What are the comfiest games ever made?
What are the comfiest games ever made?
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Far Cry 2
All the checkpoint/outposts weren't comfy
Tomba 1 and 2
Spyro The Dragon
Klonoa: Dooe To Phantomile
I had a comfy childhood. BoTW is a nice romp, too
Age of Empires II
Diablo II
GTA San Andreas
Dragon quest builders 2 is pretty comfy.
>Kingdom Hearts 1 on Standard
>FFXII side content/grinding
>FF7 entirely as it's extremely easy and has
great art assets
>Minecraft early game
>Animal Crossing GCN's daily grind
>early Harry Potter games that try to simulate the inside of Hogwarts castle
>Pilotwings SNES training levels
in the middle of the desert the car breaks down can't fix it it's stuck in some rock you have to walk back to some place
Transport Tycoon
The Anno series excluding the 20xx ones.
Early game Maplestory
>slime tree
>Perion soundtrack
>Lith Harbor
>Henesys snails and shrooms
S-Stop... You can't make me remember... It never happened. These memories aren't real.
Final Fantasy X.
Rollercoaster Tycoon too
Some tracks from Maplestory and Tirisfal Glades from WoW are the only vidya sounds that make me nostalgic
Zoo Tycoon 2
I just want to be 13 again.
Dark souls 3
pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of sky
fight me, faggots
GC Animal Crossing
WoW circa 2006
Early Pokémon gens
I totally forgot this. Pokemon gen 4, Platinum especially is maybe the comfiest game ever made. Just chilling around Jubilife City and various routes at night, where the music changed based on day/night, was pure comfy-kino.
what about gold/silver/crystal
Never played em. I tried Soul Silver on emulator, but the game seemed balanced for the grinding system of the PokeWalker.
Yoshi's Island & Roller Coaster Tycoon get my vote
Knights & Merchants
>gen 4
yeah, slogging through snow and marsh is SOOOOO comfy...
gta 3 until the gangs come to fuck you in the ass
Ocarina of Time
RCT mobile is the best mobile adaptation ever
Fable 1
Dark Cloud 2 is comfy concentrate.
Platinum is the perfect Pokemon game. Maybe Sun/Moon is your speed?
Animal Crossing for the Gamecube. The sequels and especally not New Leaf are nowhere near as good and don't let those Isabellefags tell you otherwise
call me fucked but pathologic classic HD
Mother 3.
The village would probably make me sneeze and sniffle like crazy. It would be so bad on my allergies.
Chrono Cross
Wind Waker
Final Fantasy IX
Kingdom Hearts
Animal Crossing GC
Pokémon G/S/C Or just whichever one you played first
I prefer 2, but 1 is still great.
I played OOT on the Virtual Console in like 2009 and Kokiri Forest and Hyrule Field still make me extremely nostalgic. There was an intention to make both locations in kid Link's campaign exude nostalgia for some time and place you never even lived in, and it extends to the present day.
This is the original autism simulator. Can't beat it.
Pokemon Red
>There was an intention to make both locations in kid Link's campaign exude nostalgia for some time and place you never even lived in
What do you mean?
It's a toss up between WarSim and Liberty Crime Squad. I don't know, but they just hit my autism just right.
TF2 and WOW take the cake.
Persona 5
Dragon Quest XI
My nigga
Consider how OOT and past Zelda games were made for both kids and Japanese salarymen/housewives. They were for all ages- neither too kiddy nor too adult in their content.
In OOT, there was a clear distinction in tone between kid Link and adult Link's worlds. That much is pretty obvious, but there is a basic atmosphere in the earliest levels of the game that many overlook. Hyrule Field is completely bright and full of life as a kid, and the same goes to Kokiri Forest. However, as an adult, the forest has withered, Saria is gone, and the field is full of nightmares. This small change is extremely impactful on the player as they move from the innocence of childhood to the realistic danger and fully-apparent rot of adulthood. No matter what age you play the game at, these themes are eternal.
Heroes of Might and Magic III
Ace Attorney Trilogy
I will shill it till I die
its minecraft
Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts
Little Big Planet
Lego Marvel Super Heroes
Fallout New Vegas
>opening theme playing
>sailing in the overworld
>realizing FATE was ROBO from Trigger
The game was, undoubtedly, kino as fuck.
A lot of people have played Chrono Cross.
They either find it disingenuous, or submit to its false charms.
Comfiest games are the games you played when you were a child because that's the only time in a human life where a human can be truly happy.
Fallout 3
You and I had the same childhood video games
>Diablo II
Sitting down at night and turning all the lights off to get immersed into a Thief fan mission can be pretty comfy. That or Open Roller Coaster Tycoon.
Paper Mario 64. The whole game is comfy.
Myst IV
you tried
The Spyro trilogy + Spyro: Hero's Tail. Unfortunately Hero's Tail has unskippable cutscenes and some bullshit bugs that break the comfiness. Feel free to skip it and just listen to the soundtrack if you get bored.
Thanks for the (You). (You) also tried, but horribly failed.
Mirror's Edge
Grand Theft Auto IV
Diddy Kong Racing DS
Halo Reach
Batman Arkham City
Why can't I go home, bros...?
d2 is comfy
>rainy level
>sandy level
>jungle level
>hell level
what's not to love?
Witcher 1 act 4
Demons, gore and overall gloom-doom atmosphere
Space Rangers 2
how is that not comfy?
Nier automata
Best games ever.
People will shit on them for simple battle system and bad pokes but I remember my play through in those more than anything
Nier Automata's sidequests are extremely comfy, but once you exhaust them, it's a bit of a stressful experience.
MGS4 is pretty comfy, especially if you watch the cutscene in the airplane via Otacons drone.
Steins;Gate vn is super comfy for the most part.
Good man.
You must be a self loathing, pseudointelligent /fit/izen, too.
wind waker
paper mario N64
pokemon red/blue
banjo kazooie
my nigger
Anno 1404
>RC plane and heli comfy
Idk why and when I started this but I try to play through it every Christmas. It really is one of the coziest games ever.
Fuckin based fpbp
for me oblivion is comfy as fuck
i do something similar on halloween, i replay the silent hill trilogy
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Far Cry 2 is so good specifically because of how uncomfy it is, and how much it wants to fuck over the player.
stalker can be comfy
Harvest Moon ofc
I really hated that game.
And it didn't want to upload my image? fukoshima pls.
MMORPGs when you have a guild of close friends that lend a hand and are always laughing its the best times ever.
Animal Crossing (GC) using the action replay I unlocked the nes games played countless hours of them and had fun time with game in general.
Pokemon Gens 1-3
Final Fantasy Tactics
GTA Vice city - God tier radio, VCPR, decent sized map easy to remember.
>thief fan mission
Top-tier taste
Rimworld, Minecraft
There has never been a comfier game before or since.
Division 2
It unironically reminds me of Stalker
unironically skyrim
The Void is the epitome of comfy interspersed with complete dread
Civilization 5
Lovely graphics
Gentle sounds and music
UI is real easy on the eyes
The soothing tones of William Morgan Shepard
And of course the easy-going nature of turn-based games. No rush here, take all the time you need.
by late game it becomes a micromanagement hell
Persona Q2 was very comfy and soul hackers is 90s anime comfy
Croc 1/2, even as a casual child it was very comfy despite being quite hard
all rune factory games
amped 2. did anyone else even play this
fightan in general are like negative comfy
I like to think the sound design helps too. That satisfying feedback of killing those mobs and grabbing that sweet loot feels asmr tier
Why are snowboarding/racing/skating games so comfy?
Stop wanting to be comfy, go out of your comfort you disgusting numale cuck.
Why do people intentionally make their life more miserable?
Looks like Yakuza 5
the soundtracks are usually pretty comfy. i remember amped 2 having a bunch of midwest emo and chill IDM, including this
what are the best AI's? they always shit up my towns with hundreds of buses.
Greyhawk: The Temple of Elemental Evil (co8-patched without fan content, then, optionally, Temple+).
Also, Zanzarah.
Hunt : Showdown, feels just like taking a midnight stroll.
Alan Wake is super comfy
>set in the countryside
>plot-twists around every corner
>easy but has harder difficulties (Nightmare being the hardest)
>God-tier OST
I would also say REmake, Resident Evil 4, Subnautica, Shenmue, Metro Last Light and Exodus, Blue Dragon, Bully and Catherine.
>no one has said katamari yet
i don't understand you people
For me? It's The Last Window.
It's Yakuza 4
O shit I forgot that in my post
Quake Live. Low settings.
>people posting fantasy and post apocalyptic games where you can be killed on every corner
Every fucking time. You guys should really educate yourself on what comfy means before posting non sense like because like these threads make no sense. In reality barely any game could qualify as comfy maybe only something like Sims.
Guild Wars
Majesty: the fantasy kingdom sim
This is how (You) sound. Here's an extra (You)
>their definition of feelings
Like lamb to the slaughter.
You might actually have downs. Comfy = relaxing, some game that's chaotic that has "LE EPIC PLOT DRIVEN STORY XD" isn't going to be that when you're high strung from either the gameplay, the story or both. I can only imagine being so smooth brained that you can't use a dictionary and try to make comparisons. Don't get assmad and try to play it off like you aren't when someone points out that games that obviously don't qualify for a certain genre aren't said genre.
Drifting through the woods in Richard Burns Rally is pretty comfy assuming you're not hotlapping it. Kinda like biking on the trails behind your house that you know by heart
Does it have the same soundtrack as openTTD?
If yes, I have to give it a few minus point for having really autistic midi music that is not very comfy.
Otherwise a comfy game indeed.
based boomer games
Will the last chapter ever come out?
Have I been swindled by hipsters?
>implying "chaotic" games can't have times where you're relaxed/at ease (save rooms)
There's no need to write an essay about how (You) feel and think. I also don't see how reddit has anything to do with this, you retarded schizo.
Fable tlc
Tropico 4
My summer Car
Dragon Mania Legends
Not even kidding, it's a great game lol
I'll add The Sims Bustin'Out to that, it has story and objectives. The comfy lighting, water and character that later games don't have.
That’s stressful you mega retard
Yeah, that's something like "comedic relief", something so the story isn't always so bleak or stressful. Would you classify that as the entire game's defining point? Probably not. Comfy games would be something more akin to Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Mario Sunshine etc. The music, the characters, the general setting and atmosphere you're presented with is relaxing. That's not saying they can't also have points where there's more "serious" parts in the story or if you take a moment to think about certain settings/characters but chances are when you play these games you're a lot more chill than when you're playing an action game or some game with an innately gloomy outlook like the Souls series.
I owned that game on gamecube and really liked the idea, but never got far into it because it required a ridiculous amount of memory card space and would have required me buying a bigger memory card.
There's nothing comfy about having to take malaria pills every 5 minutes
These are the only correct answers:
>Spyro the Dragon 1
>Klonoa 1
>Age of Empires 2 and its expansion
>Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 and 2
>Zoo Tycoon 2
>Sims 1 and its expansions
we are the same person
my man
Blame Nintendo for being cheapskates, PS2 memory cards didn't have this issue.
Can I be included too...?
I don't play with AIs for precisely that reason.
Is that a mod? I don't remember buildings having any animations. Really cool.
By far the comfiest game I played
To the moon
>Fable 1-3
>Anno series
>Black & White 1 and 2
>Caesar 3, Pharaoh, Zeus and Emperor
Yeah, I think it's the Nip/Jap Cities pack or something
SSX 3 all peak freeride.
2d pokemon games
Civ 5
Original Animal Crossing
TF2 before all the casual community servers died (R.I.P. CGA servers)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Sim City
Roller Coaster Tycoon
Agreed user, Gen 4 was perfection.
I only played eve for around a month, but exploring new universes with a tiny ship can get maximum comfy.
continued cause more came to mind
Dark Souls 1 (firelink, darkroot, undead parish, oolacile sanctuary)
Katamari series