BotW has bad graphi-

>BotW has bad graphi-

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>BotW has a bad soundt-

Good artstyle,
decent execution.

Has a lot of potential, but BOTW only scratched the surface of its capabilities.

disgusting graphics in every single one of those pics, atleast you didn't try to hide it.

I often feel Nintendro.nes defend their prize because they don't know any better.

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Stay jealous

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>caring about graphics

These threads are perpetrated by the exact same person/people. I don't know why people continue to reply to them seriously.

I've beaten BotW
Master Mode too

Trying to show off BotW is like showing off your steam train while another country has integrated bullet trains into their daily lives.

It looks like a slightly better ps2 game, especially with the simple geometry and poor draw distance.
If it wasn't for the artstyle it would look atrocious. But it doesn't look good at all compared to other games of this gen.

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>it's as good as a ps2 game
>posts this gen remake of ps2 game

Why do you guys keep making the same threads over and over again. The game has been selling a shit ton and won game of the year and it's getting a direct sequel. You don't need to convince your time with the game was justified on Yea Forums of all fucking places. Just play the goddamn game like I'm doing right now.

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I hope for your sake you're only pretending to be retarded since the veru obvious point must've otherwise flown over your head.
Troll or idiot, there isn't anything more to say to you.

how different is the game on the hardest difficulty no map?

>"Zelda bad"
>Posts fucking Skyrim

Too desaturated and inconsistent. I can't tell you how many hours I spent staring at the same shitty rock textures. There are nice looking parts of the game but also plenty of crap parts. Nowhere near as coherent as Wind Waker. Hell you can compare WW HD and BotW side-by-side and see the difference.

how can you think this flat, lumpy mess is good graphics

It still gets replies, thats the whole idea of threads like this.

>Good artstyle,
BotW has some of the most BORING and safe art styles of all of Zelda games. Its underwhelming both technically and artistically.

Flat and lumpy, huh?

Flat textures, Lumpy terrarin that doesn't even look like a mountain

>it looks as good as a current gen game
great argument for my point user thanks i agree

>overly bright, washed out color pallette
>over-the-top cel shading that looks like they smeared vaseline all over the screen
>its own fanboys have to post photoshopped cemu bullshots to pretend it looks good

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