Drinking anything besides non-diet soda while gaming

>drinking anything besides non-diet soda while gaming

It's like you don't even want to win your games, do you?

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Soda is disgusting in all forms.

i drink water and cranberry juice. if you have to drink soda for a feeling that means you never had it in the first place and you are a worthless human being.

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I just love acidic corn syrup corroding my teeth and my body. It feels good. I drink two liters a day.

there is literally nothing wrong with diet soda

I drink only patrician potion.

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>being enough of a cuck to drink DIET soda

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Imagine being such gamma that even water can beat the shit out of you.

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guys what are some good drinks that taste good, dont have a nasty aftertaste, and isnt too unhealthy? trying to find something other than coffee and water for once

Fuck you. Cut out the coffee and water, drink coca cola.

i used to drink a fuck ton of it but i stopped. too unhealthy

Be a man and drink more.

>Drink soda
>Feel like I can't do anything 10 minutes after

Who calls them "handcarts"? They're hand trucks

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Sorry user, I prefer the easy win.

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I know some diabetics who drink diet soda because it has no sugar. But I've also heard that the fake sugar is just as bad for them. Is that true? And if so, why?

drink more, faggot

>And I'm all about the clutch victory!!!

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uncultured swine, they are CLEARLY Manual carriage platforms

>not コカ・コーラ

Not even fucking around or trying to keep the "joke" going, but I've been all over the US, and I've always heard them called Dollies.


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>Drink really cold carbonated water.
I like the burn.

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>black coffee
>coconut water
>almond milk
These are among the only acceptable non-alcoholic beverages.

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I only drink the best.

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I love Asagi!

>non-diet soda
So just soda?

I don't
I keep dieing in games hoping I'll die for real

Play more dot.hack

Correct. Add sugar to your soda.

Water and coffee black here. Get on my level scrubs. Sugary beverages are a fucking blight, and obesity probably wouldn't exist if they were gone. At least it wouldn't be as common as it is.

The only thing I’m drinking is Dominique’s pure mommy nun milk.

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I want to drink Asagi's sweat.

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I stopped drinking normal soda (unless I'm eating fast food, and even then I can't finish the whole thing) and only drink sugar free, zero calorie probiotic soda. Normal soda is way too sweet for me now

>drinking either and not being a soda-CHAD.

There's nothing like a satisfying mountain dew with enough sugar to make it properly syrupy instead of fizzy

>It's like you don't even want to win your games, do you?
"win" my games? do you exclusively play online or something? who talks like this?
also i don't drink anything while i'm "gaming", i'm actually not lazy enough to get up from my chair every hour or 2 and get a glass of water
christ, jusy kill yourself

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Yeah, I play online. I'm not one of those incels who plays single-player games.

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i have diabetes

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They are definitely called dollys

This looks fucking nothing like the character. Why would someone draw this and think it okay to post publicly?

I drink carbonated flavored water!

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The solution to diabetes is to drink enough soda to shock your body into working normally.

It's like how when you start powerlifting and it's all no gain but lots of pain. You get diabetes when you start drinking soda, start stressing the pancreas but most people just live with it instead of curing it with daily 4-6 liters of soda.

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>yeah, i eat shit. i'm not one of those... INCELS! yuck! who eat normal food

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When I was 20, I would go on a daily pilgrimage everyday of taking my 64oz plastic double gulp cup to the gas station and getting a 79cent refill.

At some point I was hit with irrational fear that I may become a diabetic if I kept doing this, so I stopped cold turkey and switched to tea and coffee. I didn't like tea or coffee at first, but I knew it would be healthier for me.

And I've remained a healthy thin guy ever since. I lost 10pounds in basically no time when I stopped drinking soda.

Dude, I am a recovering sugar addict. When I was coming down off that shit, my teeth would ache when I walked by a vending machine. Be a soda"Chad" and enjoy your sugar fat gains.

Fuck you guys I'm fetching a pair of water

>imagine drinking soda instead of the nectar of the gods that is water

You're one of those incels responsible for the rise of soda water in stores, aren't you?

Pic related is people like you.

>drinking water

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I don't think that was ever official nun attire.

You still have to get up to get the water, you're not less lazy for drinking it somewhere else, sperg.

I drink soda, but I always drink some water right after to swish around for the sake of my teeth and gums.

Is this actually effective? It feels like it should be, but maybe somebody knows their facts better. I've got kind of an insatiable sweet tooth and I try to get neat-looking limited flavors when I see them, so I can't see myself dropping below one can per two days, but I dunno.

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>You still have to get up to get the water
that is what i said, yes
as opposed to just having some kind of drink on my table while i'm on the computer and taking a sip from it when i want to
you need to take a break every hour or 2 so i use it to get me some water

You could uhhh drink juice. Or if you really want something carbonated there are a lot of flavored seltzer drinks nowadays.

The soda has no nutritional value whatsoever, it doesn't even quench thirst. And many people debate about the health risks of artificial sweeteners, though no unbreakable piece of evidence has swung either way on the topic afaik. So there's like a 50/50 chance it gives you cancer and heart failure. But it also might not iddunno.

>get fed up and do some real research on what soda does to you
>research what sugar does to you
>research foods that are healthy
>realize that all fruit juice is bad because no fiber to process anything and the only reason people drink it is because they are already addicted to sugar
>research food and almost all processed food either has no nutrition or very minimal and is just laced with a shitload of sugar and raw fat taken out of foods that actually do provide something substantially nutritional
>realize that almost everything you can buy from a supermarket is literally killing you to the point that fruits may not even have nutrition of high value due to genetic modification that makes things larger in general but does not increase nutrition value
What have we done

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I only drink water because I'm a /fit/let

Embrace the new flesh. Eat only hyper-processed food, drink only soda and alcohol.

If you're strong, you'll come out of a lifetime of this stronger and live to 130. If you've got pussy genes you'll die.

You have nothing to lose.

Your addicted to sugar and are putting bandaids on bulletwounds. Go to a dentist and s nutritionist and get your shit together. If any of you guys weigh more than 180lbs you need fucking help, because i know that shit isn’t muscle

most of that stuff is blatantly obvious. There's a reason why fresh shit is more expensive and it's because it both tastes better and is better for you. If the shit you're eating has stuff you can't pronounce at a glance in the list of ingredients then it's probably bad for you

Tell me how that works out for you dude, ill be over here fixing my garden and sparring all day instead

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>Falling for scare-tactics to trick you into buying overpriced shit.
Just eat less, make sure you eat a balanced diet and don't be a lazy slob. Most of that shit is harmless which is why they have to resort to "dihydrogen monoxide" tier misdirection to scare you with big words knowing that you have no idea what it is.

I'm able to powerlift 350 and I don't eat anything with ingrediants I can pronounce.

You are gay and play with flowers.

this is nigger tier logic

Holy fucking wow dude, great job hitting average with a below average diet, no wonder you feel so proud

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I went from stick to powerlifting 350 in 6 months by dropping the cuck food and getting hard about lifting. I'll be powerlifting 600 pounds this time next year. Fuck you.

This fucking guy

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>this upsets Yea Forums

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>drinking coffee instead of soda


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>sates your caffeine addiction
>better tasting once your tastebuds have adapted
>way cheaper
>won't rot your teeth

>I don't really care if we win or lose, as long as we had fun!

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>Games? You mean like sports?

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Fanta a cute

OP, do you work at a bottling plant or something?

She doesn't even look like the ones from the commercials.

please have sex, but be sure to treat yourself to a nice and healthy 3 liter coke beforehand

Is that a yes, then

t. incel

What's wrong? scared of a little soda?

fucking casuals, how lazy do you have to be to let a can or two of soda destroy your health

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omg r u ok

I drink like a solid 10 or so cups of water a day.
I'm a fucking thirsty boy and that's the best way to quench it, plus I've got no money so water is just cheaper and easier.
also having constant clear piss is really satisfying for some reason so I try to keep it that way

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Anyone else kinda like aspartame?

explain this atheists

superior genes. Imagine how strong she'd be if she drank water and inhaled protein powder instead

Corn syrup in soda, burgerclaps are such pitiable creatures.

Bet they're all fucking alcoholics anyway.

I'd never drink thief-taxed tap water and you don't know where nature has been so it's the obvious choice of the healthy and clean industrial product. I don't cook and I'd never eat anything viable for a common kitchen for the same reasons. It's the simple consumism gamer ideals, just give up any means of creativity and production.

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The corn syrup gives American soda that texture it needs,

fucking eurofags and mexicans can't handle it and are pussies who need "real" sugar.

her body is probably 30% preservatives by now

The portion sizes which are seen as common in America always baffles me. A 64oz refill cup, seriously?

Nobody ever comments on this, but I think a positive mental state and keeping to a routine is one of the most important aspects to longevity. My grandpa is 92 and keeps to a military-like routine, he gets up at the same time everyday and does the same things every week. I can see it in the woman there in the youtube video that she's the same way as my grandpa.

I don't think you're going to make it if you're just aloof into your senior years without any sort of routine and I especially don't think you're going to make it if you're miserable.

>T. diabetic lardass with no feet

64oz is for babies. i go for 128oz or 256oz

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You do drink enough water, right Yea Forums?

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It's just that, having a positive outlook and having some sort of minimal physical activity to do.