Best MMO that has existed. Why nothing else has ever come even close to its greatness

Best MMO that has existed. Why nothing else has ever come even close to its greatness.

Attached: guildwars1_box.jpg (723x1024, 237K)

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>tfw my main was a combo so retarded i never even once saw another with the same in game
>tfw no candy cane sword and shield
>tfw you will never farm black dyes again

seems so long ago. who knew we would all become racists and homos

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I fucking miss my blood and minion master necromancer builds.

GW saved me from getting hooked on other, shittier MMOs and I thank it for that.

Its fucking sad how GW2 ended. Ruined by shitty systems and sjw stories.

Fuck that. Don't mourn that it died. Celebrate that it lived. Mom's spaghetti.

>Why nothing else has ever come even close to its greatness.

because it's not an mmo

It's still weird that they considered that game an MMO, it was closer to Diablo than Everquest

GW2 was just a WoW clone, got tired of it after finishing the campaign. Shame really, should have at least kept some of the spirit of GW1 but they left all of that out.


luckily you can still play it if you can get ~10 people to play with you

I couldn't do that when the game was alive dude

more like igay lol

reeee i just modern game made with gw1 systems and design.

Attached: Cry_of_Frustration.jpg (64x64, 4K)

If it did game would just flock to meta builds within days

isnt that mists of pandaria in the vid?

why is Eve so fucking hot?

too bad she just looks like a grandma in game

Fucking hate how GW2 failed to recreate minion master. No other MMO really has class like gw1 necromancer minion master.

That's not star wars galaxies

Attached: 220px-Star_Wars_Galaxies_Box_Art (3).jpg (220x314, 18K)

RIP Guild Wars

God damn I miss my Warrior. Had Elite armor from base game and every faction. Obsidian Edge and Draconic Ageis. Dhuum's Soul Reaver on my Dervish. Was working on getting the Silverwing Recuve Bow for my ranger. Such a pure kino game.


Its still playable and has suprisingly amount of people still playing it. Yeah it was pure kino.

I wonder if I could remember my old login, then... I doubt ANet would want to do much customer support for the game they're trying to phase out.

They are actually doing this quite well what i have read from gw1 plebbit. They do it quite easily if you have cd-keys/account keys still left.

Also they recently did some small promotion and repacked games into new collection. Also added new material bank tab to sale and patched in new runes to incrase bag space.

I appreciate the advice. If I can find my old games I'll install and see what I can do. Thanks, user.

Played it during beta. 5/10 game at best, so much nostalgia over mediocrity, but this is Yea Forums after all

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1/10 troll or wowfaget

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>Played it during beta
so you didnt play the game

Will there ever be a more Chad class than GW1 Mesmer?

gw1 necromancer and warrior