How do you feel about vidyacharacters being depicted way differently in fan works?
How do you feel about vidyacharacters being depicted way differently in fan works?
Fine because I'm not a gigautist
really makes you think
Have sex.
I dunno but then right one is better
big improvement
OP have you considered that fanart takes an existing character and builds on the features the artist liked about them, rather than recreating 1:1?
it depends entirely on the context and edits made
After all, there's not such thing as "flat" improvement.
As long as the proportions are close to correct and it isn't changing a flat character into a bakunyuu then I don't really care.
>female character with a perfectly reasonable chest
>doujinshi artist gives her torpedo tits with inverted nipples
it's to be expected
That's not flat, but it would improve adding a nice weight in her chest
>dude I can only jerk off to cartoons with massively inflated sexual organs because I masturbate 4 times daily!!!! You're a faggot if you don't like cowtits and planet-sized brappers!!!!
>female character with perfectly reasonable chest
>bestiality doujinshi artist gives her fat fucking meat bags with discolored nipples
Don't care. Fapped well.
Im not a homo who is scared of big tits
I don't really care. A lot of character's are given life and personality by fans alone, by making changes they seem suitable. As long as the character is still recognizable, it's all good.
This is the correct amount of pudge to have. Anything more than this is simply unreasonable.
You just wanted us to post some thicc hex, I get it.
Off-model r34 is shit
I fucking hate it. If you change how the character looks or their personality then you're obviously not really that much of a fan. I just don't get this.
Welcome it. Art will often depict the characters in detail that is not practical for a game.
I also like sexualised women with big tits.
How can you love her if you don't giver her some huge knockers?
I can only jerk off to cartoons with massively inflated sexual organs and I masturbate a couple times a week.
Realism is for chumps and having to choose is for losers.
>hentai form
>not hentai form
not based
too be fair like mostly everyone in pkmn world is basically flat. I'm mostly assuming they just are taking liberties to represent them any way they pls since everyone is pretty much the same
I'll have you know that I only masturbate about 6 times a week, and I don't think you're a faggot for not liking cowtits and gigantic asses, but I absolutely do. Now if only doujin artists that did those didn't constantly include fetishes that I hate.
>too be fair like mostly everyone in pkmn world is basically flat
*blocks your path*
OP, why are you so gay?
dont care as long as it gets my deek go ding ding.
You forgot the foot long cock.
He said mostly. There's also issue like ages, Leaf, May, Dawn, are only 11 or so but their outfit and such is such clear porn bait that aged versions are everywhere.
I won't fap to hentai if the character's proportions aren't accurate. If I'm gonna beat the meat to Nessa, she better have small swimmer tits, not the fucking udders that mongoloids give her.
Yes, they should have given them huge tits in the first place.
That's kinda autistic desu.
It's like saying you won't fap to her if you change her outfit or hairstyle
Missing the pubes desu
>non-artists think their opinion matters
>artist thinks their opinion matters
I will now buy your game
This is an improvement
Where's the deprived hentai version with hairy armpits and thick bush?
Art isn't to be bound by "realism" and social conventions, it's about ideals. The ideal female form!
Pokemon/Nintendo characters can be very attractive aesthetically (cute hair, outfit, face) but more often than not, their official art depicts them as being very thin and extremely lacking in curves, to a somewhat silly degree. A lot of their female characters just... Don't have breasts.
So some slight exaggeration to increase the quality of your porn is definitely fine. In fact, the people who say they want 'muh canon proportions' don't even want that. Without a little T&A there's really no point.
that's still too often. My post was hyperbole
This is just a thinly veiled porn dump thread
>two times a week is too often
Oh gee whiz, user, are you saying that I should maybe HAVE SEX instead of masturbating?
Gosh and golly that would be a very unique thing to say.
Hopefully it someone will dump Hypno/Drowsee fucking pokegirls
It's very good.
I want to impregnate Nessa.
that would be a good start
As long as people don't forget what the canon design looks like it's fine. Getting mad that a character doesn't match her porn is retarded.
Can't we just enjoy both? is not like they are getting "tumblr".
This is nice.
This is wrong! Looks like someone just pasted Cynthia's head in the body of a different Character!
I fucking love TheRealFunk
What's the point of shilling waifus if you're going to make them the same body type anyway? It's the equivalent of a YCH-tier headswap.
I think off model porn is the fucking worst.
If I wanted to jerk off to a chick with tits the size of balloons, I wouldn't be looking up doujins of the small character for fuck's sake.
I don’t understand people who need the characters to be on-model in order to fap to them. The point of porn is to see the naughty bits but since most female characters have had their sex appeal downgraded there isn’t much to see. Going onto those edit threads on /aco/ is always disappointing since all the on-model edits are really underwhelming
Can someone post "Tumblr" redesigns to show OP what really is a bad "off-model"?
Depends on how it's done. Hex Maniac definitely benefits from having big milkers.
>I don’t understand people who need the characters to be on-model in order to fap to them.
If the character has to go off-model to be fappable then it's not as appealing as people say it is. At that point it's better to look for a character who actually has that appeal.
why is short hair almost always better?
from my straight male perspectiive
usually look worse in fanart because all the exaggerated features (especially basketball boobs), not every chick needs Pandora Peaks' sized tits
usually look better in fanart because they improve their hips, traps are often female-leaning, but still somewhat ambiguous in official material
The right one is better, incel.
when tits get as big as that pic its honestly goofy at best and mildly disgusting at worst
absolutely disgusting
>draw a girl call it a boy
>tfw know a girl with tits almost as big as that
>she is never taken seriously
If the character isn't on-model then whats the point? This is especially obvious in western porn where the artist clearly only knows how to draw one parade float shaped woman and just dresses them differently.
but why tho? The more I think about this the more sure I am that this all amounts to a fetish for canon appearances.
Don't usually like it, but I'm willing to give a pass to certain artists because I like their style.
Wicke is thicc
makes my peepee hard
>complaining that a character is "off-model" when they have a bigger butt/boobs
>when transformation porn where they're depicted as animals, inanimate objects , genetalia and god knows what else exists
And WE'RE the wierdos
>just 4.
We're just making them objectivity better
Literally nothing wrong with that
Dumb but what can ya do about it?
>Woah this character is pretty hot, can't wait to draw them into a completely different character
>the only thing that I can identify a female character by is their body proportions, nothing else matters
that pic is you, right?
>Well I DONT think it's a good way to keep a series relevant with fans.
>like sex doesn't even lol. Developers should pander to twitter personalities and trusted reviewers instead of people who actually bought the game and enjoyed it.
>Hell while we're at it, lets also censor M rated games to and alienate die hard fans! Did I also forget to mention I can to stretch my mouth and asshole meters apart.
Fine because sometimes they improve on the original character. Like for example.
>tfw Lusamine gets a fuckton more art than Wicke despite looking like a teenager
>character is really hot
>hentai artists get to work
>she gets drawn getting fucked by the ugliest, fattest, baldest, oldest, most disgusting motherfuckers to ever exist
Why do they do this?
I absolutely hate it when they give them a fat stomach. I hate this meme and can't wait for it to die off.
Because I am that ugly fat bald old disgusting motherfucker they're pandering to, or at least that's what I predict my future self as.
I agree with this image, they're all disgusting girls should have way fatter bellies, like 10 times the size of those to start
>Moviemakers are the only people who can judge movies
>Game devs are the only people who can judge games
>Only a photographer can say "Hey, that's a nice picture"
God I want to lick those creases
>Right looks extremely similar to a guy I know.
>Cool as fuck even though he's shy. Always comfy as fuck at his home when playing Vidya
Fine with it for the most part, just dislike when most fanworks start to go far away from the original.
Would be nice to have both.
Top left a best
How many times have you fucked him?
This is true and also applies to dick size, but men will try and deny it
None. He's a very nice person I would never do that to him. He's like one of those extremely nice friend who will cheer you up and has a comfy life that you don't want to ruin.
>Came over to his home to play some Vidya Japanese imports he got
>His mom makes some noodles and orange chicken for us
then stop being a consumerist peasant and make your own shit if your ideas are so much better
Get your T levels checked.
Yeah, I'm sure everyone has the time and money to develop their talents just because other people are fucking up.
then don't complain when people that invested thousands of hours into their craft don't make what you want
Imagine being this much of a faggot holy shit
>big tit misty
>meek tifa
>disproportionate character in general
defeats the entire purpose of using said character
>Not liking the sag in Konosuba
i like chub but what is up with six flabs i don't get it
Are you for real right now? You actually believe "don't complain if you don't make it yourself?" That is fucking retarded. I can tell you're an artist because that's the first retreat people like you run to. Listen champ, as consumers we are exposed to products too. And from this exposure we can develop our own opinions and voice them. Run back to your hugbox and stay there if you refuse to accept criticism.
No one asked or cares if you "get it"
Honestly this, those are some boring normalfag/"""thicc"""fag levels
on-model autism isn't critique it's just shit taste stay mad tho
I fucking hate this shit so much. If you want to draw a character with big tits, pick a character that has big tits in the canon. Why pick someone that's effectively a loli and add three cup sizes?
I don't mind if they give them childbearing hips though.
Post some examples then, coward. Please
ok bud
Get your brain damage checked.
>not liking oppai loli
Literally the sign of a pleb
My sister has it. Maybe its just genetics
that's how abs work user the 4-flabs thing is artistic liberty
Sometimes the character gets shittier,but also sometimes the artist improves it in every way
Artistic freedom is a blessing and a curse, try to enjoy the blessing and to overlook the curse (looking at you, inflation and fat scum)
oh i i've never seen anyone chubby actually look like that i thought it was just a weird fetish.
Cosplay is just wrose.
Like I said my sister has it and she works out a bit. I think it's just genetics. I probably have some pics around the computer.
THIS is the ideal female body
>Russian Thot being blacked
So japs "buy" this cuckshit?
sounds like you're a giant fag dude
oh you don't have to share your sister just to prove it to me
though i wouldn't try to stop you
I don't know why he posted her in this thread, but blacked is quite popular in japan
Cant find sauce with reverse search. Source?
I masturbate to art depicting both of these
What even are these supposed to be? Fat? Muscle?
I used to be a UHHHHH BIGGER BIGGER fag until I stopped jerking off so much. Now I happily jerk off to tasteful proportions such as hourglass.
Fat over muscle.
That doesn't make any sense
Who is this absolute demon of semen?
The First Post = The Best Post
I just hate it when an artist draws every character with the same bodytype
What's the point?
Off model hurts me. If I like a character, I like the character for what they look like. Misty with boobs, Jessie with short hair, Dawn with panties, and many other changes would be absolutely heretical. If it's SLIGHTLY off model, like Cynthia having slightly more curves or Iris having anything, then it's acceptable if it's not absolutely absurd.
Worst offender is Hex Maniac. It's hard to find proper art of her without it being obscenely obese with a non-fat head.
Anatomically speaking it does but it's just overly exaggerated cause 2D is like that..
>know that my taste in sexual stuff is absolutely terrible and warped
>hate it, unlike the depraved faggots here who post awful fetish threads on blue boards
>when I ask for advice on how to kick it I only get responses like "oh no it's totally fine to jerk off to that stuff, that's patrician taste" (fucking sickening)
>not fapping doesn't work
Brenda from Pokemon duel.
That's literally the only art with her you'll ever find
brenda from the phone game pokemon duel
Fucking shit, what a crime. I want those high heels on my dick.
Fine so long as they're sufficiently thicc. I don't see much point in getting up in arms over exaggerated depictions of fictional characters.
But that's the best part.
>clothes seem to magically change material halfway down
You should take her seriously while you have the chance...if you know what I mean.
let a straight guy make that image for you, faggot
>But that's the best part.
You degenerates need to be gassed.
people with taste like hourglass
Like I said, I don't see the point in getting mad over it.
I genuinely don't understand taking pride in your depravity or thinking that it's good taste. I jerk off to weird shit, but I know that it's weird shit. It's pure delusion to think that your fetishes make you some kind of patrician.
I just really hate it when people call it "thicc". It's like when people call breasts "milkies". Just stop.
That happens when the bulk of your worldview is shaped by communication via Yea Forums.
Then why didn't it happen to me
Spoken like a true pleb
I guess. I feel the same way about "normies" to an extent.
I honestly don't like it and think it's stupid.
You still have something resembling greater awareness, I guess?
i hate using thicc but thick just seems like it has an entirely different meaning. i try using chubby when i can.
never heard anyone call breasts "milkies" tho. seems like a /ss/ sorta thing.
I agree. I don't like to use this term but it feels really juvenile. It makes it feel like you're talking to a bunch of kids.
It's almost exclusively used in shitposts.
You probably are these days.
i think it's just because they like seeing someone into the same shit as them and they aren't losing anything by saying it anonymously.
i have a deep infatuation for shortstacks and musclegirls and i'm fine saying that here, but it's uncomfortable to bring up to friends because it's still slightly weird.
Maybe if Wicke didn't have the shittiest looking hair known to man she'd have more. God damn she's so dumb looking.
whats wrong with that?
Yeah, but they do it to an extreme level, like the guy a bit above who claimed that straight people are only attracted to fat women. And that's not even a rare thing to read here.
elephantitis no thanks
Well yeah, it takes a special strain of autism to openly talk about your fetishes with people not on the internet or in another likeminded community of some kind. That's just basic human decency.
eh i think it's just a shitpost-y thing to do. i think you mean the guy who edited the image. i imagine he doesn't actually think you're only allowed to be attracted to chubbies.
It's fine as long as it doesn't over ride how people see the official character design.
When it does, you get the Hex Maniac or Mei.
mei was already chubby underneath the coat. hex maniac didn't deserve what cutesexyrobutts did to her tho.
Nah, she was destined to her fate from the start.
The term only applies to big breasts, chestlets don't get the privilege of having their breasts referred to in that way.
she was destined for /ss/ not for mcdonald's
he wasn't anywhere near the first person to do that to her though
I fail to see the correlation between lactation and morbid obesity
i didn't know the name of any other artists that draw her as a whale.
Point being that giving her massive tits in 95% of her fanart was sparked by one little in-game instance. Her "character" was distorted from almost the start.
Hex Maniac is an NPC. So long as her overall design is the same, no one cares if she has cow tits.
He's not talking about tits. He's talking about people who draw her fat
People think the milk comes from her titties because one person did that as a joke and now they take it seriously and only do big breast joke on her and forget Milktank exist
It's a bra with a cape as her top and a pair of very high waist pants on the bottom.
The reasoning for the joke is the fact that there isn't a Miltank for miles around that town.
And I'm saying that her character was fucked LONG before she was drawn fat. We were literally years past the point of no return by the time that took off.
>even hentai doesn't remove her shirt so you can see her navel
step up sempais
I care, cow tits are nice but when that's all she been reduce to it gets old.
I hardly see the Hex Maniac Yandere for the player, just being cute or big sister to fairy tale girl.
It's always just big tits and lactation
>Hex Maniac could have just caught a Milktank and sell the milk in an area that lacks them to make money
It's also only found 10% of the time in a specific patch of grass in a route on the opposite side of the region.
that town was built around her once they heard she was selling her breast milk
I'm not talking about big tits
I'm talking about the people who draw her "thick" aka fat
Mei was actual thick with that piss poor anatomy without her coat when we first saw her.
I don't think it was until her little movie that she was somewhat plump/chubby
Why are pancakes so fattening?
>in a specific patch of grass
It can be found in any of the grass, it's just more common in the yellow flowers.
There's also hordes where it can show up in a group of 5 or one alone with some tarous
Quit crying over a NPC. Most fanart for NPCs are going to be porn since there really isn't much going for them aside from using their design for porn.
>but it's all big tits
So it's okay for other main pokemon character who canonically has small tits to be mostly drawn with cow tits, but it's not okay for a NPC to have cow tits?
>women can't have big boobs
>Quit crying over a NPC
Make me
Why isn't there more weight gain animations where a girl eats whatever and steadily gains weight? That one 3Darlings one with the ice cream is like the only good one that's easy to find.
i think it's dumb, but what can you do about it?
If I knew how to draw I would be faithful to the source material, like this
>So it's okay for other main pokemon character who canonically has small tits to be mostly drawn with cow tits,but it's not okay for a NPC to have cow tits?
Didn't really say or imply that it was but people are free to do what they want. Maybe just keep it on model every once in a while
Sure you would, until you took commissions to put food on the table.
aww she's cute
now where are the dark spots where the moomoo milk is seeping through her clothes
Is that baby sucking her shoulder?
>weight gain animations where a girl eats whatever and steadily gains weight?
Animation is hard
Yo who are you mystery man
Please come to the /aco/ thread you've been summoned many times
Reading comprehension buddy
>not doing commissions privately and never uploading them yourself
How the fuck do people masturbate more than 3 times a day?
Huh, neat optical illusion.
Granted, but it would still be wonderful.
i don't give a shit about fanworks
>We're just making them objectively better
haha hell yea-
>Implying I'm not already there watching.
Well that's mean, people there love your content and finding you in Yea Forums is fucking painful
nowhere cuz she's a healthy, pure human bean
I'm only able to do it if I've got a hang-over, my libido goes wild then.
I don't see any problems
I normally dislike them. Can't stand how they make some characters have tit sizes tripled.
Drawing the character correctly is the easiest way to differentiate hacks jumping on a bandwagon and real niggas drawing what they love.
yes of course. pure.
i still want to be suffocated by her breasts
>the screenshot that ignited japan
on model is better for the porn 90% of the time.
Big tits and asses are a crutch used by bad artist to try to arouse people more easily.
why would you check bestiality doujins in the first place user?
I'm not really a fan of the attention.
Going off model is fine, just don't get extreme with the proportions
I can't fap to chicks with boobs bigger than their torso getting fucked by veiny 20 inch cocks
It's fucking ridiculous
Ultra-autistic. I absolutely cannot jack off to rule 34 that is off-model.
>titfag can't into reading comprehension
user, you shouldn't fantazise about such dirty things
I usually see it as a downgrade. Canon Cynthia there is way classier and prettier looking and I would find it way hotter if canon body types were used in porn
you're right i'm sorry. i just wanted a hug. preferably chest-level. also topless.
>off-model art
It's disappointing but I can live with it most of the time as long as it isn't too egregious
>art fucks with the personality of the character
This shit I hate. Why take something like a strong dominating female and make her a cumslut bimbo and vice versa?
>Tenzen Miyabi
Either form is fine as long as she still molest Dawn on a regular basis
Mini-Cynthia is beyond cute.
>it is not me that sucks, they just shouldn't be allowed to criticize
Shhhhhh, you didn't hear it from me.
Only if she farted in the middle of it
Off-model smut is nearly always disgusting. The highest level of satisfaction should come from drawing something so close to the source material that it is indistinguishable.
t. homosex