When it came out, this game was an imbalanced dumpster fire. After years or optimisation, it's finally well-tuned and a genuinely fun campaign experience (albeit a bit short). The post-game is a bit grindy, but the very different playstyles available for each class make it worthwhile. If you were turned off by negative reviews, pick it up on sale now and give it a chance. Make sure you listen to the storyline, it's some genuine biblical good vs evil shit.
D3 - now an objectively good game
>good vs evil
Literally what bible
Dont get ahead of yourself user, its an alright game since RoS but far from good. and I say this as someone whos put well over 1k hours into it
Whats funny is how there is no good force in the diablo world beyond tyrael and his friends he makes.
The angiris council want to purge humanity and actively kept their birthright powers locked away with the worldstone as a compromise after the sin wars
Demons want them as slaves to tear down the high heavans
Humans are largely terrible aswell and super prone to corruption
>far from good
>over 1k hours put in
Is this what zoomer think ?
the game was great before the expansion and the auction house went away. its hot trash now
the RMAH was awful
Story ruined
D3 is okay now but it's still 'collect all the items for your build then spend 100 hours finding the items again but with better stats'
I played it for a while and liked it but the post game is only fun for so long. Plus I got it on ps4 and I probably should have bought it on PC since I never touch my ps4 anymore.
I tried to give it a second chance on pc after getting really into Grim Dawn.
It has some good waifu material and some great aesthetics for that shlocky 90s comic vibe.
Gameplay is still shallow and extremely boring. It doesn't take off nearly as fast as GD or PoE or even TL2. If it wasn't for the name, it'd be one of those niche games that waifu-posters bring up in arpg threads and everyone else just shrugs and moves on.
>It doesn't take off nearly as fast as GD or PoE or even TL2
I'm not sure what you mean. You will reach max level in D3 in a matter of hours and IIRC they even give you a complete set each season essentially for free, so you 'take off' really fast. Too fast, even. After that you're already at the end game basically, just grinding rifts from then on out and getting stat upgrades.
The auction house was a piece of shit. You have to be a hardcore Blizzard cocksucker to defend
In thirty minutes I was having more to think about in GD or POE than I do in D3 after putting in three hours.
It's just kinda brainless and the good effects and impact in the combat doesn't carry it all that well. I hear it has some minor depth when you get to the endgame and you're grinding rifts, but I don't see a reason to force myself to that when there's better overall games in this genre.
Good luck finding a single person who played d2 that will agree with you. D3 is dead dogshit
I was about to come in and shit on diablo 3, but honestly if you only played the console version you might think the game is fun as some sort of hack n slash loot grinding sim.
like its alright as a game but a very very bad diablo game.
Fuck you
I'm not a lorefag at all, Diablo game play is just stress relief to me, but Diablo 3 is lore rape at its finest. It's worse than Silent Hill Origins.
I agree mechanically Diablo 3 is pretty good now.
D3 is all "endgame". Leveling takes like 4-5 hours or some shit, I don't know exactly how quick it is with the latest changes since I haven't played in years now. The only reason you had 'more to think about' in 3h of GD is because you can stare at the (inaccessible) Devotions and the (also inaccessible) complete skill trees. You don't really have any meaningful choices to make in 3h of GD because the game is so easy on Normal/Veteran that early on that no matter what you do you'll still mow through everything.
I completely agree that at the endgame GD most definitely has much more depth than D3, but actually getting there is much slower, because GD isn't all endgame like D3 is. Haven't played PoE since it was in beta, so can't really comment on that one.
>tfw bought Eternal edition for Xbone after having UEE and vanilla D3 on PS3
Vanilla is such absolute trash, its just so sad the release game couldn't be like the UEE version especially with offline play for PC
that online only was and still is bullshit on PC, which is why ill never own a PC copy, yet i have 2 copies of D1, 2 of vanilla D2, and somehow 3 copies of D2 LoD.
anyways, D3 on console is pretty fun, shame PC version isn't playable offline, cause mods (Median XL on D2 is a good example)
>You don't really have any meaningful choices to make in 3h of GD because the game is so easy on Normal/Veteran that early on that no matter what you do you'll still mow through everything.
Probably but seeing all my talent points, receiving attribute points, finding armor to tetris stats to wield other items, messing around with components, and contemplating devotion point choices and thinking about builds kept me going with the game.
I don't know what you're talking about with D3 because in 3 hours all I'd really done was unlock a bunch of abilities I didn't give a shit about and kept getting stat stick items that didn't have anything interesting to them.
I mean you're welcomed to like D3, but to me it's like Fable 3's rpg mechanics compared to Baldur's Gate 2. There just isn't enough to the game at a glance for me to care about delving in.
"balance" and "tuning" have fucking nothing to do with D3's problems
>Make sure you listen to the storyline
Since it still has to stream the assets from their shitty servers from literally another country across the sea, it won't ever stop rubberbanding and never be a smooth experience without stuttering. They also removed the ability to have over 60FPS after launch. I bought the CE and won't give blizzard another cent ever.
>still always online
>only on the pc even
Man this thread is kind sad. It's like everyone isn't even mad while they're shitting on this game.
>After years or optimisation, it's finally well-tuned and a genuinely fun campaign experience (albeit a bit short).
I got baited into this and tried out it a couple months ago. The campaign is utter dogshit and I really don't have the patience for "it gets better 20 hours in" excuse. Diablo 3 was a mistake, I'd rather just keep playing Diablo 2 during ladder resets.
I've played both games for a long time and I'm just telling you what they're like. It doesn't really sound like you have anything more than an initial impression of either of them, I've played both for 100s of hours. GD pretty recently, D3 only years ago though.
D3 will get some depth once legendary items with special properties start dropping (will happen very quickly) since those special properties are often good enough to warrant build changes. Its core problem is that gear is actually too easy to find, so you will very soon have the 'optimal' items available and will only keep grinding for the same items but with better stat rolls. At that point the game becomes quite boring, but it's fine until you get there. GD has more depth up front due to the way you build your character, but it will take a long time to actually get enough points to do something super interesting with your build. Item drops are also quite boring and uninteresting on Normal/Veteran and most of the shit you'll be wearing will just have stat boosts, damage boosts and the occasional skill level bonus, maybe with a proc skill of dubious usefulness on your weapon (depends on the build). You won't really get a lot of exciting items until you progress to higher difficulties.
>It doesn't really sound like you have anything more than an initial impression of either of them
I'd say that's true for D3 but I have 500 hours in GD.
To me, D3 just doesn't reveal any potential to me to have me put up with it. It doesn't have an interesting story or setting, the classes don't really gel with me, and the character building just feels too limited at the start for me to get enjoyment. D3 feels like they're trying to artificially introduce me to what my Wizard or Necromancer is supposed to be while other games in the genre hand me a couple of unlock screens and tell me to figure it out.
The ultimate effect ends up the same, but I don't really like playing video games where I have to put in a few extremely bored hours into it before I start having fun.
it was the only reason for playing that shit game
D3 made me realised that aRPG games are not for me. Just grind slightly better items for hours on end. I remember some streamer saying something along the lines of "At this stage, getting one upgrade every week is a good pace."
Fuck that.
>my feelio when i never bought d3
still feels great
let me know when they remove the skinner box scam