Games that take place in a setting like pic related

Games that take place in a setting like pic related.

Attached: city.jpg (450x600, 59K)

That's...a pretty generic request.
Manhunt, i suppose?

max payne


opening mission in FEAR

Dying light

Yeah probably fucked up a little bit.

Do you know any games similar to vampire the masquerade bloodlines or fallout new vegas? Like where you associate with a criminal underground and where you can persuade people into doing stuff for you. I've always thought that was really fun but there aren't many games that do that.

Streets of rage

literally looks like half the alleys in Division 2.

All Deus Ex games, especially the new ones have this feel. Prague was cool as fuck.

Fallout 4

That looks like the exact inspiration for the Detroit hub in Deus Ex Human Revolution

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Kingpin: Life Of Crime is what you're looking for

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Spider Man
Any Rockstar game
Deus Ex

Every GTA set in LC aka the best ones.

Re2make and vtmb are fucking masterpieces. I'm really looking forward to Re3 remake.

The Dishonored series.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution has secretly some of the best moody back alleys.

It's that the alley outside the pub from its always sunny

I haven't played VTMB but I can't wait to get around to it.
You're definitely right on Re2make, but I really wish it didn't feel like it had been cut so short.

theres a lot of that in infamous 1

The gameplay and combat is fucking terrible and it's unplayable without the unofficial patch.

But the story, dialogue and RPG elements are top notch. If you are able to ignore the shitty gameplay, you're gonna fucking love vtmb. I hope that they don't fuck up the sequel too much.

The City 17 levels in HL2

I want to know this too, the grungy urban decay aesthetic needs to make a comeback

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Spider-Man PS4

Looks straight out of Mafia.

Resident Evil 2


Division 1

The Division
Max Panye

the Division 2

Attached: Tom Clancy's The Division 2_20190722_015729.jpg (1920x1080, 689K)

Attached: Tom Clancy's The Division 2_20190722_020820.jpg (1920x1080, 515K)

Attached: Tom Clancy's The Division 2_20190722_021333.jpg (1920x1080, 510K)

Reminds me of kino Der toten

Outside part

Play Dishonored

Attached: dishonored.jpg (3840x2160, 1.93M)

was gonna say this. seconding dishonored.

also half life 2 perhaps