Comfy MH thread

Comfy MH thread

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MHGU is 50% off until 8th of august.
Go grab that shit.

With World being my first MH, I am very excited for all of the old monsters coming back. I am also scared how much they are going to fuck me up.

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Anyone have a list of things I need to do in the next 5 weeks of Festivals?

I do 2 of those regularly, the other 2, not so much. Sleep has never been easy for me. I regularly get 4 hours a night. Also I have never ate healthy.

Where? i know someone that is interested in getting it

Not in the US.

Cant wait

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I think i got enough pills and potions to last me the first few hunts with AT Kulve and Drachen at max defense.

The new monsters aren’t as spastic as I originally thought. Banbaros was fun, as was Narga.
Tigrex was an ass.

Let’s see how Brachy ends up. Should be fun.

Can someone please elaborate on how to approach Kulve? I attempted her a few times when she first launched, and in my confusion, sort of pissed off until Behemoth came out.

Do I need to be in a team of 16 players?

Kulve got an AT boost. Basically you do this: Collect tracks as much as you can.
Phase One - try to break her tail and horn coat.
Phase Two - break her breast and body coat.
Phase Three - Naked fight. Drop the stalactites on her.
Phase Four - Full on stun/para/sleep and bomb the shit out of her.

I'm really curious about the team aspect of it. Is it practical to just tackle with 1 or 2 people, and not groups and groups of 4? Or say I were with 1 or 2 others, would it be best to look for a KT designated hunting hub?

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I wonder if they'll implement a turf war between brachy and jho.

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who the fuck would win brachy vs bazel? thats the real turf i want to see

Groups of 4.
Practically mandatory one is GS.

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Wanna get comfy and curl up with Nerg

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Mandatory GS? Why is that?

Why is that? Different person, and I haven't done AT KT yet, but in my numerous smooth runs of the original fight I don't remember needing a great sword around, nor having one more often than normal.

The only concrete evidence the cookie leak has is that the Glav cookie has the little cinders on its tail, which was not present in GU.

>I am also scared how much they are going to fuck me up.
They probably won't. Most hunters are HR 500 meta beasts at this point, Narga is a small fry in comparison unless he underwent some serious redesigns. Similar thing happened with Deviljho, he's usually an LR monster but he was hyped up for months only to get stomped by endgame builds.

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You forgot that the Zinogre icon that leaked before everyone even found out about the cookies is the same as the one in the cookies.

>Most hunters are HR 500 meta beasts at this point
Super not true.

Man, I usually main SnS in MH but I always feel obligated to build one of every element. Heard Barroth Club is good raw, are there any others I should look into? I just beat nerg, investigating the other elders now

>Similar thing happened with Deviljho, he's usually an LR monster but he was hyped up for months only to get stomped by endgame builds.
What the fuck are you talking about? Deviljho is always a high rank monster and there was plenty of bitching about him being hard when he was released.

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Do I really need to capture every monster to get ever special arena to get the orange complete by every tier? Is there a reward for full completion?

The reward is a quest (White Winds of the New World) that unlocks rainbow pigment.
I think you get the quest at HR100 even if you don't clear all the other quests.

well, whenever you get access to it, the lunastra sword and shield, specifically the ruin or styx variants, are stupid powerful

*is a better game and has all the monsters being hyped up for iceborne in your path*

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DPS basically.
With a decent GS user with Part Breaker 3 and some other skills you can clock it in 10-15 mins.

Yes, and doing that unlocks a quest. Completing that quest gets you rainbow armor pigment and the quest is one of two that has a 100% chance to give you research commission tickets, which are used for armor that isn't get good, a variety of charms (some good), and luna weapons. The other quest that can give you those tickets is the HR100 quest.

>Do I really need to clear every optional quest to get a completion banner

I don't understand

Unless you are speedrunning, Styx without Drachen, then the Nerg one with will carry you through everything.

it doesn't have acid glav

>Bonds with Bazelgeuse
>Bonds with Brachydios

is there some secret to getting gold and mini crowns to spawn?

>Wyvern Ignition
>Arch-Tempered elder dragons
>Extremoth, Ancient Leshen
>Dante, Azure Starlord for misc pieces
>Assorted layered equipment (Wiggler Hat, Kulu Mask, etc)
>Specific quests for gold crown autism
>Farm Greatest Jagras for decorations

That should be the most of it, pard.

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>Buy GU during the sale
>Attempt to play online
>No low rank hubs at all

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Thanks buddy. So far, I've only downed AT Kushala. Only other one I've attempted is AT Nerg, and he slapped my shit.

What region? I just bought it recently as well, 4 star village quests atm.

Whoever wins, everything within fifteen feet loses.

Investigations with one gold and one silver reward, three gold rewards, or three tempered rewards have a higher chance than other standard quests.
There are also five event quests, one for each area, that each have five monsters to hunt in them with higher than usual chances to have crown-size monsters. Deep Green Blues, Wildspire Bolero, Coral Waltz, Effluvial Opera, and Rock n Roll Recess are the names of those quests.


>Bazel and Brachy have bond attack
>Bazel bombs covered in Brachy slime

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Partbreaker only works on her coat not her horns
Maximum DPS in the first part of the fight is RF Thunder LBG, Thunder CB, Thunder DB, Thunder SA, etc
Last round ideally you want a GS to go for a mount with wall runs, someone who can cause status/ko, and whatever the fuck has high damage when she goes down and her horns are in reach. Legiana Bow is really well suited for all of the above but you hardly need to be optimal on either phase, just not braindead.

MHW isn't as comfy as the earlier titles. The potential is there but it just isn't.

I still like it better than the previous titles but it's missing a good chunk of soul, particularly in the food, the gathering and how felynes work.

Don't listen to this nigger, the only time you should be using GS is on phase 4 and part breaker is useless in that phase

wow that's extremely specific, especially with the soul and comfy buzzword. i can completely understand why you don't enjoy world.

I prefer the limited Palico bullshit compared to MHGU's frankly overwhelming Felyne faggotry.

jesus christ CB is really good like GS. what tree is the strongest for CB? Dantes is really good from what ive seen. what combos do i do with CB? thanks

>Movie theater lobby
>Raths couple, Brachy is alone
>Brachy starts playing with hair band to stave off the boredom
>accidentally snaps out of his hands onto the Raths
>since it was coated with his slime, it explodes
Please laugh

I think diablos's is the still the strongest
as for combos i just use three sword slashes > charged sword slash > store phials > store phials in shield > charge sword > repeat steps 1-3 > spam SAED

oh that makes sense

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stop posting this gay fucking shit

don't forget the kt ice one

I'm actually a SA main so I don't really have on hand knowledge of CB's meta

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I want a middle ground between the overly complex cats in GU and World's too simple. Especially because I want prowler back too.
Gathering is way better in world. Fuck old gathering. The food system is worse though. I hope they at least tweak it in iceborne.

The Cookie Leak is not accurate
The Zinogre icon Leak was in alphabetical order and omits Valstrax meaning Valstrax is not in Iceborne

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He's never coming back, isn't he?

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No, you unlock a different quest at HR 100. Both those quests give you a commendation ticket you can only get from them though.

>fighting tobi in HR
>rathian comes along
>kill her
>go back to tobi
>jho comes along
>tobi runs off but almost dead
>decide to fight jho
>cart twice, still not close to dead
Well fuck, is Jho scaled higher than other HR monsters?

how do you perform SAED? is it the 3 combo while in axe mode that uses a phial?

Valstrax literally has no chance

I think Portable 3rd got it right. I had so much fun with managing Felynes in that game.

I need the gold crowns for fully getting every achievement in the game on steam.

>how do you perform SAED
First you need phials
then charge the shield using triangle + circle then cancel while R2 using
Once the shield is charged using triangle + circle is using the SAED


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I assume the leaked files with the accompanying photoshop files were for a press release. It's entirely possible that Capcom didn't send out everything at once.
Either way it's all speculation until confirmed so whatever.

I kinda wish they'd kept acidic glavenus a secret 2bh

damn dude this is even stronger than what i was doing before


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just let him punch you, there's no avoiding it

Good to know Vaal Hazak isn't in either

Nothing personell, hunter.

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Yeah, you idiots should probably ditch this ideology for World. Iceborne is confirmed to be much harder & judging the level of difficulty from a beta is a retarded notion in and of itself, so enjoy this little safety net ego boost while it lasts.

It’s 60 bucks on the e shop right now for me.

Question, if I already have a lot of progress in MHGU on my physical copy, if I buy it digital will I have to start over or how does that work?

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How dare you

IIRC Progress is saved on console. If you have online I think there's cloud saving too

Post yfw Zinogre vs Brachy turf war

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Who hammer bro here?

Nice to know

Reminder that more often than not female armors have a wider variety of themes they follow than male hunters. Male hunters only get really interesting armors when they actually diverge from "angry monster with slit eyes" - like the football armors we'll never get again because crabs are dead. People will write this off because "muh cool" versus "muh tummy/face plate" without actually looking at the designs.

>not brachy v bazel

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I am hammerbro. Any advice on how to beat Arch Nerg? He’s pushed my shit in twice in a row.

Teostra isn't either since Teo would be after Tigrex. Guess Capcom lost the Teostra license between World and Iceborne.

Everything else about Iceborne just looks objectively mediocre.
Ice dragon is literally pre-World Kushala, same skeleton and gimmick and all. New ice shark monster that uses the shit piscine skeleton instead. Giant moose monster is a poor man's Gammoth with even less moves. Most of the QoL changes are meh and unimportant, going back to GU because GU has actual content that I can do whenever I want, instead of only on some weeks for a limited time.

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Ok. Thanks for the update.

Hi listfag.


What exactly is GU’s endgame? I remembered dropping it around 150 hours in because I just couldn’t find anything else I wanted to do.

Why does everyone falseflag nintendo?

Ok but what if
Gore vs Khezu

You're kinda fucked desu. But generally you shave the spikes to get the chain trips. Super man dodge the dive, and always circlestrafe/dodge to the right cause his paw will hit your otherwise during the slam.

Wait, hold on. Unless the dye bled really badly, that Gore Magala icon IS different than his old one.

Speedrunning monsters like classic MH, duh. The whole point of Monster Hunter is self-improvement. Just as an athlete need to exercise, a Monster Hunter player must hone their skills.

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All game data is saved on your console's 32 gigs of memory AND (if it's not Splatoon 2 or Animal Crossing) saved in the cloud

>Brachy attempts to punch lightning itself

It's harder to falseflag when PC / Xbone / PS4 have lots of overlap due to multiplats while Switch mostly does its own thing with less overlap.
After G4, its Deviants then Fatalis and co before reaching the true endgame of

If Master Rank is proper hard, MHW is probably going to be my main MH game for a while.

Not really
You're probably just getting fewer hits in because he's an angy boy

Explosive slime seems to be OP in terms of their ecology anyway, the only ones who can tank explosions in their face should be Jho and Bazel

Fuck, he just seems really hard for SnS. I couldn't even cut his tail off

Don't bring your girlfriend to a capekino experience.

>Bazel gets punched and slimed by Brachy
>"I'm a genius!"
>Bazel drops the scales that were slimed back on Brachy
>"OH NO!"

Fuck off.
Most of the things Iceborne looks like it'd doing well is basically what MHW did and more.
The Environment looks to be an even more interesting mechanic in of itself now, with even more destructibility and monsters using the terrain to their advantage.
They're expanding the ways you can 'master' the environments with rideable monsters and the like, plus the closer integration of slinger-ammos with weapon skills.
The monster selection is becoming much more exotic, both with interesting sub-species and fan-favorites.
>complaining about monsters using the same skeletons
welcome to Monster Hunter, we reuse skeletons for easier animating.
> Giant moose monster is a poor man's Gammoth with even less moves
How would you even know?

Can we please have a Metroid colab in mhw. How fucking amazing would a Ridley or kraid fight be

SnS can be hard since you don't have as much defense as Lance or GL, and you don't really have as much single-hit power.
I'd say your best bet is to have your palico pick up some slack with traps and the like, and stick to the space under it since it has fewer attacks that will have it attack the area its standing on at that moment

Ridley would be interesting but he's too smart to be hunted like a normal monster
I could see Kraid though.
Unfortunately, if that ever happens, it'll be if/when a new Nintendo MH games comes out

I fought both the moose and Gammoth and I can tell they all have the same gimmick of plowing snow. Except Gammoth does more things than plowing snow, like trunk attacks, snow AOEs and even facesits. Gammoth will even attempt to body slam you if you get snowmanned.

Son it's just listfag. Report and move on.

>Ridley fight
Right here bro

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Can someone give me a quick Swaxe For Retards? From what I understand the basic idea is sword for DPS and occasional axe transforms to maintain sword gauge, but I'm still pretty new to it.

In axe mode, assuming the monster is still within range should I just be aiming to reenter sword mode ASAP? Is wild swing the best way to reenter sword mode?
And when in the amped state, is the ZSD always worth trying to land before meter runs out, or is it supposed to be a more opportunistic tool than that?

What's the best way to deal with AT Nerg's instant turnaround attack?
Apart from sheathing my weapon and chugging potions

We couldn't even get a Bloodborne collab for PS4 even though they've got all the shit that could transition seamlessly like the hunter's armor, weapons like moonlight for SA and pizza cutter for CB, and monsters like Parl and Bloodletting Beast.
What makes you think we'd get a collab from a company that doesn't even have World on their console?

I legitimately don't understand the cat stuff in GU
This game is overwhelming me
How the fuck do I do this?

The best way is to not fight AT nerg or any AT enemy


Switch to Axe mode any time you need to back off of the monster at all
Rolling into to switch is the fastest and gets you a lot of extra distance when going from sword to axe
Use wild swing to switch when you have a good opening but you're just gonna eat shit if you try to do that constantly

game is fucking dead on PC. only 1 or 2 SOS results, only for farming ATs.

welcome back from your vacation

nah, it's been shit, ip banned from uploading images in Yea Forums. it's been a week

To add on to what he said
ZSD is only worth trying if you know you have an opening
also you can cancel ZSD early for better positioning and staying in sword mode

Thast just worlds retarded online system. There could be a million sos out there and you would still only get like 5 results max

Send a flare up yourself?
I do that and allies quickly join me on good investigations.

Alright, thanks for the advice. Didn't even start trying swaxe until 500h in, so it's a work in progress.

What is the purpose of being able to switch to clutch claw in the middle of element discharge in IB? So you can switch into an axe attack?

Rotten Vale and Coral Highlands need more native monsters ASAP. Not just invaders. What returning monsters would fit where and what new subs could fit in those locations?

The bottom of Coral Highlands is worthless right now. I'd say that it would be cool if a monster appeared there, but there's not much open space down there so it wouldn't be very good for anything medium-sized or larger.

It's got 5 now? The RAD MAN, Odogaron, GG, Vaal, and Acidic Glavenus.
It's actually the only regular map that has a resident Elder.

Remove most of the deviants, pretty much all of the tier 1 monsters, and then almost all of the shit from the first gen, then you have a roster worth discussing. Bloated and full of worthless shitter monsters

Zinogre for the mid open areas
Gobul or a Gobul reskin for the unused bottom areas, they even already have mini gobuls there for gods sake

You can pull yourself into a monster the attack normal would've been out of range of, the animation is also a bit longer so it has better MVs (I.E does more damage) than a normal discharge or ZSD

You should be able to fight Tzitzi down there, and maybe Girros leaving the top area of the Vale like Odogaron does rarely

There’s no room at all, even for small monsters. They need to expand it more for it to be even worth using.
Yeah but compare it to the forest or waste. The maps need more native monsters

stinky glav seems to fight you there so that's a start

>mhw has no soul
>I dont have a legitimate reason for disliking the game

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How do I farm for crowns? After playing normally for a while I only have a handful left to get the achievement

J.O. Crystal Glav is at the bottom of Rotten Vale not the Highlands. Which is good since only Vaal actually fought in those last few rooms down there.

Mizutsune would fit pretty well too

They’ve said that one of the biggest complaints they’ve received about World was difficulty and that they’re making Master Rank substantially harder, so here’s hoping that they do it properly and don’t just do what they did with ATs. I don’t think they will though, since Iceborne is being developed by a different team to the one that made base World and all it’s updates.

More targets in a hunt, and investigations, have higher chances for crowns
I really don't recommend stressing too hard over it since it's pure RNG, and Master Rank will likely have a further increased chance for crowns in general like G Rank usually seems to.

Oh may bad I misread your post, I meant to say the new glav spawns in the bottom area cavernous area where Vaal can be fought

look for event quests like or similar to "wicked wildspire wastes" that feature a lot of monsters, those mission feature good crown variation. otherwise just go out and hunt some monsters.

Look out for the musical-themed events that include most of the monsters in a given location. Ex. Wildspire Bolero has you hunt most of the monsters found in Wildspire Waste. These give significantly higher crown chances.

You're still on your own for elders and BBlos though. If you don't have all the crowns for those yet, look for investigations with at least 1 gold + 1 silver reward box, or tempered investigations with 3+ reward boxes.

Mizu needs to live alongside a body of water and that is only the small ass beach in the forest

It does have the river along the left side
But if you fought Mizu anywhere it'd probably be in Coral Highlands or maybe in the hotsprings in Hoarfrost

Forest and Waste don't actually have much more native monsters.

Forest has Jagras, Pukei, and Tobi. That's it.
Wastes has Diablo, Kulu, mud fish, and Barroth.

I just started playing mhgu, when should I start playing online? I don’t want everyone to laugh at how bad I am.

The highlands actually have small little bodies of water at the very bottom of the map and the caves near where paolumu eats at, but of course trying to fit mizu in those areas would be like trying to stuff a cod into a sardine can

World needs a proper island/jungle map but it seems that'll never happen now.
Despite Lagi maybe being in, I can't see how it'll fit (thematically) anywhere in world apart from the coastal areas in ancient forest


There is technically that river in the lefthand side of Coral Highlands where you only ever go to do the Grimalkyne quest
They could make it work if they just go "Hey new world monsters and bio energy changed the landscape" and make it so water flows into the big wide field at the bottom of the big slope. Really I feel like they could excuse plenty of monsters if they introduce minor map alterations for G-Rank

Ancient Forest zone 7, there is a latticework of branches that form what appears to be a path above the readily accessable area. I cannot for the life of me figure out if there is a way up there. I want to believe there is as there are a lot of similar areas, such as the upper area of zone 6 that contains an adamant seed next to a big drawing on a tree.

If Hoarfrost Reach has a coastal region he could appear there. Just say the coast is volcanically active so the waters by the shore are warmer than the frigid seas further out and you’ve got a perfect environment for a Lagiacrus. They appear rarely because few Lagiacrus are willing to trek through so much cold water to reach the buffet of marine life food in the warm water patches.

If Lagi gets in then they're probably expanding old maps since they'd probably put in that marsh from the original test build of the ancient forest.

I have no faith but I've heard worse excuses for bullshit.

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Because his icon is already in the game and doesn't need to be added, thus it's not in the picture

Yeah but we would’ve seen that in footage that they’ve shown us or they would’ve mentioned it sooner. The beta has the forest the same as it ever was

It looks to me like it could be a path from the upper part of area 6 that ended up being blocked off in the final product.

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Well unless they reveal that the caves under the Hoarfrost has a previously inaccessible area that takes you to a coast, that idea is probably improbable. There's no blocked off areas in there, the only notable place is that poison cave which only seems to confirm one of the two blind monsters.
Game Informer mentioned that something underground is heating up the land and alluded to it being a monster? So there's a hint of hope there

Could be a situation like the Elder's Recess where story prevents the map from expanding.

>flooded jungle from the heat melting all the snow and flooding ancient forest

>bought another copy of MH for my IRL friend to play with
>he dropped it one week in


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I also forgot to mention that the poison cave is lit up by magma, so there is some sort of volcanic shit going on down there

I don’t think it’s very likely at all, but I’ll keep it in mind. I’d love for the forest to be tweaked. Like that area with the tall grass? Worthless. Could replace it with a flooded zone if they wanted. And the highlands entire bottom half is unused. Could easily be opened up and allow more monsters to be fought there.

Don’t see it happening though. It would’ve been advertised from the start.

Hey there!
I've seen many others hunters purchasing an SSD for their PS4 around here, it's really picking up!
Everyone is flying in and out more quickly than I can keep up! The Quest pile has been on fire lately!

You're one of the few that still haven't got in on it, but I think you should finally consider joining in on the SSD train. You'll be able to keep up with the other hunters, as well being able to do your own personal stuff faster.

Just a recommendation! I don't mind seeing you
take things a little more slowly if that's more your kinda speed. Take care out there!

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since he wants to blow air out of his ass let me tell you what it is. Atoraru-Ka and Hyper Silver Rathalos.

ive heard that ssd isnt very good on base ps4

This is on a base PS4.

Attached: ssd.webm (640x380, 2.98M)

oh damn thats quick
could you link me the ssd used

My condolences

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thats day one bro, never buy your friends a game that only you're interested in. they will always betray you every single time.

Then stop counting, go and do something else. Man, just looking at that screen made me a little anxious

This is how gifts work, user. You buy something for someone, you give it away and then you forget about the thing. If you stick around knowing what they do with it, you'll have a bad time 90% of the time.

You cannot expect your friend to play the game whether he liked it or not for more than a week

It's impossible to get friends into Monster Hunter.

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He’s in!

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give me all your rathalos memes. i need to build a collection.

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Forgive my ignorance, but wtf is that, some sort of stone Niblesnarf?

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From Frontier. It’s Poborubarumu. He’s a whale-like Flying Wyvern the same size as Akantor/Ukanlos, whose gimmick is that he attacks with sound similar to whale song. His tail can toot like Qurupeco as well.

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A big ass whale wyvern from Frontier. He does music and dances like Qurupeco to buff himself and attack. Essentially a Hunting Horn made into a living organism.


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whatas wrong with greavios bich boy
Aesthetically he’d fit perfectly in the Coral Highlands, but he’s probably a bit too big.

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be nice

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hyper kut ku is a nigger STOP SPINNING YOU FUCK

Gigginox > Khezu

That’s right, I said it.

I know thanks. On a side note, how do I stop getting friend requests from Russians without ever playing with them?

He's a waste of time and space and offers nothing in return, not even good armor or weapons. The definition of a filler monster.

im going to bed guys good night

You're preaching to the choir dude

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I like his walking lasers

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Cuck-free ones or just any Los?

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Divine Blessing. meme or just okay enough to actually be worth using?

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It's serviceable. In MHW however there's also other consistent options for just as cheap, Health Boost pushing to 200 HP especially comes to mind.

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meme imo
i can count the times i've saved by it on one hand

Decent. Still better to slot in Health Boost 3, but if you need an extra push in survivability beyond that then Divine Blessing isn't a bad choice as far as defensive skills go.

It's k, can definitely save your ass, and it procs pretty often desu, but at the end of the day it's RNG and you can't rely on it.

I found it useful vs AT Vaal, but thats the only time

Why does everything in monster hunter have people ears? Freaks me out.

Never ever

Have you not looked at a Wyverian before?

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Fucking weirdo

How do those saber teeth not just get in the way of everything it does

Where is the middle stage between rathalos and wyverian? Where's the humanoid-esque but not quite wyvern?

That's why World narrowed down those saberteeth, atop of desaturating their amber coloring.

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Just like how these guys deal with it, bite off everything in their way

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You mean like a, Rathaman or something?

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I really like how you can see the teeth are actually serrated, imagine breaking on of those off and using it as a knife

it looks more like they did that because the saw-blade side on the original model was just a texture. Same thing with the fur on the Tri model

why do they call every single monster wyvren tho

It's definitely more of a visual fidelity thing.

Old monster hunter used the same tricks Capcom employed with Street Fighter's proportions. In order to make things easier for players to track on PSP/3DS screens they made sure that the primary methods of attack were either done in colors that contrast the monster body or extremely large. It's why Tigrex gets flushed red in rage, and Narga has eyes that trail red instead of just glow red.

The same tricks are still used in World, but they just don't have to be as blatant. That's why I'm pretty sure people that aren't veterans are going to think Zinogre is tacky as fuck.

what is the best monster intro?

>tfw reading MH weapons lore
>According to lore, Raging Brachydios' weapons can fucking destroy the world if used incorrectly
What are some other batshit insane MH lore tidbits for weapons/armor?

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because the word "dragon" doesnt really exist in mohun universe. "Wyvern" is a placeholder for it.

Dragon does exist. It's specifically used for the Fatalis family.

Furious Rajang weapons are apparently so powerful they make gods piss their pants and can summon thunderstorms from the heavens.

Anything on the Fatalis armors. I think the smithies just make up bullshit though.

I like angry monster with slit eyes, so fuck you.

Also all the Elders. But Fatalis' family are the ones called the Black Dragons.
Dragon is essentially used as a catch all in MonHun for things that defy logic and are a danger to the ecosystem.

Fatalis in ancient times would melt down the armour of hunters they killed to armour their own scales, as an act of spite against humanity for how they hunted Elder Dragons and wore their remains.

Alalalalatreron is also a black dragon

Shah dalamadur weapons description is literally gospels of how Shah the almighty created the world in 14 days

>but it's missing a good chunk of soul
lol, I say it has MORE soul than ever before

Nakarkos' high rank weapons literally state that they use the power of the stars to do all their bullsiht.

4th Gen just sounds like a bunch of fucking OC donuts, especially with how much it ignores stuff established in Gen 1 and 2.

Unlike other monsters, Fatalis at least has some canon stuff presented in the games. Like the sword that keeps regrowing shit so that you can mine it.


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Looks like the bastard child of Brachy and Abiorugu. Is it a good fight at least?

user, fatalis armor was stated to make anyone who wear it mad, and turn into another fatalis
Or Dire Miralis has a core that if left untouched with regenerate into a whole new Miralis
Monhan has always been about all these mystism that highly, possibly the forges, who are all wyrverians, made up to sell stuffs better

It's not just fourth gen. Read third gen weapon descriptions too.
>Dire Miralis' weapons can end the world with their hellfire
>Alatreon weapons can steal people's fucking souls

Also in FU the big black sword in the cave, which was just an oversized fatty gs, regenerated slowly too

Dire and Alatreon are part of the black dragon family.

As far as MHO fights go he’s good, but compared to mainline that’s usually not high praise. Cool concept for his attacks though, they should revisit it either by bringing this guy to mainline or using the gimmick for an original monster.

>made up to sell stuffs better
They're masterworks all you can't go wrong.

That's technically true if you look at The Rottenvale

Not really. He's just a corpse among thousands. Zorah going nuclear is going to create a new ecosystem. Does that mean Zorah created the world too?

Dalamadur in the rotten vale is akin to a whale food fall aka a dead, giant blue whale corpse can sustain a whole ecosystem on the seafloor for several years, if not decades

Who's the say the new world isn't just a Zorah grave yard?

>Missed MH4
>Was excited for insect glaive
>It's a bimon says bop-it bullshit minigame weapon

guys, I am upset.

Is any weapon significantly improved over MH3? I am feeling pretty underwhelmed right now.

Lance is the best it's ever been

playstyle-wise it is. Power-wise the strongest it has been is X and XX but for all the wrong reasons

>Take a Diablos Capture quest
>Third time I've really fought the guy, second in high ranked, but I think I can handle it. No sweat.
>Run into the underground chamber he hangs out in
>There's Diablos
>And Black Diablos
>What the fuck is Black Diablos
>Turns out Black Diablos is an unrepentant rapist
>Shoves that girthy black tail right up my ass
>Carts me twice
>I just want to fucking capture Diablos
>Finally get Diablos alone, fight is smooth as butter, he retreats to his shelter to sleep and lick his wounds
>Run over to him and set up the trap
>Black Diablos bursts out of the ground, sets off the trap
>Rapes my pasty ass for a third and final time

I hate Black Diablos.

Generally most of them but I'm not a fan of how SnS/DB/CB/IG got handled in MHW. SA is still quite archaic in design but at least Iceborne's buffs for it are somewhat meaningful.

Never underestimate the power of horny and lonely.

any tips on LBGs in world, or recommended weapons to build?

Is it worth making every variation of your chosen weapon type? Or is that just being autistic?

I'm playing IG, which is one of the weapons that elemental damage actually works for. But some of the IG trees seem kind of redundant and not worth the material.

>tfw carting to g-rank Great Baggi than any other monsters
Why does he move so fast and hits like a truck?

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>Deviljho, he's usually an LR monste
no hes not. and tempered joe gave everyone aside from cluster users a bad time

>Finally hit HR 49
>Have fought like 4 tempered monsters tops, counting the Bazelgeuse duo because I got carried
Am I doing something wrong? Also holy shit Lunastra is a lot harder than in FU.

Definitely going to start farming some better gear before I chance another encounter in that rape cave.

Its partially autistic like there's a point in making every elemental weapon that a monster might be weak to but you'll just google the best elemental weapon in that particular category also some weapons deal piss poor elemental damage

What have you been fighting? Post-game there isn't much meaningful to do besides the decoration/streamstone grind off tempered monsters.

As the game is right now, not that much point in doing so. Come Iceborne the MR craftable weapons will presumably extend from the current trees though, so who knows which lines will end up being good or not.

The best elemental LBG luna/xeno I believe
the best spread 3 is jho's (but i use jyura's lbg for spread)

Two-player mounting

Nergigante for his armor set and GS, Vaal for the hammer and possibly a few more weapons, Xeno because the fight is cool and special assignments/normal elder dragons including the Behemoth event.

>I showed you my plate answer me.

Well, goddamn. I've got all the trees at rank ~6, I think I'll just finish them since I've wasted so much effort so far.

Playing P3rd on my Vita.
Comfy times.

for the Luna/Xeno one i assume its the one with Spare shot?

out of craftables (AT Kulve obviously has the beast elemental guns) Jho is a monster with pellets and the Luna/Luna Mixed guns are powerful with element depending on the rapid-fire, that should be enough to get you started.

Fuck it, you might needed the high rank versions to upgrade them to M-rank, consider yourself having a leg up on everyone
yup you're correct

>Fuck it, you might needed the high rank versions to upgrade them to M-rank, consider yourself having a leg up on everyone
Oh sweet,

Now I don't feel like all that grinding was wasted.

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How come you fuckers lied to me? You said they butchered Narga's theme. Yet here I am listening to it and it's pretty much the same as always, then the fucking Pokke village them gets put in the middle of it. How the fuck is this not the best version of Narga?

Awesome, only downside is I'm PC. I've heard we're like a year behind in content or something?

PC is caught up, but you're going to be behind again by 3 to 6 months waiting on Iceborne.

>Teo/Luna and Daora theme are only good during a mount
why did they do this? Especially the fucking main melody in Daora theme, the drums make it sound so much better

Shitposters and people with poor taste

There is no need to be upset, we will get our triple Khezu quest and you will love it.

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i need to farm Xenojiiva for materials but at the same time i dont want to..

We all must suffer now and then.

It will be the BEST quest on the entire game.

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i just dont really like the messy percussion and motive, really. they went overboard with it
Always prefer the cleaner style of old
it should be included in Tigrex's theme, not his

more proof that mounting was a mistake, they should have been the themes for rage mode so you could at least get to the good parts.
just compare these, the fight theme is so low-energy compared to the mounting

Mounting is my favorite mechanic in these games, mon ami.

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what the absolute fuck this is complete night and day

>tfw Tri's soundtrack will never be topped

Attached: c2d.jpg (663x579, 39K)

Oh, glad to hear we're caught up on content. Not so much at the 3-6 months out on iceborne.

They fucking butchered a perfect theme, I'll never forgive them, who is the faggot compositor of this piece of shit?

Why does longsword have enough time to sheath and dive after AT nergs roar + dive combo but now doesn't? Isn't this unfair? The regular tempered dive will even one shot bow users pushing 500 def with 200 hp and if you are caught in the roar you can't avoid it like 95% of the other weapons can.

How did we go from this
and this
and this

to this?

psycho mantis coming out of the mech and that playing was a great moment

Black Diablos are just female Diablos in heat. Seeing as she raped you, you’d better take responsibility of those little Diablets user.

as a LS user earplugs are mandatory, you could also try doubling up on mantles or practice your I-Frame moves

AT nerg's theme remixed with proof of a hero felt more thematically appropriate tbqh

Even the fucking lobby music shits on rotten vales weak, geriatric theme

Why not Khezu, Gigginox and a new blind cock vore monster to make it a party?

Can’t wait for the Master Rank Arch Tempered Red Khezu and Baleful Gigginox quest with a 15 minute time limit in World 3.

So, how will their ruin Khezu's theme? will they ruin it by giving it one?

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they'll make it so random sniff sfx play

It’ll just be faint ASMR wet licking sounds, and when he’s enraged or mounted some slurping gets added in.
>those messy motives
>weird mixes of percussion and string
>all those retarded accompanying instruments that drown out the melody
>all those stupid pauses on the melody for those instruments to just do whatever while the actual good part of the song just keeps getting interrupted

Undisputed king coming through

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I recently got back into MHW in preparation for Iceborne, I magically remembered all the controls and I was thinking of doing AT Nergi. I was pretty good at regular Nergi but I swear, if I get one shot through Guard Up by a dive I don't know how I'll deal with them other than playing super defensive when he has black spikes.
Sorry for the blog, have a cute picture as thanks for your time.

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They i'll perfect him theme by not putting that piece of shit monster in game and putting in giggi or a new blind cave monster

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t. Lance by the way. I forgot that critical bit of info for my blog.

it isn't even the flying hipcheck the absurd stagger threshold makes all the difference on AT Nerg

Sorry homosexual but Khezu is 100% /in/

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In the trashbin.

why do people hate khezu so much?
there are far shittier monsters

I mean, MHW Iceborne is not the best MH game but it sure isn't a trash bin user.

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So I finally got a PS4 after wanting to try out World (my first MonHun was Generations Ultimate), and I wanted to see what changed in the most recent Monster Hunter. I used to solo G-Rank Astalos cause he was my favorite elder dragon.

Well, I finally started Monster Hunter World, and once I was tasked with hunting Great Jagras, I carted twice on the first attempt. I finally beat him, and decided to grind him for my low rank armor set, and on the second mission, I carted another two times!

What am I doing wrong? When I played MHGenU, the game didn’t seem this hard, but now that I’m playing MHWorld, it’s like a whole much more difficult game.

>a new blind cave monster
>in an HD spinoff

Attached: doubt.jpg (800x450, 28K)

why do you keep posting this

Yeah okay you win, well played.

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>Guard Up
Don't bother slotting it in for AT Nerg, since all of its attacks are blockable through regular means. It's just that AT Nerg does a ton of chip damage, which can be mitigated through taking on more levels of Guard.
>Guarding the divebomb
Just guard that one normally. Don't powerguard, don't counterattack, just guard and either disengage to heal up or reengage by chasing after him.
Personally, what ended up causing most of my carts were the combinations of tail spins and quick slams. Keep up the aggression with a health augment and you should be able to get it sooner or later though.

Attached: MHW-Dodogama_Icon.png (503x502, 54K)

I see. Well, I hope it goes well, I always loved the Nergi fight so it should be fun.

For me? I think he's pretty boring fight that somehow manages to get into games because japanese humor (it looks like penis! XDDDD)
They've already done the concept better with gigginox

Oh, I was under the impression you needed Guard Up for the dive. Thank you for the tips! I remember I don't need to power guard the dive because it does more chip damage that way, which always struck me as very odd.

Amin the sooner you come to terms with World being mainline the less painful the acceptance will be.

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>tfw I like world's ost and the salt at it amuses me

It's list fag trying to bait people, just ignore it

>one Jho gem
>three weapons to use it on
Gunlance, Longsword, or Dual Blades?

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Get a USB to SATA cable since it'd be faster as an external

Well, you have shit taste but that isn't new.

Monster Hunter is actually in our world but it's so far into the "post-apocalyptic" future that it really can't be classified into that genre.

Basically Monhun takes place hundreds of thousands of years after modern day civilization ends. The reason why it ended is a complete mystery and will never be addressed unless it's like the final Monhun game in the series. But whatever happened the humans knew it was going to happen and started to try to find a way how to keep the memory of their civilization alive, they chose to genetic splicing their intelligence into mice but their bodies could only live for a few years tops with supplying so much energy to their brain so they began splicing reptilian and bird DNA into them due to both of those family of species have a unique ability to turn off all unnecessary body function, this resulted in some side-effects that would later develop into near immortality for the creatures but all of that was good for the humans, who proceeded to teach them their language, cultures and philosophies.

Then whatever happened, happened and the human creations, now called the Wyverians (the first of their kind) had inheritied the Earth and watched over it for a very long time, before they finally got bored and decided to try and replicate the arts and crafts and sciences of their human predecessor even though most of the newer generations have all but forgotten them outside of their teachings.
First they perfected smithing.
Then research.
Then terraforming.
And then they decided to practice the art of war.
And when they realized that war between two mighty and conscious powers was too brutal and devastating, they though of another way to fight and entertain themselves.
That's when they decided to play god just like the humans did.
They created great and powerful monsters from the animals of old for the sake of glorious fights with eachother. They called these monsters Wyverns as they derived from the Wyverians.
[1 of 2]

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Eventually even this they grew bored of, and so they went ahead and just like student to master or son to father, replicated their old human fore-fathers and began to raise their own species as a successor to them as they found the passage of knowledge was far more entertaining and engrossing. Perhaps it was ironic humor, that the seemingly most acceptable few original species on the planet were of the ape and the cat family. And so after creating a race of monsters that looked so much like the masters of old, they began to teach them the ancient ways of smithing, exploration and conquest, and of course who could forget the most ancient art of all, hunting. And after several hundred years of the tutorial of the last few remaining First Wyverns the Monster Hunters formed their own civilization to thrive. The Commission.

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Gunlance so you're not a faggot.

Get some cotton buds and clean your ears once in a while.

Think of powerguard as trading stamina and increased chip damage for heavily reduced knockback and the ability to redirect your lance's direction freely. You can also go straight into a lance charge from it I guess, but frankly I almost never start a charge from powerguard.

t.obvious newfag nigger
MHFU had the best overall soundtrack it's general knowledge

World is more fucked by a bad audio mix on the end product. Even on the lossless version of the OST rip you can hear static fade when the main percussion comes in.
Compare that to the 2018 MonHun Orchestral performances and it's night and day.
But people that complain about World don't actually have an ear for sounds so they don't notice when it's a technical fuck up rather than composition. Like the wavering audio levels on wind instruments.

Why the fuck would anyone ever use a Lance when Gunlance exists?
Gunlance has higher DPS, higher range, more burst damage, can wyvern fire wakeup and ignore weakpoints with shelling

Lance can counter. That's about it

Because gunlance users are liars. Lance outpaces gunlance in every field.

I like the mobility of Lance, the ability to mount easily, the pinpoint accuracy on monster parts, and it's just more fun, despite GunLance being conceptually cooler.

hi listfag

don't you ever fucking post to one with life ever again, i'll not have it tainted by your existence

lance is is faster, has a higher dps, can counter, has guard points, has built in guard+, and is much more mobile
Gunlance can.... explode?

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That's not Dos

There's more to life beyond exploding?

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No one played Dos. Hell, they haven't played 1 either. Otherwise they'd understand the World OST more. Dos proof of a hero is so comfy.
Niggas are out here saying XX has a good proof of a hero though so I don't know. They don't even post the bongo beat 2G proof of a hero that builds up into the big break that ends with the classic OG main theme so I really have to call them sus as fuck.

I like the idea of just parking in front of a monster and grinding its weakpoints down continuously without needing to perform fancy acrobatics or flashy nonsense. All of its attacks are 100% accessible with full capability at any given point since you don't need to build any meters or charge up attacks to whiff on big boy damage.

It's simple, but there's an honesty about it that I really enjoy.

>not tri/4 proof of a hero
Doesnt them all have a build up maybe except XX’s?

This build looks poorly equipped to deal with fires. I hope they are okay.

Attached: Capcom Headquarters Japan.png (1027x832, 1.49M)

No, however my preferred method of exploding is pic related

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>Espinas and the whole Frontier gang will be gone after december
I don't know why but i feel sad about it

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Tri doesn't use the classic version at any point. It uses its own arrangement of it for the whole thing.
4 starts out with the classic composition but the arrange is slightly different. It goes heavier on the brass and changed the harp and wind notes. Then it goes into the 4 unique arrangement.
2G does the bongo jungle beat then breaks straight into the original Proof of a Hero.

Is it really as bad in World as people say? I have the Paralysis one from Kulve and the idea of making a Para build for online play is pretty enticing.

Aisha best girl

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When I fought Hypnoc and Lavasioth, I was wowed by the novelty of fighting a Frontier monster for the first time.

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What are you talking about? barroth's switchaxe?
Taroth axe "paralysis" out classes it but needs free element to work

The fact that a side game nearly as old as the franchise itself, which most EOPs never really knew about in full, just disappearing is a strange feeling despite the circumstances.

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Why the fuck would anyone ever use Normal when Wide exists?
Wide has higher DPS against low HZV monsters, higher stagger, lower animation time, more combos, can do more damage with wyvern fire and retains sharpness with combos

Normal can burst fire. That's about it

Oh, by "it" I meant SAs in general. I heard they were one of the most underpowered weapon classes. Taroth Axe Paralysis is the one I have, I also have the Kjarr one but I heard it is worse and I'm not sure if they fixed Critical Status with the AT Nergi patch.

>Normal can burst fire
There you go.

Because it's fun.

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Yeah I hate white sharpness too

In general? no the weapon feels like the best it's ever been and they buffed it even more in IB
In comparison to other weapons? it's not the worst but it's not on the same level as LS or bow

Ok user.

>no wide 4 without gaudy gacha dragon

>still no iceborne pc release date
It hurts partner, it hurts

November 17th, check the twitter account

I want to believe you so bad

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I'm not falling for your shenanigans.

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>Glav cookie has the little cinders on its tail, which was not present in GU.
Iceborne Glav icon is completely different from Generations icon. It's not just the particles around the tail. And the newly revealed Acidic Glavenus sports the same icon design as the cookie, just a different tail.

Attached: MHGen-Glavenus_Icon.png (72x72, 1K)


He's the next tease.

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If there were a proper Metroid collab you'd probably hunt actual Metroids.
>Infants and Alphas appear as small monsters
>Gammas are large monsters that won't stop running away from you
>Zetas are like Tobi Kadachi or Nargacuga on crack
>Omega is on par with Deviljho
>Queen is a siege fight
I really wish these kinds of collabs had been a thing while the series was still on Nintendo consoles because stuff like this would've been amazing.

Do any AT other than nerg give titles/ guild card things?

He's a tease alright.

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the Metroid event in 4U was hilarious though
>an assload of nercy that were tiny and died in like 3 hits

Blame COG, the Chinese, and the people who played Frontier.
They hated mainline and didn't want to let even old Frontier content be introduced into mainline. Meanwhile they kept getting to add new areas and monsters from mainline. If Frontier wasn't closing they'd probably get Nergigante and then make some insane edgelord hyper rare disaster quest version with rainbow spikes that turn blood red and shoot lasers when he slams.

Don't think so. You usually unlock monster specific titles by just hunting a certain number of them.
But as far as event quests go Extremoth and Ancient Leshen unlock new titles I believe.

It literally has the Zin, Tigrex, and Velkhana icons that were dumped as well. Plus SDCC showed both Glav icons and it's the exact match for Glav's new icon.

I love these but some of them are way too lewd if you crop them

Attached: he's just eating pancakes you pervert.jpg (870x468, 48K)

>all flagships are in
>rathalos is in
>lagiacrus is in
>turf wars are in
You know it's going to happen.

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Someone should probably warn them about Listfag.

Nerg Sue is already a Frontier OC with his rainbow scales in AT form

Attached: MHW-Nergigante_Screenshot_013.jpg (1200x675, 192K)

>wyvern fire wakeup

But that's a waste of wakeups as the damage is split into three hits. A charged counter or, given the space, a charged rush deals more damage.

Monsties are very lewd!

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He'd never manage to roll his bulk out of the house.

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They'll be okay, they have Cool Drinks.

Listfag is at it again.

what's happening to our guy rathalos here???

It's not their choice man

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>"Taihen desu, Ryozo-sama!"
>"A 41 year old gaijin named Risuto Faggu is about to start a fire in your HQ!"
>"Quick, evacuate the building!"

He's losing the turf war.

I read that as Risotto Fag

Why is this nigger so ugly?

Maybe we're the real lewdfags? No, it's clearly the monsties.

Attached: CH7lNYVUsAAgkPc.jpg (1200x754, 83K)

What would you consider to be an average AT Nergi kill time? I’m improving each time but damn it sure seems like a long fight.

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Man, this shader (or whatever it is) would work perfectly for the sheen on bug monsters' carapaces. Shame World didn't get any.

15~ minutes

>Breaking news from Osaka Japan
>A building belonging to Capcom game corporation has been destroyed by fire.
>Police have confirmed that the cause of the fire was arson.
>They've released an image of the suspect - a foreigner named Risotto Fagguo

Attached: risotto attacks capcom headquarter.png (1000x667, 1.14M)

Including shitters?

Flavortown is cancelled.

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paw pads

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Yeah it's obviously them.

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Room for improvement. Back to the grind mines.

Can shitters even kill him?

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I like him but he's too bara for my tastes, I'd prefer something more like Mizutsune.

Lagiacrus showing Rath whos the boss of this area

Change host hr range in search options,
and switch on option to search if out on quest.
Hr1-3 is low rank; hr4-7 is high; hr7-12 is G;
hr13-99 advanced G; hr100-999 is endgame.
The game defaults search range to your hr (1).

Change it to hr1minimum-hr999highest.

These image sets have turned Zinogre into a lewd sissy bitch for me. I can't take him seriously.

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Of course. Why wouldn't they? MH is a casual series, intended for people to have fun, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Only the worst kind of shitters thinks MH is serious business - elitist shitters.


More like メスだよ!

I don’t know, he just seems like he could wipe the floor with clueless people pretty quickly is all. I’ve seen people give up on regular temp Kirin, I feel like that’s more my idea of a shitter who wouldn’t have a good time with this big idiot and his quick slams. However I do not disagree with your opinion of the series.

I've always seen him that way honestly.

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He only has like two attacks that can actually oneshot. And with 3 other people around, all you have to do to eventually clear the quest is to heal before the AI switches back to you again.

>Zinogre's easily avoidable huffy shocky paw slams

You were never supposed to, user.

Issues come into play once he starts mixing that flying paw slam into his moveset where he can confirm that shit from even something as minor as colliding with his hitbox as he moves.

Do you anons think this is like the Orks, where if enough of us believe Zinogre is a sissy slut reality will bend to our thinking?

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That’s fair.

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I think I understand the japanese love for him now. Isn't he the most popular over there? I swear I've read that.

We won't know until we try our hardest

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You can iframe roll it without any evasion skills, if you time it right. Also, you can even just walk away from it, provided you're walking in the right direction, since the slam has very poor tracking. Also, you can anticipate it coming, because I believe he doesn't just use it whenever, but only after certain other moves. Like the jump he often does, which trips you, but usually he doesn't follow up with anything, when AT often chains the slam after it. Or after the double swipe attack, etc.

They will get neutered in World.

Shaggy is a fat fuck who needs to put down the chips so he'll be in shape for Iceborne !

Yeah, they love him over there, with Nargacuga being the second most popular.
Bubble fox overtook him in popularity when Gen first came out but now he's like the 3rd place.

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Talkin’ shit online huh. Just you wait.

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glav looks a bit... slow-motion. but I have to admit the curved katana-mode tail looks kino

>Frontier didn't get tainted by World
Maybe it closing down isn't so bad afterall...

>Yeah, they love him over there, with Nargacuga being the second most popular.
Wasn't it the other way around?

Fuck off listfag

They probably flip flops
imo medium sized fast monsters are always seem to be fan favorites

>they love him over there
We love him over here too. Zin is probably the most popular monster among the fans. Unfortunately not among the devs though. Fuck Raths.

Nah, it's Zinogre in first with Narga on second.
I think it has to do with P3rd being the best selling game over there, same reason Amatsu is really popular despite the fact that it has barely showed up ever since.

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>/mhg/ discord faggots spam their meme here too

>Anyone who criticizes a thing I like must be [name] boogeyman
Fuck off, James.

Nice try listfag.

You too, James.

You're so fucking obvious, your posting style might as well be a trip code

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Imagine being this paranoid, yikes.

>can't decide whether to use free gender change or not
>want to play female for the lewd
>but am male irl
What should I do, Yea Forums?

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Dalamadur is a tier higher than Black Dragon's though.

Play the one think looks better in the most armor.

I'm most excited for this armor.

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Then become what you must.

imagine shitposting in every MH thread on Yea Forums and /vg/ for a 2 and a half years hopelessly trying to lower thread quality...oh wait, you don't have to imagine that lol

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No he isn't. The Black Dragons are the highest tier in Monster Hunter lore.

leaked Nergigante and Valfalk turf war

More like highest tier in Monster Hunter fanfics.

>the designation that Fatalis has had since the first game is a fanfic
>a designation that Dalamadur was never given

I wish, probably impossible though

>the designation
What designation?

Close to 1k uses with SA what weapon should I pick next was thinking hammer for those stuns anyone wanna give me a quick run down on some verity

It was literally used in the first monster hunter game for the online quest that you hunt Fatalis. It's been his designation since then. All the Black Dragons have had it. That's also why every Black Dragon has ? icon instead of a normal monster icon.

This is why your psychiatrist prescribed you those pills.

Where did you find these cute pictures of me btw?

>highest tier
Well okay. It's pretty vague though, and is just a silly title the Guild came up with at the time. Doesn't mean Fatty is "the strongest". All that fluff found on its item descriptions about how their weapons can bring about the end of the world and whatnot is found on pretty much every elder's items.

>the Chinese

You mean Tencent falling out with Capcom?

With a team of SA, you can have a fivesome with the monster.

>listening to BING BING WAHHOOS

depends, what do you look for in a weapon?

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Rate Iceborne's roster.

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>friend get me into MHW
>teach me some basic as he had 30 hours in
>a week later I i'm 100 hours and finished the game while he is still at the Pink rathian mission
I hope he won't drop the game, I'm getting addicted to this shit

COG as a whole are seemingly dead, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the Frontier lads started making it into mainline starting in the next game. There’s some good ones in the bunch, but also some redundant ones. I don’t think there’s any real reason to bring back Abiorugu while Glavenus exists for example (though I wouldn’t object to them making Giaorugu its own thing), or Hyujikiki while Seregios exists. We can only hope that the cream-of-the-crop Frontier boys can make it.

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Tower is in

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The Fatalis weapons don't say that though, and neither does the armor. All the Fatalis equipment talks about how it eats despair, can't be broken, feels like it's alive, drives the people that use it insane, makes hunters feel like an outside force is possessing them, makes everything around hear screams from the abyss, etc. Even the armor says that it drives the wearers mad and may even turn them into monsters.
Even the sword that you can mine in 2nd gen regenerates and is said to still be living.
All the old hunter manuals that talk about Fatalis even talk about how all living things fear Fatalis.


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>Jade Barroth
>ice Beetlejuice
>Brachydios logo adopts the 3U style

Okay, I'll bite. How many hours in photoshop?

>Tower is in
So what will be the lucky monster that gets a Rare Species added in Iceborne?

The way the Pokke part was inserted breaks up the flow of the track badly, as does the bass part about a minute in. They're just completely unnecessary additions that spoil would have otherwise been a pretty good arrangement.
Of course World seems to have a problem with this in returning monster themes in general, they did the same thing with Deviljho and Tigrex's themes to name a couple of other examples.

>Iceborne unveils a secret fallen tower hidden in the ice
>fight a White Fatalis there
>come back to it for a special event quest under the moonlight
>get to the top
>see a shadow flying above that eclipses the moon before it lands
>red of flame highlights the face
>"Abandon all delusions of Control."

>ice Beetlejuice
It's pink. Could be a poison sub-species. Imagine if every scale explosion inflicted deadly poison.

Bazel, Gogmazios edition.

That's an interesting idea.
>exploding pools you get stuck in and can't roll out without sticky negation skill

>get stuck in oil
>scale next to you explodes
>scales deal fire damage

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According to the final MHGU poll, the top 10 most popular are;

1. Zinogre
2. Nargacuga
3. Mizutsune
4. Glavenus
5. Valstrax
6&7(tied). Rathalos and Lao Shan Lung
8&9(tied). Ahtal Ka and Tigrex
10. Deviljho

>pre world polls

Nergigante is the most popular monster by far. Deal with it, bingniggers.

Landing that counter is SO fucking satisfying holy shit.

>not any track from the psp

>>>>>PSP monhun


>Lao-Shan aka fatass is popular enough to tie with Rathalos

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How come Rathalos and Rathian get the only good looking weapons in the game?

Male armors are infinitely better looking in World, we went over this many times during launch. So many of the female designs are just bikinis with spikes.

It's a GUsperm poll and most likely their first MH game ever, so they're all naming the monsters from that game, in which Lao makes his triumphant return as a punching bag.

15 years of modeling the same shit in every single game

All that shit is literally just a bunch of myths. You, the player, don't need to believe in it

These threads have getting way more comfy lately. I feel kinda bad to be a worldbab and not having gotten the chance to play any other MonHun previously, some of the other monsters look amazing. I'm glad someone memed me with the whole "if you like Dark Souls you'll like this", they aren't very much alike if at all but I'm glad I decided to give the series a try.

The Nintendies were persistent but they don't care about World anymore.

Does he deserve his spot at the top?

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He’s not my favourite but I see why people like him so much, I guess he deserves it.

Give the old games a shot, pretty sure you'll like them.
He absolutely deserves it.

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>no Odogaron pet to keep in new hunter house

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>Baazel Blanco Ultra Instinto

I've got nothing else, I just want to post cute and lewd Zinogre.

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No reason you can’t work your way backward. Unfortunately you miss out on some novel experiences like Minegarde and Loc Lac, but the G/Ultimate version of any given MH will give you a pretty damn good experience of their respective generation. Might even find some anons to play some of them with you since netplay works for all the PSP games and 3U servers are still up.

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Heads up, "he" is now active on /mhg/ so exercise caution when making new threads here.

Well you're not the only one.

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A nice ending to the thread.

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Can we please rangeban the provinces of both Listfag? How about Tharjafag for good measure?

Should I bother with the HD texture pack if my game doesnt run that well to begin with? It mostly just maxes out my old cpu, but I have 8gb of vram so I technically should be able to use the hd textures. Maybe I should try the low settings + reshade stuff.

I'm genuinely the icon leaker-kun.
Yes the icons I got are in alphabetical order because that's how windows sorts them out. But I only got those 3 as a batch so don't discount any other monsters just because I didn't get them.

>I'm genuinely the icon leaker-kun.

I can use the high res texture pack with just 3gb vram, granted I have really good system memory.
With 8gb you're more than fine.

See you around fellow Zinogrebro.
i have to get up in an hour to do some shit but i spent the whole night on this thread

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I'll give it a shot. I only get like 45fps in hunts which is just barely passable for me. If the performance gets any worse I'll just turn it off I guess.

>Use Japanese VA
>Never noticed until now that Handler says "Yeet!" after you eat

I play at 30fps on PC, but the QoL changes and full transmog PC brings blows console versions out of the water

How about REAL Jho sub?

Not him but I'll miss you, take care user.

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Even if I don't believe you, it's still such a reasonable assumption that the leaker didn't get any other icons since they obviously would have leaked them too. Why only show those 3 and not Brachy or Acid Glav or something unless he only had access to those 3?

But it plays way clunkier and has a bunch of unneeded garbage thrown on top to make it not seem like a complete cashgrab rehash game. Also it looks awful because its just a port of a 3DS game with a higher resolution, and not to mention the styles and arts being unnecessary inclusions that, while interesting sounding, are anything but interesting and in most cases make every single fight a total joke.

>But it plays way clunkier
read: waaah I have to commit to my actions

No I mean clunkier. If I want a good Tri styled MH combat experience I'd play 4U some more, where you actually DO have to commit to your actions, where as Gen made some changes to some moves that made some weapons downright shit compared to 4U's rendition of them.

He's got a really shitty design but he's a fun fight so maybe.

>where as Gen made some changes to some moves that made some weapons downright shit compared to 4U's rendition of them.
why, because weapons like LS and SA are actually playable now and IG doesn't melt monsters in an instant?

Lmao, you do know hat Akantor and Ukanlos use to have ? Icons right?
The ? Icon just mean that the monster has never been fully identified.

Gen's SA might be top tier but it's a snoozefest to use.

just start a new save lmao
females characters are not worth it, usualyl have nothing against bikini armor but when I see shit like female anjanath armor compared to the god tier male version I'm really disapointed because female in big armor are cute

Cool, but you realize that Akantor and Ukanlos have had icons since P3rd right? All black dragons still use ? and still are classified as 第一級の危険モンスター.

>nerf weapons in Gen from 4U or remove some bits of their moveset all together
>at the same time add new things called styles and arts that make everything a fucking joke
>b-but you don't have to use them even though they melt monsters faster then any weapons could in 4U
>so now have the choice between OP styles and arts or going back to weapons that weren't hot garbage
4U was better then Generations could ever hope to be. I don't hate generations, but its easily the least enjoyable of the tri styled games, I'd say probably worse then Portable 3rd.

World has fuck all for bikini armor.
It's all just bulky shit save for a few exceptions like odogaron

And 4U's wasn't?