>best game of the generation is a Sony exclusive
What now haters?
Best game of the generation is a Sony exclusive
Cope more
Even the most fanatical Zelda fans can see this one of the worst Zeldas.
>best game of the generation struggles to hit and maintain 30 FPS
>even at 30fps it btfo any modern PC game
Really makes you think.
It's not even the best game of 2015
Cope more contrarians, once Bloodborne makes this exclusive club you can talk about it being a good game
God, if only Bloodborne let you stock up on infinity healing items, it could've been so much better.
keep crying cuckfags
I try to replay BB maybe once every year and have to immediately quit because of the sub 30 fps
>using vydia journalism as argument
>no ape escape 4
It's your loss.
>30 FPS with drops and bad framepacing
>obnoxious chromatic aberration
>poorly paced weapons, too few in the base game and too many locked behind the DLC
>second half drops any pretense of world design and becomes a warp-fest.
>bosses are generally weaker than Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro (especially in the base game)
>weak plot/scenario (note: not the same thing as lore)
>non-boss hunters are poorly designed
>paid online
>blood vials
>parrying is too easy
>gems are boring
>the vestigial Souls RPG elements like stat allocation, resistances, durability, etc feel tacked on
etc etc
It's a good game but not a masterpiece.
> Bbbbut it doesn't count
> Journalism doesn't matter
> Opinions from actual gamers doesn't matter
> Only my opinion matters & is to be taken as a objective fact
The absolute state of Soulsfags
Is it? It doesn't seem like it is
Go back to your CS:GO and Dota at 200 fps PC cuck, it's what you deserve.
>not even the best game of 2015
lmao delusional soulcucks
Wow, it's almost like any game sounds bad if you nitpick.
Why is it soulsfags can only rely on Buzzwords, gatekeeping about "Difficulty" for their arguments & claiming nothing but their opinion matters, despite not even explaining in depth why they think their game is good?
All of those are legimate flaws, this is the problem with Soulsfags. You can give negative arguments about why it sucks because they will cry that it "Doesn't count"
It's not even the best switch game
Yep, I love the game and I agree with you (except I disagree about the weapons, here I think it’s definitely a case of quality over quantity). It’s just about how much those flaws impact your experience. For me they’re not too much of a big deal that I can overlook them, for others it might not be the case. However, you can’t simply deny those issues exist.
The superior Playstation exclusive Fromsoft game
For the sake of been contrarian, deep inside they know soul games are trash.
I'm fine with that. Gravity Rush 2 was pretty great.
>However, you can’t simply deny those issues exist
Oh really? Fuck off fag
>obnoxious chromatic aberration
I like it, how is that an "issue"? It's not an issue at all for me.
>non-boss hunters are poorly designed
Don't even know what he means by "poorly designed".
>paid online
Might as well add "you have to pay for the game" as a flaw
>the vestigial Souls RPG elements like stat allocation, resistances, durability, etc feel tacked on
Wow, such flaws wow. Kill yourself.
Objectively wrong
Cry me a river faggot. "Boo hoo I can't play a game if it's 30 fps, don't be mean to me". How about you stop being a subhuman?
It's among the best games of all time too.
>all the bing wohoo shit
You never played DeS, shut your idiot zoomer mouth
1. Demon's Souls
2. Dark Souls
3. Sekiro
4. Bloodborne
5. Dark Souls 3
6. Dark Souls 2
You’re right. Only the opinions of e-celebs matter.
Ahh sheeeet yah boi! My favorite internet friends whom I pretend to be personally aquatinted with!
Maybe 3 of these games are actually fun
> Literal who E-celebs matter
> Collective opinions from hundreds of different websites doesn't
Overrated garbage
Mario Odyssey is the best game of this generation, unironically
Most of the games on that list are great, but nowhere near deserving to be in the hall of greats. Here's the real list:
>Super Metroid
>Shadow of the Colossus
>La-Mulana (original)
>Dark Souls 1