People who think leon still has a chance have another thing coming

People who think leon still has a chance have another thing coming...

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Preach it Wrightbro. Resident Evil was always a shit franchise and Ace Attorney is superior to it in everyway. I mean where's RE's goty awards????

>Phoenix Wright.
>The Namco Rep.
PFFFFF. He he he, sorry kiddo.

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Phoenix and Leon are my most wanted anyway, dont mind if either gets in

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If we all raise our hands and believe, we might get /ourguy/.

Stop this madness. Wrightfags, Resifags and Ammyfags should team up to become one big group of Capcomchads.

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I'd be okay with ammy, I just don't really care about Resident Evil


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I have a couple of questions for Wrightfags.
If you were in charge of Phoenix's Smash moveset how would you do it without overlapping too much with his UMvC3 moveset? I only ask this question because of something Sakurai said once about Mega Man's Moveset.
Which brings me to another question how well does Wright's moveset in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 represents him and the Ace Attorney series in general? I mainly ask this because of my lack of knowledge on the series but I hope and assume that you anons have an idea so please answer.

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I'd rather have a light hearted fun creative lawyer than serious shooty shooty gun man

I think it's funny all you kids looking up to Phoenix Wright. He got a law degree and passed the bar while you sit there playing your little computer games, bro. Maybe you have a little certificate in computer science or something? Enjoy life in the basement while us chad lawyers make bank up top bro. Brb gotta wrap up this multi-billion dollar M&A deal so I can around to fucking these two models that have been nagging me all week. Later bro.

Ammy doesn't have a chance compared to Wright. While Ammy has a few games, only the original Okami is of any note. Meanwhile Phoenix Wright is one of the more popular Capcom characters, was the starting gun for the DS being filled with wonderful VNs/VN style games, and has an ongoing legacy that's likely to continue.

I dunno, his MvC3 item gimmick is something that could easily be unique in Smash, but make it one item at a time that affects his moveset then get rid of it (affecting his moves to a higher degree than say Pac who just throws the items). He can have a dumbfuck comeback system Sakurai likes where he pulls stronger items at higher percents, and his final smash can be a better version of his MvC3U Level 3.

Okay but what about the other question? I can honestly see Wright keep the item gimmick completely intact as long as it represents the series well.
>He can have a dumbfuck comeback system Sakurai likes where he pulls stronger items
Isn't that what Turnabout mode is?

I've never played UMvC3 but seeing Wright in compilations gives me a good compilation of his moveset.
For one, since MvC3 released in 2011, the game misses out on representing the two new mainline games, therefore not having Phoenix's newer design.
Generally, the moveset takes the concept of Phoenix and some concepts in his games and stretches them a bit to put him in a fighting game. It's generally pretty faithful, but you have shit like bad evidence (which isn't a thing in the AA games), and finger-lasers.
However, I think it could strike much deeper in terms of references. One glaring omission is Maya's Magatama, which is pretty much Nick's central gimmick throughout the games. I do think having some more items from investigation scenes, like a metal detector which was used several times in the games, would also be appreciated.
The investigation/trial/turnabout thing was honestly a good way to represent the gameplay loop of the AA games, but a Smash appearance could handle things differently.
To summarize, it's fine, but could use some more deeper cuts, modernization, and is certainly up to different interpretation by Sakurai.

Vote for our lawyer in this poll:

I want Geno to win, but Phoenix has been my second pick. I'm happy for you guys

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>The investigation/trial/turnabout thing was honestly a good way to represent the gameplay loop of the AA games, but a Smash appearance >could handle things differently.
>To summarize, it's fine, but could use some more deeper cuts, modernization, and is certainly up to different interpretation by Sakurai
Thanks for answering. I know Sakurai doesn't absolutely hate taking from MvC for example Ken and Shoryu-Reppa but I felt this was somewhat of a deciding factor for his chances because of how well Sakurai wants to represent 3rd parties(that or it's red tape) like Street Fighter, Mega Man and Castlevania.

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Based on this, what sort of attributes and gimmicks would fit an RE rep to where they would capture the embodiment of Leon or Jill or classic RE gameplay? Not saying this out of spite but out of genuine curiosity, as I’ve never played an RE game.


>the guy who presented false evidence and destroyed his legal career
>getting into smash

yeah fuckin' right.

This. They should add that Klavier guy to Smash instead