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What compels people to be against fan requests?

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they're usually bitter fags that got burned because their character got deconfirmed so they enjoy watching the same thing to others

Got anything a minute in?

That aged well.

Didn't this image have Hat Goomba or Krystal?

Hope banjo doesn't suffer the fate Rool and Ridley are resigned to of getting bodied by most matchups.

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Does that kinda explain why steveposting was so prevalent on Yea Forums for the past 8 months? Was it a group of autist that wanted there character first before Banjo, King K Rool, and Ridley got in? I kinda remember seeing a thread where an user mostly explained why steveposting was a thing.


I wish this image was true

I want the person who made that pic to come forwards so we can all laugh at them.

At least Ridley is fun to play

everyone on this board is a fucking pussy coward


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truly among the worst people out there

>now she can fight all three

>not being good enough to upset tier lists

The hat goomba version was forced by a very autistic loner that tried to fit in.

The original image was made by a K. Roolfag during the ballot days, and had K. Rool in the center and bandana dee where K. Rool is.
He claimed it was an experiment to see which group had the most obnoxious fans.
I recall them saying Ridleyfags were mostly burnt out and ususally didn't reply, Banjofags started quiet then got louder as the ballot came to a close, Roolfags were always loud, but the most obnoxious were of course deefags.
Look it up, it's in the archives.

I thought it was geno

these 3 caused so much seething on this shit board. they're so fucking based.

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I'm against rosterfagging because 90% of your kind is below 21 and never played Banjo or DKC. BTW I asked for K Rool and got what I wanted thanks to the ballot. Banjo is just the result of a well coordinated shit campaign by the stinkiest members of the smash comunity and the dumbest specimens of generation z (you had underage people asking for Banjo).

I hope you have some metric of enjoyment beyond how mad everyone else is. Seems like a waste to only care about that.

No shit. I got the characters I wanted.

You forgot to mention that part, but OK.

>people are mad these 4 got in

Literally anyone getting in would cause butthurt. I'm just saying that's a low bar.

>K. Rool got in thanks to the genuine fan support from the ballot
>But not Banjo, he was just an extremely well-coordinated shitposting campaign that cheated the system.
Ok m8, whatever makes it an easier pill for you to swallow.

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almost forgot how mad people were at bayonetta during smash 4, kek

>us kroolfags are different, we weren't annoying at all

>being this mad that people got what they wanted

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totally not because people have asked for him since melee, right?

I'm only against "fan requests" when they're shitty characters like geno.

I'm still with the belief that Sakurai made Ridley intentionally shit. It's just baffling that a character that has been able to freely fly about in his games has one of the worst recoveries out of the entire cast, and his down air is just fucking awful.

As one who grew up with rare games on n64 I'm just happy. I don't play smash but both trailers and remixed music gave me so much nostalgia.

The le epic zoomer salt mining meme.

Ridley is more basedfun to play than rool though so who cares

xdd le salt dab on the boomerz