put back the villager pigmen
>Replace Hunger With Food Buffs
>no sprint
>now you're stuck with the shitty, slow movement speed, can only jump 1 block in distance and moving any real amount becomes shitty and pointless
Fuck off.
Based trips
just make it terraria 3D
Keep hunger, and add food buffs.
Add objectives/missions.
Like what DQB2 did
Add dark souls gameplay
I want to have a simple cooking system that combines different food items to produce something that will give a minor buff like more hunger bar fills, strength, defense, etc.
There is no reason why these loaves of bread get eaten alone without those delectable slices of fresh, raw porkchops that you could slip in between to make a fine ham sandwich.
This, something like how after you kill the wall in terraria everything changes would be great and adds freshness. Along with this a cave and nether update are vital cause they're boring as fuck. Anything underground is useless and if you just dig down a couple blocks and farm diamonds for a day you're good, meanwhile terraria gives you more reasons to explore longer like weapons you can't craft that add fun to the game
Romance and sex with mobs
What the fuck is this 'cave update' supposed to be
DQ Builders was a lot better than I was expecting it to be. The way rooms work is a really simple mechanic but it's so much fun working with it. The way you can improve rooms by making the floors and walls with higher quality materials and better furniture or even upgrading it to a better room by adding the necessary pieces of furniture or workstations is just amazing. I haven't played 2 yet but I heard it has a lot of cool shit to build and fuck around with by the endgame, like a flying car.
beause caves are boring as fuck and all the same mostly
Yeah but I mean what do you want added that would be unique to caves? Stalagmites and other decorative elements?
Making a Terraria x Minecraft fangame. See u fags in by the end of the year with an anonymous upload to enjoy.
copy dragon quest builders 2
ya, i feel like hunger is when the game changed from exploring to trying to be a failed try hard survival game.
put some more shit underground
Why does this game get an update like once a year? At once point it did not get an update for like two years
fags still seething about hunger even though it plays a role in balancing the combat system
The retards that develop this game on purpose don't want to add content. They add some tiny add update and then SPEND MONTHS fixing all the shit they broke. Then once they fix everything they literally add another small content update that breaks everything again and then they spend time fixing it all over. Mojang seems to be lazy af and get away with easy pay by doing minimal work. Microsoft should hire a new team
>cubeworld cucks still holding onto hope after SIX YEARS
face it. this is a pet project and will not be released until a decade from now at the earliest
Cubeworld to me looks better then hytale. Idk why people like hytale the artstyle is ugly af
They need to actually add some shit that would be useful instead of sitting on their asses and giving retarded excuses as to why they don't exist.
Coloured concrete, wool and terracotta slabs and stairs, sideways slabs and stairs, glass doors, slabs and stairs.
Why the fuck don't we have this shit already?
cringe and bluepilled non ironically
I assume he means cave biomes like, say...
>Volcano caldera (obsidian walls, large lava lake under a high-vaulted roof, magma, etc.)
>Undergrowth (giant mushrooms, maybe a new type of tree)
I honestly can't think of many others, 'cause the fact of the matter is that underground biomes already exist. You've got mineshafts, strongholds, flooded caves, ravines, increased gold/emerald in mesa/extreme hills, I'm not sure how many more biomes they want exactly. Do you want the underground to look like the overworld and change every 3 chunks?
its local only, hes bsing you. if you wanna play far away you gotta fuck around with either having an unsafe firewall setting or 3rd party hosting
that ain't the same, especially if you like to play modded minecraft it can be a bitch to set up
they really should make multiplayer in the Java version more like the bedrock version where your friends can just directly join your singleplayer game without need to launch and set up a separate program to do so
it especially would make modded minecraft soo much easier to set up
Cave-biomes, special enemies, more ores, real dungeons, traps, more treasures........
Make mining more fucking interesting.
Though i'm pretty sure we're getting that on 1.15 anyway.
update the fucking game better
They don't update shit they do "bug fixes" for months.
combine touhou mod and thaumcraft
Why don't just keep playing the beta then instead of coming these threads where the people playing current versions discuss?
>throw a furnace in the arcane infuser for the mini hakkero
>massive rituals to create all sorts of spellcards
>all the non-utility spell foci are danmaku
It's just basic boomer shit. Nothing to see here.
burn it with fire.
Does that include the trannie dwarves?
>Permanently unmake
(basically turn it back to 1.7.3 beta)
No mods at all.
change graphics to early mmo
Make it Dragon Quest Builders.
make the caving actually fun
Get comfy with your friends
Just admit you only play on peaceful creative flatworld.
Add covered wagons and ships
My coin went down the shittee
why are they faster than regular zombies?
why can they be a chicken jockey and be even faster?
why do they run around to be tough to hit?
why do they not burn in sunlight?
I hate those tiny fucks so much
Based loose poster
Remove 1.6 to 1.10
Based VideogameVegan
you forgot "Why do they have the health of an adult zombie?"
fire all of Mojang, microsoft
Assassinate Notch via time travel.
>if you want to host a server you need to open the firewall
no shit nigga
what happened to lan-over-internet stuff?
back in my days i remember hamachi
Hunger would be cool if you had a bunch of villagers to work for you and build stuff/farm and you had to feed them, and if you didn't they just slept all day or something. And you also had to give in to their demands occasionally to keep them happy and productive.
The player character shouldn't have to eat though, it's just tedious and annoying. Feels like a tacked on mechanic.
You can find apples and kill sheep and cows and shit on the move. If you really run low on food just build a shack and spend a few days mining while you wait for your seeds to grow before moving on. My world is full of little abandoned shacks.
Zombies overall suck ass now.
>Encounters in open space drag because horde mechanic.
>Encounters in close quarters are absolute hell because horde.
>Can spot you form 30 blacks away through walls for no fucking reason.
>Got their only niche stolen by Raids.
>Can lit you on fire if they are on fire for no fucking reason.
>Never want to fight them or farm them over other mobs because the drops are completly worthless.
Theres nothing wrong with it
it's kinda fine the way it is.
If i were to change anything i would make it more rpg-like
but that's because i'm a terraria shitter
Scrap and redo the entire main quest.
I know satisfying progression in a procedurally generated game is hard, but what we got was Notch frantically "finishing" the game as fast as possible. That shit clearly needed another year and really a conceptual retool.
Why is grinding Endermen important, besides padding? How is someone supposed to figure out to rub together blaze powder and ender pearls? Why not have literally anything about the overworld change as the player completes objectives?
Nobody was thinking. He had a fun sandbox and slapped meaningless tasks down to be completed sequentially as the wiki perscribes. It's not organic, it's not grand, and it's really not satisfying.
Recode in Python, oh wait...
Get rid of hunger meter.
One word: Hytale
Gotta go back in time
That would be nice and it'll make the game a little more interesting to be honest.
It's gonna blow because it is going to have a really shitty cash shop and probably won't be as toaster friendly as minecraft.
Modding api
Remove hunger, reduce RPG elements
update underground and update mining.
Add more ores
FMV cutscenes
I hope you mean 1.7 beta
Kill Everyone Who Plays It
post yfw playing beta 1.8 for the first time
deeper world
more cave
Remove Creepers
Add soldiers, castles, provinces and Kings
Devil May Cry Combat System
Add a toggle to hunger, bring the mash-up packs and 3D skins into java Minecraft.
fuck your five words here comes a wall of text
add more armor and accessory slots for the character
add talisman of satiatedness to the bonus chest for nohungerfags to shut them up
add bed use penalty (i.E. if you sleep, you get hungry as fuck) and make it harder to make one (make bedroll out of wool, string and tanned leather, then make bed frame out of "sawn" sticks, then put them together), and make it break into pieces if you attempt removing it.
add artifacts to chest drops that help with terraforming, like the catalytic shit from E.E. and make them consume life force instead of some easily farmable unit (fuck why is EE so fucking broken out of the box)
add more magic shit like aoe enchantments and spells that drain hunger
add cubic chunks or some other way to make depth near-infinite and put the nether below, making world teleports via portals instantaneous
make villagers the only source for certain required items or item combinations/conversions
just make it better
Remove the hunger bar
>add bed use penalty (i.E. if you sleep, you get hungry as fuck) and make it harder to make one (make bedroll out of wool, string and tanned leather, then make bed frame out of "sawn" sticks, then put them together), and make it break into pieces if you attempt removing it.
That's fucking retarded, what do you idiots have against beds anyways? It makes it easier to keep a base of any sort, if you die before you put your bed up and your base is 1000+ blocks away you're just fucked.
Make it about survivle again.
these guys do nothing special actually.
and this is the biggest joke about it, mojong unable to put these simple mechanics into the game.
Literally just remove beds, phantoms and make the AI try to storm the player's home
Spared a word as well.
>Has microtransaction
>On an island minding my own business
>Turn around
>See some vague movement of something red just beyond a hill
>It's those dumbass villager raids
>On my deserted island with nothing but my own home and a small temporary farm
Is there a mod to remove these retards
I don't want to build a wall around my soon-to-be beach village.
more structure variety to caves
nuke it, nuke it hard
Make it 3D Terraria
high poly customizable player models
Oldest anarchy server in Minecraft
Just play on peaceful then you easymode faggot.
Losing your shit is fine, but being unable to get back and actually use a base you built is fucking stupid.
Xbox and PC exclusive
No, the game should just spawn you at a random location upon your death.
what stops you from using your base if you're not on hardmode?
admit it, you just want to avoid dealing with the night phase out in the wild because you're a scrub. and my proposed recipe and penalty approach isn't even that hard to deal with either (i even added the bedroll so you can sleep in a temporary cave like a bitch anyway), so what the fuck is your problem exactly?
ffs took you half a day now
Honestly, I think they should've made beacons easier to set up in terms of finding your spawn. And actually incentivize exploring.
I don't mind being thrown back into spawn as long as it's not a 1 hour long hunt to find my house again. Beds are fine, but a little finnicky, can break down, need to sleep again if I move it one block.
I have more a beef that they want you to just stick to one location the whole game. Bonus points if you decided to play in large scale biomes.
Unless you write down your coordinates, you're not going to be able to find your way back to your base if it's any real amount of distance from spawn.
>you're not going to be able to find your way back to your base if it's any real amount of distance from spawn.
Oh no! A challenge and something to do after you fucked up! How will you ever recover?
If you find it that hard to navigate, don't wander so far off, or an evil wolfie will bite your tummy, Billie "Killed by Spider" Childington.
It's ok to be a casual, easymode homosexual, user, just don't pretend the game becoming slightly harder is bad because you're unable to git gud.
>Can spot you form 30 blacks away
anime waifus with big tits
bet nobody posted it yet
More fantastical environments worth exploring
>Player model for villagers mod hasn't updated
>Can't have my Rana villagers
You can set the parameters when creating a world, including disabling pillagers
>difficulty in an exploration and building game
The monsters are only there to make collecting resources feel rewarding, not as a serious challenge. Git gud taste.
Disable monster spawning in base
>what is saturation
>exploration and building game
It's sad how right you are. Here's my new 5-word Fix for minecraft:
Rename "Survival" to "Casual Faggotry"
Remove hunger and food stacking
Focus on the fucking "Mine".
That'd be nice. Maybe make spelunking worth it over strip mining, or just add more shit to find underground in general
fuck off stupid boomer
Can i say how i fucking hate tinkers construct?
Add a bunch of quests.
make me, you cocksucking tranny
>old good, new bad, caves
That would end up making the game into an RPG.
Dragon Quest Builders 2 is the game for you if you want that then. (Don't bother with the 1st, it's awful)
Good luck getting client-side mods on the host to sync with connected clients. You retarded children fundamentally misunderstand how any of this shit works.
from the "rpg" point of view, better weapons/armor ecc...
Basically the game rn is to avoid any combat and mine until you get enough diamonds, then you basically have the final gear, and only need to spend time enchanting that. Kinda flat.
I think terraria is 1000x better under this aspect.
>Minecraft is popular
>everyone tries to make a clone of it
>Vanilla Minecraft is very bare bones
>so when someone tries to emulate it comes off as soulless
>Most people don't have a incentive to switch games because in most cases the new game is just minecraft but with a new look
>When someone tries to makes "Minecraft but X" ( i.e take Minecraft mods but make them into a full game) It gets bogged down in development hell
>And even if it comes out most people won't play it because they'll see it as being too complicated
>Big time youtubers are brainlets
>Same goes for their fans
I just want a 3D factorio with destructible environments and some adventure elements that isn't a Minecraft mod.
they would actually have to change the whole wolrd mechanic wouldnt they? now when you go away from some chunks far enough they freeze
so you either sit near the village all the time or rebuild the whole system
not gonna happen user
but i wish they would expand on it too
Brainlets should suffer.
No. I hate how terraria has bunch of ores that become complitley useless outside of decoration after you found better ones.
Install boob mods
The autism in this thread... posts like
(Which yes, includes "Improve x system" shit) are completely worthless.
Minecraft has enough cpu and memory problems without arbitrarily keeping every chunk with a village in it loaded at all times.
>not just setting the animals on fire and killing them for insta-meals.
It's like a smart phone.
It's better without a Notch.
Just use realms
Add performance, structures
Balance mobs
cave update
cave update, optimization, cooking system
No, Bedrock is in Microsoft Java (aka C#, the fake C for gigantic faggots).
They'd probably have to rework the whole engine for it. That's probably why they made a new engine for Windows 10 and consoles.
Yea Forums is the only place that I heard bitching about the hunger system. Like there is nothing wrong with it because you can get food everywhere.
better modders and mod support
remove need for shield, dualwielding
Give Steve his beard back.
remove server running in offline
>removing 3-5 inventory slots from the player for food is a feature!
>needing more than 1 slot for bread/steak
Let's think about it this way
>No Hunger, Food only healed
>But food never stacked meaning more inventory slots taken up by food
>Food stacks up to 64, more inventory slots for other stuff.
>kill mob
>inventory gets clogged with rotten flesh and sub optimal food items like chicken and potatos from zombies
>he keeps the trash
well thanks for establishing you're a retard.
>implying potatoes are sub optimal
You too fucking retarded to throw a damn potato in a furnace?
>implying Mojang weren’t inept as fuck at handling Minecraft before the MS buyout
Just like iron and gold
>SEUS PTGI 8 is 1.14 only
So I need to make a new world right, otherwise the world won't update and get the shipwrecks shit right?
1. Faster world navigation
Terraria has a shitloads of ways to increase your move speed or otherwise improve how fast you can move around the world. Minecraft has fuckall and you need to go through the nether (aka the most boring place in the universe) to get anywhere quickly.
2. Remove withers
Rust is a better game
Remove Hunger XD I'm Quirky
This is a better argument than "No hunger hurr"
>Less food is needed to be carried
>Eating is more effective and makes the time investment more valuable
it takes maybe 20 minutes max to get a stack of steak and you'll be set for hours. you might just be retarded
Fuck Niggers And Fuck Kikes
get a flint and steel, burn every animal you see for easy cooked meat, simplest way to get food while exploring and would take you 5 minutes to get
I have no problem with hunger in principle but as currently implemented it's just tedious.
So with the new minecraft version does that mean Opitfine is busted until they release their update too?
>being this retarded
You need one slot only, and thats for like 5-10 pieces of steak which will last you forever until you get back to your base
this is solved by eating higher saturation foods. which you should be anyway as they heal more too.
also don't go around bunny hopping everywhere taking hits from mobs all over the place and then complain about losing hunger so fast.
Copy from terraria.
Ores with unique functionality(what gold seemed to be but ended up being forgotten) .
Being able to replicate biomes within smaller environments by take specific resources or types of grass from there and placing them in a focused cluster.
Make the nether more interesting with exclusive tools(like the trident is to the sea), types of fortresses and villages and nether biomes.
An option to turn rotten flesh properly edible or turned to leather like mods have done often.
Make it so right clicking hoes on crops will give the crop drop but instantly replant.
And embrace automation, find things that are impossible to automate due to the limits of the game unless abusing some bug. I
In 5 fucking words or less.
rotten flesh doesn't need to be changed. not everything needs to be useful. you can already sell it to clerics for emeralds anyway,.
also it makes great filler from item sorters given how useless it is. I dont have to waste dirt or cobble that could be used elsewhere for projects.
5 words for every thread in the last week that had nearly the exact same question
>find things that are impossible to automate due to the limits of the game unless abusing some bug
You can automate pretty much everything already though? Even farming crops can be automated with the use of villagers.
Pumpkins and melons can be farmed using pistons and observers.
Pretty much every type of mob farm can be made automatic
Tree farms and cobble generators can be made automatic with TNT dupers
Sugarcane, Bamboo, and cactus all have incredibly broken zero tick automated farms.
the only thing that really can't be made fully or semi automated is fucking nether wart which is a pain in the ass to farm large scale, but other than that, what can't be automated?
the problem with hunger is that after losing two ticks it stops regenerating health, it should stop regaining health by the forth tick lost.
only autists who just want to autismo build hate this. its a survival game and its so fucking easy to get shit load of food fast
thats because they play the game wrong
you get the god tools first THEN you build shit. Building a nice starter base is acceptable but building any large scale structures when you don't have an unbreaking + mending diamond tools and shulker boxes is just silly
you're mentally challenged man
>everybody is asking for a cave update in microsoft dedicated forums
>mojang staff "hey guys, in the next update we will change the combat system again, xoxo"
i really hate them. pls kill them all and hire notch again.
they are essentially reverting combat to the way it was before so i have no issues with that. the 1.9 update combat is shit
>its a survival game
No, it's a mining and crafting game
If you want survival go play terrafirmacraft or some other similar mod with seasons and crop cycles.
Buy Dragon Quest Builders Two
I can do it in two
Tomorrow will be the 6th year anniversary of the last update and it fucking hurts.
Apparently he emails people who ask game play features and sends screenshots.
Iron is usefull due diamonds rarity, and gold can be used for crafting and has enchantment nishe. Why do you think lapis is required for enchantment?
Automation must be moderated, upkeep keeps player interested.
What do you think about new combat test?
>Iron is useful due diamonds rarity
come on now. you don't play at all do you. Once you get mending + unbreaking diamond gear you never need to make iron tools ever again.
the only reason iron is useful is because you need it to make redstone shit, especially hoppers as they are fucking expensive to make in bulk. thats the only reason I bother making an iron farm after getting good gear. gold is only good for making golden carrots and apples. aside from that it's pretty useless. no one actually uses golden tools or armor. The enchantment niche is pointless because you can get enchanted books from villagers and put whatever you want on your diamond gear and make it virtually unbreakable (see above)
Third dimensional crafting.
Villages need to be bigger.
Also they still need to figure out a way to spawn villages without holes being everywhere and different heights fucking everything up
>go far exploring
>need to rest up
>slap down a campfire next to a river
>jump in and punch some fuckin fish
>cook them on the campfire
maximum comfy
honestly there should be an xp boost or benefit otherwise from eating fresh food
Fuck off back to 2016.
>granite is ba-
turn it off play wurm
this thread makes me wonder
what happened with the Yea Forums server? couple months ago it was still shilled like crazy.
He is absolutely fucking correct. Just because you played minecraft as a little baby doesn't mean it is good. It is actually a shit game that had a troubled development, and ended up being the worst game of the genre.
All blocktypes for all materials
Fire every member of Mojang
>Yea Forums server
It was some retard shilling their discord's server.
>thinking Yea Forums does any type of gathering in current year
lel, that shit died years ago
In-Game Modding API support
Blow it all to hell.
>Yea Forums
no, that was made afterwards
there was a server hosted on aternos which was later hosted on a real functioning server paid by some user
I'm not sure exactly how it works but there are games that do that shit for you, you just host and it will automatically let people connect to you, you don't need to mess around with port forwarding on hamachi
never happening. just make your couch out of stairs like everyone else.
the whole point of those items is to be rare and exciting to find. not everything needs to be craft-able
You can throw things away retard.
is saturation something you can see in game? i only know it from the wiki.
>furniture items
no that's gay
This board is full of retards. You can plant potatoes, feed the flesh to your dogs and cook the chicken to keep at your base in case you run low on food later
give me a goal
builders did it, and it has a story with characters who do more than make a noise and trade random shit with you
minecraft in survival mode is just a grind to diamonds, then a grind to get whatever block you need to build the random thing that occupies your mind for the remaining 5 minutes of attention you're willing to dedicate to this empty shit
the game has been basically the same boring shit since 2012
>never happening
You sure about that? People thought the same thing about carpet.
Though they could fix this shit by adding stair and slab variants of all the blocks like wool, concrete and terracotta.
why do you want furniture?
you should be going outside for adventures, not staying inside pretending to be a house wife
whyd they make villagers look retarded in the first place
make phantoms explode on impact
Undo 1.13 and 1.14
they said a while ago that custom furniture items will never happen because it "ruins the creative spirit of mine-craft" which I kind of agree with. if you want furniture like tables and chairs you can either make them using existing blocks or install a furniture mod.
that being said i wish they would add more decorative blocks in general that could be used to make said furnature.
this also make them drop lava source blocks when they explode
We have enough decorative blocks, what we're missing are slabs and stairs.
Glass doors too.
kek try again bitch
You can literally explore for hours and hours on a half stack of meat.
Let me guess you also sprint at every chance available?
>We have enough decorative blocks,
quark and chisel say otherwise. there is plenty of room for more decorative blocks for building.
Play Dragon Quest Builders Two.
DQB should just come to PC already to allow for much larger rooms and more NPCs since all these sub routines have got to be really taxing.
Official site to upload mods.
Can we have villages not make everything completely pointless?
Shits dumb and makes the rest of the game have even less a point that it already did
Building brown bricks in Minecrap
Fuck five words, how is it that a game called MINEcraft has fuck all to do underground?
I never got to mending. Mending should be wither tier revard.
Saddles i can understand, but elytras should be kept rare.
Let me dismantle saddles into leather dammit
Al this fishing was a mistake
Just trash away that shit nigga
Never ever, especially since the fucking bedrock edition
>I never got to mending. Mending should be wither tier revard.
sure but you can just get mending books from villagers
>Saddles i can understand
I have so many saddles just from fishing. they are piss easy to get.
>like bedrock because it actually runs and doesnt have the garbage combat update but does have underwater stuff and shit
>also like java because customization through mods and optifine/shaders
I think I can live without mods but I do miss me some garffix
You are better off just switching to Hytale or Minetest if you want an actual modding API
The only poster who has taken the truthpill
Learn or suffer. Pure video games have perfect and absolute client-server seperation. Bolting on disgusting bloat p2p or the dedicated server binary into the client is awful and even worse is coupling it to the client binary directly.
>tfw this was 2 years ago already
I get why its not here but fuck I wants it
It takes seconds to prove you wrong
i know. im waiting for hytale, but the 1.14 update giving custom item model options gives me hope that they might start catering to content creators.
>armor entity model overrides
>block model overrides
>entity model overrides
>entity and object scripting / overrides
im hoping 1.15 with the smithing and combat update will at least do the first one.
I cant tell you why but they are going whole hog on creators soon after they are finished catching up bedrocks content and getting all the issues worked out with switch and the graphics engine re-write.
On the java side they still have to re-work a bunch of features because javas system is quickly being obsoleted by bedrocks flexibility in adding new features. Too bad they cant leave java without destroying the community.
The make tons of cash from the marketplace and thats all down to what creators can do aside from the pop culture crossover shit thats guaranteed sales
I'd kill for some half-and-half blocks. Or slabs that stack with slabs of other types. Having to build walls that are 2 blocks thick in order to have different materials on each side makes for some awkward building
i like that theyre doing a lot for content creators but i wish theyd offer the option of being able to run a server with mods/packs a,b,c, and when a player connects it automatically downloads and readies them to be able to play. sort of like how resourcepacks are right now, or how something like unreal tournament or tf2's servers work.
as it is right now i can get away with plugins and the item model overrides for what im doing, Skript plugin is a godsend. I just wish I could do more like tamper with the UI to change up some stuff or add in a new resource bar for other purposes.
Based, who here remembers that website where you could play it for free?
Hell, we need to go back to classic if anything, I want my fucking lava survival back
>tfw super-early multiplayer betas where minecarts were posessed by the devil and no-one took damage
Now those were the days.
does Minecraft have glowing mushrooms in caves?
if not, it really should have it's a no brainier
well then be happy that zombie gave you all those helpful items
illmango's auto-crafting
remove phantoms
This. I end up just killing myself next to respawn in the early game and it becomes a complete non problem in the late game it feels more like an annoying distraction than a good system.
No infinite world generation.
It's part of what Minecraft sorely lacks: underground biomes
Its would be really epic if we had a flat earth like map, where there is just endless void at the end of the world
iron is useful for hoppers and pistons, items key to automation
gold is for golden apples/carrots, the best healing/food items in the game
there comes a point where I have beaten the end, have the best weapons and armors and basically finished my session. How about being able to retire and live in a village, taking control of it like in the Millenaire mod and raising your own civilization? Explore new lands and build new towns, conquer shit and have massive mob battles, like give man what he craves, the ability to rule over your own towns and people!
Give steve non paceholder model.
Oh you mean just like in real life
Go to bed
add some redstone fluid pipes
Can I get this and some wireless signal transmission?
Make it expensive I dont care.
unironically herobrine at day 300.
All these retards sperging about hunger ITT
natural block and world decay
new biome: space (and exoplanets)
nether and end corrupts overworld
Start over from alpha
I'm not stupid in thinking that the end is the moon and the nether is deep at the center of the world right?
Because i they are then all we need now is a expansion around the Sun, and another called It Came From Between The Blocks. No Idea how the latter would work but still
increase block build height limit
>enjoying laggy framerate.
glitch mobs, horror/paranoia focus
make it free already
>I want my fucking lava survival back
how dare you mention her name
Imagine the shit you could generate and build with twice as much space.
Also imagine the lag as chunk data soars
>which takes at most 1 min and a half of full run time to get to that point without eating
And that isn't a ridiculously short time for you?
arrest yourself.
mobGriefing locked on, flying creepers
Microsoft has only made the game infinitely better. Mojang released the shittiest updates near the end.
literally steal existing mods, dude.
Not him but its 3 meats per 1:30 of running then?
That means with 60 meats you could travel at speed for 30 minutes.
How is that not enough? You also should be killing shit like pigs or cows to recoup any spent food easily.
make the game much scarier
persistent world random spawn hardcore.
We need a minecraft 2, the current engine is shit because no matter what you do combat is shit and movement is boring. In a game like Terraria it's fun to explore caves because movement is fun when you have all these tools like a double jump and a grappling hook and fighting enemies is fun too. Minecraft will never be like that, the adventure aspect of the game will never be fun because the game just doesn't feel good to play when all you're doing is exploring. The only way I can see them making the game good with the current engine is to focus more on the survival aspect, with the world getting more dangerous as time goes on, but that will end up alienating a lot of players because despite the name Survival Mode has never actually been about survival
This but replace it with the ability to enchant food (whether via existing enchanting table or a "magic oven" or whatever the fuck)
Bundle sex IRL with purchase
new golem types.... theyre sentient.
>he didn't buy the game when it was buyable
the game is shit btw
make it dwarf fortress.
hunger is just a way to prevent free exploration without preparation
personally, I would just add mobs during the day time and ramp-up difficulty as you get further from spawn
natural disasters and deadly weather
minecraft earth and VR integration
Lava survival
Flood mode
Zombie tag
roleplay PvP servers with with everything from factions to hunger games
that server you and your internet buddies that you met a week ago played on and made you an operator of, that you deeply cared about.
That GIGANTIC server at the top of the charts filled with monuments, pixel art and even underground cities
spoiler]the old anarchy server[/spoiler]
It's all going away slowly and painfully, and one day there won't even be a trace of what I'm talking about...
Fuck UNATCO, that's REAL terror
add in more scaly creatures
really looking forward to play this but the fights look like generic rpg trash. Im all for a better fighting system but i rather keep escaping from zombies than to deal with this shit.
I just want flowing water.
comb Yea Forums threads for ideas
Wait, don't we already have that though with water trying to balance itself in lower adjacent blocks?
I remember there being a mod that did this surprisingly well
>that clan server with custom made plugins for quests and magic tied to the lore made by the GM server owner, with massive builds all over the world made as custom dungeons and outposts by the mods while players built their own rival massive capitals with land plots for users and giant group projects
>ywn get back the little fishing village you built on that server with your bros
>that feel when im that owner who is setting up stuff like this for my friends
Yeah but that doesn't look like a proper body of water. Maybe rapids and waterfalls but not rivers or oceans.
This. Bring back the old lighting and don't allow people to change the brightness. Caves used to be so fucking scary when you could barely see and a skeleton just randomly shot at you. It actually made you feel proud when you came out with a bunch of minerals.
>tfw I will never be out in the jungle cutting down trees with my buddy who could barely speak English, digging out caverns, establishing a boomtown with 6 other randos we encounter in our journey for resources, making our own faction in a desert Wild-West style before all being killed by a roving band of diamond armored mods
Very nice user, keep it up.
>reverse search my image quickly in case it somehow links back to the server I used to play on, even though their forums got nuked
>only hit is a post on Yea Forums I don't remember making
For once in my life I get to feel proud of my work
>tfw will never again join in on the magical race war to purge all edgy vampire fags from the server during a lore pvp event with your fellow mage bros
Ded de dae did wam
would you eat this?
Yeah it's totes lit senpai YOLO
t. Brittany
lol dragon quest builders sucks.
>hurrrr lets copy minecraft
>uhhhh recycle the same monsters wee used for every other dq game
>uuuhhhh who wants redstone hurr im a retart too stewpid to make logic
>lol im too stupid to figure out how to put my game on the pc because i hate money
Keep improving aesthetic
More ores
Are you having a stroke?
add seasons so dont starve stops kicking your ass
It would be cool if zombies could siege your own home, based on respawn bed. If they reach it, they will try to break it.
Also depth.
Wait, don't they already break down doors?
I could like bet 1.8 oceans if they could spawn not only around spawn, but also around other points on the map so that map could look like several contenets, not like one big ocean with several lakes.
On hard. I want them to break beds too.
hardly copying minecraft user more like merging minecraft and the sims, why wouldnt you want iconic reconizable monsters in ur game
I like hunger
However I would like to make camp fires and tents for long exploration so you can cook food and sleep in a tent rather than a bed
I would also enjoy more recipes and a lot more farming stuff to do
Already perfect as-is, nigger.
Implement More Creeps and Weirdos.
Add more quests and endings.
Make regeneration work past 5 hunger
>playing on server with decent community
>Work your way up to Admin by tweaking mods for the server
>Build multiple areas/towns/castles/ports for the good of the server
>Integrate a RPG/Class system with radiant quests, and a store to spend income earner from said mod
The group was called InFamous I think? Was like 5 or 6 years ago, maybe longer. Some really good times. Miss them. Hope they're all doing well.
it feels worse to play alone than on some multiplayer server
This. Hunger killed any sense of adventure in MC. I liked gearing up and going cave dwelling for hours until my inventory was full or I had no food left to heal with. Rewarding me for not getting hit. Now I get up to use the bathroom for 5 minutes and a quarter of that shitty hunger bar is gone. I literally have shove food down my face every 2 minutes. Fuck that gay shit.
Can someone explain to me why this happens? Why should the offline game lag like the online?
some dumbass made the game run its server even in sp for lan pickup/drop play instead of just leaving that shit as server only.
What version number was this implemented in?
you could make a shitty wool block tent
Finish the original DwarfFort version.
You can still do lava survival now. It's a preset in the world customization options.
Not enough RAM allocated to the game.
Revert the combat system back.
To reiterate:
Modding API in C++ version
>Microsoft allowing modding on the version with the microtransaction skins
Never gonna happen. At best you will get some really gimped API that let you color blocks or add a new mob.
Fire Jappa
>no updates to mining
>add a new mob
you mean add zombie reskins
Not THAT kind of survival user, I mean flooding the entire damn map with lava, forcing the survivors to build large structures or go deep underground like in the old days, but you probably weren't around...
Because the original survival mode was singleplayer. After survival multiplayer was introduced, it was essentially two games being developed simultaneously. To stop doing this, someone at mojang decided it was best to drop singleplayer and replace it with a private, one-player multiplayer server. Now you get to have all of the negatives of multiplayer servers like latency, rubberbanding, and lag despite it being singleplayer.
Give it back to Notch
Sure, for standard Diamond it doesn't take long, but actually getting fully enchanted gear with mending on everything actually takes some time since it requires villagers.
There's also the boss monsters to beat, along with everything it takes to actually be able to face them.
Then there's the only important goal, which is the build cool shit. If that doesn't work as a goal for you, then you're just an uncreative retard with the attention span of a ADHD ridden child.
steal cave update from quark
alternatively, remove beds and phantoms niggerstonguemyanus
Underground deeper and more content
mob raids, villager recruitment
more biomes, structures, mobs, loot
These are my 3 takes
>Set up wheat farm in house
>Now have infinite stacks of food ready to go whenever
You have literally no excuse
>3-5 slots
>192-320 Bread/Steaks
what in the fuck are you doing, a single stack already takes forever to burn through.
You have a lot of nerve calling others retarded when you lack basic reading comprehension.
that looks retarded