iNcontrol has died
INcontrol has died
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Oh shit I saw Geoff and I thought it was Geoff Keighly
Who dis dude
What the fuck this has got to be a hacked account
He used to be a SC2 pro then went on to commentating.
Yeah. I saw him like, two weeks ago on a podcast or something. And just like that.
He had a medical issue a couple weeks ago. Not sure if it's related
Thats fucking wild man what the fuck
I'm fucking shocked. I did not expect this.
Yeah. Not sure on the specifics.
I think he had a cyst removed in his leg which got infected.
Are you gonna cry?
Nah but its definitely crazy dude was just streaming like yesterday
Jesus dude this is hitting me harder than I thought I watched so much SC2 and a few days ago I just watched him start a DnD campaign literally like 3 days ago
They had his twitter ready to give the message and his dog is already taken care of.
Something very bad must have happened pretty quickly over the weekend and they knew it was coming.
I honestly couldn't imagine what it must feel like knowing you're going to die in just a couple days.
He was fat as fuck, no surprise that he died so early
But how the fuck do you die in fucking 24 hours from something you were at the doctor for like a week ago. What did they fucking miss
He wasn't THAT fat. And he works out so it's not like he was some morbidly obese dude.
He wouldn't have died from heart failure at 34
literally who
Damn, guy was a legend, I really enjoyed hearing his casting especially with 2gd. Wasn't he married to some model?
No one. Now go away
>gaming personalities continue to die from clots from daily streaming sessions
It's almost like you csnt make this a real career
He was so corny and unfunny when he tried to be a serious presenter but when he was just chilling with everyone on this christmas casts dude was entertaining as fuck
Is Starcraft the deadliest esport out there? They're all dying or something.
Please be safe Day[9]
>so it's not like he was some morbidly obese dude.
This is +34 BMI. That's severe obesity, homie.
Literally who
Doctors told him his artery wasn't in danger, it was.
guess he's not iNcontrol now lol
If you really think a good portion of that isn't muscle. Then I don't know what to tell you
wasn't he the guy who played that new mobile cnc game at ea's e3 conference that one year?
Yeah just found out.
I was re-reading the comments on the cooptional podcast when he last appeared, to see if he made any shitty arguments in the comment section, he made some dumb comments about epic, gog and steam. Then suddenly some "rest in peace" comments from just 4 minutes ago.
Pretty surprised honestly.
I watch the pylon show regularly and I think during the last one he had some surgery because they discovered something really bad, and he was exhausted because of it. I thought he was gonna be okay.
He was an asshole, and a disgusting shill and a blizzdrone at times. He was very funny though and I liked him enough.
I'll miss the guy. I guess no more pylon show.
rip vincent longborn
I really liked him on rollplay.
BMI is a shit metric for people who build muscle, he had a very healthy diet as of like 3-4 years ago.
Dude he's got plenty of muscle there. Whens the last time you saw an ACTUAL fat fuck
Literally who?
E CELEBRITIES are NOT Yea Forumsideogames nigger.
Nothing is guaranteed in life, there is no tomorrow, we can be here shit posting one minute & seizing up & our brains hemorrhaged out the next.
>I honestly couldn't imagine what it must feel like knowing you're going to die in just a couple days.
They told my cousin he had 6 months to live and he lasted another 3 years. Imagine that. All the while is organs were slowly liquefying with zero hope of getting better. The worst is that they refused to pay to send him to America for experimental treatment.
rip InCholesterol
>big fat deposits on his face
>big fat deposits even on his fingers
>"hurr durr he's not fat"
I don't know what to tell you either. Frame this post and reflect on it once it comes out that this was a weight related issue.
I got told I had 2 years to live, that was 23 years ago now. My gallbladder just liquified via necrosis last year though...
what in the fuck? he was doing starcraft stuff like last week
oh fuck this means that korea time is fucked, artosis won't feel like casting brood war tomorrow
He's typical "fat strong", that other user is probably fat & idolizes the dead guy.
>artosis won't feel like casting brood war tomorrow
Maybe they could put the carbot graphics on to put him in a more cheerful mood
And we're definitely gonna have some weird memorial stream
Is he the one who was married to Anna Robinson?
Poor Anna, shes been through a lot these past few months and now this
I think they divorced a while back
Yeah what the fuck, I literally JUST watched that vod, it's bizarre to think he's just gone now
no please get rid of day9 so his annoying fans will stop brigading every game he latches onto
"really sad for goff incontrol"
-Parting, korean sc2 pro
the failed pronounciation of Geoff is funny, he had a story about how people always got his name wrong in other countries when they had just read it.
Like if a cab was picking him up "Are you Goof?" and after a while he had just accepted it and started replying "Yes. Yes I am Goof."
Didn't Day9 exit the starcraft scene a while ago?
Honestly don't know what he's doing these days actually.
Lol so funny have some gold you fucking flaming cumbrained dyke
what? I had my gallbladder removed last year. If I eat peanut butter I piss bile out my ass
Magic the Gathering and Dota all day every day.
Day9 was so fucking boring I had no idea why people flock to that bum
So mad
You know I've got this morbid curiosity to see how people who's streaming reacted to the news
Oh my god! Where's the sticky?! We need a sticky for this!! MODS THIS IS AN E-CELEB BOARD AND THIS E-CELEB HAS DIED STICKY IT NOW!!!!!
Yeah I'm jumping around on sc2 streams atm to check, just click videos and the current one and move back a bit and you could probably get their first impressions
Back when he was big. There weren't many people in the scene. It honestly didn't that THAT much to make a name for yourself.
Guess he never got InControl of his weight.
post your 435 bench press then
Based retard
it's like people growing up watching some kids cartoon but glorify it when someone mentions it even though it's aged horribly
Get some TUDCA it helps.
Sooo....did he lose control?
Naeh we don't need a sticky you big baby, he was big in one dead game and relevant enough to talk about that he died, but not relevant like Sakura that he needs a sticky.
theres 100 million people fatter than him and older that arent dropping dead from heart attacks
Wow. Anyone remember the NASL?
Oh now American health care is good, huh Europoor?
a similiar kind of thing happened too me when I ate avocado. but I have eatan peanut butter aswell as other fats since then
my fuck that abdominal pain and the black as tar shits followed by pissing out my ass
i wish i looked like that at high BMI
Is getting your gallbladder removed a common thing or something?
Or is it just a coincidence a bunch of people in this thread doesn't have theirs anymore.
mine isnt removed, i just will never eat avocado again
This guy's an actual gaming figure and not just a toddler entertainer, though.
>Is getting your gallbladder removed a common thing or something?
Doctor said its more common in women. its genetic in my case. My father had his removed too. Ate pizza with sausages on it. 11 hours of non stop pain. Felt like someone trying to push a metal bar through my abdomen.
This is really crazy. I watched a lot of starcraft stuff in 2011, even though I never cared about the game or anything.
Is this what getting old is like? People just dropping dead like this?
lol get rekt
That feel when no more Rotti/Mr.Bitter casts...
BMI isn't actually affected that much by lean muscle mass, and there's two things to note in this case: 1, he doesn't have that much muscle to begin with (he's not V-shaped) and wouldn't significantly stray from BMI, and 2, he's still fat as fuck, just look at his spherical hands
now let's get more into the issue of BMI
>"Probably for 90% or 95% of the population, BMI is just fine as a general measure of obesity," says Richard L. Atkinson, MD, a researcher and editor of the International Journal of Obesity.
if you're a competitive athlete with high BMI, you might be one of those exceptional cases where the metric is completely off the mark. if you're a competitive gamer, go outside fatass, questionable metrics are not a valid excuse for your weight.
Usually people dont drop dead at 34
I still shout out the sound guy every time a tournament I'm watching has production issues
Damn. Did you think it was just food poisoning at first?
When did you decide to go to the hospital?
>he doesn't have that much muscle to begin with
Then explain how he can bench 435
So what killed him
Let me remember better times god damnit
died at 33 just like totalbiscuit. i haven't followed him or the SC scene in years but shit guys
I'm in Canada. It took me 2.5 years to get a family doctor. I got the pain episode one week before I was scheduled for my first meeting with him. Talked to him about it and started passing tests. Pure fucking luck kinda. The stars aligned.
looks like some kind of infection he had a month ago.
Fuck dude. Well at least you're alive now
I had my galbladder removed, no real problems over here. I'd have some IBS after eating and some heartburn issues, but I started taking something for heartburn and the IBS went away.
Galbladder attacks are the fucking worst. For me it felt like my stomach was wrapped tightly around a large rock, which also happened to be pressed up against my spine.
>he died so early! this was a total shock!
>btw he was obese, inactive, ate like shit, drank heavily, rode a motorcycle, and did recreational drugs... but this is a total shock!
every fuckin time.
Does anyone remember the old starcraft threads back in 2011/2012? I still have all the collages we used to make for MLG/NASL/all the tournaments in the Yea Forums threads on another computer.
Those were better times...
Yeah they did, I think she already remarried too.
Even then the very vast majority make it to their mid 40s before showing signs
Infected blood vessel leading to sepsis and multiple organ failure
staying up til 4am+ shitposting and watching the GSL were some of the best times of my life dude
i dont think you pronounce goff as goof tho
On Yea Forums you do
I remember using the free gom player and watching that shit at 480p at 3am with Yea Forums
I was still a dumb fucking teenager back in 2011.
These days I'm living in Seoul. A lot of days when GSL is on I still go and watch even if I haven't played the game in years just to relive Korea time a little bit.
>Well at least you're alive now
doctor told me I was lucky the stone was too big to get out of the gallbladder.. He also told me the shit could burst and fuck my shit up.
Yeah I got a bit of heart burn once in a while. Nothing bad. What small inconvenience I have after the surgery is better than dying.
Parting said "goff".
People in incontrols story apparently called him "Goof".
This is why smashfags need access to water so they dont fucking die while being in gas chamber
shoutout to my why foo.
totalbiscuit had weird young cancer, possibly a family thing but still super unlucky
incontrol had a history of infections and still ignored one until it was pushing him to a fever
press D to build a dark shrine in memory of incontrol
That was a different someone who died, goof.
Socialized medicine: not even once
I heard TB was shitting blood for a while before seeing a doctor because he was afraid of finding out he had cancer.
Yeah TB just got unlucky, but he did ignore symptoms (bloody stool) for over a year iirc
Fuck man, this came out of nowhere. I wasn't always his biggest fan, but I just can't imagine WCS events without him.
lol holy shit I remember that
>possibly a family
TB was had SHIT genetics. He was in his early 30s but looked like he was in his early 50s. I don't think he was unlucky, except for his genetics.
the real tragedy is not being able to eat peanut butter or pizza again
lmao i remember that picture
and there you have it, folks
what the fuck?
Good ol' GomTV
wait what
>e-celeb you don't know died thread
get them please
why couldnt superior european healthcare fix him?
peanut butter fucks my shit up to the point where I can't eat it but pizza is fine. You just get an urge to shit because your liver sends bile to digest the fat you're eating but all of it goes straight to your intestine. Human body is really fascinating.
>Socialized medicine: not even once
I didn't have to spend """"a single cent"""" for the surgery, any of the tests or doctor appointments. The 4 month wait for the surgery fucking sucked tho.
Was actually living in Korea back then so I’d watch them after work. Miss those days.
Based DTs
Gonna miss him
I had the same thought
>literally watched the first episode of his new D&D campaign this afternoon
what the actual fuck
Each country handle's it's own healthcare.
If there's no doctors/facilities to treat what ever you have, you gotta go to other countries.
You aren't covered in the other country's healthcare so you have to pay like an American hospital.
he was dead anyway. He was misdiagnosed and the cancer spread. We have a fucked up disease that only like 10 families have in Canada.
He tweeted about an abscess near his femoral artery a month ago but he said he was fine after receiving proper treatment at the hospital. Guessing something went wrong and it caused septic shock.
Literally who? Why the fuck are we having e-celeb threads?
Was it good to see Koibu and Incontrol back together again?
Haven't seen it yet.
Those were the days
I played brood war with that guy back in the day.
Unfortunately, he's in hell
Reminder to stretch your legs every hour when playing vidya so you don't die of DVT like iNcontrol.
>Unfortunately, he's in hell
Ah did he play protoss back then?
Last I saw him play broodwar he was playing zerg.
>The worst is that they refused to pay to send him to America for experimental treatment.
Well it's likely they couldn't afford it since an experimental treatment in America without insurance would probably cost in the millions of dollars
there wasn't much interaction between the two of them because the leader of the party was someone new to D&D so most of the episode was getting them used to the environment and stuff, and Incontrol was rather quiet for the majority of it.
wasnt it tuesday? or am i fucking up timezones
>didn't even have a gut
Next time I'm back home I'll try to find my old hard drive and post a thread with all the pictures. I must have had thousands in my sc2 folder.
a lot of us are probably in more danger. every day is a roll of the dice
m8 you what? incontrol hit the gym often
Literally who?
>mfw literally gambling my life away each die i sit for 10 hours on a desk
He is at least 300 lbs minimum you fucking moron
>8 hours at work
>come home
>sit another 6 hours at the computer
He played everything
This shit is serious. If your body says "get up and move around" you better fucking do it.
Did he skip leg day
Ameriburgers consider this to be healthy weight
>Any country that isn't America is European
Fucking Burgers
Is this why Anna left him? Knew he was going to die?
No one is explicitly saying he's healthy.
But that's clearly not fat/out of shape enough for him to drop dead because of weight or cardiovascular issues
He most likely died from blood infection
Bold of you to assume I don't want to die
And the world keeps on spinnin'
Am I finally too old for Yea Forums? I'm just here wondering who the fuck he is and how anyone could care about some ecelebfag. Same with the dumb nigger who died.
I guess he's not in control now
He's literally morbidly obese. The normalization of obesity is actually so fucking hilarious. You are no longer considered overweight unless you need a scooter to get around.
>Unfortunately, he's in hell
Who knows? But yeah going to hell is the real death. We should care not about this life, but tje one after
gamer boys only last 406 months
>any country that isn't European is America
Fucking Anglos
wew ur just too edgy
Before your time zoomer. There is 99 other threads for you to choose, we don't care about you not caring about this thread.
>Am I finally too old for Yea Forums?
More like too young. Yea Forums has been making fun of burger man since the broodwar days.
66% of americans/yuros/aussies are obese
the criteria for obesity is too wide and obesity is only a problem when they look noticeably unhealthy while stuff like your knees hurting when you walk around is like par for course due to being huge
How old are you and when did you start browsing?
I'm 4 years before death(29 years old) and started browsing Yea Forums in 2005.
I've known about incontrol since like 2010 when sc2 launched.
I don't really care for sc2, but I care for broodwar so I still saw content with him regularly.
I have no idea who the evita guy was, but he was really famous it seems.
That's factually incorrect and is exactly what I am talking about. Yes, the more obese you are, the more you put yourself at risk, but you don't need to have a BMI of 40-50+ to be at risk. Also if that 66% figure is accurate that is probably for overweight, not obese.
I should stop being a cheapass and just buy an uplift desk.
I've been meaning to for a while now
>not dorito pope
Literally who from whoville?
i guess you could say his weight was...
ouTofcontrol haha
i can't believe the world champion of CnC rivals died. this is fucked
If you want to die, you probably don't want to do it that painfully.
American doctors tell all their patients this to cover their asses from the malpractice lawyers.
shut up Grack
lol fuck you for reminding me of what ea has done
>not getting in on some inheritance
bad play imo
if he had surgery the surgery site could have gotten infected and he could have died of sepsis which can kill you pretty quickly
its greg
when does my body do this? can i record it and have it played back to me?
I feel like doctors just tell you the worst case scenario right off the bat so you don’t get your hopes to high. A doctor once told me that I could have cancer and it turned out to be nothing. I feel like that old doctor meme where they are like “I don’t know how to tell you this. But...” is mostly bullshit. Every time I see a doctor they go straight for the cancer or the it’s probably AIDS or some next level shit. Like how many times have you heard of a person having a short amount of time to live and they live on for a few more years? Or doctors told X person they’d never walk again but they do.
He was literally a powerlifter. There's a world of difference between some fat sack of shit who is obese sitting around at 45% body fat and incontrol who literally bench pressed 435.
>I feel like
stopped reading right there
Do you really not get the impulse to stand up every few hours? I'm a lazy slob, but even I notice when I need to stretch for a while.
Did he ever win a SC2 tournament?
I miss all the Incontrol fat memes
i work on my feet all day so i guess not
Put a timer on your computer for every 90s minutes.
When the timer pops. Get up and move around for 5-10 minutes.
You can also use a sit/stand desk.
Basically you spend an hour sitting, then spend an hour standing.
You also quit a few calories standing compared to sitting. I think it's somewhere like 250-500 calories a day in difference.
Yes, powerlifting is significantly more dangerous
I don't know if I should delete my folder in his memory or keep it.
It was a good day when /vg/ got rid of you faggots.
just looks at those names is bringing back all sorts of memories
Yeah Yea Forums sure is great these days, definitely was a huge turning point for the board
What the hell. That couldn't have been more unexpected.
He was my favorite SC2 caster, too. Fantastic sense of humor.
Fuck off retard
dead just like starcraft
feels bad man
oh man now i get an excuse to post this again
Starcraft isn't dead. It's just not a powerhouse anymore.
You can still make a living being a starcraft pro.
esports are videogames
Is that idra?
What's that dude doing these days?
thanks for posting to this
it hurts man
He is a professional SJW on twitter.
Lmao CombatEx was such a retard but love seeing how excited he gets. Where's this guy now?
quit sc2, got fucking BUFF and majored in physics, currenly a masters or phd student I think
they did a reunion stream a year or two ago
>ywn relive destiny's banter and idra's rage again
Why is him losing to destiny extra funny? Was destiny shit or something I only remember that guy from the ddos saga where he was going to go on judge judy.
Why can't I have a scarlett bf bros
i remember watching this shit live man. rip incontrol
god the quality was so unbelievably shit but I fucking miss it, the preshow with all the kpop was really fun too
yeah, destiny was super shit.
State of the Dose reunion episode fucking when
at least it wasn't Destiny.
Anyone remember when 2GD shit all over Incontrol during their commentary back in like 2012?
Yeah, destiny was/is complete garbage.
Imagine minding your own business and trying to be healthy and eat well and exercise and then one day you just fucking die because your body decides to tap out on you for no reason and without warning and there's nothing modern medicine can do for you. Why the fuck even bother?
>at least it wasn't
They key to watching that low quality shit was to sit like 10 feet away from your computer.
god i wish i was here during 2011-2012
I used to create the chatrooms on the gom website and act like i was a staff member
damn he was young, I always enjoyed his sc2 commentary.
Destiny wasn't even a "pro"
He was just a streamer that played competitively very briefly
he did have that brief run of success where he figured out infestors were OP and embraced making a shitton of them before anyone else. then people caught on and they got nerfed anyway
I heard Destiny only eats unhealthy fried food. He could die of colorectal cancer just like TB did
I have a bad feeling about 2020
>That feel when The True Dong won Code S
He was doing roids probably. Only junkies and roidheads have this happen.
apparently incontrol is in this but JP is such a fucking faggot
is it worth the watch? kind of interested in 40k
Destiny was the most vile, low-down breed of creature: a patchzerg
Yea Forums was certainly a lot less angry back then
>tfw state of the dose broke 100 viewers that one time
back when we the /scv/ees were kings...
I guess that screen shot from a lot time ago was right, he really wasnt in control of his weight.
Any Koreans wanna 1v1?
>where he figured out infestors were OP
That was Catz that found that out. Destiny was a player on Catz's team (ROOT GAMING) at the time.
if only..
Because assuming he wasn't bangin the roids, there's no way you can assume something like that will happen when you're in your early 30's. You should do what you want to do and enjoy life.
oh right right. these are all vague memories at this point lol
If you have accomplished nothing of worth in your life at this point, it's time to stop pretending you still have most of your best years ahead of you.
>idra swole as fuck in the background
How does this happen? Like how does an abscess get that large, become infected, go untreated over MULTIPLE hospital trips, and kill an otherwise healthy 34 year old man?
>espn threads should be banned from Yea Forums
fuck off zoomer
Better question is what value did his life have?
He wasted it on video games and encouraging other people to waste their lives on video games
Reminds me of how that fast and furious actor died in a car fire from some dude taking him around and showing off
>mfw incontrol threads turn into /scv/
>being a over 300lb weightlifter
>"trying to stay healthy"
Take a look at any old people past the age of 70. The healthy ones are all well under 200LB's and the ones over 200LB are on their last limb in mobility scooters. Nobody should be over 200LB, it's detrimental to your health and weightlifting at over 300LB is horrible for your heart and arteries.
what was this krauts name again? played terran, right?
The fuck? This came out of fucking nowhere, the guy was fine last week.
>muh bmi
actual retard
Didn't he beat fucking Bomber during the height of the imbafestor shit? I know he took a game off him in one of TB's Shoutcraft tournaments, but I could've sworn there was a series Destiny managed to take against Bomber as well.
another literal who e-celeb faggot has died
who gives a shit
yes I consider 33 young, the US male life expectancy is 78.
33 is pretty young to suddenly die.
fuck kpop and fuck the kpopshitters like you who killed sc2g fucking plastic gook lover fuck you fuck off and go die!!!
How did this bitch become the queen of SC2? She's not even good
Having muscle doesn't excuse the fact that you are still an extremely fat motherfucker
i replied to a post that implied the girl has been on the scene for a long time
Damn, e-celebs dropping like flies, is this god's work?
>Nobody should be over 200LB, it's detrimental to your health and weightlifting at over 300LB is horrible for your heart and arteries.
[citation needed]
yeah, he was the quintessential patchzerg.
Sepsis kills you in 24 hours or less.
>Like how does an abscess get that large, become infected
They usually don't become infected unless you try and pop it and expose it to air. More likely is the puncture from the needle causing the infection. And the abscess. Which is why it's located on his femoral artery.
destiny beat all sorts of legitimately very good players by abusing infestors back in the day, the most high profile one being Bomber
Yeah that one was pretty good.
Because of TBs health problems they couldn't continue it as they planned to.
First time Silentosiris dm'ed, he's an alright dm, very expressive but way too much of a pushover. He's like a /pol/ parody of an effeminate sjw.
Swan Song that runs stars without numbers is pretty good too, but I think they treated silentosiris pretty badly, like geoff and jp are almost bullying him.
Swan Song is scifi, not 40k, but it might also interest you.
Who is she even?
fuck why couldn't it have been day9 instead
probably the breasts
Good riddance, stupid eceleb.
>fucking sick tvt yesterday but artosis wasn't there for it
>girl gamer and chinless retard saying stupid shit about armor mattering against +2 attack instead
So he likely tried to pop it himself?
Is it getting infected something you can prevent by using a clean needle and cleaning the area with alcohol or w.e.?
livibee, starcraft streamer famous for getting other people to play for her on her account
>refused to pay
>experimental treatment
That is like uhz totally fair faggot, dont let some snakeoil salesman steal ur commie health money idiot.
Am I the only one who sees those "Oh my god Geoff was such a good friend he will be missed" twitter posts as absolutely fake bullshit. Who the fuck hears that their friend is dead and rushed to tell their twitter followers
everyone else left
you can still lose weight, user. stop drinking soda (drink tea/coffee instead for your caffeine fix), start jogging, and start eating healthier food.
alrighty, cool user
reminder that Eve got fucking exposed
From what I've heard, he got an infection from an unsterile steroid needle.
He couldn't get admitted to ER within 24 hours?
Wasn't he in the hospital though? Could nobody save him with modern medicine?
They likely found out on twitter
apparently not
it physically hurt me to listen to that. why are you casting if both casters don't know shit?
I miss the sc2 generals where we discussed philosophy and the meaning of life..
No one. Now go away
just because you were admitted to the ER doesn't mean you're gonna make it
ikr, it's like they think they're public figures who must comment on it to everybody. Like if Kim Jong Un got sick, Trump would be obligated to go on Twitter and say "I hope you get well soon"
just sharing feelings user
i feel homeless on the internet without sc2 threads on Yea Forums
I know Cristina Vee found out and basically live tweeted her reaction to it, but then again she's basketcase, nice tits though
LITERALLY WHO? god fucking dammit eceleb board when?
edgy autistic faggot
kill yourself
People expect this sort of reaction from you when it happens. Anyone who mattered to him knew about this hours before they announced it on twitter.
It's not exactly like you know sepsis is there all the time. There's a good chance he was admitted when it was too late.
What happened to Stephano
Former SC2 commentator. He was a pro but he never won games or a tournament so it's hard to say "former pro." Was pretty big in the scene though.
how nu r u
Can somebody post incontrol's bulge? the infamous pocket rocket? does somebody still have that image?
going to med school, still plays and streams ladder.
sepsis kills plenty of people in ERs, it is super common actually now with antibiotic resistant bacteria everywhere (ESPECIALLY in hospitals, in fact)
can't wait to die from tooth decay some time in 2030 like I was some kind of medieval peasant
quit to go into med school, came back last year
Geoff had a full sleeve arm tattoo. Along with the powerlifting, seems like he was sick of the internet bullying him and went down a dark route.
an overweight pro Starcraft2 player who we made fun of for TEN YEARS for being fat and gluttony finally got the best of him. He had all this time to slim down.
now incontrolofhisweight, THAT was a good caster
fucking tourist zoomers whoing
This is the world you live in now. People discussing the passing of others and expressing their mourning through comments on social media, twitter and whatnot. Most of it reeks of fake sympathy for internet points but still
Does he still stream? I haven't seen him stream for years
lick my fucking dick zoomie. Sorry I'm not up on every queer that you find important
I guess he wasn't iNcontrol of his own life
I miss those days. The hype was real.
Does it matter? People die, so what?
>Artosis is fucking sleeping right now
Jesus fucking christ
Yeah the pylon show, so weird how he’s dead now. Especially when they talked about taking care of your health as a streamer
>tfw zenexfeedme became my username in every online game since
Reminder that only fat people played protoss
yeah, I think he changed his channel. he goes by gostephano now.
Haven't watched starcraft in years but I'll never forget the magic of GSL and shitposting in the threads in 2010 and 2011. Even though the game wasn't that great you couldn't ask for better entertainment. Godspeed, buddy.
Isn't it like 12pm in Korea?
Somebody probably called him
>totalbiscuit and incontrol are dead
>planetdesrow is still alive somehow
how did he do it bros
Besides all the kike edge comments, I loved this dude. The only funny dude in Starcraft. RIP
what value do most lives have? Like 99.99% of people that have ever lived or will ever live don't make a difference at all. I bet it's 100% for imageboard anons
the fuck?
what a sneaky bastard
Who can I bully now?
>incontrol dead and boogie is still alive
Why God?
i take back all the negative things i said about him
I guess not living in us of a helps
Protoss is for normalfags and bad players
Zerg is for degenerates
Terran is for actual intellectuals
he's in china for wcg I think
>don't make a difference at all
If you go full doctor manhattan and think about it on a galactic or universal scale, 100% of human lives are meaningless
Boogie is alive on the outside and dead on the inside, as is his fence sitting ways
There's still some comfy korea time threads but it's not the same. I hate this board more than I hate myself but I can't leave.
Not necessarily but the US siphons talent from across the world like no other nation. They have the most advanced facilities for the richest people.
Doesn't mean general healthcare is worth shit in america.
Protoss didn't ruin Totalbiscuit, World of Warcraft did
Him and Deezer playing 2v2's was the highlight of SC2
>Favorite casters
>4. Tasteless
>Worst casters
>5. Tasteless
What did they mean by this?
>was watching gomtv at 4am
>wasn't a 4channer back then
feels fucking bad
This. Fuck that manipulative melon. Can't believe I bought into his fake nice guy persona all these years.
inb4 husky released a 10 hour long dab of memorial for the both of them
>cad shirt
yeah nah he was already ruined
Save it.
It was a time when Yea Forums was only 80% shit.
if that's severe obesity then im literally dead.
he is that good
Holy shit bros I too got an abscess in my butt in May and even now I still don't feel 100% well. Am I gonna die? I went to the doctor and got it drained and pumped up with antibiotics and all. But the place it was in my butt is still quite hard to the touch.
>geoff is so fat they had to get 3 slots to fit him in
>tasteless simultaneously one of the best and worst casters
the math checks out
What's he up to nowadays?
as a tranny chaser... oh god the things i'd do
stephano and huk was top tier bromance
Anyone remember that tripfag that trolled him at MLG by putting "InCholestorol" on his back?
Yeah. If you've got god tier health insurance or you're super rich. America is by and far the best country to be in terms of healthcare.
Are you 50 or some shit? This guy peaked like 10 years ago.
>she may die in your lifetime
how do I deal with this feel bros
>Favorite Teams
this really should be pinned
>tfw you got to know and enjoy gangnam style way before the mainstream picked up on it
>Back when Jinro was the foreign hope
Oh man.
>I watched every single gomtv tourney until the first expansion released
>3 days ago start to a new campaign
god damn
>terran master race
Not so fast
he's a university professor
>those forGG memes when he switched to SC2
>tfw smoke every 2 games
way ahead of you
>Favorite Teams
gods dont die they only grow stronger
Far more cringy caring about the death of some fat fuck that you don't even know.
statistically likely. don't get emotionally attached to people who don't have much to do with your life.
Simpler times then
reminder that some /vg/ee figured out a playlist hack for free hq gsl
Holy KEK I remember the legend!
oh shit i remember this
God I miss Idra
>be Day[9]
>abandon virgin Starcraft scene for Chad Hearthstone
>no disease in sight, making that sweet card game money
>be Tasteless
>smoke three packs a day for a decade
>abandon virgin starcraft to talk about fighting games on your podcast
>be absolutely fine
I think the Plott's are just superhuman
yeah, I remember that shit. didn't work on vods though, right?
Actually that isn't what happened. Basically she has pretty good mechanics and control and she had her boyfriend who is a top grand master pro tell her what to do at all times, what units to use etc. etc.
>benching burgers
Getting a PHD in physics while being fucking ripped. He is still a massive douchebag
>people dragging idra into chats he didn't want to be in
>it kept happening
reminder of the moment stracraft truly died
Litterally who?
He'll always be the King of Wings, and of my heart
>the MLG where they came out swinging with the blueflame hellion builds
>that insane air battle
utter kino
>be a fat fuck
>do powerlifting instead of aerobics or running
>americans think he was healthy
He was a ledge. Why'd he stop trolling MLG's?
I want to go back
how about gaming and streaming while standing up? or are people so fat that they think standing in place for an hour or several is too much work?
remember him punching that faggot? french canadians are something else man
>blizzard killed esports and we'll never get banter like this again
>incholesterol actually died
I'm going on diet starting tomorrow, it's still not late for me
reminder that life is a bonjwa and Mvp is not
I'm gonna go get on sc2 and do a dt rush in memoram
She is crying her eyes out in stream right now
Scar scar is not for lewd. She is for watching her play her game.
FUCk that tournament was insane
>strangers on internet using your death as an excuse to reminisce about completely unrelated things
reminder that Life was a match-fixing bitch and is in jail while MVP is not
burgers and fries
hes an awful caster with terrible game knowledge but he's decent at hyping shit and artosis covers for him
remember when incontrol and gretorp hosted nasl in some dudes basement
how can a team be in jail?
>that mlg where boxer floated his starting CC to the gold in the middle of metalopolis vs idra and won
>only fat foreigner terran literally played in proleague
Why did Jammku have to go and die? :((((
it would've been fine if life continued to be a bonjwa. starcraft truly died when it was a filthy matchfixer
>clide's dirty cash.jpg
Blizzard literally made post 2010 esports by pumping money in SC2 by proxy (GomTV) making Riot jealous which resulted in them turning all the LoL kids to esports and here we are now. Too bad Bllizard sucks at management.
I'd rush her spawning pool if you get my drift
their brotherly bond holds them together
pretty sure day[9] plays magic and dota nowadays though
this. It was like, damn what an awesome song. He'll get a couple music show wins.
Hot bara body
sc2g was the glory years of Yea Forums you nigger
This was the only time in the history of SC2 that I was excited about it. The "2 Base" season 1 maps, Ready To Roar, all of the American/Canadian players, and being there with Artosis/Tasteless and Day9 trying to figure it all out.
Why not go to the dentist?
Guess he wasn’t in control of his health
Why did it take so long for such a based post? Yea Forums is dead
let them feel the power of the 5% winrate build
>his 4th GSL title against Squirtle
that shit is forever imprinted into my mind as the most hype moment I have ever witnessed in the history of competitive video games. He fuckin 2 raxed on the FINAL GAME, Squirtle HELD it, and then he still won somehow. Mvp was a fucking animal.
I miss sc2, bros
ww@ MvpBros
holy shit
take me back
Does Nick still have that sexy raspy voice?
i had to close the second i saw it
Husky didnt even care when TB died.
You just KNOW
>tfw you can never go back
Who? And good riddance.
You can also eat perfectly,exercise,have an amazing body,and drop dead at any moment due to cardiac arrest or aneurysm.
Life is a gamble yo... some people are given amazing genes and some aren't.
>We wuz powerlifters n shieet
So? that still doesnt mean he didnt lose weight.
To gain muscle in general, you need a lot of calories and protein in-take, and excercising specific muscles and periodically resting to help out with exercising more muscles for your work out. That doesnt remove body fat. It does make you have stronger muscles, but it doesnt remove body fat.
To remove body fat, you need something like cardio, running on a treadmill, for literally over an hour. It needs to be an hour of constantly walking/jogging in order for your body to start actively breaking down your fat and you start losing weight. After that hour mark, you are actually losing weight very slowly because your body has started breaking down the fats.
And its very clearly that he didnt do cardio.
jammku was a weird autist
fucked up teeth too
Plus they have good chemistry. Some of the newer casters are pretty okay with artosis though, since he puts genuine effort into meshing with his co-casters, and can cover any lack of ingame knowledge.
To be honest? Yeah.
We haven't had an SC2 thread where we can go back and reminisce.
Please let it happen now
Infectious enthusiasm. It really works for some people.
This logic fails because there are over 500 million people older, fatter, less fit etc than him and they are not dying. Please explain this. Your logic is that he hit a level where anyone would naturally die from that but no one else does, so your logic is shit.
Thanks OP! Another word added to my filters!
Also not a video games thread, fuck off
Could his death revive SC2?
think i'm gonna hit that button, bros
Not reading all that boring trash
Naniwa was really something else. We'll never see a beast of his breed again, I fear
thinking about all the things sc2g pionereed. know this "the boys" meme lately? we were doing it in 2013
it took way too long for the game to find itself
if they released legacy of the void back then instead of wol I think sc2 would still be popular today
God I hate Korea military service, killed the game
building muscle isnt the same as losing weight.
You can build muscle and not lose weight at all.
In fact you are prone to gain weight while gaining muscle. Cardio is the main thing that helps with weight control but doing that curbs into your gains which is why not many bodybuilders actually do cardio. many just end up controlling their calorie intake and exercise more in an effort to prevent themselves from having to take up cardio.
Any Marineking autists here
>tfw he never got his gsl win
I miss SC2
I miss competitive pvp
I miss practicing for hours a day
I miss enjoying being alive
Best SC2 moment was Haypro's run through MLG when he beat Nestea I think it was Nestea
Kennigit showing him the thread and all of us cheering him on, good times
this almost made me forget how nervous i am to ask this girl out
may geoff give me strength
what happened to this guy? artosis kept hyping him up but he never went anywhere. I heard he went to korea but gave up after a few months.
SC2 Yea Forums and early /vg/ were the best days the two boards ever saw
right here bro
honestly, controlling calories is way easier than doing cardio for some people. it's a perfectly legitimate way to do it. though if you're not looking to be swole as fuck you should just nut up and run.
LOL did the guy posting this leave the thread after embarrassing himself?
boogie is fucking 40 or some shit and his BMI is 70+ please stop being retarded
This hits me harder than any other personality dying. He was such a chill dude like wtf
>created /vg/
>all sorts of general thread meta
>can't delete your own threads anymore
>based spam
Truly the most influential aka cancer group of people on Yea Forums
Isn't this that faggot that got butthurt that Larva trolled Legend by playing with his feet?
>deleting your own thread in the middle of a bunch of shitposting
God have mercy on his soul. He's got a rough time ahead.
Now that that is out of the way OP this nigger shit isn't video games.
yeah i went once
>decide to stop being a basement dweller
>go to a barcraft
>have a few beers
>mood is lightening up
>suddenly someone starts yelling
>what is going on
>realise im at the snibbles saloon
>every tv switches to snibbles
>realise everyone is wearing a headcam
>snibbles gets demoted to gold
>everyone is crying
>bar closes early
>Mother's against Autism are handing out folders by the exit
>Day9 calls it the best Barcraft yet
SC2 gens were so active during GOM time
He advanced to the Ro16 this season of GSL. He goes by Special now, which is another entry on the incredibly long list of names he uses.
not to mention the massive irony. the intentional spelling mistakes. replying with @. god, those were the times boys. we were there
and phoneposting
Buckle up
he made it out of the first group stage for the current code S season. he's legitimately good when he doesn't choke on his own fat.
the one of many
fookin legend
what was it about sc2 that attracted such a special brand of autism
can't imagine being american and getting this news
did EG even have health insurance
/we/ truly did run this shit
based mewbert
American health care is great user, everyone knows that. It's the way you access American health care that's fucked beyond belief.
Looked it up, yeah he is. Good riddance what a pussy.
literally stole all my cheese strats from CombatEx
Make another thread
based whitera
you might be dumb?
remember revival?
was funny before he became kid friendly
Will miss him for his antics in the early days of SC2. There was some thread on TL yesterday that said he died from a new account so I wonder if there was someone in his family or personal circle who heard and broke it early.
Yep. Dont know why many people on this thread think that "More muscle = Better fitness".
You can be as muscular as Rocky or Hulk Hogan but still be unhealthy as fuck if all you eat is Mcdonalds, drink soda all day, and only drink water once a week.
The game can only be played if you have that kind of autism. I think all Blizzard games sc2 and earlier required their own kinds of autisms.
nony sucks desu
make a new thread you fucking retards
it was a different time
>How many people get sepsis?
>Severe sepsis strikes more than a million Americans every year, and 15 to 30 percent of those people die. The number of sepsis cases per year has been on the rise in the United States. This is likely due to several factors:
>There is increased awareness and tracking of sepsis.
>People with chronic diseases are living longer, and the average age in the United States is increasing.
Sepsis is more common and more dangerous in the elderly and in those with chronic diseases.
>Some infections can no longer be cured with antibiotic drugs. Such antibiotic-resistant infections can
lead to sepsis.
>Medical advances have made organ transplant operations more common . People are at higher risk
for sepsis if they have had an organ transplant or have undergone any other procedure that requires
the use of medications to suppress the immune system
Also sepsis is 30x more common in those over 85 and 16x more common in those 75-84 compared to those under 65
He's not wrong is the thing. That is an unhealthy weight regardless of the amount of muscles he has.
More muscles does not equal Better fitness or better health.
There's only room for 1.
Do roid users inject directly into their femoral artery ? wtf
that's what it looked like the last time i played the game
get a load of this guy
I just got PTSD from that find match button
stop it hurts bros...
what does it look like now?
fuck you, nony is based and depressionpilled.
easiest place to inject while hiding it.
>run more than 1 hour every time you work out TO START LOSING WEIGHT
nigga, how about you go on a (low carb) diet, do moderate cardio and weights to maintain as much muscle as possible while losing fat, doing hour long sets on a threadmill just to lose a little weight is fucking dumb
you'll also ruin your knees and ankles by running for hours on end like a retard while being a fatass
>tfw secretly staying up all night as a kid watching clan wars with geoff and tb
nooo he's a treasure..
I'm in the US. I've been waiting to have an infected tooth removed for 2 years. When they finally let me, they will still charge me 2 grand
>secretly staying up to watch those redbull "tournaments"
We're never gonna be able to go back fa'm
if you're fat as fuck, a low carb diet will help a lot more than running, yeah.
I'm talking about normal people though. A diet wont help most normal people, running would help them more to lose weight than a diet.
Anyone have any recommendations for standing desks
I unironically made this image wow I'm surprised such a shit picture got saved
they're literally laughing at his death wtf
Did he get paid to play SC2?
He was Passionless during those days. He's been improving though, you can really tell during the Brood War streams.
did tyler ever sudoku?
I made that one though
HOTS was an all time passion low for tasteless. you could really tell that swarmhosts were sucking the life out of him